CYOA is a Chalice of Regrets: A Worm SI Quest

I may be wrong but witch-like theme have more votes than butterfly aizen

The hazards of trying to tally by hand...

They both got rolled into Humanoid as an option, as when I do quest votes I tend to conflate similar-sounding options and modify the end result based on support. So since the votes went thus:

Humanoid Unspecified: 11
Witchy: 11
Butterfly: 7
I think there were some misc. humanish votes relying on illusions as well

Humanoid got combined as around 20 (imprecise because it had a very clear lead over beast-type), and the two sub-categories (Witch and Butterfly) both have over 5 votes of support (in a total vote of less than like 30), so they both get considered.

Now, I know what a witch looks like... I think. So visualizing that is easy. "Butterfly Aizen" not so much.
All right.
So we can use the Power Mimic to load our magical Railgun. Much better use for a broom-shaped construct then flight.

As a humanoid endbringer, one of my favorite ideas that I have seen was Maya. Which was an endbringer that demanded tribute in the form of memories and destruction of electronic recordings (including Dragon). It couldn't be built here, and would be an un-fun quest.

This has some promise, I look forward to it.

As for Aizen... Bleach was at its best during the Soul Society arc before he became the main villain. His initial reveal was well done, but everything went downhill from there.
Now, I know a lot of people will disagree so I won't say anymore on the matter. But I have to agree:
Tite was clearly on the GOOD stuff at this point.
As a humanoid endbringer, one of my favorite ideas that I have seen was Maya. Which was an endbringer that demanded tribute in the form of memories and destruction of electronic recordings (including Dragon). It couldn't be built here, and would be an un-fun quest.

Hmmm. Link?

Personally, I'd have loved to see a revival of Ryuugi's Hypnos, though perhaps a bit different.
Aizen becomes a god or something ,which for some reason means... that.
It's actually sort of clever since in Japan the butterfly is considered to be the manifestation of the soul as well as an ominous omen. In fact, it's heavily related to a famous revolt against the central government during the Heinan period-according to legend, a massive flock of butterflies descended on Kyoto before the revolt kicked off. Considering that Aizen was revolting against the Soul King, it was near perfect symbology. It just looks really weird to a foreigner.
If you're mixing butterfly with witch, does that mean we end up looking like Beyonetta's Madama Butterfly?

I dislike her hat. It's dull, there's no tease, no humour to it.

An endbringer witch-hat should be something that manages to be recognisably traditional and ridiculously over the top. You look at an Endbringer's hat and you should say "Yep, that's definitely a hat", and then the subtle non-euclidean geometries of it make your eyes bleed.


(Just the "hat" bit)
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It's actually sort of clever since in Japan the butterfly is considered to be the manifestation of the soul as well as an ominous omen. In fact, it's heavily related to a famous revolt against the central government during the Heinan period-according to legend, a massive flock of butterflies descended on Kyoto before the revolt kicked off. Considering that Aizen was revolting against the Soul King, it was near perfect symbology. It just looks really weird to a foreigner.
Ah. So kinda like how cherry blossoms are a symbol of death. That's one I know.

Que, as the best example I know of, Marluxia in Kingdom Hearts, who is a scythe wielding dude with pink (because cherry blossoms) hair and a cherry blossom storm attack.

Because he's just stacking death themes. But I see a lot of English speaking fans interpret it as a gayness theme because they aren't aware of that connection.

But yeah, that explains it. Thanks for the info.
[]Temporal Control: Create areas of looping time
[]Gravity: Manipulate local gravity, in an area or applied to objects
[]Illusions: Manipulate the sensory input of anyone in sight to create illusions
[]Sandbox: Wider-scale area control to warp your surroundings to your whims

[] ~5 meters
[] Mostly Humanoid
Edit::oops: I should have read the whole thread
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The way the vote tally was listed confused me.
What powers/looks actually won?
Saw something about a butterfly. And Aizen is total hypnosis, so?
[X]Power Mimic: Copy powers from nearby capes
[X]Elementalism: Take control of an element on a scale ninjas don't dare to dream of (Restriction: Hydrokinesis disabled) (LIGHTING).
[X] Write-in: Power Nullification Field: Within a certain city-wide radius of the Endbringer as the epicenter, all powers are disabled or, in the case of Scion and the other Endbringers, completely reduced in scale and strength.
[X] ~5 Meters
[X] Mostly humanoid with a witch-like theme.
[X]Gravity: Manipulate local gravity, in an area or applied to objects
[X]Illusions: Manipulate the sensory input of anyone in sight to create illusions
[X]Summoning: Create temporary minions suited to your overall theme
[X]Sandbox: Wider-scale area control to warp your surroundings to your whims

[X] ~5 meters
[X] something between these two
[ X ] Write-in: Living Forest: You are able to turn yourself into a giant black forested area that covers a good portion of the city. You will control every plant in it and spawn monsters to protect yourself.
[ X ] Write-in: Immunity: Your body is now immune to the effects of temperature and heat. You no longer burn and will be unharmed when being in direct contact with acid.

Size Select
[ X ] 15 to 40 Meters.

[X] Mostly Humanoid. Very tree-like with bark-like skin and foliage/moss for potential hair and such.
i like this i vould have voted for you if the vote was open
*sigh* I didn't get to vote... oh well ima do it anyway.
[X]Power Mimic: Copy powers from nearby capes
[X]Illusions: Manipulate the sensory input of anyone in sight to create illusions
[X]Shapeshifting: You can take any appearance you like
It was ME dio... I mean ENDBRINGER.
This vote could have used a moratorium period just for coming up with ideas, then a second post collecting all the coherent ones for real voting.

To continue with this spirit of "what you would have voted if the vote didn't close", here's another idea;
(One that I considered when I first read a CYOA with the Endbringer option.)

[X] Plan Castlevania's Architect
-[X]Sandbox: Wider-scale area control to warp your surroundings to your whims (1 pick)
-[X]Telekinesis: Move stuff with the sheer force of your will (1 pick)
-[X]Write-in: Power Granting - Making Monsters & Weaving Wishes: Provide the unique experience of Earth Bet to every individual, fueled by the power of CYOA instead of Shards choosing people. Also, allows information feedback on "trigger" circumstances, like what shards get. (2 picks)

-[X] 21 meters
-[X] Isopod/Cuttlefish combo (an inspiration); it drifts serenely through the air, a swath of altered reality trailing in its wake.

When it attacks (or when it pretends to attack, like in my original conception), it does not do much directly itself, but instead acts like the proverbial genie or fey; giving people power that they want or that suits them, which in turn causes all the chaos necessary. Some vital secondary powers would be ones to detect valid targets for powers, detect which powers match the best (soul gaze would be great for this. Bonus: it's vaguely like a trigger vision), and predict/calculate just far enough ahead of the chaos to avoid be insta-killed by an unusual power combination/confluence.

Endbringer cults would have a lot of synergy with this Endbringer, as they could literally follow in its wake, develop powers helpful to following it by following it, and then steadily grow in power and monstrousness as it keeps feeding them changes until they wander off due to changing their mind or it being changed.

Edit: Replaced +'s with X's, since we're apparently voting again.
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[X]Power Mimic: Copy powers from nearby capes
[X]Illusions: Manipulate the sensory input of anyone in sight to create illusions
[X]Summoning: Create temporary minions suited to your overall theme
[X]Sandbox: Wider-scale area control to warp your surroundings to your whims

[X]~5 Meters

[X]Mostly Humanoid