@Verisaimilitude Quick question why did success drop our A to a B in the miniaturization roll? Isn't that a loss?
[Small Chassis] This is equivalent to a 6m bipedal mech in tonnage (est. 55-75t), standing 4m max height, 6m in length.
[+2] Structural Efficiency
[-1] Technology Cost
Technology Cost decreases from A to B | (13 vs. Diff 9 - minor success)
We want it to stay high, I assume the dice roll was to prevent it from going down too far. Like, on a success it goes down 1 step, on a failure it goes down two, or something like that.
I think we want the rating to stay high, but we're 'spending' that rating to bolt more goodies on. So they start high, and go down as we spend our budget.
Maybe replace Cost with Value? "-1 Production Value" conveys that lowering it is a bad thing more then "-1 Production Cost."Production and Technology Cost should be renamed so that's more clear that higher rating is better, but I'm stuck on a better name right at this moment.
Production/Technology Cost Efficiency?No, the opposite. You want all ratings to be as close to S as possible in a perfect world. I've named them badly, and I'll think about how to name them better. Production and Technology Cost should be renamed so that's more clear that higher rating is better, but I'm stuck on a better name right at this moment.
This could! My only worry is that Value may not necessarily map to everyone as 'the unit cost is low' which is the most important part (but I think it's better than Cost for sure.) I think Tech Availability could work for the Tech value, since it's really about how hard is it to make/source the parts, but with production cost I'm debating if there's any better word combo still, something that really hones in on the price of the Mech as a key factor. I'll decide come the next update.Maybe replace Cost with Value? "-1 Production Value" conveys that lowering it is a bad thing more then "-1 Production Cost."
Cool, just wanted to be sure.The 'Small Chassis' reduced your Technology Cost Rating (I might rename that to make it a bit clearer, but it got worse effectively), the success was to limit the extent of that reduction, not prevent it. Although it's good you pointed out because there is a mistake there, it should've only been reduced to B+ on a minor success - I'll fix that.
No, the opposite. You want all ratings to be as close to S as possible in a perfect world. I've named them badly, and I'll think about how to name them better. Production and Technology Cost should be renamed so that's more clear that higher rating is better, but I'm stuck on a better name right at this moment.
Depends on the version and what series. Most of them are 4-leged designs though.
Production Cost Efficiency and Technology Cost Efficiency is what i meant for that. Its not how "cheap" per se but rather how cost-efficient the design is for what/who it's for and what's gone into it.Production Efficiency is one I actually considered, but I worry it might feel too similar to Build & Repair Speed?
'Technology Availability' would be great, actually.
Re: Production Cost, what about...Material Requirements? As a nod to Material Requirements Planning.
maybe mix it with my efficiency pitch for Material Efficiency?I like this direction a lot. I do wonder if people will still read higher on the scale as word as 'requirements' scales in the opposite direction, same as 'cost', but I think there's something here.
Affordability is great actually, it drives home exactly what I want to make clear, which is that the higher the rating is, the less expensive it is to build (and thus the more potential profit you can tack on or more units you can shift to more customers.)Or Affordability? It's a less scientific word, but very clear.
Remember that we still need to do weapons after this. Do we also need to do other things like engine?