I'm not sure ingredients help us yet although I may grow to regret that later
Well it might be a very high quality/rare ingredient that we might want. Like a big hearty radish,

That said...

[X] Is there some treasure nearby?

I'm thinking that this is either a significant sum of rupees, something we can sell for said rupees, or some kind of magic item. Any of them would be good really.
[X] Is there some treasure nearby?

The Korok jumps up and down, rattling and waving its arms. "Uhuh! Right under that pile of bricks! It's a box with pretty things in it!"

Sheik smiles and gives the Korok a pat on the head, "Thank you little one, we'll be sure to put it to good use."

The Korok looks away shyly, kicking a foot back and forth, "Aw shucks..."

You tap Sheik on the shoulder, "Better start clearing off those bricks now."

Sheik nods, and follows you as the Korok waves, "Bye-bye!"

When you look back it had vanished, only a few leaves floating down from where it had stood.

Moving the bricks was a quick affair, whoever had hidden it ages ago obviously had simply intended to cover it and sure enough, you find a small lockbox hidden under it. It was rusted, worn down from years but a quick test indicates it's still locked tight.

Sheik stands up, inspecting it with her hand on her chin, "Hmmm, given the wear on the lockbox we might be able to carefully dislodge the mechanism with carefully directed kinetic impacts. I'll need to use your medical tools to-"

You kick the lockbox, causing it to snap open.

"...That works too."

You both peer inside, Sheik summoning a light to shine on the lockbox's contents. Inside was an uncut piece of Amber tied to a string as a makeshift necklace and a single silver Rupee.

You pocket both, looking over to Sheik who seems contemplative. When she see's your curious expression she waves a hand and shakes her head.

"Sorry, I was just thinking.... why would someone leave this buried under the bricks here?"

You shrug, "Probably a merchant or bandit storing their valuables and for whatever reason, they were unable to return. "

Sheik makes a non-commental sound, before wandering back over to the horses. You return to the well to take your bucket of water, as well as fill up the empty water skins. When you return Ganondorf had evidently already returned, as he had gotten a fire going.

"Heh, you two look pretty disheveled," He says with a grin, glancing at both your and Sheik's states as you were both filthy from digging up the lockbox and cleaning out the well, "You could have just asked for a few hours alone, didn't have to send me off to get firewood."


His eye roll indicates you had missed something, but he doesn't offer to explain as you set down the water bucket and fill up a pot then set it on a stand to boil. Sheik chooses that moment to return with some of the willow bark, bread, and cheese, still clutching her side. She quickly tosses the bark in the pot, before handing you and Ganondorf the bread and cheese.

The three of you take a moment to relax, enjoying your dinner before Ganondorf finally claps a hand against his thigh and says "Alright, what were you two actually up too while I was gone?"

"We found a Korok in the well, remarkable creature." Sheik happily explains, "It pointed us to some treasure then vanished into thin air."

You pull out and hold up the piece of amber, and Ganondorf nods while stroking his beard, "Hmmm, I've never seen a Korok before but I've heard tales of them. Fascinating. That amber looks like it might catch a fair price with some merchants. You might be able to sell it to anyone looking to buy something for their sweetheart. Amber isn't prohibitively expensive like other gems, but is still sought after for its unique qualities."

You nod, finding an ancient insect in some amber made it all the more valuable and often a favourite for scholars. Why, amber might be the only gem that was more valuable uncut.

You all finish your dinners just as the water was brought to boil, and you use a cloth to help shield your hands as you tip the coloured water into a mug. With the water still boiling hot Ganondorf and Sheik got out their bedrolls as you went to dump out the pot and set it to the side. When you returned Sheik was typing on her Sheikah Slate as Ganondorf simply laid back and looked up at the constellations weaving through the air above you. You look up as well, enjoying the spectacle above you. Hyrule's night skies always seemed active, and shooting stars and comets were a common occurrence. Some claimed it was the goddesses way of bringing beauty to the world even in the dark of night. All you really knew was that on clear nights it made it really easy to navigate.

Eventually after a few minutes you tapped Sheik on the shoulder, telling her the tea was likely cool by now.

Sheik nodded, then picked up the mug. She gave it a curious sniff then took a sip.

Then promptly spat it out, retching.

"BLECH!! It tastes like wood!!"

"Well yeah," You say from your bedroll, having climbed in after letting Sheik know, "What did you expect?"

Ganondorf was sniggering, his back turned to the two of you.

"Not wood."

"Drink it fast, you want to be able to sleep without being in pain all night, right?"

Sheik huffs, "Fine... buying some honey when we get to a market..."

She then chuggs it down, finishing with a cough and a sputter. Sheik scrambles out of her bedroll for one of the water skins you had filled, before chugging that as well.

"Never drinking that unsweetened again!" Sheik hisses as she crawls back into her bedroll.

"You get used to it," You say, "Lived off that stuff after I broke a rib two years ago."

"I almost prefer the pain..." Sheik mumbles into her blankets.

"That reminds me, almost forgot hearty lizards don't live up here. You'll need to buy them in bulk when you get to castle town, unless you plan to detour to Necluda or the Gerudo desert," Ganondorf adds, turning over in his bed and you make a mental note of it. It was true, you could only purchase hearty lizards from merchants. On the road, you'll have to pick and choose your battles, as one bit of bad luck could spell disaster.

Soon though you drift off to sleep, dreaming of dancing Korok's...

The next day the heat wave continued, and you saw travelers practically doubled over from exhaustion on the road. You were running into more and more people which meant you were drawing nearer to the stable. You and Ganondorf had both gotten used to the heat, even in your slightly warm outfit. You didn't even feel the need to take off your cap, even when the sun was shining down on you, it was breathing remarkably well.

Sheik though, Sheik was doing poorly. It was obvious she spent most of her time inside, as she was absolutely miserable. The pain in her side had lessened thanks to the tea, but she was still irritable and was glaring daggers at the sun. She was chugging down the water, practically going through an entire water skin in an hour. She didn't really want to eat anything either, claiming the heat was too unbearable for food. You did force her to eat dinner though, despite her grumbling. You all fell asleep early, the sounds of buzzing insects and the heat all lulling you to sleep.

The day after that Sheik didn't wake you, and when you eventually stirred Ganondorf had already packed up much of the camp. Evidently tired of waiting he had started a fire and was frying up some bread and meat in oil for breakfast. Packing up your bedroll you notice Sheik was still in hers, curled up with the blanket thrown over her head. Feeling a bit pleased that you'll finally get to wake up Sheik you stroll over to the bundle of blankets and poke it.

"Sheik~ Time to wake up~ You want to get to the stable tonight, right?" You tease, continuing to prod the bundle.

Sheik doesn't respond.

"Hey Sheik, come on, Ganondorf made breakfast."

"Uuurgh..." Came the groan.


You pull back blankets from her head, revealing a very green Sheik whose face was scrunched up in a grimace. You realize she was clutching her lower stomach, wincing as waves of pain went through her.


This must be the water! It may have been fine for you since you lived out in the wilds but for Sheik it must have made her ill. This was bad, this was very bad!

"Don't worry Sheik! I know how to deal with drinking bad water, you just stay there while I-"

"Not... water..." Sheik manages to get out in between winces.

"Huh? Sheik you clearly-"

"Just... just make more of that tea."

That throws you for a loop, Sheik clearly seems to not want to tell you something. "Sheik, if you know what's wrong you'll have to tell me. I know plenty of herbs that can help with diseases or parasites-"

"It's not-" Sheik hisses, before wincing, "Just... just make me some tea already."


"Make the tea Link."

You step back from Sheik, looking over to Ganondorf to see if he noticed. To your surprise he was biting down on his hand, looking like he was desperately trying not to laugh. There were even tears forming!


What does Link do?
[] Write-in
[X] Make the tea

As soon as I saw Willow Bark being a thing, I figured this was going to come up. Good thing we bought enough!
Ganonbro becomes Ganondad and Link is a shonen protagonist.

...Wait, I have an idea.

[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.
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[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

He seems to know, and ignorance is something that could very easily lead to mistaken choices.
Ganon: "Oh hell no I am not giving the Talk to these two idiots."

Sorry, Ganon, but comedy insists.

[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

Votes please.
Adhoc vote count started by ImmortalsBlade on Apr 23, 2017 at 2:48 AM, finished with 699 posts and 17 votes.
[X] Make the tea and ask Ganondorf about what he thinks is happening.

If that's an option. We really need to rope Ganondorf into this romcom we have going on.