You're the Queen - Now What? [CK2ish Character-Focused Quest]

Voting is open
Ahh. The moratorium is finished. Whoops.

---[X] (Optional) Suggest lines of 'attack' to use in the discussion to convince them.

I mentioned it before and others have pointed it out both ic and ooc. But one of the best ways to protect people from necromancers might be to make peace/an alliance with the necromancers.

Especially doing so before anyone else gets the bright idea to do so.

A marraige alliance prevents a war without a single blade being drawn in anger.

Beyond that the sunset proclamation has largely led to 76 years of peace. Save for the occasional rogue necromancer who defies it. Supporting the arch necromancer to help uphold that law, and he who in turn is obligated to support our defence against rogues seems like an easy win.

Magic aside Serriados seems like most any other noble. He seems content to sit quietly in his forest and live the life of a wealthy powerful noble. He's trading with other nations peacefully and forming a diplomatic pact

Ignoring him being a necromancer he's a more peaceful neighbour than others we might name.

So peaceful in fact that the knights have taken to dealing with banditry and other issues themselves to keep busy and dispense justice.

Beyond that. Simply put we need the knights. Yes we're extending a hand and trusting the necromancers. But we're not doing so blindly. We'd like knights to attend our wedding as a reminder that this is a wedding of equals and just in case we'd want- Need the knights there for protection.

Finish by pointing out that if this marraige works then the knights stand to benefit by bordering the forest and having trade pass through their lands, and that they'll have defeated the necromancers so thoroughly that if the knights wish it they'll be the first to have the necromancers constructing roads for them.

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Ahh. The moratorium is finished. Whoops.

I mentioned it before and others have pointed it out both ic and ooc. But one of the best ways to protect people from necromancers might be to make peace/an alliance with the necromancers.

Especially doing so before anyone else gets the bright idea to do so.

A marraige alliance prevents a war without a single blade being drawn in anger.

Beyond that the sunset proclamation has largely led to 76 years of peace. Save for the occasional rogue necromancer who defies it. Supporting the arch necromancer to help uphold that law, and he who in turn is obligated to support our defence against rogues seems like an easy win.

Magic aside Serriados seems like most any other noble. He seems content to sit quietly in his forest and live the life of a wealthy powerful noble. He's trading with other nations peacefully and forming a diplomatic pact

Ignoring him being a necromancer he's a more peaceful neighbour than others we might name.

So peaceful in fact that the knights have taken to dealing with banditry and other issues themselves to keep busy and dispense justice.

Beyond that. Simply put we need the knights. Yes we're extending a hand and trusting the necromancers. But we're not doing so blindly. We'd like knights to attend our wedding as a reminder that this is a wedding of equals and just in case we'd want- Need the knights there for protection.

Finish by pointing out that if this marraige works then the knights stand to benefit by bordering the forest and having trade pass through their lands, and that they'll have defeated the necromancers so thoroughly that if the knights wish it they'll be the first to have the necromancers constructing roads for them.

I have tried to write up your suggestions as four lines of "attack", that I can add to my plan, and I would like to know if you think they fit your thinking.

--[]Lines of "attack"
---[] A marriage prevents a war, especially compared to if Essinya had chosen to marriage someone else, like someone from Morvak.
---[] The Sunset Proclamation has led to 76 years of peace, with the Archnecromancer peacefully interacting with the rest of the world, including valuable trading. In fact, the Kingdom of Necromancers is one of our more peaceful neighbors.
---[] We are not trusting the necromancers blindly, and we would like the knights to help to make sure that the necromancers do not violate the trust, that we are showing them.
---[] The knights stands to benefit from the increased trade, and they can have the necromancers help them build a road.

I think that these four lines of "attack" makes good sense, though I am slightly concerned that the fourth line of "attack" might be seen, by the knights as us asking them to give up their own values for the sake of money.
[X]Plan, I'm the bride! Here's what.
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Saphet County Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Aloce Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 54% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
--[X] 60 Heavy Cavalry
--[X] 19 Light Cavalry
--[X] 236 Men-At-Arms
--[X] 171 Crossbowmen
--[X] 70 Skirmishers
--[X] 216 Pikemen
-[X][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 1 Turn for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
--[X]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.25 or 2.5 Dureks) (Base Chance: 79% + Stewardship)*
-[X][JUSTICE] Arrest Roland Arbolast Fredero for his financial support for ex-Countess Gramaire and interrogate him about the details of his financial transfers to the mother of Syrokis's son, and then try him publicly. (Base Chance 72% + 1/2 Intrigue)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Negotiate Secret Pact of Support for Regara for the coming civil war (Base Chance 55% + Diplomacy)* (You may not be marrying Regara, but perhaps you still want to back her over her sister)
-[X][QUEEN] Work on Planning the Wedding with Essinya (May use both of your actions for this, include it as 2 separate line items in any proposed plan.)
-[X][QUEEN] Personally speak with the Knights of the Golden Throne about your marriage to Essinya to bring them around (Base Chance 51% + Diplomacy)
--[X]Lines of "attack"
---[X] A marriage prevents a war, especially compared to if Essinya had chosen to marriage someone else, like someone from Morvak.
---[X] The Sunset Proclamation has led to 76 years of peace, with the Archnecromancer peacefully interacting with the rest of the world, including valuable trading. In fact, the Kingdom of Necromancers is one of our more peaceful neighbors.
---[X] We are not trusting the necromancers blindly, and we would like the knights to help to make sure that the necromancers do not violate the trust, that we are showing them.
---[X]Offer formal invitations to our wedding to the knight-generals. Including of course, reasonable amounts of protection they would wish to bring.
---[X] The knights stands to benefit from the increased trade, and they can have the necromancers help them build a road if they wish it.
---[X] With Essinya and the knights, work out exactly how much protection any necromancer wedding guests would be reasonable for them to bring, assuming of course she wishes to invite any.
-[X][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
-[X][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 65% + Martial)*
-[X][WEDDING FINANCING] Devote 10 Dureks to the Wedding Fund

[ ]Mortenkam

Land tax is easy. We pick the options there. Similiarly keeper of correspondence, boost their chances so for whatever else we do they have better chances. (Sidenote, is that an action there I'd like later on would be for official wedding invitations to be sent out by them. Royal vaults, audit the crown demesne.

High marshall is where I start diverting from the frankly excellent plan by Mortenkam. Agreed on the heavy cavalry and light cavalry. They're going to cost money to recruit, but light cavalry 'fills up' our unit without increasing our upkeep for them. Similiarly, skirmishers at 70 are just under the 75 threshold so would be free to recruit, that said, skirmishers aren't the kinds of troops wanted for the conflict, so keep their numbers low. Given how many skirmishers we have, I just don't think we need more, certainly not 300. They're cheap, sure, but looking at the order of battle for thornmarch. You'll notice the border with Morvak, our most likely enemy, well, based on Morvaks heavy units, the thornmarch maintains large numbers of Men at arms, pikes, crossbows, and significant numbers of cavalry. And Zero skirmishers. Let's trust what the thornmarch is saying and what South Zarsim is asking for. IMO, we are *good* for skirmishers and the kind of troops we are likely to want are heavier units.

Speaking of, Heavy cavalry, we get 10 cavalry free and aiming for another unit of 50 for another durek. I'm aiming to send 150 heavy cavalry to South Zarsim, 300 men at arms, 300 pikemen, and 150 crossbowmen. Which should neatly cover the terms of the treaty where we're expected to have 450 minimum as either cavalry, pikemen or men-at arms. In total, 750 fulfill that requirement from heavy cavalry, maa, and pikes.

Beyond that. Rienne says she doesn't need all 900 to be new recruits, but she'd aim for about 450 new recruits minimum. That's handled through the pikemen+men at arms for 452 troops. Then it has 320 troops on top of that. 60 heavy cav, 19 light cav, 171 crossbows, and 70 skirmishers. All in total 772 new* troops. Some will be returning veterans. But not counting the cost of recruitment, this is 3.75 dureks extra maintanence total. At a time when we're in debt and strapped for cash I do want to make some savings where possible. South Zarsim doesn't want skirmishers, so keeping that to a relative minimum. I might change my mind later, but for now, based on what I plan to send to Zarsim based on what they've requested? IMO we're good for skirmishers.

Secrets. I'm inclined to actually test our palace security. We can arrest Roland openly.

In Justice we can arrest him for financial crimes, make clear we know about the sending money to Gramaire. But honestly? Assuming we get a choice on what to do with him, some fines will cover it, and we don't/won't even have to go to the letter of the law. The heir is a child and will be treated as such. If the former countess wants to live comfortably in exile on donations from former Syrokis supporters best of luck to her. If we find any serious crimes like a planned assassination attempt or a serious conspiracy by all means, we can hammer him over the head the the lawbook. But based on minor financial crimes and sending money to a noble and a child? I'm inclined to roll our eyes and move on. A lady is raising her son and dabbling in foreign politics. If she wants to train him as a mage and set themselves up to live comfortable lifestyles in exile they can go ahead. We can revisit things if she starts making noise about her sons rightful inheritance and raising an army. But for the moment our time is better spent shoring up our own reign. Former loyalists have been forgiven and there's certainly no need to seriously go after the child. Keeping eyes on maybe, but certainly not assassination. Or anything extreme of that nature.

Sheriffs and reeves, repair war damage. Nuff said.

Envoys, In another departure from Mortenkams plan. Much as I'd like to talk to nerinthar and Janera, our best bet is in likely actually supporting Regara for the civil war. I'd prefer we have her and a third of Morvak against the rest, rather than the whole of Morvak united against us/ us and nerinthar.

Everything else, 1 action of planning with Essinya, talking to the knights personally. Bandits, and setting up the wedding fund.

I think that these four lines of "attack" makes good sense, though I am slightly concerned that the fourth line of "attack" might be seen, by the knights as us asking them to give up their own values for the sake of money.

Nice Added all of those, added two extra lines. One is formal invitations to the knight generals to our wedding, as of course powerful and respected figures within the kingdom, which they are. The other, is well, any necromancers would be coming through their lands to our wedding, so a chance to sit down, work out how much would be reasonable. Obviously Lyrus and other high ranking necromancers would expect a bodyguard, this is their chance to set reasonable limits and give any objections. While also making sure our wife has her own wedding guests if she wishes.

So, yeah. there's my plan plus I'm approval voting yours.

edit: Removed approval vote.
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Something to bear in mind is that it's not too long ago that Cyril, the closest thing to a father Vanessa has, killed the mother of Essinya. Cyril has not told Vanessa anything about why it happened, nor has Essinya (though apparently she understands why he did what he did), but I wouldn't count out the knights knowing something about that recent bout of violence. I'll put together a plan later, involving catching up with Cyril. He might give us something we can use when talking to the knights. It will also help with planning the wedding, given the need to invite him as family but also to keep him and Essinya as far apart as possible.
-[X][WEDDING FINANCING] Devote 10 Dureks to the Wedding Fund
Just for what it's worth, the wedding financing will be part of the Loan repayment voting, just to keep the purely money stuff in one place (also so everyone knows where the money is on the same page, etc)
[X]Plan, I'm the bride! Here's what.

After considerable thought this is a plan I can get behind the most and I agree with all of these actions and don't see any serious flaws. I do think we'd want to start on a Charm offensive shortly thereafter this succeeds (if it does), albeit which one is kind of up in the air right now.

Also yes, we need palace security checked tight. Possibly multiple times. That can't wait any further.
[X]Plan, Catch up with family and seek secret allies
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Saphet County Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Aloce Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 54% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
--[X] 60 Heavy Cavalry
--[X] 19 Light Cavalry
--[X] 236 Men-At-Arms
--[X] 171 Crossbowmen
--[X] 70 Skirmishers
--[X] 216 Pikemen
-[X][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 1 Turn for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
--[X]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.25 or 2.5 Dureks) (Base Chance: 79% + Stewardship)*
-[X][JUSTICE] Arrest Roland Arbolast Fredero for his financial support for ex-Countess Gramaire and interrogate him about the details of his financial transfers to the mother of Syrokis's son, and then try him publicly. (Base Chance 72% + 1/2 Intrigue)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Negotiate Secret Pact of Support for Regara for the coming civil war (Base Chance 55% + Diplomacy)* (You may not be marrying Regara, but perhaps you still want to back her over her sister)
-[X][QUEEN] Work on Planning the Wedding with Essinya (May use both of your actions for this, include it as 2 separate line items in any proposed plan.)
-[X][QUEEN] Social Action (May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
--[X] Catch Up With Cyril

[X]Plan, Catch up with family and a new friend
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Saphet County Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Aloce Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 54% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
--[X] 60 Heavy Cavalry
--[X] 19 Light Cavalry
--[X] 236 Men-At-Arms
--[X] 171 Crossbowmen
--[X] 70 Skirmishers
--[X] 216 Pikemen
-[X][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 1 Turn for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
--[X]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.25 or 2.5 Dureks) (Base Chance: 79% + Stewardship)*
-[X][JUSTICE] Arrest Roland Arbolast Fredero for his financial support for ex-Countess Gramaire and interrogate him about the details of his financial transfers to the mother of Syrokis's son, and then try him publicly. (Base Chance 72% + 1/2 Intrigue)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Negotiate non-Marriage Alliance with Nerinthar (Base Chance 53% + Diplomacy)* (Terms will be lesser for both sides, all things being equal, and likely less ironclad, but allies are still at least allies)
-[X][QUEEN] Work on Planning the Wedding with Essinya (May use both of your actions for this, include it as 2 separate line items in any proposed plan.)
-[X][QUEEN] Social Action (May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
--[X] Catch Up With Cyril

I mostly agree with I'm the bride! Here's what, but would prefer talking to Cyril before talking to the knights, as I think there's a reasonable chance of learning something useful from him before we talk to them. I won't be dissatisfied when I'm outvoted though. I've gone for both diplomacy actions, because I really want to do both. If pushed, I think Nerinthar is more time critical, solely because Janera is likely to leave before Regara does.
[X]Plan, I'm the bride! Here's what.
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Saphet County Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Aloce Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 54% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
--[X] 60 Heavy Cavalry
--[X] 19 Light Cavalry
--[X] 236 Men-At-Arms
--[X] 171 Crossbowmen
--[X] 70 Skirmishers
--[X] 216 Pikemen
-[X][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 1 Turn for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
--[X]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.25 or 2.5 Dureks) (Base Chance: 79% + Stewardship)*
-[X][JUSTICE] Arrest Roland Arbolast Fredero for his financial support for ex-Countess Gramaire and interrogate him about the details of his financial transfers to the mother of Syrokis's son, and then try him publicly. (Base Chance 72% + 1/2 Intrigue)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Negotiate Secret Pact of Support for Regara for the coming civil war (Base Chance 55% + Diplomacy)* (You may not be marrying Regara, but perhaps you still want to back her over her sister)
-[X][QUEEN] Work on Planning the Wedding with Essinya (May use both of your actions for this, include it as 2 separate line items in any proposed plan.)
-[X][QUEEN] Personally speak with the Knights of the Golden Throne about your marriage to Essinya to bring them around (Base Chance 51% + Diplomacy)
--[X]Lines of "attack"
---[X] A marriage prevents a war, especially compared to if Essinya had chosen to marriage someone else, like someone from Morvak.
---[X] The Sunset Proclamation has led to 76 years of peace, with the Archnecromancer peacefully interacting with the rest of the world, including valuable trading. In fact, the Kingdom of Necromancers is one of our more peaceful neighbors.
---[X] We are not trusting the necromancers blindly, and we would like the knights to help to make sure that the necromancers do not violate the trust, that we are showing them.
---[X]Offer formal invitations to our wedding to the knight-generals. Including of course, reasonable amounts of protection they would wish to bring.
---[X] The knights stands to benefit from the increased trade, and they can have the necromancers help them build a road if they wish it.
---[X] With Essinya and the knights, work out exactly how much protection any necromancer wedding guests would be reasonable for them to bring, assuming of course she wishes to invite any.
-[X][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
-[X][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 65% + Martial)*
-[X][WEDDING FINANCING] Devote 10 Dureks to the Wedding Fund


Land tax is easy. We pick the options there. Similiarly keeper of correspondence, boost their chances so for whatever else we do they have better chances. (Sidenote, is that an action there I'd like later on would be for official wedding invitations to be sent out by them. Royal vaults, audit the crown demesne.

High marshall is where I start diverting from the frankly excellent plan by Mortenkam. Agreed on the heavy cavalry and light cavalry. They're going to cost money to recruit, but light cavalry 'fills up' our unit without increasing our upkeep for them. Similiarly, skirmishers at 70 are just under the 75 threshold so would be free to recruit, that said, skirmishers aren't the kinds of troops wanted for the conflict, so keep their numbers low. Given how many skirmishers we have, I just don't think we need more, certainly not 300. They're cheap, sure, but looking at the order of battle for thornmarch. You'll notice the border with Morvak, our most likely enemy, well, based on Morvaks heavy units, the thornmarch maintains large numbers of Men at arms, pikes, crossbows, and significant numbers of cavalry. And Zero skirmishers. Let's trust what the thornmarch is saying and what South Zarsim is asking for. IMO, we are *good* for skirmishers and the kind of troops we are likely to want are heavier units.

Speaking of, Heavy cavalry, we get 10 cavalry free and aiming for another unit of 50 for another durek. I'm aiming to send 150 heavy cavalry to South Zarsim, 300 men at arms, 300 pikemen, and 150 crossbowmen. Which should neatly cover the terms of the treaty where we're expected to have 450 minimum as either cavalry, pikemen or men-at arms. In total, 750 fulfill that requirement from heavy cavalry, maa, and pikes.

Beyond that. Rienne says she doesn't need all 900 to be new recruits, but she'd aim for about 450 new recruits minimum. That's handled through the pikemen+men at arms for 452 troops. Then it has 320 troops on top of that. 60 heavy cav, 19 light cav, 171 crossbows, and 70 skirmishers. All in total 772 new* troops. Some will be returning veterans. But not counting the cost of recruitment, this is 3.75 dureks extra maintanence total. At a time when we're in debt and strapped for cash I do want to make some savings where possible. South Zarsim doesn't want skirmishers, so keeping that to a relative minimum. I might change my mind later, but for now, based on what I plan to send to Zarsim based on what they've requested? IMO we're good for skirmishers.

Secrets. I'm inclined to actually test our palace security. We can arrest Roland openly.

In Justice we can arrest him for financial crimes, make clear we know about the sending money to Gramaire. But honestly? Assuming we get a choice on what to do with him, some fines will cover it, and we don't/won't even have to go to the letter of the law. The heir is a child and will be treated as such. If the former countess wants to live comfortably in exile on donations from former Syrokis supporters best of luck to her. If we find any serious crimes like a planned assassination attempt or a serious conspiracy by all means, we can hammer him over the head the the lawbook. But based on minor financial crimes and sending money to a noble and a child? I'm inclined to roll our eyes and move on. A lady is raising her son and dabbling in foreign politics. If she wants to train him as a mage and set themselves up to live comfortable lifestyles in exile they can go ahead. We can revisit things if she starts making noise about her sons rightful inheritance and raising an army. But for the moment our time is better spent shoring up our own reign. Former loyalists have been forgiven and there's certainly no need to seriously go after the child. Keeping eyes on maybe, but certainly not assassination. Or anything extreme of that nature.

Sheriffs and reeves, repair war damage. Nuff said.

Envoys, In another departure from Mortenkams plan. Much as I'd like to talk to nerinthar and Janera, our best bet is in likely actually supporting Regara for the civil war. I'd prefer we have her and a third of Morvak against the rest, rather than the whole of Morvak united against us/ us and nerinthar.

Everything else, 1 action of planning with Essinya, talking to the knights personally. Bandits, and setting up the wedding fund.

Nice Added all of those, added two extra lines. One is formal invitations to the knight generals to our wedding, as of course powerful and respected figures within the kingdom, which they are. The other, is well, any necromancers would be coming through their lands to our wedding, so a chance to sit down, work out how much would be reasonable. Obviously Lyrus and other high ranking necromancers would expect a bodyguard, this is their chance to set reasonable limits and give any objections. While also making sure our wife has her own wedding guests if she wishes.

So, yeah. there's my plan plus I'm approval voting yours.
I do also think that your plan is good, and I have incorporated your lines of "attack" into my plan.

When it comes to choosing between Janera and Regara, then I think it is worth thinking about our long-term plan is, when it comes to Morvak. Supporting Regara might help us get a friendly Morvak or at least a Morvak, that has to recover from a civil war, while Janera offers better opportunities for crippling Morvak in the long-term, though it will require a costly war, that might turn into an expensive failure.

I do slightly lean towards trying to see if we can cripple Morvak, but I understand the desire to try and weaken them through civil war, while hopefully getting a friendly monarch instead, since it is likely going to be cheaper in dureks and lives.
[X] Plan, I'm the bride! Here's what.

I feel that at this point in time, it's all the more important to have our dealing with Fredoro public and above-board.
(Sidenote, is that an action there I'd like later on would be for official wedding invitations to be sent out by them.
I hadn't planned on an action like that, but I could incorporate it into one of the Wedding Planning scenes, which will have some subvoting (not a ton, or this will take forever, but).

What did you have in mind for how that would go? Just to gauge the intent.
I hadn't planned on an action like that, but I could incorporate it into one of the Wedding Planning scenes, which will have some subvoting (not a ton, or this will take forever, but).

What did you have in mind for how that would go? Just to gauge the intent.

How any wedding invitations goes. The obvious of making sure Essinya's father is invited. Any friends of hers. Close allies of her family and rivals whom she can't offend. Bonus points for the latter if there's any loudmouths she and her father wish to be rid of who we could 'accidentally' seat next to some Golden Knights. On the other hand, if she has any political allies or inoffensive necromancer merchant houses whom could use the business of being introduced to Halrunian nobles and whom can put the necromancers best diplomatic foot forwards we'd appreciate it.

On the flip side one supposes that Vanessa should invite her mother and possibly some other family even if they are only distant cousins otherwise she'd never hear the end of it. On a happier note invitations to our council, any friends, and of course our mentor Cyril. (as a sidenote, this should be presented as a chance for a visible reconciliation, or if they'd truly prefer he stay away we can politely indicate to Cyril that he would be doing us a favour if he'd reply to the invitation as being too busy, or possibly sending an apprentice in his stead.) (In reverse, this is a chance for if necessary Vanessa to veto 'lord killslaughter deathslaver the cruel.') Not that I expect such a person, but the point being Essinya and Vanessa can have a dialogue about who to invite and set hard veto's if needed.

Then there's the obvious diplomatic invites, it's probably too soon to invite other suitors, but for most of them while we're not signing any deals with a marraige, keeping their embassies open and inviting their ambassadors to a major party to keep relations friendly. as a sidenote, doing this at the time of the wedding opens up chances for them to meet places and people they usually wouldn't under the rules of diplomacy.

I specifically mentioned invitations to the knight generals of the golden throne. I don't expect all five to accept, but they're the kind of people who might take it as an insult if they were left off the guestlist.

Beyond that, it's a royal wedding. Ambassadors of neutral nations/ royals/heads of states of those nations. Head priests/priestesses. Important nobles, supporters from the civil war. The Royalist general whom Rienne convinced to defect to our side. Some other influential former rebels in the spirit of forgiveness and healing old wounds.

As a rule of thumb, three tiers of importance, 1 closest friends and families, short, handwritten notes/invites from Vanessa and Essinya inviting them to share the happy day. 2 Major political figures who need to be invited. (unless strong reasons for a veto) Individualised invites to saaay the king of Zedarsh, scribed by our staff and signed by Vanessa and Essinya. And 3, the 'nice to haves' less important guests, a scattering of mid level nobles, some nobles who live nearby whom can expect to be invited and some lucky ones from far away or important border regions, not too many as we wouldn't want to for example, leave the northern border open to goblin raids. But also prominent merchants, bankers/creditors (rucdorn can help us figure out which if needed) war hero's. And just in general the 'plus ones' whom our advisors think we should invite. These get a standardised template "Greetings Madam/Ser/Lord/Lady/Gentlefolk You are invited to the royal wedding. Signed ..." Signed by Essinya/Vanessa or just stamped on our behalf.

The other side to that of course, is almost certainly going to be cutting down the guestlist. Working out how many we can actually invite, whom do we have room for, whom do we not. In particular we'd likely need to nudge Lady Balmain, Arendel, and Rykall, to A, make sure we're not missing anyone, and B, help us manage whom to cut from the guestlist if/when needed.

tldr: "Hey essinya, who do you love and need to invite, who do you hate and need to veto?" Which supporters do we need to reward, which nobles and important people do we need to offer a carrot to, or alternately can we show the stick to by pointedly *not* inviting them such as the lady who made the rude outburst at our proclamation. And are there any 'less important' people whom we can invite to make up the numbers for a grand wedding/fills seats with supporters happy to be there. With a check from our envoy and several council members to make sure we're not forgetting anyone obvious/save us from accidentally giving an insult.
I'm not inclined to start talking about protection with the knights and necromancers. That stuff's better left untalked about, as otherwise you're making unnecessarily tense and complicated. They'll bring an appropriate amount of protection like everyone else without us needing to prime our wedding as the kind of place that needs protection.

EDIT: Please for the love of god do not make sub-votes for wedding invitations. That's getting way too far into the weeds.
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The obvious of making sure Essinya's father is invited. Any friends of hers. Close allies of her family and rivals whom she can't offend.
I kind of figured that sort of thing was a given, tbh. Sounds like you're already suggesting things that would be covered under the fact that it's a big giant grand wedding. The only real debateable is Vanessa inviting any of her family, but given how she feels about them...

EDIT: Please for the love of god do not make sub-votes for wedding invitations. That's getting way too far into the weeds.
Also a fair point.
I kind of figured that sort of thing was a given, tbh. Sounds like you're already suggesting things that would be covered under the fact that it's a big giant grand wedding. The only real debateable is Vanessa inviting any of her family, but given how she feels about them...

Fair enough. I did mention it was the obvious. Main reason I explicitly noted them was to avoid the kind of scenario where if I start listing of major political figures such as powerful nobles and didn't include close friends and family... Like you say they're already covered. I'm just trying to make sure there's no room for misunderstandings like thinking it was a deliberate choice to avoid adding them.

Basically chalk it down to making sure that Vanessa and Essinya are both on the same page about who gets invited and who doesn't. And add in a healthy dose of wedding horror stories where one or both of the couple assume that X/Y person is being invited but never actually say so. And then the big day arrives and said person is nowhere to be seen and fuming that their favourite family member/best friend/ only child 'Didn't want them at their wedding'.

In general it's a great big "Did we get everyone?" Such as family that we want and a double check of the guestlist in universe from advisors to make sure we're not missing any major figures that 'should' be obvious but whom I might not have listed or have forgotten. And also adding room for Essinya to object to certain figures if needed.

Like. I trust you not to hit us with a "Gotcha!" later. But at the same time I've seen weddings IRL where... as an example, one side is primarily handling the invitations, the bride. She assumes the husband will of course invite his parents and siblings. He assumes his bribe will of course invite his family. Neither of them tell the printer who is making the invites and doesn't want to pry in case the husbands parents have passed away or there's drama where not inviting his parents are deliberate and... yeeah....

All in all it's a sanity check on my end.
On the flip side one supposes that Vanessa should invite her mother and possibly some other family even if they are only distant cousins otherwise she'd never hear the end of it.
Nah, fuck em. And we have already heard the end of it. If we haven't heard anything after full on becoming a queen, we won't start hearing things because of a mere wedding.
Oh! There's one thing I just thought of that might be very important but is also information that may not require resources or actions to learn.

Wedding costs - more specifically, knowledge of the general ballpark of our predecessor's wedding costs, for a historical perspective on how much is 'enough' for a proper royal wedding, if there's any past information to be had. Vanessa doesn't want to underdo it, but it might be even worse to overdo it even if the budget allows for it, and get accusations similar to Syrkosis in terms of wasteful extravagance. As for ease of access, I suspect that Vanessa's predecessors left paperwork for such purchases that could be dug up.

QM, is this information we can have or would we need something like a write-in for the Correspondance/Royal Vaults action to discover?
Oh! There's one thing I just thought of that might be very important but is also information that may not require resources or actions to learn.

Wedding costs - more specifically, knowledge of the general ballpark of our predecessor's wedding costs, for a historical perspective on how much is 'enough' for a proper royal wedding, if there's any past information to be had. Vanessa doesn't want to underdo it, but it might be even worse to overdo it even if the budget allows for it, and get accusations similar to Syrkosis in terms of wasteful extravagance. As for ease of access, I suspect that Vanessa's predecessors left paperwork for such purchases that could be dug up.

QM, is this information we can have or would we need something like a write-in for the Correspondance/Royal Vaults action to discover?
Syrokis never actually got married. He probably was going to marry Gramaire and adopt/legitimize his bastard son, but he never got around to it. For a while he played his singleness as a political card to imply he'd favorably consider marrying a member of families that played ball with his centralization of power and his tax regimes, etc.

Brunn I... He had a fairly understated wedding, he wasn't an especially imaginative ruler or one prone to spending money on pomp... maybe 12 Dureks in modern values? Teran I was already married when he became King, as Grand Duke of Raida his wedding probably cost... 15-18 Dureks, he did splurge a lot, but the Grand Duchy of Raida was always the richest single part of what became Halrun.
and get accusations similar to Syrkosis in terms of wasteful extravagance.

Laser focusing in on Syrokis for a second. Wars, high taxes, trampling on the rights of the nobility, killing off lawyers.

I think we can get away with... let's say.. spending about 20-25 dureks. There's a king who spent way less, and another who as a grand duke spent slightly less.

As a queen, I think we can get away with spending more without being seen as wasteful. Rather the opposite in fact. Our wedding is neatly timed to coincide with the first anniversary of our rule, we picked the biggest grandest event. It's a chance to show the world and lenders, that not only are we able to pay off our debts and rebuild from the war, but that our finances are secure enough to enjoy a lavish ceremony.

Beyond that. I'm happy Vanessa hit the mark on the donations to the temples and that money is cycling back into economic growth. And thus I'd hope that a large wedding and banquet and having our face seen by the nobles would go a ways to buying some good will.

And, back to Syrokis, the taxes were harsh, but it was the tyranical flouting of the law which truly sealed his end IMO. He weakened and insulted and arrested his nobles without cause.

It's part of the reason I voted to make sure the arrest of the noble is above board, legal and airtight. At the same time, I mentioned previously, if we've been watching him for months and can only find evidence of minor financial crimes. I do think we can let him get away with some small nominal fines as a slap on the wrist and some finger wagging.

Similiarly Vanessa isn't going to tolerate open disrespect and insults. But at the same time as seen by her announcement and the noblewomans shout. Some shock was expected and Vanessa's natural inclination to remove her from the proceedings without further punishment has her in good stead. While Vanessa does have the right to choose her own spouse and be the final decisionmaker on that she herself mentions that she should at least read the nobility's letters which object.

It's probably nothing she hasn't already considered but there you are.

And, our patience isn't and shouldn't be infinite. But for the moment, a light hand to contrast ourself with syrokis wouldn't go amiss in my opinion.

So far, reacting calmly and with compassion and acting very deliberately within the law strengthens Vanessa's position. She was chosen by the assembly. Syrokis was removed by force, she was chosen through diplomacy and debate as the legal monarch.

One thing I was also considering, was that Vanessa chose to be Coronated by the High Priest of Alior. I considered sending an initial donation to them but didn't want to be seen favouring them too highly. And yes, we wish to defend the realm through our alliance with the necromancer kingdom, but also, so far as we know, Essinya is an Innocent and has committed no crimes against Halrun and it's people and while the wedding would likely best be carried out by a representative of Tyria I was wondering if Alior would be an option. Or failing that they would be one of the high priests I would like to speak to soon if anyone else would be interested in that.

I'm having some other thoughts as I reread through the quest, and our coronation speech to rule justly with the nobility and estates. And Food, security and ideals featured. With selling grain to the necromancers, possibly something to support farming, planting more, improving those we have, settling more of the crown reserve is something I'd like to consider.

And also, sooner or later, Defenses in the Thornmarch which the help of Aliors followers would no doubt help. Fortifications, wards, if they had their own knightly order we could make use of would be ideal. Possibly even to attend our wedding in a similiar vein to the knights of the golden throne. I like them, but the Knights of Adun do seem to draw a lot of attention and interest and it's a passing thought to see if other Gods have similiar orders.

Beyond that, Vanessa's speech helps reassure me that in taking a light hand with the nobles and stringently following the law we're making a good choice.
it's a passing thought to see if other Gods have similiar orders.
Every God has some warriors sworn to them, and most temples have a holy warrior or three locally, etc. In the region the main body of the Quest is concerned with, the only two gods that have extensive knightly orders associated with them are the Knights of the Golden Throne (Dedicated to Adun), and the Deathknights (dedicated to Selras).

Elsewhere in the setting, there are large orders dedicated to other gods, but for instance, Tallend doesn't really have a dedicated holy order of knights because... well, he's the God of War. Every knight to fights a war is in a sense, a knight of Tallend. Forming an order dedicated just to him would be redundant.

(Are there Knightly orders that aren't dedicated specifically to Tallend that do worship him regardless? Yes, of course. Tallend is, for instance, the most important god in Morvak, just as Selras is the most important Goddess in Darkmoon forest, etc).

Some gods don't have any knightly orders - Serissa and Luciana, for instance, and Maedon is too... primal and naturey to have anything so civilized (though the Wolf Lords could be said to be akin to Knights of Maedon, in a sense).
Oh! There's one thing I just thought of that might be very important but is also information that may not require resources or actions to learn.

Wedding costs - more specifically, knowledge of the general ballpark of our predecessor's wedding costs, for a historical perspective on how much is 'enough' for a proper royal wedding, if there's any past information to be had. Vanessa doesn't want to underdo it, but it might be even worse to overdo it even if the budget allows for it, and get accusations similar to Syrkosis in terms of wasteful extravagance. As for ease of access, I suspect that Vanessa's predecessors left paperwork for such purchases that could be dug up.

QM, is this information we can have or would we need something like a write-in for the Correspondance/Royal Vaults action to discover?

Wanted to chime in and say I 100% agree with @BoSPaladin entire post above, that I really think the flouting of noble rights/feudal contract to the point of death was what really got the outright rebellion vs Syrkosis going. Generally extravagance alone isn't enough to tip people over to the "risk my life in a war," side of things. It'll usually be paired with actions directly threatening life--the flouting of established law and custom--or directly contrasted to masses of people literally in the process of starving to death in the street as food gets tossed from the palace's daily parties.

QM confirmed Halrun doesn't really have "precedent" for how a royal wedding should go--sidebar ohoho always nice to get a chance to try and define tradition--but could likely look at other countries since a part of this is to show off to other countries that Halrun is back baaabeeee. While the exact form varies, I'd think "ridiculously over the top" would be a general norm since uh feudalism and nobility. The point is to show off how special/above the majority the couple is. So long as there aren't large enough masses who think they need to grab food or starve next week looking at the feast (and I really don't think the situation is anywhere near that bad) and this really is framed as "once in a lifetime" special even vs the norm it'll be fine if not expected.
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and I really don't think the situation is anywhere near that bad)
Halrun is currently in no danger of food shortages. It's definitely a breadbasket country, and while the cities are (as you'd expect) more precarious on food than the countryside, and food could always stand to be cheaper (from the perspective of a common laborer), mass starvation in any of the cities is presently not a concern or even close.
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