How strong is our strongest beam?

It has a six line aria and will probably take a good chunk of your reserves.

Edit: This is in terms of Medea with her Divine Words. She only ever gestures for beams to happen thanks to Divine words whereas Modern Magi would do a 10 line aria for a single beam that equals the power of the beam that Medea spams. Also take note of this one's nerfs.
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Uh-oh... Is it just my impression, or is Moedred equipped with fucking Avalon fueled with ridiculous amounts of magical energy courtesy of Illya? If that setup works - and, considering Moedred is basically a clone of Arturia, I don't see why it wouldn't - she may be nearly as bad as Heracles.

Also, I believe trying to sneak up on a Saber class Servant with Instinct is suicide. Illya is described as clinging to her back atm so it's probably not the best time for Rule Breaking.

For the time being, seeing as we can teleport other people, apparently,
[x] Teleport
Uh. GUH!


She effing killed Heracles 9 times with that shit? Godhand I wipe my behind with you?

Ok freak out done.

[X] Teleport
Again I never read the VN. Can you expand?
In one bad ending in the Fate route, Saber and Shirou went to Ryoudou Temple together. Then Shirou gets teleported away from Saber while she gets attacked by Rider, and then Caster kills him. It wasn't instantaneous, but his vision went all wobbly and he was transparent while he was teleporting.
[X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
-[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
What the votes look like at the moment.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 21, 2017 at 7:50 PM, finished with 29 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Now's your chance! It's time for the Pretty Sailor Soldier Servant Assassin to make her appearance! Love will prevail!
    -[X] And while your illusion is busy doing that right in front of Emiya, sneak up behind everybody and RUUH BREAKAH Illya.
    [x] Teleport
    [X] Fire your strongest beam at Saber
    [X] Remotely teleport Shirou to safety