Last Light of a Dark Age (Warhammer 29K/Disco Elysium)

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<What colour were her eyes?>

SACRED GEOMETRY [Godly - Failure]: Black. The same as yours.
*Fury Of A Shattered Mirror Flashbacks* ...Which could mean nothing!
LIVING WEAPON: You remember the first-person shooters you played. How competitive the wire-mother was, at pin-the-thorn-on-the-stranger, and how she told you sternly in a digital monotone that if you wanted to beat her you should 'acquire skill''.
I can't believe that Wire Mother is a Major League Gamer.

[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.
[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
[X] Defiant Jazz - Selected Hits of Malodious Funk, Monadic Monk and Cuberunning Corpocriminal. The attached description reads: "The coolest cat on the supercontinent at his best. Terror to Mr. Morow and his police-robots, lover to all the rest of good humanity. Saving souls and stacking gold one snappy riff at a time."

A tumultuous but honest heart that embraces difference over unity will find quite a lot to love in Free Jazz.
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[X] AXIOM: Masquerade Waltz. Your social acumen is reflected by your ability to play your role - to control your emotions, to understand cues, to appear the person others want you to be. This is not a cynical or cunning ploy - it is a performance you believe yourself. There is nothing behind the mask - you live, and love, in the masquerade.

[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.

[X] Defiant Jazz - Selected Hits of Malodious Funk, Monadic Monk and Cuberunning Corpocriminal. The attached description reads: "The coolest cat on the supercontinent at his best. Terror to Mr. Morow and his police-robots, lover to all the rest of good humanity. Saving souls and stacking gold one snappy riff at a time."
[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.

While there are, perhaps, compelling arguments for the masquerade, I believe we must remain unabashedly honest about how Completely Normal we are.

[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.

[X] Defiant Jazz - Selected Hits of Malodious Funk, Monadic Monk and Cuberunning Corpocriminal. The attached description reads: "The coolest cat on the supercontinent at his best. Terror to Mr. Morow and his police-robots, lover to all the rest of good humanity. Saving souls and stacking gold one snappy riff at a time."
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So aesthetically, this I think follows the beats of Dryads tricking mortals and travelers disappearing as they cross Fairy Rings and such as now also sci fi, but it seems the Progeny's treatment of Strangers in their Isolates rhymes a loooot with medieval Jewish ghettos, with maybe a good dash of Janissary devshirme depending on if that Face-Tax has a double meaning of not just the purchased allowance of a non-Kora face, but also vampiric extraction and use of their genetic materials for creating those Evangelion-ass battle-beasts and etc..., etc...
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[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.

[X] AXIOM: The Common Mind. Find unity between sentient beings in the aspects they share. The search for purpose, love, fulfillment. There is a vision of a united and peaceful Illuminata which machine, hylic, pneumatic, all reach for. In a single vision, in the completion of a great work - we might rebuild paradise.

[X] Gemrock - Life on Terra? Tracts by Heliodor, Shapeshifting Saint of Tetras and founding Deva of Sunny Order. The attached description reads: "The Cult classic worshipped by millions, arranged in the most groovy and psychedelic album order. Ascend to another cosmic plane and rock out with the best of them, the shapechanger."
[X] AXIOM: Masquerade Waltz. Your social acumen is reflected by your ability to play your role - to control your emotions, to understand cues, to appear the person others want you to be. This is not a cynical or cunning ploy - it is a performance you believe yourself. There is nothing behind the mask - you live, and love, in the masquerade.

[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.

[X] Steel Ballads - Tribute to The Steed-Machine - Recorded by the Chrome Jockeys of Overdriver Thunderjaw. The attached description reads: "Thunderjaw decrees that all of gnosis will know the chants of his mounted irontamers. Let those who hear this, and not vibe, be ridden down beneath steel hooves and vulcan wheels."
[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.

[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.

[X] Defiant Jazz - Selected Hits of Malodious Funk, Monadic Monk and Cuberunning Corpocriminal. The attached description reads: "The coolest cat on the supercontinent at his best. Terror to Mr. Morow and his police-robots, lover to all the rest of good humanity. Saving souls and stacking gold one snappy riff at a time."
[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.

[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.

[X] Sky Shanties - Delta-V and Back Again in 80 Days - Chants of the Servonauts of the Eternity's Repose. The attached description reads: "In the peril of the cubesat run, these boys n' girls still know how to sing their guts and gears out. Fly with the bravest souls on this planet through the defense grid and right out to the void."

[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart.
[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine.
[X] Steel Ballads

Having all the skills necessary to be tactful and gracious, except a willingness to speak white lies, sounds very amusing.
Open spire-peaked cities that sprawl in clean open air, and snow that is not powdered skin but frozen water.
Such good imagery...
It is an alien shade of green-gray xanadu, and cold to the touch.
You're doing this on purpose you monster.
RELIQUARY: There is no worse thing to be in the Progeny, than a stranger. The stories of those lured to trespass onto a copse, and then dismembered, form a legendary corpus of comedy and tragedy. They pay their face-tax, live in their isolates and ghettos, and kneel before Her lineage in awe and terror. That is their role.
Well, it seems like we have our work cut out for us.
use of the three petals).
NOOSPHERE [Medium - Success]: An ancient tradition dating back to the spire-city of San Angeles, Terra.
INTERLACE: You remember how quickly the machines won you over. How they had bounded across the room with astonishing speed so soon as Sympathy left, and said now it is time to eat your flesh. How you had screamed and how they had laughed and promised it was just a joke. The wire-mother with five insectoid-arms ending in human digits tossed you up, hooting and giggling. And the cloth-father caught you, and held you close, nestled between them.

INTERLACE: These machines without a soul will never feel the chill of a null field. They will never hesitate or shiver, when they embrace you.
I love them. This is why more speaking machine must be friend.
RELIQUARY: The twelve-virtue months of Kora's calendar.
Should this be *twelve virtue-months? That reads better to me but idk.
INCANDESCENCE: We never quite do things the way we're supposed to be.
I think the word "be" doesn't fit here. If it was "doing" instead of "do" it would, but then you'd have to restructure the sentence further to make that alteration work.
LIVING WEAPON: So said the gnostic Icon Bellamona: The greatest blessing in life is when the young eat the old. The greatest sin in life is when the old eat the young. For 40 days and 40 nights the icon battled the shapes of regret in the land of dreams. With this maxim held, never did she falter. For the living to wake, the dream must die.

LIVING WEAPON: Run your fingers upon its shell. Feel the hairline cracks, the microfractures, the scars of heat that run through it. Each of them is yours, and only yours, each weakness in the shell your strength. This old thing that completed you, this womb of clay and soot, how weathered it is now, how inert, how tired. Should it not be free as well? Must it stay forever entombing the lotus it was meant to unfold? No. No. Do you know the shell, little self? Do you know it?

<Like a cherished friend, I know it. Like a parent, I know it. Like a dream, I know it.>

LIVING WEAPON: Then kill the dream, and wake.
Raw as fuck.
NOOSPHERE [Easy - Success]: The prelapsarian pastoral. There are beasts of land and sea and sky, all basking in the honeyed rays of a golden sun. Forgotten, natural shades and seasons. Open spire-peaked cities that sprawl in clean open air, and snow that is not powdered skin but frozen water. Galleons that cruise the stars, and palaces of amorous immortals. Children, the extinct larval stage, dance with the machines - a titan carries twenty of the larvae atop its pauldron-mounted missile pods. Spectral echoes from vibrations in the glass imitate ecstatic screams and delighted hoots, high-pitched and infantile.
This is so deliciously evocative. Snow that is not powdered skin. Children, the extinct larval stage. Wonderful.
LIVING WEAPON [Medium - Success]: You remember Her face, identical to yours in form but different in every other way. Every tendon, every micro-muscle of her visage, is couched expertly. The face of a soldier. A general. A war-machine. The gap between you is not a pool but a chasm of the dead.
jesus christ
RELIQUARY [Medium - Success]: And more treasonous, her urge to audibly weep.
...If weeping is treason, that suggests nothing good.
Her, waving the ice in front of you. Her, still speaking in monotone - "ice - cool, null - cool, the association is amusing, is it not? Is it not amusing?".
Ditch the last period, I think. Also, oh my god I love her so much.
BIOMECHANICS: As though were chandlers singing praises in your stomach.
*there were chandlers
BIOMECHANICS [Medium - Success]: You remember you took it as a challenge.
Color of the skill bleeds into the first letter of the actual sentence.
<What is the question?>

BIOMECHANICS: You know the question. You do. It is in fact, the meaning of life. Get it out of the way now.

Oh. Yes, you do. The most essential question.

"Superior Sympathy, when shall I obtain five girlfriends and restore God?"

BIOMECHANICS: Exactly correct. The perfect phrasing.
Love this.
<Let's put a pin that one. Advise me of your findings later.>
*a pin in that one
RELIQUARY: There is no worse thing to be in the Progeny, than a stranger. The stories of those lured to trespass onto a copse, and then dismembered, form a legendary corpus of comedy and tragedy. They pay their face-tax, live in their isolates and ghettos, and kneel before Her lineage in awe and terror. That is their role.
Every society on Illuminata seems to have its own dystopic twist to it. Here we seem to be getting a glimpse at what Kora's is, even beyond the caste system and (seemingly universal) oppression of the hylics.
LIVING WEAPON: You remember the first-person shooters you played. How competitive the wire-mother was, at pin-the-thorn-on-the-stranger, and how she told you sternly in a digital monotone that if you wanted to beat her you should 'acquire skill''.
Get gud, scrub.
RELIQUARY: The isolate of the strangers. Never should you go there, unless it is to punish them for non-adherence fo the face tax.
*to the face-tax.
The wire mother has scittered to just behind you at high speed and her animatronic eyes have narrowed to nictating slits, three hands on your shoulder.
*skittered to just behind you
INTERLACE: The cloth-father inpsects the parchment, reading it over, and a smile forms on puppet lips.
THE PRESUMPTUOUS NOTE - P.S. If you're reading this, Superior: Kora would never do this and I am just as much a Kora as you, so I never did this.
Bro I love her already and we haven't even met, what the hell.
There are some experimental beats, but it is commonly asserted that as the greatest singing voice of all is Kora, mudying her melody with instruments is sinful.

Alright, voting time. This feels right to me:

[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.
[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
[X] Defiant Jazz - Selected Hits of Malodious Funk, Monadic Monk and Cuberunning Corpocriminal. The attached description reads: "The coolest cat on the supercontinent at his best. Terror to Mr. Morow and his police-robots, lover to all the rest of good humanity. Saving souls and stacking gold one snappy riff at a time."
[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.
[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
[X] Defiant Jazz - Selected Hits of Malodious Funk, Monadic Monk and Cuberunning Corpocriminal. The attached description reads: "The coolest cat on the supercontinent at his best. Terror to Mr. Morow and his police-robots, lover to all the rest of good humanity. Saving souls and stacking gold one snappy riff at a time."
Should this be *twelve virtue-months? That reads better to me but idk.

Yes, thank you. Got mixed up in editing.

I think the word "be" doesn't fit here. If it was "doing" instead of "do" it would, but then you'd have to restructure the sentence further to make that alteration work.

Yes, I fixed it, another editing typo.
Ditch the last period, I think.

Thank you.
*there were chandlers


Along with all the rest. Thank you so much for catching the typos. This one was a bit longer than usual and I wanted it done today so there were a few places I missed in proofreading.

Interesting that we failed one Medium Event Horizon check and succeeded at another, considering it doesn't really conform to the normal values of our other stats.

All stat checks are rolled on a 2d6. I also roll Event Horizon, though the difficulty scale and difficulties are hidden.

*Fury Of A Shattered Mirror Flashbacks* ...Which could mean nothing!

Probably nothing.
[X] AXIOM: Washing Machine Heart. You bear inner self to the world, and let its suffering wash through the tumbler of your heart. You are honest and sincere to the point it frightens others. You will be honest even when it hurts others, even when your sincere heart's turned black. You are selfish in your selflessness - it feeds you.
[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
[X] Sky Shanties - Delta-V and Back Again in 80 Days - Chants of the Servonauts of the Eternity's Repose. The attached description reads: "In the peril of the cubesat run, these boys n' girls still know how to sing their guts and gears out. Fly with the bravest souls on this planet through the defense grid and right out to the void."

This doesn't read like traditional 40k, but it does read like Disco Elysium. I'll let a couple more updates pass before I write an opinion of the overall quest.
[X] AXIOM: Masquerade Waltz. Your social acumen is reflected by your ability to play your role - to control your emotions, to understand cues, to appear the person others want you to be. This is not a cynical or cunning ploy - it is a performance you believe yourself. There is nothing behind the mask - you live, and love, in the masquerade.
[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
[X] Sky Shanties - Delta-V and Back Again in 80 Days - Chants of the Servonauts of the Eternity's Repose. The attached description reads: "In the peril of the cubesat run, these boys n' girls still know how to sing their guts and gears out. Fly with the bravest souls on this planet through the defense grid and right out to the void."
[X] AXIOM: Masquerade Waltz. Your social acumen is reflected by your ability to play your role - to control your emotions, to understand cues, to appear the person others want you to be. This is not a cynical or cunning ploy - it is a performance you believe yourself. There is nothing behind the mask - you live, and love, in the masquerade.

[X] AXIOM: The Common Mind. Find unity between sentient beings in the aspects they share. The search for purpose, love, fulfillment. There is a vision of a united and peaceful Illuminata which machine, hylic, pneumatic, all reach for. In a single vision, in the completion of a great work - we might rebuild paradise.

[X] Steel Ballads
[X] AXIOM: Masquerade Waltz. Your social acumen is reflected by your ability to play your role - to control your emotions, to understand cues, to appear the person others want you to be. This is not a cynical or cunning ploy - it is a performance you believe yourself. There is nothing behind the mask - you live, and love, in the masquerade.
[X] AXIOM: The Difference Engine. There are vast gulfs between meteorological and microscophic intelligences. Accept difference, and accept the multiplicity of life. To force everything to one standard, to force everything to one mission, bleaches the rainbow tapestry. Peace is not found in union, but understanding.
[X] Sky Shanties - Delta-V and Back Again in 80 Days - Chants of the Servonauts of the Eternity's Repose. The attached description reads: "In the peril of the cubesat run, these boys n' girls still know how to sing their guts and gears out. Fly with the bravest souls on this planet through the defense grid and right out to the void."
Voting is open