Springbreaker - A Forever Winter Planquest

Well some gambling places sometimes set some customer to get a windfall of winnings to push the other customers into give that "one last" try, and that the house is more than fine in allowing people to gamble in certain pieces of collateral like be it technology information from the enemy or there own cybernetic organs?
Keep in mind that Nevada is far more than just Vegas. There is also Reno, Groom Lake, Carson City, Lake Tahoe, and the vast, vast expanses of wilderness and national forest in the middle of the state.
Keep in mind that Nevada is far more than just Vegas. There is also Reno, Groom Lake, Carson City, Lake Tahoe, and the vast, vast expanses of wilderness and national forest in the middle of the state.
Of those only Reno/Washoe County breaks the 100k pop mark though.

Clark county going down in some way, be it economic/logistic collapse or some sort of WMD, would do a lot to cripple the Nevada sector.
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Welp, I guess I missed this vote.
I guess the leading plan is fine enough when everything is burning.
contacting AZ/NV and rebuilding the infrastructure to import raw materials will hopefully be a much faster solution to our shortages
We dont know the current state of the Nerve Zone, they could potentially be even worse off than we are. And the fact that Hover Damned is not connected to our network when it's a crucial source of both water and electricity for both southern Cali and Arizona and Nevada does not say good things.

If they need more repairs than we do, contacting them now isnt going to help us until they have the chance to fix themselves.

Unlikely yes, odds are we can get at least SOMETHING just off of stockpiles that have been waiting for processing since the war began, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. And Night Shift scavenging is guaranteed.