Interrupting Sanae about these things before she could say even more things that may or may not hurt our cover is the best option. If we put a bit of pressure on her and show that we are angry, she'll stop talking and then when Remilia gets here, she won't just keep blabbering on while we wait.
Because, as the GM said:
A note on current trends in voting - sending the clones to get Remilia is not subtle, and does not result in a long time for talking before she gets there.
That could be anywhere from 5-30 minutes, in my case. Making her shut up until she gets here sounds like a better idea to me.
Not only that, but if we show that we care for our friend, and that we are actually friends with her, And that we are angry if anyone else insults her, Everyone else except Yukari, Yuuka, and Reimu would back off.
Why? Because if people notice that Ilya is from a 'video game' we are going to have a lot of questions coming our way, not to mention from the Tengu 'Sisters', Reimu, Maybe Marisa, and some other kingpins.
It's better to show that we could and
will defend her rather than just letting someone else take care of it. It might make Sanae get some crazier ideas like "Oh, you can't explain, so you're going to get Remilia to make up a story, right?"
We, on the other hand, Don't have a reputation for telling lies and stories. When we are angry and tell someone something, they usually shut up and listen, and they automatically think we are telling the truth because we don't have a creative imagination. Well, to everyone else we don't.
Because, Remember,
Everyone is watching.
Actually, just to point out, If we bring Remilia here, Expect Yukari to follow. She was last seen with her, and if Remilia is pissed off, expect a lecture afterward, because if her conversation was really that annoying, bad things will happen.