I'll contend with this one. "Just helping" doesn't really have the strongest tie to Pahtsekhen's listed motivation from Character Creation 4, and I think the blurb below shows a bit of a prospective inner monologue, and the motives behind it.
Give this answer to broach the topic of her recently-deceased husband, who perished tragically young and so far from home. You have the knowledge to build a tomb to safeguard and nurture his spirit instead of hoping for the mercies of far-away Elven Gods, and once that spirit is secure, so close and yet so far away, the temptation of a truer reunification can be dangled in front of her.
End bit bolded since it seems most relevant. Given Paht's whole deal, those strike me less as the words of someone helping for it's own sake and far more the words of someone who wants to teach someone a very specific skill.