Last Light of a Dark Age (Warhammer 29K/Disco Elysium)

Voting is open for the next 1 day, 3 hours

let's roll.
[X]A Really Specific Type of Body (The Power of Heart)
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my lord commands and I obey


infowar sounds fake. i don't need a defensive stat. i need a stat that will recite cool facts about echinoderms at me while i fumble my social life

EDIT: Informed that i need to pick phys. edited

Okay for a second I really thought you were going to defy me and had forgotten your bronze-king. That is a fine custom choice and if people want to vote for it power to em.
[X] A Sensitive Body, attuned to itself and the world around it [+2 to all Appetite Attributes, +1 to all Form Attributes].
[x] A Strong Body, well-prepared for any battle it must face [+3 Living Weapon, +2 Biomechanics, +1 Others].
INFOWAR: Alright then, brainiac, explain why sounds like it's speaking to us?
*it sounds
Your thoughforms still speak, but now they are firmly within you.

Cetash, you really do write prose that has a way of wrinkling my brain (affectionate).

[X] A Sensitive Body, attuned to itself and the world around it [+2 to all Appetite Attributes, +1 to all Form Attributes].

Voting for this because I don't really want to be completely hopeless at anything, and I broadly like the Appetite Attributes more than the Form ones so far.
[X] A Strong Body, well-prepared for any battle it must face [+3 Living Weapon, +2 Biomechanics, +1 Others].

GIANT STOMPY WARBOTS did not win step one. So we must become Big and Stompy ourselves.
Right now I'm looking at more Spirit and Appetite, so for this choice that weighs things toward Appetite

[X] A Sensitive Body, attuned to itself and the world around it [+2 to all Appetite Attributes, +1 to all Form Attributes].
Okay, so some interesting revelations. Nothing that most of us haven't already intuited before, but it's always good to have more clues.

That said, the bit about Hylics/Blanks participating in the Iron Men Rebellions is a new piece of information. Especially the talks of a False God and Eater, this could just be about an Iron Men with a cult who unleashed the Grey Goo. Indeed that is the most likely option. But when you add that Hylics joined in, it implies some sort of relationship with the Necrons or the C'tan. In old lore Blanks/The Pariah Gene was introduced to life in the galaxy by the Necrontyr as just one of many long-term shots in the War In Heaven.

It's a stretch and not one I'm willing to bet the house on, but it's not impossible. We know from "The Infinite and the Divine" that a decent amount of Necron Lords woke up long before 40 and witnessed the rise and fall of humanity. It's possible that insane immortal was bored and wanted to play Conqueror.

As I was writing this, a far more plausible theory came to my mind.

Why infect the world with the Omniphage? Like okay if this was a Men of Iron who simply wanted to convert Illuminata into their Factory/Resource World for the war fair enough. But why make alliance with the Hylics? Why program the Phage to eat everything on the planet and leave places like Dis untouched?

Well we can assume the Men of Iron wasn't a psychopath and wanted to protect/honor its allies.

But the question remains. If the Men of Iron had such a sense of honor and empathy, why only ally with the Hylics? Why only spare their settlements?

The only plausible conclusion in my mind is that one of the AI's strategic aims was to save the Blanks in the first place. Their settlements were supposed to be Arks while it rained down a Deluge of Phage to wash away what it perceived as sinful/dangerous elements that would endanger the world.

Given how advanced Illuminata's Psi-tech still is long after the collapse, they can store and copy souls, they understood the connection to the Warp and Event Horizon referenced the Thirsting Gods. They are more advanced than any other human civilisation in 40k on this. We can only guess at how advanced Psi Science was in those final days on Illuminata.

It's thus possible that people on Illuminata had the data to foresee the Psychic Catastrophe of the psyker blooms. And the AI and maybe the Hylics' leaders took the initiative to purge the planet in an attempt to forestall the Enslaver Incursions. As a conceit of 40k, during the Age of Strife some of the most advanced worlds who survived the Rebellion collapsed/died out because humanity didn't have the means to control Psykers safely, which combined uncontrollable psyker blooms in populations of billions led to cascading warp incursions.

Which would not have been a problem for Illuminata if only Controlling Intellects and the Blanks survived, leaving time for their Psi-institution to mature with a new seed population.

Horrific, but it is the sort of calculus you can see an AI making.
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It's a stretch and not one I'm willing to bet the house on, but it's not impossible. We know from "The Infinite and the Divine" that a decent amount of Necron Lords woke up long before 40 and witnessed the rise and fall of humanity. It's possible that insane immortal was bored and wanted to play Conqueror.
It strikes me more as the work of the C'tan than the Necrons themselves.
But this...
EVENT HORIZON: A song like a death rattle spools out from inside you: The falling stars you wished upon are cinders now and now they're gone - Their residue festoons my fetid field - revealing husks of lovers past, their shells are all that ever last - I've taken everything that they've concealed…
From the jolly little jingle to the fetid field sounds like Nurgle. But I'm not sure Nurgle being a force of temptation for the Hylics fits much at all with the broader picture. Might just be an entirely original entity.
Dis and all the other centers of rebellion were destroyed by lances of oblivion.
Does this explain all of the dead zones on the map, or only some of them?
The traitor was expunged. By definition, all machines and hylics that survived were loyal, printed in loyal cubes and fortresses when Origen sent the message to begin the reawakening. But there remains a doctrine of original sin. The nail was claimed to be proof of this.
RELIQUARY: The hylic, with a wrong soul, is condemned ever to servitude. The machine, without a soul, is worse-condemned, to mute slavery. For its clade's crimes, it has been deprived of the Father's gift of speech.
Further evidence that machine is for friendship.
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[X] A Sensitive Body, attuned to itself and the world around it [+2 to all Appetite Attributes, +1 to all Form Attributes].
Well, that was a very estoeric sequence. I nearly forgot it was a memory at one point. It raises a lot of interesting questions about what caused the nanite plague that scoured the planet. It's a really grim situation that all other life has died. I feel bad for the little mechanical bees. They can no longer dance with real bees.

I like the detail that the prejudice against blanks has only gotten worse over the years as it solidified itself in society. It makes sense once the calamity has passed and its had time to entrench itself further. Clearly blanks still provide a service to society if they're still being printed.

As for the body type, it's tough to say. I feel like starting with 1 in Form is a bad idea because it mean's Normal is weak, clumsy, and slow, however, I feel that as a blank, we'll need to rely more on guile and wits to navigate social encounters. That's vital for discriminated people to negotiate their own spaces. That said, the strong body does mean Normal can defend herself or convince people she's useful through physical labour. I'm split between going straight sensitive and trying to make a custom build.

I think the way stat costs works is that we have to spend 6 of the 9 points on level 1 of the physical stats, which means in reality we only have 3 points to spend freely. I think, being the key word there. This is based off the default options and wording for point limits. That potentially means the votes for 3 in 3 skills without touching the others are invalid. I'm not the QM though, so I could be wrong there.

[X] A Really Specific Type of Body (SOCIAL CATERPILLAR) (+2 Biomechanics, +2 Infowar, +2 Glamour, +1 Others)

Okay, so the idea with this is similar to Sensitive Body, but with 1 point in Glamour instead of Rhythm. Rhythm is important no doubt, but Glamour mentions that it also "grants insight into the presentation of others." I think that might be very important for reading social cues, especially in a society of clones where rank may be read from clothing or ornamentation. Inforwar felt important for that as well. Biomechanics... well, you've got to find pleasure in life where you can and bone marrow's been reliable so far.

The name social caterpillar represents how Normal isn't a butterfly or even a moth, since as a blank she will never truly achieve the same rank as her peers. A caterpillar that will never pupate, a soul born "deformed and wrong."
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[X] A Really Specific Type of Body [SOCIAL CATERPILLAR] [+2 Biomechanics, +2 Infowar, +2 Glamour, +1 Others]

Infowars is our strongest soldier, shall we give such a mighty warrior only a butter knife to serve us with?
[X] A Strong Body, well-prepared for any battle it must face [+3 Living Weapon, +2 Biomechanics, +1 Others].
[X] A Strong Body, well-prepared for any battle it must face [+3 Living Weapon, +2 Biomechanics, +1 Others].
Gift Quote Reply
[X] A Strong Body, well-prepared for any battle it must face [+3 Living Weapon, +2 Biomechanics, +1 Others].
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I think the way stat costs works is that we have to spend 6 of the 9 points on level 1 of the physical stats, which means in reality we only have 3 points to spend freely. I think, being the key word there. This is based off the default options and wording for point limits. That potentially means the votes for 3 in 3 skills without touching the others are invalid. I'm not the QM though, so I could be wrong there.

No, I changed it so your attributes all start at 1. This allows you to minmax if you want to with 9 points to spend. However I did not want minmaxing to be presented as one of the default options so the choices given are more moderate spreads.

I encourage people to play with funny build plans.
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To be clear, the Freescape is not an option. You cannot be generated in a state that no longer exists. And unfortunately, as hinted in the crossed out choice, there is a lot of reasons why you would really, really, really not want to be an upload right now.
what, then, is the Carnosan Freeshard? A puppet state? A sad remnant? Cosplayers?

anyway, i'm fine with
[X] A Sensitive Body, attuned to itself and the world around it [+2 to all Appetite Attributes, +1 to all Form Attributes].
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 3 hours