Age of Grimm Governments
Feudal Kingdom - A simple system of Lord and Serf, Feudal systems are represented by a series of obligations to progressively higher-ranking Carrion Lords. The Kings and Queens rule, and have significant power over their vassals when leveraged correctly.
Potential Inheritance Types: Gavelkind (split inheritance with all children), Primogeniture (eldest child inherits), Ultimogeniture (youngest child inherits), Tanistry (all vassals one rank below the highest ranked may vote to elect the ruler's heir, ruler counts twice and breaks ties)
Gender and Species Restriction: None.
Organization: King/Queen, Lord/Lady (Duke/Duchess), Knight/Knightess (Count/Countess), Page/Mayor/Religious Head (Barony/City/Temples)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Sibling of Ruler/Sibling of Heir (as long as they live), Child of Claimant (weak)
Tribal Chiefdom - A system of honor, familial respect, and local autonomy, the Chief or Chieftess is elected from the ruling family lines, ostensibly for greatest ability.
Potential Inheritance Types: Elected Gavelkind (all land-owning vassals Champion or above vote to elect the heir, split titles among all children of the ruler), Elective Chiefdom (all land-owning vassals Champion or above vote to elect the heir from among the preferred candidates of each dynasty in the Tribe, dynasties are only eligible if they hold at least a Bondman title)
Gender and Species Restriction: None.
Organization: Chief/Chieftess, Bondman/Bondwoman (Duke/Duchess), Champion (Count/Countess), Patriarch/Matriarch/Religious Head (Tribal Holding/Temples)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Declared Invasion, Pretender of Heir
Menagerai Dynastic Kingdom - The Menagerai Dynastic Kingdom is a unique type of Country where the Lords boast a lineage of at least ten generations past. These types of Kingdom can rise and fall suddenly in Menagerie.
Dynastic Unity - Unique resource accumulated by Faunus Dynasties hailing from Menagerie.
Declare Dynasty - Forms a Dynastic Kingdom from a Petty Kingdom, only usable by the Primary Title Holder when Dynastic Unity is above 50.
Inheritance law: Seniority (eldest dynasty member inherits)
Gender and Species Restriction: Faunus only.
Organization: Ancestor King/Ancestor Queen (Duke/Duchess), Son Knight/Daughter Knight (Count/Countess), Page/Mayor/Religious Head (Barony/City/Temples)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Unify Menagerie (blanket claim on all Menagerie estates), Absorb Dynasty (title claim on any dynasty member subordinate to outsider), Absorb Kin (weak) (title claim on any kinsman subordinate to outsider, forces dynasty change), First or Second Pretender to Heir (weak)
Terminian Caravan Kingdom - Caravan Kingdoms are unique to the Great Desert and the Terminals of Vacuo. They are primarily nomadic in nature.
Terminal Lords - Primary Title Holders control a Terminal, a large ancient mass transit complex considered a tier 4 castle holding.
Caravan Residence - Title Holders under Primary Title travel pre-planned routes and negotiate residence in other kingdoms for six month periods, returning to their Terminals for bi-annual vehicle maintenance and cross-desert trade.
Caravan Raiding - Title Holders can raid settled territories instead of negotiating residence.
Caravan Trading - Title Holders receive a special turn event each turn to bargain for Food and Dust instead of producing it, and have access to special additional resources.
Caravan Freedom - Title Holders manage Free Factions to receive additional benefits or penalties.
Caravan Inheritance System:
PRIMARY TITLE: Geniture Meritocratic Tournament (all of age children of the primary title holder compete in tournament every ten years, winner declared heir, losers descend to compete for lower titles)
LOWER TITLES: Descended Meritocratic Tournament (all current title holders compete with descended primary title claimants to retain their title), Ruler-Elected Tanistry (current title-holder elects a child of choice to inherit)
Gender and Species Restriction: None.
Organization: Terminus King/Queen, Bannerlord/Bannerlady (Duke/Duchess), Outrider (Count/Countess), Caravaneer (Faction Leader)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Declare Trade War, Demand Rematch (Tournament rematch, lowers personal prestige immediately, and Heir's prestige if refused)
Atlesian Military Despotism - Harkening back to the military organization of Old Atlas, these kingdoms are ruled by an all-powerful Despot.
Military Tradition - The Primary Title (not the holder) accumulates Tradition over time, and when fighting battles or winning wars.
Military Structure - The Primary Title Holder has the ability to grant or remove subordinate titles without incurring Tyranny penalties, at the cost of Tradition.
Professionalism - At high Tradition, increase levy quality and quantity, but reduce Dust, Lien, and Food incomes.
Inheritance Law: Favored General (Ruler assigns Command Stars to Commanders, the Commander with the highest number of stars is the Heir, and the second highest is the Marshal)
Gender and Species Restriction: Males Inherit over Females.
Organization: Despot, Regional Commander (Duke/Duchess), Sector Captain (Count/Countess)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Atlesian Reclamation War, Coup (Starred Regional Commander overthrows current ruler)
Mistralan Bureaucracy - Anima provides freely for it's people, and Mistral allows great autonomy as long as resources are centralized for distribution.
Decadence - The Primary Title accumulates Decadence during peacetime and when improving holdings. Decadence greatly reduces general ambitiousness of claimants and dynasty members, lending high internal stability, but causes corruption and a loss of Lien, Dust, Food, and Piety incomes.
Appoint New Bureaucrats - The Primary Title Holder can reduce Decadence by replacing Baron or City tier titles.
Inheritance Law: Kingship Appointment (vassals one tier below the primary title elect the ruler from amongst themselves)
Gender and Species Restriction: None.
Organization: Grand Lord/Lady, Pretender King/Queen (Duke/Duchess), Master of Lands (Count/Countess), Officiate/Religious Head (Baron/Mayor/Temples)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim
Nikean City-State - Due to the difficulty of travel in Mistral, Nikeans often form small city-states and loose leagues. While these cities are often somewhat large, they are individually not as powerful as a true kingdom.
League Formation - Two or more Primary Title Holders of City-States can form a League, promising mutual defensive pacts and trade deals.
Special Holdings - City-States are special holdings that boast several unique improvements and upgrade paths. Grand Acropoli are at the center of any City-State, having their own upgrade track as well.
Potential Inheritance Types: Primogeniture (eldest child inherits), Ultimogeniture (youngest child inherits), Seniority (eldest Dynasty member inherits), Tanistry (The King/Queen and both City Managers vote to elect the heir from among the ruling Dynasty)
Gender and Species Restriction: None.
Organization: King/Queen (Count/Countess), City Manager x2 (Mayor), Shieldbearer (Baron), Religious Head (Temples), Guardian (Tower)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Punitive Trade War, Force League Membership, Force Government Type (Republic Only), Feudal Ascension War (weak, requires significant amounts of prestige)
Nikean Republic - Rare even among the Nikeans, the Nikean Republic is a supposedly 'free' collection of city-states.
League Formation - Nikean Republics are composed of a league of Oligarchic City-States, and provide mutual protection and special trade deals.
Family Palace - Nikean Republics are ruled by a coalition of Oligarchs, and each Dynasty of Oligarchs has their own palace, complete with levy and holding improvements.
Republic - The current Senior Doyan cannot perform actions without the approval of the Oligarchy, lest they incur a Tyranny penalty. The members of the Republic's Oligarchy are the two Doyans, the Steward, the Marshal, and the Chancellor.
Inheritance Law: Oligarchic Election (the most prestigious, oldest, and 'most charitable' Dynastic Head inherits, second and third runner up become Doyans)
Gender and Species Restriction: None.
Organization: Senior Doyan (Count/Countess), Doyans x2 (Advisors), High Merchant Prince (Steward), High Commander (Marshal), High Judge (Chancellor)
Claim Types: Fabricate Claim, Punitive Trade War, Force Government Type (City-State only)