Remember that mechanics of various things have changed in this iteration. You may have been familiar with Progenitor rules in the original and ABA, but things are a bit different this time around.
Remember that mechanics of various things have changed in this iteration. You may have been familiar with Progenitor rules in the original and ABA, but things are a bit different this time around.
I honestly don't remember a hell of a lot of those mechanics from last time and we don't know much about how you're handling it this time, so I'll be honest and say that doesn't tell me much. Well, I guess it tells me there won't be every turn praying to our Progenitor of choice? But maybe the Adherent+ traits will still be intact? *shrug* (Hopefully no pilgrimage from hell...)
Hell, I'll ask also just in case... @Powerofmind OOC/Gnostras - Requesting more information on the blurb "This faction expects you to repay this favor..." under Kingmaker's description. Is this literal insofar as the Kingmaker 'faction' would be unhappy to an actual degree if we pick someone else?
I honestly don't remember a hell of a lot of those mechanics from last time and we don't know much about how you're handling it this time, so I'll be honest and say that doesn't tell me much. Well, I guess it tells me there won't be every turn praying to our Progenitor of choice? But maybe the Adherent+ traits will still be intact? *shrug* (Hopefully no pilgrimage from hell...)
I think he was referring to the fact that since since supernatural is now a real thing, it probably means that the Progenitor gods are as well, unlike in the previous RWBY: AtE -quests.
@Powerofmind OOC/Gnostras - Requesting more information on the blurb "This faction expects you to repay this favor..." under Kingmaker's description. Is this literal insofar as the Kingmaker 'faction' would be unhappy to an actual degree if we pick someone else?
[X] Kingmaker - A faction believes you to be favored by the Kingmaker, as despite your bastard lineage and the thought-impossible obstacle of your father and family, you have emerged the victor, without so much as a single strike to mar you or the people you rule. This faction expects you to repay this favor by declaring yourself for the Patron of Learning, Wisdom, and Foresight.
Chaos. Darkness. Suffering. These things are known to all, in the depths of their souls. In the darkest times, worse than any in all history and older than time itself, these things reigned supreme, the people cowered against the dark, the chaos, and knew only suffering. But the White-Haired Man approached the huddled tribes, and spun for them a hundred hundred of tales. As he spoke, his words sprang to life; the moon cracked, Dust was born, and Aura rose in defense of life. But chaos remained in the hearts of men, and darkness clawed at their backs, so the Kingmaker gave one final tale of heroism before vanishing, and the gods themselves sprang to life.
It is in the telling of these tales that they can be kept alive, that the chaos and darkness do not return to bring suffering along with them.
The only passage solely dedicated to the Kingmaker in the whole book of tales. Could it really be called a passage when it's purpose was more of a preface anyway? You would have to read everything, study the hidden meanings in each story and the rare occasions where the Kingmaker interacts with the gods to determine proper adherence at all!
At least the tellers seemed content with your decision, and their improved mood seems to have had a direct effect on the people of the city! Though they aren't the only bearers of good tidings you've received nearing the end of the season, as Sophocles has returned with your huntsmen, with a long tally of destroyed nests and packs to their names. Their success was enormous, and Grimm troubles would not be something to worry about for much of the near future. In his patrol, Sophocles has even gained himself a new apprentice!
Not all is perfect, however, as the other League members have been discussing that, by the end of the year, a 'fee' should be imposed on member cities who do not adhere to the true faith. You may be forced to break away, if they demand too much...
Pantakon is Wounded
Sophocles has an apprentice
Kalinas is Maimed (Left Arm)
Gain 14 Lien, gain .5 Dust, gain 1 Food
Gain 20 Piety: Adherent to the Faith
Realm Morale shifts to Anxious (0)
Your vassals accumulate Lien (+17 Aristos, +14 Dephis)
Random Event: Local network too small for specifics
Opinions fluctuate
Grimm Fluctuate
Scouting Report (Letum Grimm): Packs Size 3/10
Things are mostly peaceful, with only the smallest of worries left. Now is a time of internal renewal or outward expansion.
The Grimm have been beaten back for a time, and their numbers are much reduced. Grimm values under the regional minimum (3/10) will replenish more quickly.
Alternating Focus
Your current Focus is RULERSHIP, choose your other focus. Remember that all Focuses, in addition to their active choices, also enable passive events to trigger.
[] Family
[] Hunting
[] Business
[] Seduction
[] History
[] Statecraft
[] War [] Rulership
[] Intrigue
[] Theology
Basic Decisions
These choices are always available, regardless of current focus.
[] Declare War on [Realm] - You have a valid claim on a realm you wish to possess. Press it in the timeless tradition of conquest.
-Prompts war turns
[] Fill empty [Council Seat] with [Character] - You have an empty council seat that needs filling, and a courtier that can fill it.
-Filled seats are capable of acting immediately
[] Attempt to arrest [Character] - Someone of import in your realm has broken the law, or angered you for an impressive slight, and needs to be locked away.
-Prompts arrest event and ransom event, successfully arrested characters retain any holdings or titles
[] Seek Mercenaries - Have a mercenary band contacted to negotiate for their services.
-100 to 400 Lien
[] Seek Marriage - Your current character is unmarried! This should be rectified immediately.
-Prompts marriage event [] Seek Marriage/Betrothal for Heir - Your heir is unmarried! This should be rectified immediately.
-Prompts marriage event
[] Bestow [Honorable Title] - You wish to improve someone's opinion of you, and will do so by giving them some prominence in Court.
-Possible Titles: Designated Regent, Master of the Horse, Master of the Hunt, Cupbearer
[] Grant [Gift] - There is a character you wish to appease, a gift of resources or relics could solve this.
-Possible Gifts: Lien, Dust, Long-cast Transmitter
Immediate Issues: Ruler not married! Ruler has no dynastic heir!
Focus Decisions
You can choose two Focus decisions per turn. They may all be from the same focus. You may only choose decisions if they are one of your current focuses!
[] Improve relationship with [Family Member].
-Improves opinion of a family member to you
[] Improve relationship between [Family Member] and [Family Member].
-Improves two other family members' opinions of each other [] Spend time with Spouse.
-Improves spouse opinion of you
[] Personally care for young kin.
-Prompts education event
[] Present marriageable kin at Court.
-Prompts marriage event
[] Declare a grand hunt.
-10 Lien, prompts a hunting event
[] Declare a Grimm hunt.
-10 Lien, prompts a Grimm hunt event
[] Hire a talented Huntsman.
-5 to 50 Lien, prompts a Huntsmen event
[] Conduct Trade using [Resource].
-Prompts resource trading event
[] Purchase trinkets and technology.
-10-100 Lien, prompts purchase event
[] Hire a skilled merchant.
-20 Lien, prompts new courtier event
[] Attempt to seduce [non-spouse Character].
-Prompts seduction events
[] Present a Debutante to the Court.
-10 Lien, Prompts female courtier event
[] Present a Beau to the Court.
-10 Lien, Prompts male courtier event
[] Browse records.
-Prompts a history event
[] Study [Relic].
-Prompts a lost sciences event
[] Decipher legends.
-Prompts an expedition event
[] Hire a scholar.
-20 Lien, Prompts a new courtier event
[] Perform Research.
-Prompts a modern study event
[] Improve relationship with [Character] in your court or under your vassalage.
-Improves opinion of a courtier or vassal towards you [] Improve relationship with Liege.
-Improves opinion of a higher Liege towards you
[] Invite a noble courtier.
-20 Lien, Prompts a new courtier event
[] Open negotiations with [Landed Title Holder].
-Prompts diplomacy event
[] Plan a private event
-Prompts a private party event
[] Develop Cultural Technology
-Prompts diplomatic advancement event
[] Train Diplomacy.
-0 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Attempt Duel with [Character]. Needs a valid cause to duel.
-Prompts duel event
[] Expand Levy temporarily
-Prompts full forces, empty fields event
[] Improve Levy
-20 Lien, Prompts technological edge event
[] Expand Retinue
-50-150 Lien, Prompts new professionals event
[] Improve Retinue
-20-100 Lien, Prompts advanced arms event
[] Develop Military Technology
-Prompts military advancement event
[] Train Martial
-0 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Improve roads in [Estate].
-100 Lien, Reduces travel times in estate, increases trade value in estate
[] Construct new holding in [Estate].
-Tower: 350 Lien, Prompts holding construction
[] Construct new improvement in [Holding].
-Varies Lien, Prompts improvement construction
[] Adjust a Realm Law.
-Prompts legislation event
[] Replace [Councillor]
-Prompts a new courtier event, removes a previous council member from their seat
[] Seek a Court Physician
-Prompts a Physician event
[] Develop Economic Technology.
-Prompts economic advancement event
[] Train Stewardship
-25 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Assess [Character] in your court.
-Prompts stat assessment
[] Spy on [Character] in your court.
-Prompts blackmail attempt [] Start a Faction against your Liege.
-Starts faction mechanics
[] Plot to Assassinate [Character].
-Starts assassination plot
[] Plot to Kidnap [Character] in your realm.
-Starts kidnapping plot
[] Invite [Character] to your active plot.
-Prompts invitation event
[] Expand Information Network.
-Expands 'World News' range [] Special: Free imprisoned character.
-Prompts jailbreak event
[] Train Intrigue
-25 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Study religious teachings.
-Prompts piousness event
[] Dedicate/Renounce to [Progenitor].
-Prompts dedication trait chain
[] Plan major Pilgrimage.
-50 Lien, Prompts Pilgrimage turns, initiates Regency
[] Present Teller to Court.
-15 Lien, Prompts a new courtier event
[] Train Learning
-25 Lien, prompts learning event
Notes: You have an unknown relic that can be studied.
[] Write-in: Sometimes, a particular option isn't specific enough or doesn't cover all the possibilities open to you. Not every write-in will be accepted, but all will be considered.
-I will specify which focus the write-in applies to.
Council Decisions
Direct your council's efforts in the near future. Each Councillor can perform one action. Councillors will perform the same action as their previous turn if no action is selected for a particular council member.
Chancellor - Polybia is a capable chancellor of the realm, though she tends to be overly touchy.
[] Fabricate Claim in [Realm]
-Prompts claim attempt
[] Improve Diplomatic Relations with [Character]
-Improves opinion of a Landed Title Holder in any realm towards you
[] Sow Dissent in [Realm]
-Reduces opinions of vassal titles towards their highest liege
[] Improve Statecraft
-Improves Diplomacy benefits for your character this turn
[] Write-in
Marshal - Dephis is a moderately capable soldier, and can take action to improve your military efforts.
[] Train the Levy
-Increases Levy size and quality while active
[] Suppress Revolts
-Reduce potential for unrest or low morale to cause rebellions or riots
[] Develop Military Technology
-Prompts military advancement event
[] Organize the Spariates
-Reduces Retinue upkeep, can improve commanders with Marshal's attributes and traits
[] Write-in
Steward - Aristos is a decent manager, and can handle most of the realm's finances if you're busy.
[] Collect Taxes
-Prompts extra tax events, frequent use can lower morale
[] Oversee [Construction]
-Prompts the construction of an improvement or holding
[] Develop Economic Technology
-Prompts economic advancement event
[] Administrate
-Causes Estate events to fire more frequently
[] Write-in
Spymaster - San-Do the Silent seems to be a fairly effective spymistress despite her minor difficulty with the Nikean tongue.
[] Sabotage [Estate]
-Prompts sabotage events
[] Build Spy Network [Realm]
-Allows assassinations and kidnappings outside of realm, Prompts blackmail events internally
[] Steal Technology
-Prompts technology acquisition event
[] Scheme
-Increases your resistance to enemy plots, makes enemy plots easier to discover
[] Write-in
Head Teller - Gnostras the Kind is a good enough member of the clergy, his services pointed and applicable in some cases.
[] Proselytize [Realm]
-Prompts religious conversion events
[] Improve Religious Relations
-Increases relationship with religious characters in realm
[] Encourage Cultural Events
-Prompts cultural advancement event
[] Witch-Hunt
-Reduces chance of heresy, reduces chance of heathen conversions, reveals secret societies
[] Write-in
Huntsman Superior - Sophocles is a mediocre Huntsman, but he is at least competent.
[] Commission a Weapon
-50 Lien, AND/OR 5 Dust, Prompts weapon creation event
[] Patrol Lands
-Prompts grimm fluctuation event
[] Teach Me!
-Prompts huntsman training events for you
[] Step up Training
-Prompts faster Apprentice growth
[] Write-in
Turn votes will only be accepted as planned votes. Please be sure to always include at least a Focus and two viable Focus Actions, and remember that you only have one Council action for each Councillor! Remember that Councillors will also automatically repeat previous actions if a new one isn't assigned.
[X] Plan Diplo-Man!-cy!
Personal Actions
[X] State Craft
[X] Seek Marriage
[X] Train Diplomacy
[X] Open negotiations with Capia's Ruler.
[X] Improve Diplomatic Relations with Capia's Ruler.
[X] Develop Military Technology
[X] Administrate
[X] Scheme
Head Teller
[X] Commission a work showing Scionists and Progenitorists struggling against the Grimm, the two religions side by side as they push the hell-spawn back.
Huntsman Superior
[X] Step Up Training
It's time to make friends outside of our lands and hopefully keep us from needing to leave the league this soon.
I think this is supposed to be Debutante? Also, I recognize you needed a alternate word for men but Beau doesn't quite have the appropriate connotation... (or does it? olol)
I think this is supposed to be Debutante? Also, I recognize you needed a alternate word for men but Beau doesn't quite have the appropriate connotation... (or does it? olol)
Are they receiving any special healing treatment? If not, what would it fall under to seek such a thing for them?
Debutante (or Deb) and Beau are actually the correct terms for young men and women whose 'Deb' 'Beau' (Debut) in the public eye is celebrated by a small party.
They aren't as of yet. I need to fix that... It'll be in rulership.
[X] Plan Internal Focus
-[X] Alternating Focus - Statecraft
-[X] Basic Decision - Seek Marriage
-[X] Rulership - Seek a Court Physician
-[X] Statecraft - Train Diplomacy
-[X] Chancellor - Improve Diplomatic Relations with Aristos
-[X] Marshal - Organize the Spariates
-[X] Steward - Administrate
-[X] Spymaster - Expand Information Network
-[X] Head Teller - Commission a work showing Scionists and Progenitorists struggling against the Grimm, the two religions side by side as they push the hell-spawn back.
-[X] Huntsman Superior - Step up Training, for both self and new apprentice. Let him know that he has your confidence and that you think you haven't seen the best possible Sophocles yet.
Ended up coming in somewhat close to Raiu, enough so to steal his write-in, but still intending to focus internally. Yes, the League is about to be annoying, but we've got still things to settle in our own court between Councilors with negative opinion and wounded loyalists and family.
Marshal on Spariates for now because she actually has some good traits that I would like to see get really internalized first in the lower commanders.
Building the network to hopefully get some info on a persistent basis instead of the annoying "no network" messages.
And continue working to try and make Sophocles not be mediocre. Progress!
Focus Decisions
[X] Improve relationship with Kalinas.
-Improves opinion of a family member to you
[X] Construct new improvement in Sestus.
-The wall is crumbling, fix it naow.
Council Decisions
Chancellor - Polybia is a capable chancellor of the realm, though she tends to be overly touchy.
[X] Improve Statecraft
-Improves Diplomacy benefits for your character this turn
Marshal - Dephis is a moderately capable soldier, and can take action to improve your military efforts.
[X] Train the Levy
-Increases Levy size and quality while active
Steward - Aristos is a decent manager, and can handle most of the realm's finances if you're busy.
[X] Oversee [Construction]
-Road improvement
Spymaster - San-Do the Silent seems to be a fairly effective spymistress despite her minor difficulty with the Nikean tongue.
[X] Scheme
-Increases your resistance to enemy plots, makes enemy plots easier to discover
Head Teller - Gnostras the Kind is a good enough member of the clergy, his services pointed and applicable in some cases.
[X] Improve Religious Relations
-Increases relationship with religious characters in realm
Huntsman Superior - Sophocles is a mediocre Huntsman, but he is at least competent.
[X] Commission a Weapon
-50 Lien, AND/OR 5 Dust, Prompts weapon creation event
(Only if he can't train us and his current apprentice)
[X] Teach Me!
-Prompts huntsman training events for you
Oh, right. Is this a case of where the Spymaster can actually overlap and just do this instead? Because that's what I really wanted and I'd prefer to switch to a write-in of that.
Do you still owe us a cleaned up Holding improvement list in a threadmark somewhere or should I just go back and find the quick and dirty one you posted beforehand when it comes time?
Oh, right. Is this a case of where the Spymaster can actually overlap and just do this instead? Because that's what I really wanted and I'd prefer to switch to a write-in of that.
Do you still owe us a cleaned up Holding improvement list in a threadmark somewhere or should I just go back and find the quick and dirty one you posted beforehand when it comes time?