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If you are interested in further pursuing "non-combat missions" (may or may not still include combat sometimes)

Momoka functions quite well as a scout, investigator, and tracker and could reasonably lead those types of missions - this would mean investing further into Survival, Examination, Living Roots, etc.

Shion is a medic and could reasonably be paid to provide medical services to other people, especially people that can't see a more official doctor for one reason or another.

Kenzou could feasibly be an effective spy with his stealth + jutsu. More effective with some social investment allowing him better infiltration skill, and potentially genjutsu to help him leverage his socials and stealth further.
Doing espionage and detective shit sounds way more interesting than just combat all the time, ngl. I'm in favor.
I think it's a good idea to assume that Shrooms will have no qualms with having misc. dangers or enemy ninja Kool-Aid Man at us from a variety of ways regardless, just to keep it interesting, or otherwise point things in the direction of "Combat is probably going to happen at least somewhat regularly" somehow.
While true, nonetheless a group that is only capable of combat has to take exclusively combat oriented missions which are inherently riskier and more likely to get you injured (and you can't really get income while injured or dead.) Compared to the odd tracking mission ending in a battle or whatever, you're at least fighting less often...
While true, nonetheless a group that is only capable of combat has to take exclusively combat oriented missions which are inherently riskier and more likely to get you injured (and you can't really get income while injured or dead.) Compared to the odd tracking mission ending in a battle or whatever, you're at least fighting less often...

I think skillset diversification is still very important, yeah.
TBH if Jun had a few more points of Alertness he would've annihilated Haru easily. It is indeed (usually) save or suck. Just be sure you're not the one sucking lol

Also FWIW I intend to make more generous use of Alertness than the MfD crowd might be accustomed to. Traps, genjutsu, even just noticing things mid-battle, and other such sudden TNs, etc. You can expect this will come up a bit more frequently. Might be some stunts down the line that key off of it as well. As it stands, even though it is useful it is still def the weakest of the main 3 combat skills, would be nice to give it a bit less save-or-suck factor as well.
Yeah but if he had Alertness in a tertiary rather than secondary slot then he would still beat any Chuunin in it and could instead have had Stealth secondary and avoided being found altogether (and easily), or bought a large number of combat skill upgrades that would have changed the encounter from what felt like a 20% chance of winning to 60% or so.

I think if the intent is for it to be less save or suck, perhaps making Initiative a roll with dice and the opportunity for Fate Point invokes/rerolls, rather than a flat statcheck, would make it more useful? So being 1 point more Alert than the other guy doesn't mean they get nothing at all haha.

A complementary idea is that if you beat highest enemy Alt by 10/20+ points, you get an extra Supplemental / Standard Action on Round 1 of Combat? Seems like that would be a good incentive to not let Alt lag behind and a reward for having invested in the stat when punching up a tier.

Or perhaps characters can only use Reflexive techniques (like Substitution) after Initiative counts 10+ higher than their own are done with their turn during Combat Round 1, which allows for blitzing given a large enough advantage. Plenty of ways to spice it up.
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3. Alt 39 is my first step. After that, skipping SCF is kind of a pain- in theory I could do WDB 11->35 instead of SCF 23->35 for the Water Journeyman prereq but that adds a bunch of XP to the upfront cost and takes WDB over the Journeyman softcap. I don't really want to level WDB to 35, so SS and SCF are the only other options for getting two more Water jutsu to 35. Ignoring Water Clone and Water Bullet, of course
I REALLY don't want to level SCF. Can't we just level WDB to 30 for pyramid support?
While true, nonetheless a group that is only capable of combat has to take exclusively combat oriented missions which are inherently riskier and more likely to get you injured (and you can't really get income while injured or dead.) Compared to the odd tracking mission ending in a battle or whatever, you're at least fighting less often...
We do have a good tracker for a new chunin
I REALLY don't want to level SCF. Can't we just level WDB to 30 for pyramid support?
Water Journeyman needs three Water jutsu at 35 to qualify, even after the discount from Paper Element. I'm sure you probably get it by now but for any newbies who want to know what's up with this exchange of ours- We have six total Water jutsu. One is Water Whip, which already qualifies, so we need two more. Our other five Water jutsu are Syrup Capturing Field (SCF), Surging Seas, (SS), Water Bullet, Water Clone, and Water Dragon Bullet (WDB). Water Bullet and Water Clone are baby's first Water jutsu, and suck pretty bad for any serious on-level use, so I'm discounting those. We have three Water jutsu left and need two more at 35. WDB is great, but needs Water Journeyman to use properly and I mentioned why I don't want to level it to 35 in the post Stompy quoted. That leaves SCF and SS, so we have to get SCF to 35 unless we want to spend more XP upfront to get Journeyman and overlevel WDB by 5 levels to avoid leveling SCF.

To math that out:
Shion starts with one skill at 40s, two skills at 30s, six skills at 20s, and 13 skills at 10s.
  1. Alertness 33->39 (219 XP). Same idea as Athletics 39 for Momoka. My experience is that Alertness is the least crucial of the combat triangle but it's still significantly more important than nearly anything else outside the triangle. Shion already has Athletics and Water Whip at 39 or higher, so this is my first priority.
  2. 250 XP spent on Paper jutsu to finish qualifying for Paper Element as per the incomplete stunt on her sheet. That gets us one at 20 and another at 12. Even if the jutsu end up being garbage this'll be worth it so Shion doesn't need to clog her 40s, since learning another element lowers the prereqs for Water Journeyman from three Water jutsu at 40+ to three Water jutsu at 35+. (250 XP)
  3. WDB 11->30 (199.5 XP). Shion now has 1 40s, 3 30s, 6 20s, and 12 10s. This lets her push another skill from the 30s to the 40s.
  4. Water Whip 39->40 (40 XP). Shion's got her primary attack up to chunin standards. She now has 2 40s, 2 30s, 5 20s, and 13 10s.
  5. WDB 30->35 (88.5 XP). Two Water jutsu at 35+. This delays getting Water Journeyman by 105 XP total, but represents an overall savings of 94.5 XP since we don't need to level SCF at all.
  6. Surging Seas 21->35 (210 XP). Shion has all three Water jutsu at 35+ that she needs for Water Journeyman. She now has 2 40s, 3 30s, 4 20s, and 13 10s.
  7. Water Journeyman (50 XP). She can now use WDB, and Water Journeyman gives all her water jutsu a bonus equal to 1/4th of her highest water jutsu's level, capped at that jutsu's level, so WW at 40 gives her other water jutsu +10, capped at 40.
  8. Alertness 39->40 (40 XP). Shion's now a chunin. She now has 3 40s, 3 30s, 4 20s, and 12 10s.
  9. Stealth 13->20 (99 XP). She now has 3 40s, 3 30s, 5 20s, and 11 10s.
  10. Resolve 13->20 (99 XP). Same feeling as Momoka here. She now has 3 40s, 3 30s, 6 20s, and 10 10s.

The main things are that we'd have to wait for 105 more XP to get Journeyman overall. The process requires us to invest 282 XP upfront in the shitty version of WDB and then wait for hundreds more XP to actually get the stunt and make WDB awesome instead of crap. Once we get the stunt we'll have saved 94.5 XP overall. WDB will be overcapped until we get Water Whip to I think 47.
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Hm, I wonder, can you make a few Water Clones for 20 CP each with one cast and have them prepare a Substitution to reactively bail you out of trouble if you get attacked, or would that not work?

In chapter two, Jun reflexively substituted with Kenzo because he was about to get mauled by a Lava Deer (without a contested roll to do so), so it should be legal per rules since Elemental Clones can use techniques, just as if they had them at half the level. Thus at say Water Clone 20, you could spend a Standard and 84 CP to make 3 Water Clones that would give you (or others) 6 free, guaranteed, 1 Zone dodges, which thats very good.
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Water Journeyman needs three Water jutsu at 35 to qualify, even after the discount from Paper Element. I'm sure you probably get it by now but for any newbies who want to know what's up with this exchange of ours- We have six total Water jutsu. One is Water Whip, which already qualifies, so we need two more. Our other five Water jutsu are Syrup Capturing Field (SCF), Surging Seas, (SS), Water Bullet, Water Clone, and Water Dragon Bullet (WDB). Water Bullet and Water Clone are baby's first Water jutsu, and suck pretty bad for any serious on-level use, so I'm discounting those. We have three Water jutsu left and need two more at 35. WDB is great, but needs Water Journeyman to use properly and I mentioned why I don't want to level it to 35 in the post Stompy quoted. That leaves SCF and SS, so we have to get SCF to 35 unless we want to spend more XP upfront to get Journeyman and overlevel WDB by 5 levels to avoid leveling SCF.
It's not overleveled at WW 49. So if we imagine raising that as our next step we can skate out of suboptimal build territory pretty quick. I would prefer to level Surging Seas as our third
Water Bullet and Water Clone are baby's first Water jutsu, and suck pretty bad for any serious on-level use, so I'm discounting those.
There IS a draw to raising elemental clones higher - you can have more out at once to do things like carry you around with Surging Seas, serve as Substitution targets when there are no others, etc. That being said, probably not worth raising above 20 unless you hack it to be better
I would prefer to level Surging Seas as our third
Good news, then, that's in both plans. Leveling our primary attack is a reasonable next step although I'd like to give the MCs their side specs once they're confirmed chunin so we're not stuck exclusively taking combat missions. Whether we go straight for it or lean into Shion's medic stuff first, WW 40->49 would be 405 XP.

EDIT: On the topic of possible variants, Mednin was tempting on Momoka since she has Medknow already and Shion has Mednin 18, but Mednin needs a tutor to get started and Shrooms confirmed on Discord that you generally need chunin levels in a skill to teach it to someone else, so I don't think it's viable as a replacement for Trapmaking in the relevant step of the plan.
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[X] Action Plan: Lemmings to the Slaughter

Honestly, might as well take the big risks now rather than you've got a decade wrapped up in the quest. A show of loyalty, even knowing you might be killed for it, could reap big dividends. Because at that point it's either kill you... or put faith in you.
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Hm, I wonder, can you make a few Water Clones for 20 CP each with one cast and have them prepare a Substitution to reactively bail you out of trouble if you get attacked, or would that not work?

In chapter two, Jun reflexively substituted with Kenzo because he was about to get mauled by a Lava Deer (without a contested roll to do so), so it should be legal per rules since Elemental Clones can use techniques, just as if they had them at half the level. Thus at say Water Clone 20, you could spend a Standard and 84 CP to make 3 Water Clones that would give you (or others) 6 free, guaranteed, 1 Zone dodges, which thats very good.
In the future I would probably have you still need to make the dodge roll yourself but you can add the other person's Substitution bonus. Otherwise the dominant military strategy would be to deploy your biggest hitters with a bunch of mooks to take all the hits for them by Substituting
The dominant military strategy IS to deploy chunin with teams of genin, wym?
You spelled "kidnapping and draining villages of genin for biofuel to power Sannin Clones with" wrong.

...But no, really, its a problem with FtD as a system - where any and all resources are more effective the more concentrated they become and the best way a genin can serve their country is by being a chakra battery for a jounin to cast a technique. No way to escape the reality of one 30k XP ninja being worth far more than five 6k XP ones as long as outcomes scale with absolute difference between +/- square root of Skill XP.
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Arc 1 XP Remainder New
Normally, you will not receive mid-arc XP. However, for the purposes of the one-shot this was based on, the previous few fights serve as a sort of tutorial for how the mechanics work, and a mid-one-shot XP dump lets new players learn about investing XP into the skills they learned how to use. You will be getting some of the arc XP now, and some at the end, so you can expect these two awards to be smaller individually than a typical full end-of-arc bonus can be by itself.
The next chapter will likely serve as the end of this arc, so with that in mind, here is the remainder of the award for this arc:
  • +200 (Extreme difficulty mission accomplished. Failing but surviving a mission would represent a fraction of this value depending on how badly the mission is failed.)
  • +135 (27 Unique Voters for this arc - in the future, this may be bumped down to 3/voter or so rather than 5/voter but we'll see.)
  • +40 (Style bonus for confronting Haru + general strategizing during the arc.)
A total of 375 XP will be added to character sheets. The grand total of the arc is therefore 675 XP, with the other half paid up-front as part of the tutorial.

Hopefully this helps you gauge what to expect from future missions. Easier challenges may not provide as much XP but you can also do more of them consecutively, and likely in fewer total chapters overall (though if they're too easy and don't further any goals, they likely won't provide much of anything.) Extremely high difficulty might provide a spike of XP, as well as a smattering of injuries that will take time to work through.

In future arcs, I likely will not share exactly how I arrived at the total for XP awards, but hopefully between these two reward chunks you get an idea of what the incentives are.
[x] Training Plan: Put it All On Blue
For all characters: Spend all XP on Chakra Reserves.

Wouldn't want to run out of chakra yknow. Gotta get that CR 60 grind going.
You spelled "kidnapping and draining villages of genin for biofuel to power Sannin Clones with" wrong.

...But no, really, its a problem with FtD as a system - where any and all resources are more effective the more concentrated they become and the best way a genin can serve their country is by being a chakra battery for a jounin to cast a technique. No way to escape the reality of one 30k XP ninja being worth far more than five 6k XP ones as long as outcomes scale with absolute difference between +/- square root of Skill XP.
You can confidently assume chakra redistribution does not exist here for exactly this reason. Let us learn from the pitfalls of the ones who came before us :p

To be clear, there are people who still have the power to drain others, but there's no trivial moving chakra from person to person nonsense going on. If anyone can do it at all they're likely some hermit wizard in the woods with infinite knowledge of the magic system (and probably insane.)
oh fuck yeah. okay, 375 XP, that's pretty damn nice. so from my earlier plans,

Momoka can afford:
Cryptography 1->10 (27)
Ath 36->39 (114)
Physique 15->20 (90)
SotE 29->30 (15)
Ath 39->40 (40)
And have 89 XP left over, which is almost enough for Resolve 15->20 (119) or to cover a fair bit of Stealth 13->20 (144). Let's dump some into Stealth and save ~30 for FP.

Shion can afford:
Alt 33->39 (219) OR ~250 XP worth of Paper Element jutsu if we get some. Probably Alt 39 tbh.
And then the remainder into WDB or Surging Seas, probably.

Kenzou can afford:
Gale Edge 25->30 (140)
Ath 39->40 (40)
Alt 34->39 (185)
And then he has 10 XP left out of the 375 we got here, probably saved for whatever of stealth/presence/resolve seems most immediately useful.

Any feedback?

edit for clarity: I don't want to make/vote for training plans until we have an idea of what jutsu are available to us from loot and etc, and that may need better cryptography so I'm going to figure out who can best spare it. Ideally it'd be Momoka since she has leftovers that cause the least problems if she spends them, but if we're hoping for Paper jutsu for Shion then she may need to be the one who gets it.

EDIT: Momoka gets cryptography 10
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  • +200 (Extreme difficulty mission accomplished. Failing but surviving a mission would represent a fraction of this value depending on how badly the mission is failed.)
Is this XP award increased based on the number of missions we do? Like, if one arc ends up being two extreme difficulty missions that we accomplish, would we expect our XP bonus here to be +400?
You can confidently assume chakra redistribution does not exist here for exactly this reason. Let us learn from the pitfalls of the ones who came before us :p
I suppose Milestone XP neatly handles the lighthousing thing too, since the only way to get stronger is to actually get out and do things instead of waiting and waiting and then waiting some more while minimizing activity because activity = risk.

For that matter, I wonder why Consequences and Shifts are so convulted. Why such a system, instead of something more straightforward, like a Stress Track equivalent to Physique/Resolve level, doing away with Shifts and simply using the flat difference while making every 10 points of Stress into a -5 Consequence penalty, surely that would be easier and make everything more granular too, from calculating Stress to the impact of leveling these stats where currently only the X0 level really matters unless checks are involved.

Currently :
30 Physique = 3 + 2 (Mild) + 3 (Medium) + 4 (Severe) = 12 Shifts
40 Physique = 4 + 2 (Mild) + 3 (Medium) + 4 (Severe) = 13 Shifts
60 Physique = 5 + 2 (Mild 1) + 2 (Mild 2) + 3 (Medium) + 4 (Severe) = 16 Shifts
80 Physique = 6 + 2 (Mild 1) + 2 (Mild 2) + 2 (Mild 3) + 3 (Medium) + 4 (Severe) = 19 Shifts

Without Shifts :
30 Physique = 30 Stress Track = 10 Shifts
40 Physique = 40 Stress Track = 13.33 Shifts
60 Physique = 60 Stress Track = 20 Shifts
80 Physique = 80 Stress Track = 26.67 Shifts

The numbers end up very similar, with weaker ninja being a bit squishier and stronger ninja being a bit tougher and it would be potentially much easier to keep track of. Bonus points for this making high level combat less rock-paper-scissors where everyone starts dying in one hit because "HP" pools under the current FtD system don't scale at the same rate as damage values do and extra Consequence slots arent just more things to manage but also impose increasingly greater % penalties on rolls (80 Physique = -8 AB penalty to everything at full Consequences lol).

Dividing everything by 3 to get Shifts is imo just mechanical bloat for the sake of mechanical bloat (if every roll does that anyway, why not just scale skill levels down to one third the values and never have to divide again?) and unbalances combat the further up in tier it goes.
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I would like to prioritize min 20 Stealth for all our kids honestly
I agree (it's the step right after the combat triangle as listed in earlier build posts) but if you want me to prioritize it specifically over the combat triangle I'll need some persuading. I don't expect hunter-nin to be an immediate issue with the expanded size of the countries and the information gap between us and anyone back in Rain who might be expecting Haru. I expect other physical threats to be an immediate issue, since chakra beasts and possibly bandits do exist.
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