Springbreaker - A Forever Winter Planquest

Work on power and some of raw materials. Everything else is… stable.

[]Conscript Brigade Mechanization (Stage 1 of 4)
The Conscript Battalions are very infantry heavy, but this need not be. According to the inventory reports, you have sufficient pre-war armored vehicles and artillery in stock to at equip of them with a proper infusion of heavy armor and firepower. (0/100 Progress: 10 Resources per Die)(Pre-war Armored Vehicles -, Pre-war Artillery -, Small Arms -, Shells -)

This actually seems like a good idea as we have all of that and a reasonable amount of production for it too.
Logistics are what win wars, this invests directly into our logistics twice over. Military AI improvement directly improves combat rolls.
[X] Plan: Throat Clearing
-[X]Infrastructure (4 Dice, +14 Roll Bonus) 60
--[X]Logistics Integrity Assessment (0/200) 2 dice, 20 Resources
--[X]Repair Power Grid (0/100) 2 dice, 40 Resources
-[X]Industry (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus) 30
--[X]Power Plant Maintenance
---[X]Solar Farms and Wind Turbines (0/200) 3 die, 30 Resources
-[X]Scavenging (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus) 45
--[X]Wreckage Analysis (107/200) 1 die, 15 Resources
--[X]Night Shift Salvage Operations (0/200) 2 die, 30 Resources
-[X]Services (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus) 10
--[X]System Repair
---[X]Military (0/100) 1 die, 10 Resources
-[X]Military (4 Dice, +4 Dice Roll Bonus) 10
--[X]Reconstitute Forces
---[X]Europan Alliance Armed Forces (EAAF) (172/200) 1 die, 10 Resources
-[X]AI (4 Dice, +18 Dice Roll Bonus.) 60
--[X]Refinery Repair (0/100) 2 dice, 50 Resources
--[X]System Repair
---[X]Military (0/100) 1 die, 10 Resources


The main issue remains the resource bottleneck. This will maximize what little R, raw materials, and power surplus we can attain.

Looks like you're only using 3 of our 4 AI dice? Pretty sure you can just swap out one of the other dice for an AI die for a free bonus. :/

No you did not, the only thing you did was allocate dices, better specify what dice it belongs because I am treating all dices that are belong to the same category.

No, they have 2 AI dice on refinery repair, which is not an AI action.
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[X] Plan: Insufficient Raw materials and low power.
Infrastructure (4 Dice, +14 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Enclave Reconstruction
--[X]Lost Angels (Phase 1 of 6)(0/200 Progress: 15 Resources per Die)(Power +) 1D + 1AID 30R
-[X]Repair Power Grid (Phase 1 of 3)(0/100 Progress: 20 Resources per Die)(Power ++) 3D 60R
Industry (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Power Plant Maintenance
--[X]Solar Farms and Wind Turbines (0/200 Progress: 10 Resources per Die)(Power ++) 3D 30R
Scavenging (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Night Shift Salvage Operations (Phase 1)(0/100 Progress: 15 Resources per Die)(+5 Resources per Turn, Raw Materials ++, Labor-) 2D + 1AID 45R
Services (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Establish Contact with the Arizona and Nevada Sector (0/150 Progress: 5 Resources per Die) 2D 10R
Military (4 Dice, +4 Dice Roll Bonus)
-[X]Enemy Analysis
--[X]Euraskan Empire Threat Evaluation (0/100 Progress: 15 Resources per Die) 1D + 1AID 30R
-[X]Reconstitue Forces
--[X] Europan Alliance Armed Forces (EAAF) (172/200 Progress: 10 Resources per Die) 1AID 10R
AI (4 Dice, +18 Dice Roll Bonus. AI Dice can be assigned to other categories)

Resources: 215 per turn, 0 in Reserve - 215(This plan) = 0
Likely to complete:
Power: ++
Resources per turn: +5
Raw Materials: ++

Also gets our AI a look at the Enclaves and the IDs living there, and let our AI learn about our soldiers.
Moved some dice to use all the AI dice, AI now learn about the enemy and seeing how people work the salvage operations.
Edit: Using all the AI dice now.
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[X] Plan: Throat Clearing

I do feel that we need to start scouting out the Eurasia and Euruska to figure out what they are up to, but this plans seems sensible.

[X] Plan: Insufficient Raw materials and low power.

This plan does much of what I feel we need while branching our AI out to understand more of this fucked up world.

[X] Plan: Do Remember There's a War On

I see the logic in going for a more immediate uparming.
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[X] Plan: Immediate Concerns
-- [X] Logistics Integrity Assessment (2 dice, -20 Resources) [195 remainig]
-- [X] Repair Power Grid [2 dice, -20 Resources] [175R]
-- [X] Refinery Repair (Stage 1/4) (2 dice, -50 r) [125 R]
-- [X] Solar Farms and Wind Turbines (2 dice, -20 R) [105 R]
-- [X] Establish Contact with Arizona and Nevada (3 dice (+1 AI), -15 R) [90 R]
-- [X] Rationing Systems Audit (1 dice, -10 R) [80 R]
-- [X] Reconstitute Forces:
---[x] Europan Alliance Armed Forces (EAAF) [1 dice, -10 R] [70 R]
-- [X] Enclave Munition Workshops Expansion (Stage 1) [2 dice, -20 R] [50 R]
- AI
-- [X] Clean Clash Logs (Stage 3) [2 dice, -10 R] [40 R]
-- [X] System Repair
--- [X] Military (Phase 1) (1 AI/1 Military) [-10 R] [30 R]
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Military (4 Dice, +4 Dice Roll Bonus)
-[X]Enemy Analysis
--[X]Euraskan Empire Threat Evaluation (0/100 Progress: 15 Resources per Die) 1D + 1AID 30R
-[X]Reconstitue Forces
--[X] Europan Alliance Armed Forces (EAAF) (172/200 Progress: 10 Resources per Die) 1D 10R

May I ask to put the AI Dice in the place of the Europan Armed Forces instead of Euraskan threat assessment?

It may give the AI some more sense in they duties besides besides helping the war effort such as making sure the people get home or something. The last thing we need is the AI develop hatred and do everything in they power to destroy the enemy, something this world don't need right now.
May I ask to put the AI Dice in the place of the Europan Armed Forces instead of Euraskan threat assessment?

It may give the AI some more sense in they duties besides besides helping the war effort such as making sure the people get home or something. The last thing we need is the AI develop hatred and do everything in they power to destroy the enemy, something this world don't need right now.

Swapped them over for you. 👍
I feel helping our AI grow in understanding itself has to take a backseat until the situation is less dire. We are barely shambling along here.
[X] Plan: Do Remember There's a War On
Infrastructure (4 Dice, +14 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Repair Power Grid (Phase 1 of 3)(0/100 Progress: 20 Resources per Die)(Power ++) 2D 40R
Industry (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Power Plant Maintenance
--[X]Solar Farms and Wind Turbines (0/200 Progress: 10 Resources per Die)(Power ++) 3D 30R
Scavenging (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Night Shift Salvage Operations (Phase 1)(0/100 Progress: 15 Resources per Die)(+5 Resources per Turn, Raw Materials ++, Labor-) 3D 45R
Services (3 Dice, +4 Roll Bonus)
-[X]Rationing Systems Audit 0/150 Progress: 5 Resources per Die) 1 AI Dice + 1D 10R
-[X]Establish Contact with the Arizona and Nevada Sector (0/150 Progress: 5 Resources per Die) 1D + 1AI Dice 10R
Military (4 Dice, +4 Dice Roll Bonus)
-[X] Conscript Brigade Mechanization (Stage 1 of 4) 2 dice 20 R
-[X]Enemy Analysis
--[X]Euraskan Empire Threat Evaluation (0/100 Progress: 15 Resources per Die) 1AID + 1 D 30R
--[X]Eurasian Federation Threat Evaluation 1AID 15R
-[X]Reconstitute Forces
--[X] Europan Alliance Armed Forces (EAAF) (172/200 Progress: 10 Resources per Die) 1D 10R
AI (4 Dice, +18 Dice Roll Bonus. AI Dice can be assigned to other categories)

Pretty much every plan proposed so far massively ignores the military, again, and it won't be long before the QM reminds us of that by blowing up one of our factories.
So, to rectify that, a more militaristic plan.

This one utilizes all our military dice, boosts immediate military forces by equipping our conscripts with decent gear, and looks at what both our enemies are doing. Using AI dice for that, so that the AI looks at the actual war for a bit.

Continuing upwards, I'm also using the AI to make contact with our neighbours, and to do a rationing audit. The later is not a military necessity, but it's a cheap action that puts the machine in contact with people, which we need.
Beyond that , you can see there's still a very respectable amount of new resources and power gathered.

Also, approval votes.

[X]Plan Know Your Enemy
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It's time to start shifting AI dice away from self-repair now, and I think that splitting them between Military (our primary concern) and Services (most population-facing sector) is a good way to lead off the split. Arizona and Nevada should be our first attempt to remedy the resource shortage, I don't want to invest in expensive mines/refineries that might already be duplicated next door and only fall back to them after it's clear that the neighbors are useless for whatever reason. Also it's time to get a handle on what we're fighting in Military, and start the long road to actually changing material conditions on the ground rather than just shuffling paperwork and deleting error logs.

[X]Plan Know Your Enemy
-[X]Infrastructure (4/4 dice, +14) 60 Resources
--[X]Logistics Integrity Assessment, 2 dice (20R) 4%
--[X]Repair Power Grid (Phase 1 of 3), 2 dice (40R) 75%
-[X]Industry (3/3 dice, +4) 30 Resources
--[X]Power Plant Maintenance (Solar Farms + Wind Turbines), 3 dice (30R) 25%
-[X]Scavenging (0/3 dice, +4) 0 Resources
-[X]Services (3/3 dice + 2 AI dice, +4) 35 Resources
--[X]Rationing Systems Audit, 2 dice (1 SR/1 AI) (20R) 72%
--[X]Establish Contact with the Arizona and Nevada Sector, 3 dice (2 SR/1AI) (15R) 71%
-[X]Military (4/4 dice + 2 AI dice, +4) 80 Resources
--[X]Conscript Brigade Mechanization (Stage 1 of 4), 1 die (10R) 5%
--[X]Enemy Analysis (Euraskan Empire), 2 dice (1 MIL/1AI) (30R) 72%
--[X]Enemy Analysis (Eurasian Federation), 2 dice (1 MIL/1AI) (30R) 72%
--[X]Reconstitute Forces (EAAF), 1 die (10R) 77%
-[X]AI (4/4 dice, +19) 0 Resources
--[X]Assigned to other sectors, 4 dice (unrolled)
-[X]Total Cost: 205/215 Resources, 18 dice rolled
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