Dream Dragon

[X] Ask about the license thing, you're new here and wasn't scaring people on purpose.
[X] Ask about the license thing, you're new here and wasn't scaring people on purpose.
-[X] Add that you'd be happy to audition for a gig as a monster, so long as the pay's good.
--[X] What currency do you use here, anyway? Is it Gossamer, a dream of currency bound to this realm, something else?
---[X] If there aren't too many jobs as a monster open, how about work as a more meta-level protector? Monsters here seem to be built into the dream, essential to it even, but alien dream denizens might predate on the dreamstuff directly. Have there been any problems with these? Can we tear them to pieces and gather the Gossamer? Rend them with gnashing maw and flame? Oh, pretty please.
Eleven - Dream City
[X] Ask about the license thing, you're new here and wasn't scaring people on purpose.

"I'm sorry, licence? I'm new to the city." The dragon eventually replied politely.

"Ignorance of the laws is no excuse. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." The dream-policeman stated firmly. He pulled out a massive and very solid looking pair of handcuffs.

The dragon reared back at them, but after a moment huffed and hopped down from his perch. His tail thrashed as he landed. After a moment the 'handcuffs' where on him. Though it would probably be more accurate to call them body cuffs. They were so large they wrapped around his body instead of his limbs. It was profoundly uncomfortable, and the way they gripped was obviously unreal.

Somehow the dragon was stuffed into the back of the car and then driven to the police station. Frankly by this time the dragon was getting annoyed. Especially thanks to how cramped the back of the car was. He couldn't even see out of it!

Finally though he was pulled out of the car and in a blur found himself sitting down in front of a massive desk. Twice the size of him, the dragon had to crane his head up to see the officer on the other side. The man was as massive as the others, with a fancier hat that still covered his eyes. He had his hands folded in front of him as he seemed to glare down at the dragon. Really, the dragon felt like he was in kindergarten and in front of the school principle. Fortunately being experienced in dreams kept him from being too intimidated.

"So, no identification and no permit. I should lock you up for life. We don't appreciate shenangins like that in our city." The officer loomed as he spoke.

The dragon huffed and wiggled as much as he could in the 'handcuffs.' "You have my apologies." He narrowed his eyes. "But I'm not going to allow myself to imprisoned like that."

"You'll be doing what I say you'll be doing boy!" The officer stood up from his seat and the dragon felt himself in shadow.

A lick of dreamstuff came out of the dragons mouth and he flashed his teeth. "You wish to try me?"

"Don't make me get a muzzle boy." The officer stated flatly. By this point the dragon was actually impressed with how high and looming the dream denizen could be.

In reply the dragon turned his head and blew on his body. The stars and dreamstuff splashed against his hide and caused the handcuffs to degrade. With a chomp they then snapped with a cling. The officer had already backed up from the display, but he fell back into the chair as the dragon flew up.

"I am the disciple of the dream-catcher." The dragon hissed out. "By it's teaching I am the master of dreams. Not you." His eyes glowed in the light. "No dream can hold me. Not even this one."

"Dream-catcher you say?" The officer shrank down in his chair some. "Ah, then you do have identification, and authorization!" He spoke quickly and pulled out several reams of sheets in his desk. All of it went flying on the floor and then the man handed the dragon a card that looked absurdly tiny in his hand.

Blinking the dragon took it with one paw. It had his picture on it, and there was another card that said 'scaring permit.'

"You're serious?" The dragon asked.

"Well..." The officer cleared his throat. "The dream-catcher could likely eat this city in one gulp if it was inclined. Fortunately it doesn't seem to care much aside from making sure we don't inconvenience it. We regularly lose our larger monsters when they think they can challenge it. I believe it finds the process amusing."

Looking over the cards, the dragon shrugged his wings and landed. After a moment of thinking he had them disappear. He could recall them when he needed. "So what exactly does scaring permits mean?"

"Some citizens like to scare others. Some like to be scared. It keeps things orderly, and feeds the nightmares when they need it." The officer shrugged. "Feel free to schedule one if you want. The desk is out the door and to the right. Not sure if you'd get anything out of it being a disciple of the dream-catcher and all."

"I don't eat emotional dreams." The dragon stated dryly. "I'm more inclined to hunt gossamer." And things that ate it.

"You'd want to buy the food then." The officer waved a hand casually.

"With what money? For that matter what do you use for currency?" This was actually rather interesting.

"We use dollars of course!" The officer chuckled and took out a green bill. It had a very large $ on the center of it, and was bright green. "And you'd have to get a job of course."

"Of course." The dragon raised an eyeridge and spread his wings.

"Well, I suppose a desk job wouldn't be appropriate." The officer admitted. "You hunt right? We can have a few criminals you can bring in. Or perhaps bring in a live emotional manipulator. Those are useful for us. Something about using them for seasoning or some other strange thing."

"This is.. Agreeable." The dragon nodded.

The officer snapped his fingers. "Oh, one more thing. You can try your hand at entertaining, or go scaring with a veteran. There's always need for higher emotions. The theater closer to the center of the city is always looking for more people."

"Interesting." The dragon drawled out.

[] Take a job?
"Dream-catcher you say?" The officer shrank down in his chair some. "Ah, then you do have identification, and authorization!"
Dream catcher doesn't even care besides wanting to be fed though... just goes to show it's who you know!
[X] Hunt criminals/ emotional manipulators
Same thing we've been doing, no need to shake up the routine.
[X] Hunt criminals/ emotional manipulators

Should be relatively high-pay with the risks involved.
[X] Hunt criminals/ emotional manipulators

Depends, is the pay we get enough to buy more gossamer than we'd usually get from hunting? On one hand it is something new, on the other hand there is the whole cost/benefit analysis- especially considering the fact that we might not actually catch anybody and thus waste a fair bit of time.
Twelve - Bounties
[X] Hunt criminals/ emotional manipulators


Hunting bounties was rather simple to start really. There was a corkboard near the entrance of the station. Pinned to the board were a good few hundred little posters. Only some of them were bounties. The dragon picked one that was relatively interesting and looked relatively easy, and then brought it to the bounty officer. Who was a cowboy. Of course.

Mildly bemused at the whole thing, the dragon was 'deputized' and then got a little bright yellow sheriff's star which stuck to the side of his scales. It had deputy sheriff on it and everything.

This dream realm city was interesting. If you thought some about it, it made sense, but you had to look sideways at everything. Police officers were large because people had 'big' impressions on them. Dreams didn't follow logic so much as streams of thought and impression. That was important to note.

Leaving the police station had the dragon even further bemused. The people weren't afraid of him now. He was a sheriff dragon! Hah.

Dismissing the amusing thoughts, the dragon leaped into the air and spread his wings. Then ascended in one great and flap. Normally hunting something in an unfamiliar city would be impossible. That was normally. The dragon had picked his prey well though. This was a flashy and obvious denizen that he could pick out with his normal skills.

In this case the dragon was going to use something he called shadowing. Basically it involved shifting deeper and shallower into the dream. The exact mechanics were hard to explain, but with proficiency you could see things that were normally obscured by various things in dreams. You could also use it to bypass walls and obstacles very easily when you were very proficient in it.

The dragon faded from sight in above the city. Then he faded into sight a few beats later, and in a different area. Then he did it again, and again. All it really took was time honestly.

He didn't find his target right off the bat either unfortunately. That took several days of rather intensive exploration and looking. The city was interesting honestly. A lot of strange things. Almost like a cross between a carnival, a convention, and a movie set. There was always something happening.

The dragon even managed to find out what the scaring licences was for. A mechanical spider roamed across the city once during his hunt. The thing had been larger than a house and had laser beams to cause fires. The thing had roamed across the city for about an hour incinerating things, and then politely left when it's time was up. There was just something honestly bizarre about the entire process. Entertaining though, and even the denizens that got set on fire didn't seem off put by the process.

Finally catching the target was almost anti-climactic by accident. The denizen in question had been in the shape of a man in striped prison clothing, and he carried a large sack with dollar signs on the back of it. Called the 'Burglar' he wasn't particularly interesting in any shape or fashion. In fact, he was one of several dozen of similar bent. They were apparently just hard to imprison or something. The dragon didn't even get scratched in taking him down. He just swooped down from above and pinned the man down with teeth and claws.

He had to work on that later if he was honest with himself. The dragon had gotten a bit less of a reward because he had nearly killed the man with just that. He had been squishy and had bled everywhere on the flight back. And the screaming, oh god the screaming.

Once done, the dragon had taken his money and spent it on the best food he could find. Which honestly wasn't the best the city had to offer, but was interesting nevertheless.

A massive bowl of ramen soup. The good stuff that steamed. It was filled with noodles and vegetables. The steam was enough to fog his scales, and the bowl was literally almost as large as him.

It tasted like a child's first meal. The wonder of something delicious and tasty. An indescribable taste that lit up the tastebuds and provoked a sense of nostalgia. For a moment the dragon wasn't dreaming of an impossible city. He was dreaming of being a child and comforted by a good meal.

The experience was enough to make him want more. Consuming the entire bowl had turned him into a dragon ball though. He almost had to roll out of the restaurant he had eaten in, and there was more than one joke.

More than two really.

For meal that good, the dragon would tolerate the affront to his pride. Even if the restaurant had a new meal of 'happy dragon rolls' that almost looked like him. They even had a little bulge in the middle.


Gained 15 Gossamer from bounty. Gained 1 Wonder from doing something new and fantastic. Bounties are going to be small story choice events that can range from easy to impossible. They're high risk/reward. You got an easy one to dip your feet into it.

You have 78 Gossamer
You have 14 days until tribute
You have a dream of the conqueror. You need to use graft dream to add it, and it will add the following power:
Internal Flames - When reduced to 1/4 HP or less, regain 1/2 HP as a free action. May only happen once per day.
You also have: A dream of gold.
Dragon's Horde: For every 10 gossamer you have, gain +1 Cohesion, to a max of your wonder.
Note, grafting dream can be used to adjust stats as well as adding abilities in the same action.

Daytime Action
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[] Play Ball with Scott

Evening Action
[] Hit the local library
[] Hit the local cafe
[] Hit the local bar
[] Go home (Use night action twice)
[] Socialize with someone

Night Action
[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
[] Hunt for your rivals
[] Look for something new
[] Visit the dream city and do ____

-You may use graft dream form on any slot you'd sleep.
-You may repair as an additional, free action.
-Write ins are acceptable.
John Smith - Campus Security Guard
Wonder: 7

Dream Dragon (Cost 300)
Phantasm: 6
Speed: 4
Cohesion: 20
Can we use Dragon's Horde to raise our max Cohesion/HP?
You also have: A dream of gold.
Dragon's Horde: For every 10 gossamer you have, gain +1 Cohesion, to a max of your wonder.
Because I think that if we are going to do it, we may want to do it now.

I would aim for a tribute of ~70 Gossammer this month. Enough so that we aren't last, but not aiming for the first spot.
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Can we use Dragon's Horde to raise our max Cohesion/HP?

Because I think that if we are going to do it, we may want to do it now.

I would aim for a tribute of ~70 Gossammer this month. Enough so that we aren't last, but not aiming for the first spot.
I want to aim for first place because that gets us the best prizes. Tutelage, Wonder, fancy shmancy skills, the works.
The first place once in two months because you saved something up is better than the second place two times in a row.

The rewards do not scale with placement. We started the month from zero, and we went for a pretty carefree pace of harvest. I do not think we should count on achieving 1st place this month.
[x] Patrol the campus.
[x] Socialize with someone
-[x] Meria
[x] Visit the dream city and try your hand at entertaining

"Oh, I believe in spirits. Just those boards are sort of tricks. What about you?" The black haired woman raised an eyebrow at him.

"Absolutely. Though I think most spirits wouldn't care much about humans, and could care even less about most of the funny rituals we do." John chuckled slightly.

That caused the girl to pause and lean forward onto the counter separating them. "That's an unusual belief."

John shrugged and leaned onto a nearby seat. "I mean think about it. They're supposed to be this big and all knowing thing in a lot of beliefs. Why would they care about what we did?"

"I suppose..." Meria trailed off and almost sagged.

"Did I say something wrong?" John asked with worry.

"No, no, I can agree with that. Why would they care much about us?" Meria pasted a fake smile on her face and pushed off the counter. "I need to work again." She walked off.

Meria managed to be busy or absent every other time John saw her again. She always said hi, but John could almost see her spiraling down again.
I think we should check up on Meria again because unless the cause of depression is addressed, the Drain is going to come back.

We could do it in dream space, or in the real world. Not sure where it'd be more effective.
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[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Hit the local library
[X] Hunt for Gossamer
-[X] 6
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You don't use it. You just have to 'have' it. It's a passive ability.

If someone can think of a better way of wording it let me know. The intent was to give you boosts for having a 'horde'
I think the confusion is over whether we have the ability right now, or need to use that dream to create the ability, actually.