[X] Teach Magnezone Sleep Talk - While Magnezone knows Rest, he doesn't know Sleep Talk which does limit him. Taking the time to teach it via TM may help.
- [X] Replace Electric Terrain
I can understand trying to steal some extra info, but realistically its just better for us to focus on ourselves since it'll contribute more for future matches.
[X] Teach Magnezone Sleep Talk - While Magnezone knows Rest, he doesn't know Sleep Talk which does limit him. Taking the time to teach it via TM may help.
- [X] Replace Electric Terrain
[X] Teach Magnezone Sleep Talk - While Magnezone knows Rest, he doesn't know Sleep Talk which does limit him. Taking the time to teach it via TM may help.
- [X] Replace Electric Terrain
[x] Challenge Kaelin to a Spar - You … you could track down Kaelin and challenge him to a spar. He'd probably like to see who you plan to send against him due to his normal caution. And you'd likely get more out of it than him.
Vote Closed + Battle Log New
Round 1 Gyarados: Gyarados used Dragon Dance(DC0: 10). Gyarados increased their attack! Gyarados increased their speed!
Round 1 Slowbro: Slowbro used Psychic (DC5: 99). A Critical Hit! Gyarados lost 66 of their HP (17).
Round 2 Gyarados: Gyarados used Waterfall (DC0: 84). It's Supereffective! Slowbro lost 0 of their HP (147).
Round 2 Slowbro: Slowbro used Psychic (DC5: 80). Gyarados lost 17 of their HP (0). Gyarados Fainted!

Round 1 Dragonite: Dragonite used Outrage (DC15: 93). Nidoking lost 107 of their HP (26).
Round 1 Nidoking: Nidoking used Sludge Wave (DC35: 100). A Critical Hit! Dragonite lost 142 of their HP (5). Nidoking lost 13 of their HP (13).
Round 2 Dragonite: Dragonite used Outrage (DC15: 15). Nidoking lost 13 of their HP (0). Nidoking Fainted!

Health: B (116)
Stamina: B++
Attack: A++
Defense: B++
Special Attack: A++
Special Defense: B-
Speed: S+
  • After Image - +10% chance to dodge
Evasion: S+
  • Full Evasive Stance (+15% chance to dodge, -30% chance to hit, takes a turn to switch out of)


Quick Attack: A-
  • Instant Switch (During a switch-in, you can have the Pokemon in combat take the damage rather than Dragapult)
Lock-On: B++
Assurance: C++
Hex: C++
Agility: C++
U-turn: B++
Dragon Darts: B++
Will-O-Wisp: B++

Item: Terra Orb (Fairy)
Ability: Infiltrator

Alright, I'll be closing the vote here. Looks like Sleep Talk it is. As it is, you do win your first two fights, although that second one is far, far closer than Violet expected.

Also, behold Dragapult's stats. As it is, while this is a possible fight for you, it's not easy and will require quite a bit of luck.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Mar 14, 2025 at 11:27 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.
Round 2 Gyarados: Gyarados used Waterfall (DC0: 84). It's Supereffective! Slowbro lost 0 of their HP (147).
Round 1 Nidoking: Nidoking used Sludge Wave (DC35: 100). A Critical Hit! Dragonite lost 142 of their HP (5). Nidoking lost 13 of their HP (13).
It's group stage and we run into a Nidoking with S++ Special Attack... I can see why we'll reach Top 8 at best.
Health: B (116)
Stamina: B++
Attack: A++
Defense: B++
Special Attack: A++
Special Defense: B-
Speed: S+
  • After Image - +10% chance to dodge
Evasion: S+
  • Full Evasive Stance (+15% chance to dodge, -30% chance to hit, takes a turn to switch out of)


Quick Attack: A-
  • Instant Switch (During a switch-in, you can have the Pokemon in combat take the damage rather than Dragapult)
Lock-On: B++
Assurance: C++
Hex: C++
Agility: C++
U-turn: B++
Dragon Darts: B++
Will-O-Wisp: B++

Item: Terra Orb (Fairy)
Ability: Infiltrator
I regret not taking Lock-On.

That was me not bothering to change my code from some test upgrades I was doing. Which meant that I just made Waterfall supereffective against Slowbro at the time. And due to it doing 0 damage even with that, I just left it as is rather than correct it.

I fixed that later on for the Dragonite vs Nidoking fight as that's when I noticed it.

And Life Orb + Sheerforce Nidoking on a crit is scary to say the least.
Flash Cannon - 45% chance to hit for 119 damage in Steady Offense. OHKO.

Will-O-Wisp + Hex - 100% chance to hit for 30 effective damage per turn. 80% chance to hit 142 damage Hex. Effective revenge kill due to Dragapult speed advantage.

We technically have a 51% chance to land Flash Cannon to win the fight and a 49% chance to miss and lose the fight due to Dragapult's evasion based stance debuffing its accuracy. Regardless, turns out Lock-On wouldn't have even been useful in this fight anyways.
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Man does high level Pokémon fights feel like Rocket Tag at times?
Two sweepers fighting is going to be rocket tag most of the time yeah because it's literally two glass cannons duking it out. What makes singles battles take so long usually is constant switching, and use of non-damage or lower damage moves with important secondary effects that stack up incremental advantages as a battle until one side can seize a decisive advantage which they can use to end the battle with this proccess on average taking dozens of turns.

But that you know requires the ability to switch and bring more than just glass cannons to a battle which this format doesn't allow so all the fights are pretty much going to be rocket tag since the best Pokemon for pure one versus one matches are sweepers.
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Violet's cooked, but at least Willow won't be alone. Maybe Tetsuya can get lucky?

Should have gone with Pokemon Contest.:rofl:

For reference, Willow has a DC95 check to pass to make it past this stage. Tetsuya has a DC98 check himself.

Damn this gyarados is wimpy. 83 HP? When every other pokemon in the battle logs had like over a hundred?

Rolling up that Gyarados was interesting to say the least. Mostly due to it rolling poorly on basically everything.

On another note, sadly no update tonight due to me being under the weather.
Should have gone with Pokemon Contest.:rofl:

As much as I like the idea of Violet as a Contest Coordinator... going by anipoke style it's still a Battle Hobby
Violet's personality for contests is a bit more atypical, but at least her pokemon have a range of moves and probably would be able to adapt to the creative challenge

She would've still had to actually win ribbons, and then manage to get through the Grand Festival
which, yknow, will see trainers from around not just the same region but interregional trainers, just like the Indigo Plateu

At least getting 5 ribbons in a year or so is easier than 8 badges... right?
(However, it necessitates going to each different inhabited settlement in-time for their local contest circuit to play out, and oh... also win. And then do it four more times)

I dont know if Violet would've actually made it to the Kanto Grand Festival this year 8V
Indigo Plateau the Group Stage Part 2 - A Coin Flip New
[X] Teach Magnezone Sleep Talk - While Magnezone knows Rest, he doesn't know Sleep Talk which does limit him. Taking the time to teach it via TM may help.
- [X] Replace Electric Terrain

Violet's focus over the next two days wasn't on the battles she fought. Instead, it was on the battle that she would fight in the future. Choosing to teach Magnezone Sleep Talk instead of preparing for the fights with Stormy or Nia, Violet was fairly confident that there wasn't a major risk either way.

Something which proved accurate on the opening day of the Indigo Plateau. Over a hundred battles were fought on that day, with perhaps a tenth of them being streamed to the inhabitants of Kanto. Tetsuya, Willow, and Crystal all won their battles, with Flynn losing his in a surprise upset.

But Violet was focused on something in front of her, namely the sheer number of spectators. Despite fighting in a secondary stadium meant for battles that wouldn't be seen on television, there was a large crowd of fans cheering on the battle. She even saw someone with a picture of her battle with Sabrina, why did they still have that?

At least she wasn't the only one nervous. Stormy visibly radiated the emotion, fully expecting to lose before the battle had even started. Both trainers sent out their Pokemon, and both trainers shouted their orders.

Gyarados used Dragon Dance immediately, causing their power to surge. It wasn't a bad plan, Violet thought. Slowbro was physically superior, so the only real option available to Stormy was to set up several buffs on the Atrocious Pokemon. Unfortunately, there was a problem with that plan.

That problem was that Violet wouldn't give Gyarados the time needed. "Psychic," she said softly.

Slowbro's eyes glowed, and a powerful wave of force crashed into the Atrocious Pokemon. The shockwave echoed, rebounding off the arena walls to double up on the attack. Gyarados visibly struggled to stand, which caused Stormy to panic.

"Waterfall! Waterfall! Waterfall!" She yelled out, causing Violet to frown.

Gyarados wasn't powerful enough to make that work. The strength of the Atrocious Pokemon was in their speed and physicality. Not in their elemental attributes. The water crashed down on Slowbro, who looked as if he did not notice in the slightest.

A second psychic was enough to finish the battle.

That day, Violet focused on ensuring Magnezone had learned Sleep Talk. And the next step would be to get it up to an acceptable level. And so, when she entered the arena the following day, her focus wasn't on the battle but on her training plan.

On the other side of the arena, Nia's energy could be felt by the crowd who were focused on her antics. Violet simply tuned her out while Nia was judo thrown by her Hitmonchan. That caused the quieter trainer to break free from her thoughts to just stare at her opponent in surprise. Well, Violet thought, she supposed that was one way to demonstrate to Nidoking how to counter Dragonite.

It's not like it would work in battle though, right?

That overconfidence was nearly Violet's undoing. When the battle started, she played directly into Nia's plan. Ordering Dragonite to use Outrage, he charged forward on a semi-predictable trajectory. Nidoking by contrast waited patiently, adjusting his feet to better prepare for their clash.

Dragonite's attack landed, crashing into Nidoking. However, the Drill Pokemon managed to hook both arms around Dragonite's directing his charge directly into the ground before unleashing a point-blank Sludge Wave that created a crater underneath a barely conscious Dragon Pokemon.

Noticing the awkward angle required to land Outrage, Violet almost tried to order a Protect. Only to realize that Dragonite was in the middle of his rage. "Again!" Violet yelled, doing the only thing she could do.

"You can do this!" Nia shouted from the other side of the arena, and the world seemed to move in slow motion for Violet.

Nidoking moved as fast as he was able to while Dragonite did the same. Both Pokemon were doing everything in their power to win. And by the barest of margins, Outrage landed once more, causing Nidoking to collapse.

Violet took a deep breath, ignoring the cheers in favor of replaying that exchange in her mind. She'd have to do better tomorrow.

*Magnezone learns Sleep Talk at C+*

The next day, Violet's fight was in the main stadium where it would be streamed to the world. Violet, Tetsuya, Willow, and Crystal's fights would all be within it, as all four of them had won two battles along with their opponents. To the shy trainer, however, the cheers of the crowd were muted and dull, and her entire focus was on the recording of Kaelin's Dragapult.

The only time she looked up was to study Kaelin, who displayed outward confidence even as he worked through secondary possibilities. He knew that Violet would likely use Magnezone, but he couldn't be certain of it. And so, he was rehearsing his options in case she surprised him in some way.

Violet's mind returned to the recording of Dragapult. Cold, hard numbers echoed in her thoughts.

A coin flip was what it came down to.

She envisioned Magnezone's Flash Cannon scything through the air. Then she saw Dragapult move at speeds she had never seen in person. They would leave after images in the air leaving Magnezone to guess at which to attack. Dragapult's form would blur while wisps of flame would burn the Magnet Pokemon's metallic form, draining away their power.

From here, there were two paths that Violet could see. The first was when Flash Cannon hit, which would end the fight in her favor. The second was when Dragapult would dodge and retaliate with Hex. A move she thought would land four out of five times.

If Magnezone survived that, they would get another chance.

All her training, all her planning, the meticulous consideration of every possible scenario. And it came down to a coin flip slightly in her favor.

She looked up, meeting Kaelin's eyes with her own. He met her gaze, his expression tightening as he realized she had thought up every possibility for this battle.

The world was silent to Violet as she tossed Magnezone's Pokeball into the air. Now, like everyone in attendance, she was powerless to alter the course of fate.

It was up to Magnezone and Dragapult now.

Interlude Vote (Pick 1)

[] Sabrina
[] Giovanni
[] Lance
Something which proved accurate on the opening day of the Indigo Plateau. Over a hundred battles were fought on that day, with perhaps a tenth of them being streamed to the inhabitants of Kanto. Tetsuya, Willow, and Crystal all won their battles, with Flynn losing his in a surprise upset.
DC 100 and 95 my ass. /s
But Violet was focused on something in front of her, namely the sheer number of spectators. Despite fighting in a secondary stadium meant for battles that wouldn't be seen on television, there was a large crowd of fans cheering on the battle. She even saw someone with a picture of her battle with Sabrina, why did they still have that?
Oh, God we have a fan club.
Violet took a deep breath, ignoring the cheers in favor of replaying that exchange in her mind. She'd have to do better tomorrow.
You were over confident. The safe move would have been Protect into double Outrage using Sonic Boom to ensure the KO.
She envisioned Magnezone's Flash Cannon scything through the air. Then she saw Dragapult move at speeds she had never seen in person. They would leave after images in the air leaving Magnezone to guess at which to attack. Dragapult's form would blur while wisps of flame would burn the Magnet Pokemon's metallic form, draining away their power.
I would point out that after images don't have shadows. And that Flash Cannon is ultimately an extremely bright flash of light so Magnezone should at least be able to tell which Dragpult he should be aiming at making it "merely" a matter of hitting.

[X] Giovanni

I would like to see what the big boss thinks about us. Although my second choice would be to see what constructive criticism a champion has for us. At this point I honestly think our biggest weakness besides several of our Pokemon not being set up properly yet at least is that we lack any phasing abilities but we'll hopefully be able to rectify that with Dragonite going forward by using Sonic Boom in combination with Protect, Fly and Dragon Tail.
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