@I just write
So I got my sheet up. What do you think?
Player: Genon
Name: Dr. Henry Navarre
Description: A younger "mad" scientist than many in the business, he's only about 24 years old. He's a black-haired Caucasian who looks like Hollywood's idea of a scientist (read: skinny and rather attractive, despite his glasses). The clothing he wears varies heavily based on the situation, much like many
sane people. He doesn't have nearly as much of a limited wardrobe as
some crazies who only wear lab coats.
Backstory: Henry Navarre's mother, Dr. Caroline Maximoff, was a mad scientist herself, looking into the biological nature of Sparkhood. Retaining just enough of a conscience to feel some regret over the many test subjects she had killed and the lives her fellow mad scientists ruined, she was determined to get the best of both worlds: A child with all the intelligence and creativity of a Spark, with none of the megalomania, recklessness, carelessness, narcissism, and amorality that came with it. Her experiments with genetic modification were successful, yielding a fetus growing in an artificial uterus (read: a modified clone vat), who she named Henry. However, she recognized almost immediately after Henry's "delivery" from the tube that she simply wasn't cut out for parenting a non-crazy child: Some of her insanity would almost certainly rub off on her son, contaminating his mind and effectively destroying her magnum opus.
So she, naturally, put him up for adoption. Henry was successfully adopted by a wealthy couple in Manhattan, which gave him the means to put his intellect to use, as he had no need to worry about anything else. Fueled by his modified Spark, he utterly annihilated his classes at school, and ended up graduating from MIT with four master's degrees (genetics, biology, robotics and computer science)
and an MD in brain surgery--at the age of fourteen. His parents supplied him with his first laboratory, acting as a benefactor for his research. Specializing in human augmentation and robotics, he began to wonder, just what made him tick? At the time, he thought he couldn't possibly be a Spark, he was far too sane for that. There must have been something in his genetics that made him the way he was. Something new. Something
revolutionary. So he sequenced his genome, and found something interesting: He had once read a paper detailing the genetic origins of Sparkhood, by one Dr. Maximoff. Cross-referencing the sequence from the paper with the sequence from his genetics, he found that the results were disturbingly similar, but there were a few alterations to the sequence here and there. He
should have been a Spark. But he wasn't. Someone had tampered with his genetics, possibly before birth. He was a fucking science experiment, and Caroline Maximoff was his only lead on finding out who did this to him. He needed to know the truth. But Caroline was a flimsy lead at best: She just happened to publish the paper, that wasn't proof that they were related. Calling his parents, he told them the situation and asked if they knew anything. That was when they dropped the bombshell: He was adopted, and the adoption office had listed one "Caroline Maximoff" as the donor.
So he tracked down Caroline, met his batshit-crazy bio-mom for the first time, and got brought up to speed on Spark society. He was disgusted by what he learned. So many productive, intelligent, hardworking people, sidetracked by childish goals of world domination, consumed by their own egotism to such a degree that they could think of nothing but themselves. Still, for better or worse, he
was close enough to a Spark that it was splitting hairs, so he tried to integrate with the Spark community as best he could. He ended up joining the group of mental patients in white coats over in Buenos Aires, not because he shared their goal of taking over the world, but rather because he'd rather
no-one took it over, and stopping all the
other actors first would benefit his goals.
Skill Levels: You have seven skill levels to distribute between Research, Operations, Espionage, and Combat. At least two levels in Research is mandatory.
Research 3, Operations 2, Espionage 1, Combat 1
Starting Inventions: List up to three gadgets you start play with, with each being added to the group's list of Blueprints. These devices will be functional, but will suck compared to what can be made later in the game. Listing a smaller number of gadgets allows for them to be better starting out.
You cannot start with any means to travel back in time.
--> Neurocomputer: A chip wired to Henry's cerebrum, enabling him to navigate his brain like a computer's file system. He can access memories freely, examining the entire contents of his brain. He never loses track of stored information this way, and so he never has to take notes! Still, he does so anyway. It doesn't hurt to be meticulous, after all. He can also do things like manipulate his emotions, instantly start
tripping balls lucid dreaming on command, temporarily increase blood flow to any part of his brain for increased intelligence in a specific area, and other neat things.
Effect: Permanent +1 to Research. Improved versions give increased bonuses. Can be loaded with different knowledge files to improve stats other than research, but these must be invented first.
--> Temporary Gene-Mod: When injected, the user gains a set of predefined, temporary genetic alterations that radically alter their physiology for the duration of a single action. Different TGMs give different results, each one configured for a single mutation.
--> Power Armor: Exactly what it sounds like. Can be upgraded.