[X] a wiry woman of middle age, possessing a scholar's frame much similar to his; that wasn't much of a surprise given her role as a Scholar-Bureaucrat in Yu Dao, though he found some satisfaction in the idea that intellectuals might once more find influence in the court, even if they were Colonial. His office had dealt with her in the past, her authority over commerce in Yu Dao having made her a necessary contact for the construction of the air fleet, and the things he'd heard were good for the most part. She had little fear of the new but was not an iconoclast or radical; he was told that the mercantilist faction had fostered a healthy partnership with her over the years, in large part due to her influence over colonial commerce. [Tactful, Diligent, Scholar-Bureaucrat, Mercantilist Inclination. Mid 40s]
[X] a beautiful young woman, clad in the disconcertingly foreign garb so favored by the socialites and debutantes of the Colonies, though such was not a surprise given the fact that she stood foremost among them. While holding no official title, she was a sufficiently Popular Debutante to have attracted attention even within the home isles, an unusual feat for one so disadvantaged by the nature of their lineage. That alone was not sufficient to warrant her for this position, however; the fact that she'd carried modernist politics to the colonies was far more relevant to their reasons for meeting here tonight. The salons, reading groups, and rallies that she'd played a role in were… numerous, to say the least, and extended to those within the Fire Nation proper, where she was apparently seen as a prime exemplar of their goals. [Eloquent, Passionate, Popular Debutante, Modernist Inclination, Mid 30s]
[X] public benefit reform, where she'd advocated for the further modernization of Sozin's Prosperity Programs, a wide-ranging package of welfare programs that sought to provide for the health and well-being of the Fire Nation and its people. In recent years, these programs have failed to keep up with modern issues, most notably the labor laws and the national apothecaries. The first is not well fit for the modern needs and risks of the workplace, while the second has failed to integrate modern medicine into treatments. This is a broadly popular position, though one that has the potential to be both expensive and step on toes.
[X] family code reform, where she's taken the controversial position of arguing for the reform of the family code set out by Sozin a century ago. The family code lays down standardized national laws around marriage, divorce, abuse, adoption, and inheritance. The code notably restricts divorce, mandates single-child inheritance, restricts domestic abuse, and bans homosexuality. While it has since come to be lauded by some as a defense of the family, there is a quiet movement for its form; supporting such openly would be controversial, but has the potential to be a somewhat popular move should it succeed.