Really think we should tackle the corruption.For this though, I'm listing safe route, unless someone can come up with a good reason to tackle identifying the corruption this turn?
If you think about it, improved infrastructure would mean that it would simply become easier for stolen money and resources to be moved as well.
The longer we let it sit, the worse it will get, and in the meantime we're losing massive amounts of everything: the dialogue in this chapter basically supports this, stating that we could be more practical or tear out the corruption.
I'm for tearing out the corruption, since not only do we potentially regain what was lost, we might also vastly increase our yearly income through that action alone (since we'd no longer be losing so much), not to mention the goodwill this would garner while crushing the problematic elements before they have any more time to take root.
Though... @PoptartProdigy can we perhaps get an action to learn about the previous regime's corruption from San? I know there's a "make friends" option, but I'm talking about learning about the corruption and where it's all going from her directly. As Minister of Intrigue, I'd imagine she must have some idea already of where it's going, who's being payed off, etc.
Unless she's one of those corrupt elements, in which case we're fucked.
I thought that was just the ministry of relations? As opposed to the entire ministry?Yeah, I'm also of the opinion that it needs taking care of ASAP, but we're also somewhat short on money, and our own ministry is inefficient as hell, actively giving us a malus against project success... if I read the description of Ministry Reorganization correctly. We'll need an in order ministry to improve our rooting out corruption chances, and that means doing Diplo: MR this turn, and hopefully catch Steward: TS, and Intrigue: DA next turn when they'll hopefully gain better chances with a working ministry.
On another note, what is our current yearly income? I can't seem to find it.
Edit: The plan I have in mind would cost 65k total, leaving us 35k to spend next turn (not counting whatever our yearly income is, and the possibility of recuperating losses through our actions).
Edit 2: Found Yearly Income. It's 10k which would leave us with 45k to spend next turn at the least.
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