SERENADE OF THE CHANDLERS - The nerves, and the sheath surrounding them. There, in the back of the folding furrows of the brain, a synthetic symbiont, the producer of the antibody, and the antigen. Panacea's daughter, that has made the pathogen extinct.
INFOWAR: Symbiont reporting in. Thanks for never asking me to pay rent, boss. I hope keeping you forever without organic pestilence, and muffling every single pain you've ever experienced, covers it.
COGITATION: There remains one pestilence you can never cure.
SERENADE OF THE CHANDLERS - Yes. The nanocancer. In 50 or 60 years from this moment, it will claim you, by eating you from the outside-in. In this, we have failed. We sought, in making you, to surpass the cruelty of nature. Nature is surpassed, but cruelty remains.
BIOMECHANICS [Easy - Success]: It will begin with flakes of your skin, and then they will infiltrate inside and consume every part of you. They cannot be escaped. They are in the air, and in the water, and even in the cubes. No filtration can avoid them, and no replacements can forestall them forever. When they chew away the neural sheath and the symbiont begins to decay, the pain makes one beg they would be quicker.
INFOWAR: Like I said before, luck of the draw. Only the pneumatic can command they cease their devouring, but with every year the energy the delay demands will sap them, until they too, fall apart.