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You awake to the beeping of your alarm clock, and after a few seconds, turn it off. Shuffling...
Update 1


Kept you waiting, huh?
You awake to the beeping of your alarm clock, and after a few seconds, turn it off. Shuffling over to your window, you open the curtains wide and are immediately energized by the bright sunlight.

Looks like you'll be having beautiful weather today!

Your name is Vivio Takamachi, age 10. A resident of Mid-Childa as of about four years ago, you're currently enrolled in elementary school. You enjoy classes and studying a lot, but your special hobby is Strike Arts! You practice your technique a lot, in both your normal child body and in your Adult Mode! Sure, you used to be really klutzy in Adult Mode - on account of being taller/having longer reach than you're used to - but as a result of occasionally just transforming into Adult Mode on days off and doing normal stuff, you've learned a much greater level of control over it.

After eating a wonderful breakfast courtesy of Nanoha-mama, she heads off to her work with the Bureau. Fate-mama is still away at her job as well, so you're by yourself for now.

There aren't any classes for the time being on account of summer vacation, so how do you plan to spend your day? (pick one)

[]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[]Uncle Chrono's got time off from his duty as an Admiral, doesn't he? ....maybe you can pay the Harlaowns a visit and play with your cousins for a while!
[]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[]By yourself.
-[]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[]You heard from Nove that her family recently adopted a boy into their care, and that he's just a few years older than you. You're curious about what he might be like.
[]The cinema's supposed to have gotten some imports from Nanoha-mama's homeworld today! You've got some allowance money saved up, so go watch a movie!

Spend the day in Adult Mode?

[]Yes! Definitely!
[]Maybe another time...
Adhoc vote count started by EvaUnit01 on Apr 11, 2017 at 3:18 AM, finished with 223 posts and 16 votes.
Stat sheet

Name: Vivio Takamachi
Class: Student/Amateur Martial Artist


Strike Arts:
Though you're only an amateur, you're actually quite talented, able to give a decent showing in sparring matches against even adults.

Blood of the King: [LOCKED]


Portable comm terminal:
It's a portable phone! You can use it to call or message people, even when outside of your house! Maybe it isn't quite as cool as a Device, or give video-chat functionality like one, but it still does its job very well!


Nanoha Takamachi: She's your mama! She's a really good cook, an instructor at the Bureau's military academy, and once shot you with a bunch of really big particle beams! The two of you love each other very much!

Fate Harlaown: She's your other mama! She's a very powerful and skilled Enforcer, who goes around the galaxy catching bad people and bringing them to Justice! She's not at home as much as Nanoha-mama because of her job, but you and Nanoha-mama still love Fate-mama!

Rio Wesley: She's one of your best friends from school! Even if she doesn't seem to care about school very much, she's still very passionate about martial arts. As a fan, she knows more about different kinds of combat sports than you do.

<under construction>
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[x]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[x]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[x]Maybe another time...

I don't have a strong preference, but might as well train and meet her friends. I can't even remember who they were, it's been so long since I dropped Vivid.

This isn't exactly a compelling hook.
[x]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[x]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[x]Maybe another time...

I don't have a strong preference, but might as well train and meet her friends. I can't even remember who they were, it's been so long since I dropped Vivid.
To be honest, I dropped Vivid as well, and also a long-ass time ago.

Probably for similar reasons, too.

This isn't exactly a compelling hook.
I'd like to take a little time to showcase some of the baseline differences between this quest and the canon, so I ask that you please be patient and bear with me for a little while.

Rest assured, the shit is most definitely going to hit the fan sooner, rather than later.
[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[X]Maybe another time...

Either Library or Strike Arts. We might find something interesting.
[Q] Injure yourself training too hard

[X] Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[X] Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[X] Maybe another time.
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[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[X]Maybe another time...

Uncle Yuuno! (He's my fave season one character)
[X]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[X]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.[/QUOTE]
[X]Yes! Definitely!

Don't have the foggiest idea of what's going on.
[X] Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[X] Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[X] Maybe another time.
[x]The cinema's supposed to have gotten some imports from Nanoha-mama's homeworld today! You've got some allowance money saved up, so go watch a movie!
-[x] Ghostbusters
[x]Maybe another time...

I just really want Vivio to watch Ghostbusters.
I can't even remember who they were, it's been so long since I dropped Vivid.
Corona is a shy fellow bookworm who always feels inadequate standing next to the magically talented Special Snowflakes she calls friends. She compensates by being extremely skilled at creating and controlling golems (which are all Mazinger Z shout outs).

Rio is a fellow blood knight, gets really good grades despite looking like the kind of person who would get shit grades, and despite not having as much raw power as Vivio, she's enough of Special Snowflake that she's got a Mana Conversion Affinity for both Fire and Lightning.
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Corona is a shy fellow bookworm who always feels inadequate standing next to the magically talented Special Snowflakes she calls friends. She compensates by being extremely skilled at creating and controlling golems (which all Mazinger Z shout outs).

Rio is a fellow blood knight, gets really good grades despite looking like the kind of person who would get shit grades, and despite not having as much raw power as Vivio, she's enough of Special Snowflake that she's got a Mana Conversion Affinity for both Fire and Lightning.
Vote please?
Woops! Meant to do that, but I forgot since my phone's keyboard glitching/disappearing made the "Post Reply" button get clicked before I was done typing.

[x]Maybe another time...
[x]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.

Also, since Vivio already has full control of her Adult Mode, this is after the canon start of ViVid (she can't use Adult Mode at all until after she gets her Intelligent Device, Sacred Heart). Does this mean that she has already become friends with Einhart?
Also, since Vivio already has full control of her Adult Mode, this is after the canon start of ViVid (she can't use Adult Mode at all until after she gets her Intelligent Device, Sacred Heart). Does this mean that she has already become friends with Einhart?
See that "alternate universe" tag up there?

That's one of the differences between the quest and the canon.
[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[X]Maybe another time...
[x]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[x]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[x]Maybe another time...
[X] Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[X] Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[X] Maybe another time.

Corona is a shy fellow bookworm who always feels inadequate standing next to the magically talented Special Snowflakes she calls friends. She compensates by being extremely skilled at creating and controlling golems (which are all Mazinger Z shout outs).

Rio is a fellow blood knight, gets really good grades despite looking like the kind of person who would get shit grades, and despite not having as much raw power as Vivio, she's enough of Special Snowflake that she's got a Mana Conversion Affinity for both Fire and Lightning.

Corona - "I'm not very talented compared to you guys" - Said as she copied all their moves into ass kicking macros.

Rio is also probably the strongest girl there who's not also a cyborg, and also a bookworm, considering she learned her martial arts off old books.
Rio is also probably the strongest girl there who's not also a cyborg, and also a bookworm, considering she learned her martial arts off old books.
Rio is explictly not a bookworm. Vivio met Corona while reading at the library, and then later met Rio at school, where Rio thought that they were just a bunch of lame nerds.
That sounds like CHEATING to me.
The spells she uses to control the movements of the golems she creates, she applied those spells to controlling her own body. The fact that her body isn't as physically capable as the bodies of those she's emulating the moves of makes the technique cause a lot of damage to her muscles, and it can be overly predictable if the opponent understands what's going on.