Professor of (Insert When Applicable) of Beacon Academy (RWBY)
Character Creation Part 1
Beacon Academy. Lauded by may a huntsman and huntress as the finest of all the hunter academies in the four kingdoms of Remnant. Every year thousands of prospective hunters apply with the hope that they will be chosen to become the hundred strong class of the future elite.
But the road to becoming a Master Huntsman instead of a lower ranked
nobody is a harsh and dangerous path. The curriculum is difficult and the physical and mental strength required in even the lowest years is
punishing. Yet to graduate as an alumni of Remnant's academies is a sign of greatness, a birthing of the world's greatest heroes who stand at the front of the terror known as the
It is also without a doubt that those who forego the training provided by the academies be it lack of skill or foolish arrogance have less than a 18% chance of living past their first decade as a hunter no matter their ranking. There may be a myriad of logical reasons behind the increased survival and mission success rate of those who enter the combat academies and return reforged, but the fact of the matter is that those who survive to reach graduation are something else.
Yet you are not here as a prospective student eager to prove themselves to the world.
No, you are here to
teach the future generation of Hunters and Huntresses to leave Beacon Academy armed with the knowledge and skill to survive the cruel world that you live in.
How does your story begin?
Choose ONE
From the Earth you were raised.
You do not know or if you do know, you don't much care who your birth parents are, only that you were alone in the world until someone came along and allowed you into their home. It is because of them you chose to give back to the world the same way they did for you.
[ ] S
(Default sex is Male)
(Default Race is Bear Faunus)
There are heroes in the world, this you know from first hand experience. Clad in white with eyes that glowed like the moon, she came upon you in your time of need. Body mangled from countless wounds trying to save the younger children in the orphanage with nothing but a broken bedpost in your bleeding hands. Before you fell unconscious you remember a pair of slim, but strong arms depositing you somewhere safe. When you later awoke, you as well as all of your friends were being cared for in an emergency transport bound for Vale with your hero nowhere to be seen.
Summer Rose would never be seen again after that day, but the fire in your soul was already stoked.
You promised that you were going to be a hero one day, and you spent the rest of your life doing your best to keep that promise. And so here you are, twenty four years old, Alumni of Beacon and soon to be professor.
[ ] T
(Default sex is Male)
(Default Race is Dog Faunus)
He found you digging through the trash bins silently subsisting on stale dog food. You were just one of many orphans that littered the streets of Vale, but you don't think it was mere pity that led him to cautiously place the small puppy in your arms and quietly take you back to Patch. He introduced you to his daughters, making a bad joke about bringing another stray home during his trip to the pet shop. You were scared and more than a little unsure of how to act when his youngest offered you a cookie followed by his eldest making a tasteless pun about strangers and candy. He reacted with horror swearing up and down that he was going to murder her uncle for teaching her things she shouldn't be allowed to know until she was significantly older. Or ever.
And so at roughly nine(?) years of age you took up the Xiao Long name. Older than Yang by a good four years and Ruby by six, you became their older sibling. Seeking to repay your new 'Dad' you did your best to take care of your rowdy sisters and ended up eventually enrolling into Signal only to graduate at sixteen years old by dint of being
that good. Now twenty one years old and a year as a huntsman proper, you were recalled to Beacon with the offer of becoming the single youngest Assistant Professor in the history of the academy.
[ ] R
(Default sex is Female)
You don't know why the leader of your clan decided to spare your life when clan Branwen left everyone for dead in your old village. Young as you were, your heart was filled with vengeance with the only memories to keep you warm during sleepless nights were the haunting screams of those who perished by blade or grimm. So you followed the raiders who destroyed your home and tried to kill her who was their leader. Many times you failed to avenge yourself upon the red eyed woman. Battered and bloodied, time after time she would impart harsh lessons of the world upon your beaten body only to have you treated to repeat the process. In the years to come you slowly grew strong and learned to call the clan that destroyed your village your own until a single fateful day came to pass and you broke away from your second family. Mother allowed you to leave unharmed with only a single name that brought you to the doorstep of your adopted uncle.
[ ] Q
('Canon' Choice)
(Default sex is Female)
The first time you met your 'actual dad', he didn't leave a good impression. A no good drunk asshole who apparently had a one night stand with your mom before vanishing into the night leaving her with you baking in the oven. The guy was obviously plastered out of his mind after having found out of your existence just the other day and had no idea how to act around you. The two of you just sat around at the restaurant awkwardly before telling you to tell mom he'd get you all fourteen years worth of child support payments out of the way later. Asshole.
The second time you met him he beat the living shit out of your 'other dad' when he dropped by to make 'further arrangements'. Reason why your stepfather is still eating from a tube on the other side of Remnant is because he was in the middle of beating mom after he left you with a broken
So yeah, your real dad is actually a pretty okay guy. Strong as fuck too given you
still can't kick his ass eight years later as a hunter yourself, but that's fine. Now if you just didn't have to worry about two certain impressionable arm leeches learning from the guy, everything'd be swell.
I mean can you believe my dad is
actually a teacher?
Go figure. Apparently him and Unc' put in a good word to Ozzy about your soon to be short lived career as substitute teacher at Signal. Assistant Professor Branwen. Has a nice ring to it huh
Mister Branwen?
Heh. Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree now does it?
From Love were you born.
You were born into a family with a long and storied tradition. While home life may not have always been the best, it was those you looked up to the most that led you down your current path.
[ ] ARC
(Default sex is Female)
Jaune was not the first in your family to entertain dreams of becoming a Huntsman. It is in fact your footsteps he follows as much as you followed your father's despite his hesitance in passing the family sword style to his firstborn. It didn't help that you were painfully
average in all aspects save your prodigious aura reserves, but through it all you persevered. In time came skill, experience, and knowledge as day after day your father taught your grandmother did him until one day you were ready. At the age of eighteen you set out to Beacon Academy in order to complete your training as a fully fledged huntsman… except you
failed your initiation test. But rather than giving up, you instead obtained your hunter's certification another way.
A little less than legal given your lack of formal schooling, but regardless of that little fact, you became a hunter! Not the smartest decision you've ever made, but you don't regret having made that choice. Over the course of nearly a decade of hard fought battles you found yourself in the ironic position of being propositioned by the headmaster of Beacon, not to become a student, but a professor of all things!
Ahh, lets see… huh? Your little brother is coming to visit before the term starts?
[ ] REN
(Default sex is Male)
Yours is a story that began with a hopeful start, or so you believed at the time. The sad fact of life is most stories begin with tragedy. At twelve you were away on your first solo hunt to prove to your father that you were strong enough to become a true huntsman. Strong enough to be worth it for the village to expend funds on furthering that strength. Your exultation at achieving your first grimm kill quickly fled upon hearing the roar of the beast who destroyed your home. You ran faster than you ever had in your short life, images of your parents and younger brother crashing against the back of your eyes. It didn't matter.
You were too late…
Or so you believed until little Lie appeared from the aether with his young friend in tow. Thankful for the life of your young brother you set out into the wilderness, eventually making a life for the three of you in the city with the untouched valuables you shamefully scavenged from the village. It's been ten years since then and only two years since you set out to journey as a lone hunter offering their services to the villages scattered across Remnant. It was during this time you met with a hunter who was impressed enough with your ability that he sent you to the office of Ozpin himself.
(Default sex is Male)
(Cannot be a Faunus)
Your father wasn't around much while you were growing up, and when he was there, you hated every single second of time spent in his presence. Of course lacking a father figure you could believe in led you to the slowly wasting arms of your still powerful grandfather, Nicholas. You were enamored with the man, his deeds, his creed, and most of all, his strength of character. It was from him that you learned how to act as a true Schnee should, and it was these lessons you passed down to your younger siblings before your grandfather's passing.
Father believed the time ripe for him to sink his fingers into your heart, but instead you fled. You aren't proud to admit the fact that you abandoned mother and your siblings, but mother and Winter understood your reasons. Cutting all contact with your family you dyed your hair, changed your name, and entered into Shade Academy with the inheritance left to you from grandfather. It wasn't an easy transition. Life in Vacuo was hard and the social hierarchy of Shade even harder. But you persevered in the face of a freedom you've never had and took it unto your breast wholeheartedly.
Now three years after you've graduated you find yourself on another continent as a simple, but skilled huntsman searching for employment as an assistant professor at Beacon Academy.
From the Darkness you crawled
Further character creation next update. Depending on a future vote you may see some of these characters at Beacon to fill in all the empty teaching spots

. Currently thinking top four including the player character.
Konami's at it again~