Dream Dragon

[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[X] Hit the local cafe
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 4
Five -Patrol, Cafe, Hunt
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.

As a security guard, John was supposed to provide assistance for basically anything disruptive that happened in the campus. That was the job description at least. Practically he was mostly involved in unlocking doors, occasionally calling the police, and watching for fighting or theft. The campus was a remarkably quiet place in general. The weekends were usually the worst, and that was mostly due to idiot students getting drunk on campus.

What this meant for John was rather simple. He just needed to respond if there was a problem. He could technically spend his entire day in the security room and do nothing. It was an extremely boring option, but it was a possible one.

John would occasionally change things just to get out. He would take one of the walky-talkies and start to walk around campus. It was best when the weather was good like this week.

He liked to imagine that other colleges had frat parties and outrageous pranks, and more. This little place had perhaps a few protests from students with strange ideas and not much else. It was primarily known for old languages and preservation after all. The party people tended to move elsewhere.

Midway through the week, John got a bit more of a change. A muscled man with a tan ran up to him midway through his walk.

"Sup dude!" The man offered his hand. "John right?"

John looked down at his nametag. "Yeah." He took the hand anyway. "What do you need?"

"Not much dude. Just saw you walking around. The name's Scott." The man grinned and shook John's hand hard and then let it go.

The security guard rolled his eyes. "Pull the other one."

"Well, we don't need anything right now. The sports cage's locked at the moment." Scott shrugged casually. "Figured I'd grab you if we don't find the numbnut who has the key. Practicing for the next game!"

"Oh yeah, the Bears versus the Snakes." John didn't follow sports much.

"Hah! You know it! The vipers are going to get thrashed!" Scott pumped one of his hands. "If you're off soon though you're free to join in. We're just going to pass the ball around after we do a few drills. Always nice having a few extras."

John's eyebrows rose. "You sure?"

"Ain't got an issue with it, and if the other dudes do, then I'll smack em around a few times." Scott grinned jokingly. "Sides, I don't want to see you turn out like the other guard we got."

John winced theatrically. "Ouch, low blow. I'm going to be on for awhile though."

"Maybe some other time then." Scott nodded and looked back. "And looks like they got it open. Nice to meet you!" Scott nodded and ran off.

John chuckled. That had been unusual. Scott had bright dreams as well as a bright attitude. It was nice.

[] Hit the local cafe

John liked the cafe. It was a nice place, and less cooking was always good for him. Even the students that frequented it didn't bother him. Taken together it was quite a nice place to spend the time.

Jean came by and flirted every now and again while he was there, but didn't seem inclined to repeat the conversation she had with him last week. John was of mixed feelings about her to be honest. She was stunning physically, but she was a giggly girl in general. The interest was flattering at least.

The big thing that happened during the week was that John finally managed to get a conversation going with the black girl. Well, something like a conversation. It happened during one of the frequent lulls.

"Afternoon Meria." John grinned as he stood at the counter. It was the first time he had seen her actually manning the register. Nametags were handy things in this instance.

"'Lo." Meria mumbled tiredly and nodded. "What can I get you?"

"Just the special." John's grin faded and he looked forward. "You ok? You look tired."

"Just not sleeping well." Meria yawned widely and then pasted a fake looking smile on her face. "I'm fine otherwise."

John didn't say that he saw otherwise. She looked tired and rumpled. Her makeup was sloppily done, and he wasn't sure when she had last washed her uniform. About the only thing that looked right on her were the skull shaped earrings. It was impolite to say that though.

"Your special." Meria yawned and practically dropped the plate next to the register.

"Thank you very much." John nodded at the other girl but wasn't sure she heard him.

Away and out of sight John frowned to himself. If the girl hadn't attracted a Drain type dream denizen it was sheer luck. Well, at the very least he could check it later. It'd be a good thing to do in addition to getting him gossamer.

[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[] 4

Deeper into the dream realm the dragon flew. This deep it was a wash of muted colors. Almost black at times, but sometimes bright as a summer day. Here and there clouds lingered, but they were always in the distance. The ground was more a suggestion than a certainty, and up and down were just a matter of perspective.

Here things were maddening to a mortal mind typically. The dream stuff the dragon was made out of, and his empowerment not only made him immune, it allowed him to roam it all at will. The deeper you went into the dream the more physics and time ceased to have meaning. You could theoretically traverse the entire world in the blink of an eye if you were deep enough.

Of course, as you went deeper, the things became more deadly. Things lurked and swam deeper through the dream.

The dragon got lucky though. Another guppy had been feeding and diving through the dream realm. This one was fat and almost lethargic. It almost deserved to be because it was nearly the dragon's size this time. Just a bit larger and the dragon wouldn't have been able to take it down.

Instead it tucked it's wings and dove. The realm of dreams was formless and shapeless nothing around this area, so it was much like the dragon was diving through the sea.

The guppy shook off it's previous slowness to meet him, but couldn't turn in time. The dragon's glimmering starlight breath flayed it's flesh, and then the battle was joined.

It was brutal thing. This fat thing was larger and slightly faster than the last one. Worse was it's capability to withstand the dragon's claws better. The thing ate a wing and a limb before the dragon finally did enough damage to put it down.

Tattered though he was at the end, the dragon was victorious, and that was all that mattered.

Phantasm = 6
Speed = 3
Cohesion = 20
Ability: Gulp - Swallows enemy and prevents escape if their max cohesion is less the guppies.
Taken 18 damage day 5
speed+Level+Guppy lv 4 = 50 Gossamer
Boogeyman - Dream denizens that like the taste of nightmares. Monsters under the bed, in the closet, and more. They linger on the edges of reality and fade in and out to cause more fear before diving deep into dream to hid. As they grow, they cause more vivid and terrifying nightmares. Your patron tells tales of monsters large enough to manifest fully in reality and eat people as well, but they are extremely rare nowadays thanks to it finding them tasty. Boogeymen are about as smart as dogs or other animals.

Muses - Basically the opposite of Boogeymen. Muses like the taste of happy dreams, or wondrous dreams. They're not as harmful as Boogeymen, but they still need to be controlled as their 'happy dreams' sometimes cause the people to burn out or develop mental issues. Your patron ate them too, but has taught you to 'prune' them if you prefer as they're not particularly harmful small. They're not smart enough to care either way.

Cupids - As muses, but focused on dreams of love and more erotic aspects. You're going to be honest. You lost your desire to go into a girl's dream and 'play' after your first try. Dreams are fuzzy, and if you make them lucid enough to play right it gets rather awkward. The first try turned you off so bad that you don't bother anymore. Cupids don't get as big as the other ones thanks to reasons best left unsaid, so you can safely ignore them or nom them.

Night-lights - Spectacularly annoying creatures formed of violent or exhilarating dreams. Aside from encouraging more energetic dreams, they'll deliberately seek out and attack other things. Including you. The other ones you can typically handle. These ones always get a good hit in once thanks to how twitchy and fast they can get. Thankfully they never get that big.

Drains - Probably one of the most deadly denizens that one can encounter. Well, deadly to other people. These like thoughts of loss and depression. Suicides are definitely influenced by them. The others are only problematic big. These aren't. Even just eliminating small ones can help the people around it almost instantly. Large ones are hellish. It's important to note that slaying drains cures nothing. All it does is ease the symptoms.
7 Days until tribute
You have 147 gossamer.
16 damage has been taken to your dragon form. You recover 1 a day naturally.

SPECIAL! You may forgo the following vote to do a special event!
[] Hunt the Drain that's likely feeding off of Meria

Daytime Action
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[] Play Ball with Scott

Evening Action
[] Hit the local library
[] Hit the local cafe
[] Hit the local bar
[] Go home (Use night action twice)
[] Socialize with someone

Night Action
[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
[] Hunt for your rivals
[] Look for something new

-You may use graft dream form on any slot you'd sleep.
-You may repair as an additional, free action.
-Write ins are acceptable.

AN: Friggen 1/12 chance to get guppies and you get it twice >_< they give the best gossamer too.
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[X] Hunt the Drain that's likely feeding off of Meria
[X] Repair

How does repair work? Is there a mechanics for that?
[X] Hunt the Drain that's likely feeding off of Meria
[X] Repair

Does the order in which we do this matter? Would it make a difference to vote for Repair, then Hunt the drain? Or will you just do it in the order that makes more sense to John @Lost Star
[X] Hunt the Drain that's likely feeding off of Meria
[X] Repair

Does the order in which we do this matter? Would it make a difference to vote for Repair, then Hunt the drain? Or will you just do it in the order that makes more sense to John @Lost Star
Order doesn't matter in this case.

Repair is considered an instant action. It takes you awake to do, but otherwise can be done whenever.
Dreams of Despair
[X] Hunt the Drain that's likely feeding off of Meria
[X] Repair

The dragon actually hadn't hunted a denizen specifically feeding off people before. Well, more accurately he hadn't done it for anyone he had met. His patron had patiently guided him through his first hunts and showed off several notable denizens. In particular it actually liked seeing people depressed or emotional. This wasn't through any cruelty on it's part really. The Dream-catcher was an old, old spirit that had dwelt in the dream realm for all it's life. It didn't relate to reality that well. It noticed patterns, and had hit upon it's current scheme somehow, but it didn't really care much about reality.

A lot of the lessons the dragon had been taught had had to be filtered through the knowledge that he was learning from something old and detached from reality. It was an honest wonder that he was able to do as many things in reality as he could. Sometimes the lessons had been just weird.

Regardless, the process wasn't that hard. John simply had to go home and sleep. The dragon was formed out of gossamer and will in the dream realm. Then the dragon moved as close as he could to the surface of the dream without manifesting. After that point it was simply a matter of looking for sleeping minds around the area he had encountered Meria. The girl had looked like a student, so all he had to do was slowly circle around the campus in ever increasing circles.

Things were so much easier when you could fly and ignore obstacles. Minds rippled in the dream realm as their bodies let go. Here and there gossamer formed as they sank or woke. The dragon ignored that. He was moving too fast to gather really. There was a particular frequency he was looking for. That taint of despair. It wasn't hard to find.

Meria was in an apartment. A tiny bedroom kitchen combo that showed solidly in the dream. Occult symbols painted in blood were brightly illuminated on the walls and floors. The ceiling was a mass of smoke, and the bed nothing more than formless pillows. Outside the room was nothing but darkness. The woman's impressions of the world had shaped the room in the dream, but nothing else. Which was pretty normal really. There was no sign of the drain, but that was expected. Meria slept deeply at the moment and a beacon of light illuminated the dream realm from where her body was in the real world.

Sure of the location, the dragon delved deeper. And then deeper still. The world become more indistinct. The symbols of blood became brighter, and outside the room laughter and jeers resounded.

There, deeper in the dream was the drain. A mass of colors in the shape of a whirlpool and a maw of teeth. Already the dragon could see it tainting the dreams around it. Dragging it deeper and devouring it in the same motion.

He led without fanfare. His breath spat out shining stars and glittering dream. It disrupted the drain's progress and it turned towards him. The whirlpool parts lashed out at him and started to drag at him.

Immediately the dragon realized the danger. It was seeking to drag him deeper, in pieces if needed. He could feel his form being torn off in chunks. Abandoning all pretense of defense he immediately began to rend with tooth and claw.

Parts of him came off as the dragon was pulled still deeper. He could feel himself weakening, but he could also feel the drain weakening as well. Soon parts of the drain were coming off instead of parts of the dragon, and as he drew closer her was able to slam his tail into the center of the teeth.

The drain shattered, and it's influence started to wane. Proud of his accomplishments, the dragon ate quickly, and then lingered just a moment nearby the woman's dream.

Without the Drain the woman's dream was no longer worsening supernaturally. Unfortunately the damage appeared to be done. Already the dragon could see the feeling of despair and shame spiraling out of control. The dragon had never been trained on how to deal with this. On one hand, he could just let it continue. A drain would find the woman eventually, and he would have another easy chance at gossamer. That didn't feel right though.

He looked like a dragon at this point, but he was not one. He was a mortal man with a bit of power. There was no responsibility towards the woman and her dreams of despair. He owed her nothing at all. Her depression would pass or it wouldn't without his input from this side. He was helping her by eating the drain anyway.

The dragon reached out to the dream of Meria and pushed himself in for just a moment. Inside were dark voices and whispers. Taunts and jeers. Things meant to bite and thoughts of death.

The dragon inhaled deeply, and breathed out in a torrent of stars and dreamstuff. The dream shimmered under his power, and then started to shift at his command.

The dragon flew out of the dream and onto other things. Behind him, the woman's dream shifted to dreams of happier times. Of joy and triumph.

Let the woman have a moment of peace from pain and sorrow. It was nothing in the grand scheme of things to the dragon.

Drain lv 4 special. The Unanswered Prayer
Phantasm: 3
Speed: 2
Cohesion: 16
Lethargy - enemy has half speed while in battle with the drain.
Despair - Each round, reduce speed by 1 when attacking. If speed is 0, reduce Phantasm.
Glutted - The denizen will strengthen over time.
Cause and effect- Should the denizen be destroyed and the source of food remain, the denizen will reincarnate when another denizen feeds again.

7 Days until tribute
You have 131 gossamer.
12 damage has been taken to your dragon form. You recover 1 a day naturally.

Daytime Action
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[] Play Ball with Scott

Evening Action
[] Hit the local library
[] Hit the local cafe
[] Hit the local bar
[] Go home (Use night action twice)
[] Socialize with someone

Night Action
[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
[] Hunt for your rivals
[] Look for something new

-You may use graft dream form on any slot you'd sleep.
-You may repair as an additional, free action.
-Write ins are acceptable.

New Ability: Dream Breath- A blessing or curse that can be done to any sleeping person who's dream you encounter. It changes the dream to something of your choice. Requires Dream Dragon form.
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Hit the local cafe
[X] graft dream form: dream dragon
-[X] add special ability from dream of wonder's special dream
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[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.)
[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Meria
[X] graft dream form: dream dragon
-[X] add special ability: Dream Breath
[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.)
[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Meria
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 2
[X] Repair
Hope people are enjoying this! Any questions or comments?
i like it! it seems like we could do a lot of cool things, weird things too, though it looks like it will probably take a little while for things to pick up, we have to meet more people and talk to them for more than just five minutes for me to start feeling stuff, right now the only one i'm feeling attachment to is harold, he seems so normal...it kinda wanna have john do the lucid dream thing on him and then visit him on his dream just for giggles, though that will come in due time, right now we have a super powerful dream spirit thing we have to cocentrate on getting the favor of. i think we should try to find some more quasi-quest events, the whole tribute-to-dreamcatcher thing is an overarching goal and i kinda wanna see more of what john having these powers means on a little more personal scale. i would like to see some inteligent dream denizens, though not our rivals, i mean, what if they decide to be jerks and try to shank us for our gossamer? though talking to what might as well be aliens or fairies feels like a novel experience
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[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.)
[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Meria
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 2
[X] Repair
[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.)
[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Meria
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 2
[X] Repair
[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.)
[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Meria
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 2
[X] Repair
[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.)
[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Meria
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 2
[X] Repair