Nobility on the Golden Plains [A Clan Builder / Cultivation Quest]

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I like the idea of family-maxing with our character, and Spirit Beast raising as a focus hasn't really been done before.
The problem with "family-maxxing" is that this version of it is focused on forming a faction within the family, while every other focus is on directly contributing to the family in some way. The others are all "I want to increase the overall strength and wealth of the family". That one seems to be a lot more of "I want a larger fraction of the strength and wealth of the family for myself."
Fair enough. In that case, merchant would be my 2nd pick. I'd personally prefer Spirit Beast business over alchemist one, but I'll approval vote Bottled Gold.

[x] Plan: Bottled Gold

[x] Plan: Ranching Business
-[x] A jovial man in a rich robe:
-[x] Raising Spirit Beasts
Just to be clear the young blood faction exists whether you choose the regal woman or not. In a family where the older generation might literally live for centuries the younger generation is incentivized to band together in order to carve out some kind of position for themselves. It's just a question of whether you are a nominal member of the faction or in a leadership position.
[X] Plan: Social Medicine
-[X] A regal young woman:
-[X] Brewing Elixirs:

I like alchemy well enough, though I could be convinced otherwise, but even more than that I like focusing on Diplomacy and our family.

In fact, upon reflection, I think all of Spirit Beasts, Alchemy, and Combat are good and will be voting for all three. As long as we're prioritizing family/social stuff.

[X] Plan Family And Four Footed Friends
-[X] A regal young woman
-[X] Raising Spirit Beasts

[X] Plan Cultured Duelist
-[X] A regal young woman
-[X] Poisonous Blades
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[X] Plan Family And Four Footed Friends
[X] Plan: Ranching Business
[X] Plan Gotta Catch 'Em All

I want those puppies dangit
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[X] Plan Ride or Die
-[X] A brawny man in a fur vest
-[X] Raising Spirit Beasts

Better than a band of warriors is a band of knights. While I doubt we can immediately jump to that, having supporting beasts of burden to help scout and keep the peace sounds neat. We would still have access to the jovial man for merchant training later, but going out and hunting for new spirit beasts will be our best source as we already have them in our territory and it solves two problems with one stone. Since our personal combat is low, it also gives us alternative ways of fighting by learning tactics.

Since I got in too late for the bandwagon, here are my other picks
[X] Plan: Blade and Poison
[X] Plan: Ranching Business
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Current vote count:
A figure in a shadowy cloak + Poisonous Blades aka Plan: Blade and Poison has 2 votes
A jovial man in a rich robe + Raising Spirit Beasts aka Plan: Ranching Business has 4 votes
A jovial man in a rich robe + Brewing Elixirs aka Plan: Bottled Gold has 3 votes
A regal young woman + Raising Spirit Beasts aka Plan Family And Four Footed Friends has 6 votes
A regal young woman + Brewing Elixirs aka Plan: Social Medicine has 5 votes
A regal young woman + Poisonous Blades aka Plan Cultured Duelist has 1 vote
A brawny man in a fur vest + Raising Spirit Beasts aka Plan Ride or Die has 2 votes
A brawny man in a fur vest + Poisonous Blades has 2 votes
A woman in scholarly silks + Brewing Elixirs aka Medicine Master has 7 votes
[X] Plan Gotta Catch 'Em All
-[X] A woman in scholarly silks
-[X] Raising Spirit Beasts

My reason for the woman in scholarly silks is that we get somewhere to cook drugs and more knowledge of alchemy. A good alchemist will create his own faction. They have a lot of people wanting their new dose and others will pay for personalized and strange drugs (we are going to be Walter White)

With Spirits Beast we are going to have strong, loyal and friendly protectors on our immortality path. When we are in the family, we are protected, but when we want to go for rare resources or compete in a tourney, we can't go with soldiers or ninjas. There is where we drop an army of Rattata in the face of young masters.

That's my reasoning, but in the end all choices are good. We are on a quest and if we get a D20, we can seduce the immortal dragon 🤭.
Can't say it's not pretty disappointing that elixirs are winning out over Spirit Beast but on the bright side I guess it'll mean money to spend.
[x] Plan: Ranching Business
[X] Plan Gotta Catch 'Em All

Seems to me like spirit beasts provide more interesting plot hooks and mechanics than alchemy, which would likely end up very similar to Artifice in the previous version of the quest. Also, having one School at lv5 seems a fair bit better than two Schools at lv 3 and lv2 respectively.

We do have +5 bonus to Healing and Alchemy of course, but nothing stops us from just learning those later as secondary professions for our character, while spirit beast rearing might be tricky if its not our focus. The two might also have solid synergy because healing and alchemy probably works on spirit beasts just as well as it does on cultivators - and we can probably have the former do the combat for us?
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