To be fair, our last quest also started with us having to kill a bunch of our traitorous relatives. Powerofmind just loves being dramatic right off the bat.
You awaken some dozen hours following the attempted assassination, room guarded personally by Pantakon and two of his favored officers. "My Queen," he begins, back still ramrod straight and stance still absolutely guarded against intrusion. "The serving boy admitted to accepting a bribe, pointing out your half-brother, Pretender Atlas, as the instigator of the plot. I have ordered both the server and Atlas detained by Marshal Dephis until you woke."
Well, you've been acceptably polite in the past years, despite Atlas' general attitude. Maybe it's time you stopped holding out hope that your half-relatives are going to come around and care again.
These choices are exclusive goals, and cannot be re-selected for at least 20 turns unless successfully completed.
[] Have a Son: You want to have a strong son.
[] Have a Daughter: You want to have a strong daughter.
[] Cull Grimm: You want to do everything in your power to cull the creatures of grimm.
[] Amass Lien: You want to dive into a big pile of brightly colored cards.
[] Hm? Hmmmm? HMMMM??: You want to gather an obscene amount of Dust.
[] Become Huntsman: You want to gain the prowess of a Huntsman.
[] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve your talent for words.
[] Become Exalted Ruler: You wish to make a name for yourself and your dynasty.
[] Legendary Warrior: You wish to be remembered as a Legendary Warrior.
[] Become League Head: You wish to be elected League Representative.
[] Become a True Queen: You wish to unite disparate City-States under the banner of a true Queendom.
Alternating Focus
Your current Focus is INTRIGUE, choose your other focus. Remember that all Focuses, in addition to their active choices, also enable passive events to trigger.
[] Family
[] Hunting
[] Business
[] Seduction
[] History
[] Statecraft
[] War
[] Rulership [] Intrigue
[] Theology
Basic Decisions
These choices are always available, regardless of current focus.
[] Declare War on [Realm] - You have a valid claim on a realm you wish to possess. Press it in the timeless tradition of conquest.
-Prompts war turns
[] Fill empty [Council Seat] with [Character] - You have an empty council seat that needs filling, and a courtier that can fill it.
-Filled seats are capable of acting immediately
[] Attempt to arrest [Character] - Someone of import in your realm has broken the law, or angered you for an impressive slight, and needs to be locked away.
-Prompts arrest event and ransom event, successfully arrested characters retain any holdings or titles
[] Seek Mercenaries - Have a mercenary band contacted to negotiate for their services.
-100 to 400 Lien
[] Seek Marriage - Your current character is unmarried! This should be rectified immediately.
-Prompts marriage event [] Seek Marriage/Betrothal for Heir - Your heir is unmarried! This should be rectified immediately.
-Prompts marriage event
[] Bestow [Honorable Title] - You wish to improve someone's opinion of you, and will do so by giving them some prominence in Court.
-Possible Titles: Designated Regent, Master of the Horse, Master of the Hunt, Cupbearer
[] Grant [Gift] - There is a character you wish to appease, a gift of resources or relics could solve this.
-Possible Gifts: Lien, Dust, Long-cast Transmitter
Focus Decisions
You can choose two Focus decisions per turn. They may all be from the same focus. You may only choose decisions if they are one of your current focuses!
[] Improve relationship with [Family Member].
-Improves opinion of a family member to you
[] Improve relationship between [Family Member] and [Family Member].
-Improves two other family members' opinions of each other [] Spend time with Spouse.
-Improves spouse opinion of you
[] Personally care for young kin.
-Prompts education event
[] Present marriageable kin at Court.
-Prompts marriage event
[] Declare a grand hunt.
-10 Lien, prompts a hunting event
[] Declare a Grimm hunt.
-10 Lien, prompts a Grimm hunt event
[] Hire a talented Huntsman.
-5 to 50 Lien, prompts a Huntsmen event
[] Conduct Trade using [Resource].
-Prompts resource trading event
[] Purchase trinkets and technology.
-10-100 Lien, prompts purchase event
[] Hire a skilled merchant.
-20 Lien, prompts new courtier event
[] Attempt to seduce [non-spouse Character].
-Prompts seduction events
[] Present a Bebutante to the Court.
-10 Lien, Prompts female courtier event
[] Present a Beau to the Court.
-10 Lien, Prompts male courtier event
[] Browse records.
-Prompts a history event
[] Study [Relic].
-Prompts a lost sciences event
[] Decipher legends.
-Prompts an expedition event
[] Hire a scholar.
-20 Lien, Prompts a new courtier event
[] Perform Research.
-Prompts a modern study event
[] Improve relationship with [Character] in your court or under your vassalage.
-Improves opinion of a courtier or vassal towards you [] Improve relationship with Liege.
-Improves opinion of a higher Liege towards you
[] Invite a noble courtier.
-20 Lien, Prompts a new courtier event
[] Open negotiations with [Landed Title Holder].
-Prompts diplomacy event
[] Plan a private event
-Prompts a private party event
[] Develop Cultural Technology
-Prompts diplomatic advancement event
[] Train Diplomacy.
-0 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Attempt Duel with [Character]. Needs a valid cause to duel.
-Prompts duel event
[] Expand Levy temporarily
-Prompts full forces, empty fields event
[] Improve Levy
-20 Lien, Prompts technological edge event
[] Expand Retinue
-50-150 Lien, Prompts new professionals event
[] Improve Retinue
-20-100 Lien, Prompts advanced arms event
[] Develop Military Technology
-Prompts military advancement event
[] Train Martial
-0 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Improve roads in [Estate].
-100 Lien, Reduces travel times in estate, increases trade value in estate
[] Construct new holding in [Estate].
-Tower: 350 Lien, Prompts holding construction
[] Construct new improvement in [Holding].
-Varies Lien, Prompts improvement construction
[] Adjust a Realm Law.
-Prompts legislation event
[] Replace [Councillor]
-Prompts a new courtier event, removes a previous council member from their seat
[] Develop Economic Technology.
-Prompts economic advancement event
[] Train Stewardship
-25 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Assess [Character] in your court.
-Prompts stat assessment
[] Spy on [Character] in your court.
-Prompts blackmail attempt [] Start a Faction against your Liege.
-Starts faction mechanics
[] Plot to Assassinate [Character].
-Starts assassination plot
[] Plot to Kidnap [Character] in your realm.
-Starts kidnapping plot
[] Invite [Character] to your active plot.
-Prompts invitation event
[] Expand Information Network.
-Expands 'World News' range [] Special: Free imprisoned character.
-Prompts jailbreak event
[] Train Intrigue
-25 Lien, Prompts learning event
[] Study religious teachings.
-Prompts piousness event
[] Dedicate/Renounce to [Progenitor].
-Prompts dedication trait chain
[] Plan major Pilgrimage.
-50 Lien, Prompts Pilgrimage turns, initiates Regency
[] Present Teller to Court.
-15 Lien, Prompts a new courtier event
[] Train Learning
-25 Lien, prompts learning event
Council Decisions
Direct your council's efforts in the near future. Each Councillor can perform one action. Councillors will perform the same action as their previous turn if no action is selected for a particular council member.
Chancellor - Polybia is a capable chancellor of the realm, though she tends to be overly touchy.
[] Fabricate Claim in [Realm]
-Prompts claim attempt
[] Improve Diplomatic Relations with [Character]
-Improves opinion of a Landed Title Holder in any realm towards you
[] Sow Dissent in [Realm]
-Reduces opinions of vassal titles towards their highest liege
[] Improve Statecraft
-Improves Diplomacy benefits for your character this turn
[] Write-in
Marshal - Dephis is a moderately capable soldier, and can take action to improve your military efforts.
[] Train the Levy
-Increases Levy size and quality while active
[] Suppress Revolts
-Reduce potential for unrest or low morale to cause rebellions or riots
[] Develop Military Technology
-Prompts military advancement event
[] Organize the Spariates
-Reduces Retinue upkeep, can improve commanders with Marshal's attributes and traits
[] Write-in
Steward - Aristos is a decent manager, and can handle most of the realm's finances if you're busy.
[] Collect Taxes
-Prompts extra tax events, frequent use can lower morale
[] Oversee [Construction]
-Prompts the construction of an improvement or holding
[] Develop Economic Technology
-Prompts economic advancement event
[] Administrate
-Causes Estate events to fire more frequently
[] Write-in
Spymaster - Despite his skill, Ciskophis is an untrustworthy snake, and should be replaced immediately.
[] Sabotage [Estate]
-Prompts sabotage events
[] Build Spy Network [Realm]
-Allows assassinations and kidnappings outside of realm, Prompts blackmail events internally
[] Steal Technology
-Prompts technology acquisition event
[] Scheme
-Increases your resistance to enemy plots, makes enemy plots easier to discover
[] Write-in
Head Teller - Gnostras the Kind is a good enough member of the clergy, his services pointed and applicable in some cases.
[] Proselytize [Realm]
-Prompts religious conversion events
[] Improve Religious Relations
-Increases relationship with religious characters in realm
[] Encourage Cultural Events
-Prompts cultural advancement event
[] Witch-Hunt
-Reduces chance of heresy, reduces chance of heathen conversions, reveals secret societies
[] Write-in
Huntsman Superior - Sophocles is a weak-willed coward, and is unsuitable for Hunting, let alone managing it for an entire realm.
[] Commission a Weapon
-50 Lien, AND/OR 5 Dust, Prompts weapon creation event
[] Patrol Lands
-Prompts grimm fluctuation event
[] Teach Me!
-Prompts huntsman training events for you
[] Step up Training
-Prompts faster Apprentice growth
[] Write-in
Turn votes will only be accepted as planned votes. Please be sure to always include at least a Focus and two viable Focus Actions, and remember that you only have one Council action for each Councillor!
"The serving boy admitted to accepting a bribe, pointing out your half-brother, Pretender Atlas, as the instigator of the plot. I have ordered both the server and Atlas detained by Marshal Dephis until you woke."
[] Attempt to arrest [Character] - Someone of import in your realm has broken the law, or angered you for an impressive slight, and needs to be locked away.
-Prompts arrest event and ransom event, successfully arrested characters retain any holdings or titles
[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve your talent for words.
Alternating Focus
[X] Rulership
Focus Decisions
You can choose two Focus decisions per turn. They may all be from the same focus. You may only choose decisions if they are one of your current focuses!
[X] Replace [Councillor]
-Replace the current Huntsman Superior with our hunter trained sister after he finishes the weapon we asked for
[X] Expand Information Network.
-Expands 'World News' range
Council Decisions
Chancellor - Polybia is a capable chancellor of the realm, though she tends to be overly touchy.
[X] Improve Statecraft
-I assume this is the same as keeping him at hand, right?
Marshal - Dephis is a moderately capable soldier, and can take action to improve your military efforts.
[X] Organize the Spariates
-A few good men.
Steward - Aristos is a decent manager, and can handle most of the realm's finances if you're busy.
[X] Administrate
- Random events i summon thee
Spymaster - Despite his skill, Ciskophis is an untrustworthy snake, and should be replaced immediately.
[X] Have a heart to heart about how we both hate each other, but instead of using it to sabotage each other, lets be productive and direct that hate against people we both hate, we will probably never, ever wind up liking each other, but surely we can put this off until everyone around us doesn't want our heads on pikes.
Head Teller - Gnostras the Kind is a good enough member of the clergy, his services pointed and applicable in some cases.
[X] Find every prominent(for lack of a better word) Scion and Child of Remenant, don't do anything yet but get us a list of names.
Huntsman Superior - Sophocles is a weak-willed coward, and is unsuitable for Hunting, let alone managing it for an entire realm.
[X] Commission a Weapon
-50 Lien, AND/OR 5 Dust, Prompts weapon creation event
I'll give him a chance to prove that he isn't a complete fuck-up.
[X] Fill empty [Council Seat] with [Character] - You have an empty council seat that needs filling, and a courtier that can fill it.
-we should be able to replace the coward hunter with our sister, she did get training and isn't e
[X] Witch-Hunt
-Rally all the faithful and send them out, when they inevitably get their asses kick lock the gates, reveal the fabricated evidence, loudly convert and leave them to hang, if anyone fails to believe us, grab a bow and kill the Teller.
Again, you can't form an army of fanatics to holy war your neighbors without killing a huge number of them, and any attempt to do so will cause your neighbors to retaliate, regardless of any planned fabrications.
And 'replace councillor' is still not a valid decision.
Ambition: Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve your talent for words.
Focus: Statecraft
We need to get a higher Diplomacy NOW!
Free: Grant Lien to Ciskophis Mora
Quick! Pay off our Spymaster so he won't hate us!
Statecraft: Train Diplomacy
Statecraft: Improve Relationship with Ciskophis Mora
Get good at talking and improve our relationship with angry spymaster more!
Improve Statecraft
Just to make sure we get the spymaster under our wing.
Marshal: Train the Levy
Steward: Administrate
Spymaster: Scheme
Head Teller: Improve Religious Relations
Huntsman Superior: Patrol Lands
Scheme keeps the spymaster in the province, which is what will allow us to improve our relations with him. Improving Religious Relations may eventually lead to us being un-excommunicated. Administrate should just be good to improve our hold on the province. We also always need more people on call, which is why we train the levy. And for the Huntsman Superior... Well, hopefully he will die to a bunch of Grimm.
You awaken some dozen hours following the attempted assassination, room guarded personally by Pantakon and two of his favored officers. "My Queen," he begins, back still ramrod straight and stance still absolutely guarded against intrusion. "The serving boy admitted to accepting a bribe, pointing out your half-brother, Pretender Atlas, as the instigator of the plot. I have ordered both the server and Atlas detained by Marshal Dephis until you woke."
You realize that this means improving relations with the Progenators, when everyone around us is a Scion, for reference If this were Crusader kings we would be Isreal, about to fall apart, and surrounded by Muslims, improving relations with Christians and expecting that our neighbors would hate us less.
You realize that this means improving relations with the Progenators, when everyone around us is a Scion, for reference If this were Crusader kings we would be Isreal, about to fall apart, and surrounded by Muslims
You realize that this means improving relations with the Progenators, when everyone around us is a Scion, for reference If this were Crusader kings we would be Isreal, about to fall apart, and surrounded by Muslims
I realize this very well. The reason why I'm choosing to improve relations is to make sure we don't have more people IN OUR COURT willing to assassinate us. Rather than worrying about Scions invading, I'd much rather secure our own position. All we'd do by sending out our Head Teller and spreading rumors that we had been forcibly converted would be pissing off more of our court at a time where we need everyone to like us.
I realize this very well. The reason why I'm choosing to improve relations is to make sure we don't have more people IN OUR COURT willing to assassinate us. Rather than worrying about Scions invading, I'd much rather secure our own position. All we'd do by sending out our Head Teller and spreading rumors that we had been forcibly converted would be pissing off more of our court at a time where we need everyone to like us.
That's the spy master, the Teller is finding names of religious dissidents so we can fabricate evidence that Atlesian Prog's are trying to start a holy war.
That's the spy master, the Teller is finding names of religious dissidents so we can fabricate evidence that Atlesian Prog's are trying to start a holy war.
That's the spy master, the Teller is finding names of religious dissidents so we can fabricate evidence that Atlesian Prog's are trying to start a holy war.
Ah, changed it from witch hunt. Honestly, I think getting more people on our side would help us out more than going straight into holy war, because that NEVER ends up good. (For real life examples, take a look at what Alexios 1 of the Byzantine Empire wanted out of asking the Pope for help retaking some of his lands and what he got. Spoiler, it wasn't what he wanted.)
Ah, changed it from witch hunt. Honestly, I think getting more people on our side would help us out more than going straight into holy war, because that NEVER ends up good. (For real life examples, take a look at what Alexios 1 of the Byzantine Empire wanted out of asking the Pope for help retaking some of his lands and what he got. Spoiler, it wasn't what he wanted.)
My point is that nobody would attempt to prosecute a war so far away it would take the effort of months to transport troops by sea to the conflict zone. If you attempt to fabricate that idea, nobody will believe it. Ever.
-[X] Improve Diplomacy: Must have Stat at 5 or below. You wish to improve your talent for words. Alternating Focus
-[X] Family Focus Decisions
-[X] Improve relationship with [Family Member].
--[X] Medea Isiphus
--[X] Kalina Isiphus
Council Decisions
-[X] Improve Statecraft Marshal
-[X] Train the Levy Steward
-[X] Develop Economic Technology Spymaster
-[X] Scheme Head Teller
-[X] Improve Religious Relations Huntsman Superior
-[X] Patrol Lands
Improving our diplo is a must as our first ambition. It is also important for us to get our sisters to our side. Our "dad" hates our guts and we have our brother's life on our hand, so lets get closer to our sisters since they don't hate us and it would be good to know their opinions on these matters.
As for councilors, Aristos to stay close to help with our diplo actions, Gnostras to (hopefully) ease the religious upheaval and Sophocles to patrol so that he might do something useful, and we might learn the grim situation. He might also die, which wouldn't be that bad of a thing, even if personally I find that distasteful. For others, general realm improvement. We might even get something useful out of our "dad".
This is probably our best bet. Not being hated by virtually evertly member of our family will increase our chances of survival, and improving our diplomacy ability is probably the best way to help with that.
Also, for an 'Elusive Shadow' Atlas was implicated rather quickly... I smell a rat!