Voting will open in 5 hours, 57 minutes and close in 2 days, 8 hours
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Oct 5, 2024 at 12:53 AM, finished with 20 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Marine Killers
    [X] Plan: Millitary-Industrial Violence Complex
    -[X] [Type] Armored. The rumbling of the ground is but a prelude to the vehicles to come, to crush all beneath their treads and blast all who escape it. Those outside quail, bereft of protective metal to shield them from the violence to follow.
    --[X] [Origin] Amageddon. From the choked smokestacks of their world they come, veterans of wars time and time again. Yet they remained unbowed, bringing light to the darkest parts of the Imperium all the same. Regimental Doctrine: Industrial Efficiency.
    [x] Plan:The Elite
    -[x] [Type] Infantry. Squads of elite infantry accompanied by specialists on the battlefield, supported by lightly armored vehicles. Tanks are a rarity but not an unwelcome sight for when the hammer is needed.
    -[x] [Origin] Atoma Prime. Within the massive spires lurks evils that fester in the darkness. Cutting through the darkness do elites stride through, cleansing themselves of sin. Regimental Doctrine: Storm Troopers.
    [X] Plan: Cocaine but armored
    -[X] [Type] Armored. The rumbling of the ground is but a prelude to the vehicles to come, to crush all beneath their treads and blast all who escape it. Those outside quail, bereft of protective metal to shield them from the violence to follow.
    -[X] [Origin] Salvar. Toxic and horrific working conditions so bad, the people would rather die in war than in the mines. But they never quite left behind old habits. Regimental Doctrine: Industrial Efficiency.
    -[x] [Type] Infantry. Squads of elite infantry accompanied by specialists on the battlefield, supported by lightly armored vehicles. Tanks are a rarity but not an unwelcome sight for when the hammer is needed.
    [X] Plan: Seven Pillars of Wisdom
    -[X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    -[X] [Origin] Tallarn. The swirling desert hides all, until it is too late. They emerge from the dust and strike, only to fade away just as quickly to ready again. Regimental Doctrine: Swift as the Wind.
    [X] Plan: Fancy Warfare
    -[X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    -[X] [Origin] Scintilla. Discontent children of nobility, striking it out to find new purpose in life when the salons of their home are too much. Yet they annoyingly still find themselves surrounded by it when they gather. Regimental Doctrine: Heirloom Weapons.
    [X] Plan: For the Lil'uns!
    [X] [Origin] Tanith. The shifting woods changes the path, again and again. So too does the path change when they leave the planet, for better or worst. Regimental Doctrine: Swift as the Wind.
    [X] Plan: First Blood
    -[X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    -[X] [Origin] Catachan. The deathworld of Catachan is a nightmarish place with a morbid mortality rate, both weak and strong alike perishing in the uncaring jungles. What survives then are those mad enough to declare the dangerous of the galaxy mundane compared to their home. Regimental Doctrine: Brutal Strength.
    [X] Plan: Sins Of Our Ancestors
    -[x] [Type] Infantry. Squads of elite infantry accompanied by specialists on the battlefield, supported by lightly armored vehicles. Tanks are a rarity but not an unwelcome sight for when the hammer is needed.
    -[X] [Origin] Vostroyan. The sins of the father are also that of the child, so deeply has the guilt lingered in their people's memories. Thus are the Firstborn obliged to go to war to purge the dishonor of their ancestors. Regimetnal Doctrine: Heirloom Weapons.
    [X] Plan: why not?
    [X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    [X] [Origin] Krieg. A once-productive world now reduced to nuclear waste because of a singular betrayal so great, it lingers in memory. A guilt born of a failed duty can only be washed away by blood. Regimental Doctrine: Cult of Sacrifice.
If a tie-breaker is needed:
[X] Plan: Millitary-Industrial Violence Complex
Always a fan of the runner ups getting involved in the next steps.

Forgot to vote but I am Interested to see what comes next.
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Weird hat QM's tally post did not show all the votes. This should have them all, now including also the one made after the vote was called.
Adhoc vote count started by Icipall on Oct 8, 2024 at 10:38 PM, finished with 34 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Millitary-Industrial Violence Complex
    -[X] [Type] Armored. The rumbling of the ground is but a prelude to the vehicles to come, to crush all beneath their treads and blast all who escape it. Those outside quail, bereft of protective metal to shield them from the violence to follow.
    --[X] [Origin] Amageddon. From the choked smokestacks of their world they come, veterans of wars time and time again. Yet they remained unbowed, bringing light to the darkest parts of the Imperium all the same. Regimental Doctrine: Industrial Efficiency.
    [X] Plan: Marine Killers
    [X] Plan: For the Lil'uns!
    [x] Plan:The Elite
    -[x] [Type] Infantry. Squads of elite infantry accompanied by specialists on the battlefield, supported by lightly armored vehicles. Tanks are a rarity but not an unwelcome sight for when the hammer is needed.
    -[x] [Origin] Atoma Prime. Within the massive spires lurks evils that fester in the darkness. Cutting through the darkness do elites stride through, cleansing themselves of sin. Regimental Doctrine: Storm Troopers.
    [X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    [X] Plan: Cocaine but armored
    -[X] [Type] Armored. The rumbling of the ground is but a prelude to the vehicles to come, to crush all beneath their treads and blast all who escape it. Those outside quail, bereft of protective metal to shield them from the violence to follow.
    -[X] [Origin] Salvar. Toxic and horrific working conditions so bad, the people would rather die in war than in the mines. But they never quite left behind old habits. Regimental Doctrine: Industrial Efficiency.
    -[x] [Type] Infantry. Squads of elite infantry accompanied by specialists on the battlefield, supported by lightly armored vehicles. Tanks are a rarity but not an unwelcome sight for when the hammer is needed.
    [X] Plan: Seven Pillars of Wisdom
    -[X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    -[X] [Origin] Tallarn. The swirling desert hides all, until it is too late. They emerge from the dust and strike, only to fade away just as quickly to ready again. Regimental Doctrine: Swift as the Wind.
    [X] Plan: Fancy Warfare
    -[X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    -[X] [Origin] Scintilla. Discontent children of nobility, striking it out to find new purpose in life when the salons of their home are too much. Yet they annoyingly still find themselves surrounded by it when they gather. Regimental Doctrine: Heirloom Weapons.
    [X] [Origin] Atoma Prime. Within the massive spires lurks evils that fester in the darkness. Cutting through the darkness do elites stride through, cleansing themselves of sin. Regimental Doctrine: Storm Troopers.
    [X] [Origin] Tanith. The shifting woods changes the path, again and again. So too does the path change when they leave the planet, for better or worst. Regimental Doctrine: Swift as the Wind.
    [X] Plan: First Blood
    -[X] [Type] Mixed. Scouts lead the way, followed by armor to engage in opponents. In their wake comes the infantry, ready to storm the remaining strongholds and clear what remains.
    -[X] [Origin] Catachan. The deathworld of Catachan is a nightmarish place with a morbid mortality rate, both weak and strong alike perishing in the uncaring jungles. What survives then are those mad enough to declare the dangerous of the galaxy mundane compared to their home. Regimental Doctrine: Brutal Strength.
    [X] Plan: Sins Of Our Ancestors
    -[x] [Type] Infantry. Squads of elite infantry accompanied by specialists on the battlefield, supported by lightly armored vehicles. Tanks are a rarity but not an unwelcome sight for when the hammer is needed.
    -[X] [Origin] Vostroyan. The sins of the father are also that of the child, so deeply has the guilt lingered in their people's memories. Thus are the Firstborn obliged to go to war to purge the dishonor of their ancestors. Regimetnal Doctrine: Heirloom Weapons.
    [X] Plan: why not?
    [X] [Origin] Krieg. A once-productive world now reduced to nuclear waste because of a singular betrayal so great, it lingers in memory. A guilt born of a failed duty can only be washed away by blood. Regimental Doctrine: Cult of Sacrifice.
First Founding, Part 3 New

With the fall of Cadia, the Eye of Terror was freed to unleash its hateful and warping energies for the briefest of moments. That single moment was enough to unleash the Cicatrix Maledictum upon reality at large, a series of warp storms that all but split the galaxy in two. The Great Rift, as it is more commonly referred to, threw a millennia of labor into question when the worlds of the Imperium found themselves almost isolated from one another. Even after the flames of the 13th Black Crusade cooled, this legacy of chaotic disruption lingers still.

The sudden disruption of operations due to the Great Rift were almost immediately felt, almost every single Imperial battlegroup finding themselves cut from commands from Holy Terra. The enemies of humanity did not hesitate for a single moment, pouncing now to take advantage of mankind more than ever to finish the job. Yet now, even when all seemed lost, was hope ever forsaken.

So even whilst alone and blind, they fought. Armies and battlegroups across the Imperium never faltering, moving to do what they can to link up and establish a degree of effectiveness. Perhaps direct orders from the High Lords had been drowned or lost in the warp storms that wracked the galaxy, but that was fine. Each of them didn't need to know what grand strategy the Imperium was fermenting, what sacrifices would be asked in service of a greater goal. All of that didn't matter.

All that mattered now was to survive, and to defend light wherever there so was.

Battlegroup Prisilon was one such group, arriving to Segmentum Tempestus just as the Cicatrix Maledictum was unleashed. Whatever grand objective or goal that was to be assigned to the Lord Commander in charge never arrived, only reports of panic and confusion from worlds in the local sector. Faced with the immediate danger, the Lord Commander declared to his armies the intent to first focus on what was here and now, instead of whatever was planned by the disconnected councilors from Holy Terra. This was, in the most generous of considerations, insubordination. At the very worst, it was the start of heresy.

Yet to stand idly by while dark forces ravaged innocents was unacceptable. So did Battlegroup Prisilon, underequipped and unprepared, march bravely out. Intense campaigns soon followed, one after another, liberating or defending worlds from what dangers ailed them so. Their passage through the sector did not go unnoticed, their actions speaking for themselves. It drew attention from other Imperial armies, many of whom were similarly stranded and without direction due to the Great Rift. Those who still had spirit and determination to fight hurried to join with the Battlegroups, eagerly welcomed as much needed reinforcements against the numerous and endless enemies of the sector.

Among those reinforcements was Army Group Oster-1, a collection of Imperial Guard regiments that had the misfortune of having their transports caught in the warp storms that split the galaxy. Much was lost and those who managed to survive by emergency exit into realspace found themselves unfortunately far from their original destination. They wandered about, fighting odd battle here and there, until they learned of the actions of Battlegroup Prisilon and found a way to link up with them. Now, properly integrated back into a command structure, they are being rotated to the Otra system for temporary basing and resupply.

Of course, nothing was ever that easy. Astropathic communication indicated rumblings of a minor rebellion underway on the world of Otra Prime. But if the reports about its size were to be believed, it was nothing that the regiments couldn't handle with support from the local PDF. So did their vessels exit from the Warp and into the system, burning straight for Otra Prime, with you onboard serving in one of the regiments that made up Oster-1.

Choose a regiment from the following list.

[ ] 99th Scintilla Grenadiers, "Vaulters"

The world of Scintillia is one of highborn nobility, where aristocracy was a community in itself in the highest spires of their hives. But not all are satisfied with life, especially if they were to realize that they could inherit nothing when the head passes. So they strike out and take their chances to earn glory in service with the Imperial Guard, pushing themselves to train seriously to come back alive. A few even go so far as to empty out personal vaults to finance the finest of arms to serve with, hence the name given to those "Vaulters."

[ ] 407th Armageddon Steel Legion "Tread Knights"

Armageddon is a world that is no stranger to grand conflict of earthshaking scale, having been the site of many wars. Yet still do its hives churn out iron and steel, manufacturing equipment for its regiments to serve in the Imperial Guard. The vast majority of these tend to be vehicles that every soldier is trained in operating and maintaining, a long-standing culture of armored warfare giving birth to these "Tread Knights."

[ ] 59th Moebian Regiment "Penitents"

There are whispers of dark occurrences in Atoma Prime, of a foul outbreak that has sullied the planet's one immaculate record. There is even more gossip that it has drawn the eye of the Inquisition, resulting in a thorough investigation. The truth is not so easily shaken from those assorted who were quietly cleared of guilt and offered a chance to serve the Imperium through the Imperial Guard as "Penitents."

- These are the top three from the last vote, and pretty much are distinct in their own way. You could count the Atoma Prime option as two entries so I just merged them into one to see if people are committed still, or if the other ones sound good as well.
- Please pick between these three. Whoever wins is the chosen unit, and the other two will be accompanying allied units.
- These are just brief backgrounds, I'll probably do a detailed write-up of the winner to match the vibe of whatever commander ya'll decide to go with.

14 hour moratorium to decide on Oster-1.
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really? ah sorry this is my first time voting can someone tell me how it works?
[ ] 407th Armageddon Steel Legion "Tread Knights"

For a vote like this you would get the above option and put the X in to vote.

There's a blue banner just above the submission box that tells how long it is until the bite opens.
Seems that we will be on our own in this part of the galaxy for a while, cut off from the wider Imperium.
Among those reinforcements was Army Group Oster-1, a collection of Imperial Guard regiments that had the misfortune of having their transports caught in the warp storms that split the galaxy.
Hey, that's us!

And to remind everyone:
[ ] 99th Scintilla Grenadiers, "Vaulters"
Infantry regiment.
[ ] 407th Armageddon Steel Legion "Tread Knights"
Armored regiment.
[ ] 59th Moebian Regiment "Penitents"
Infantry/Mixed regiment.

[Plan] Defenders of humanity clad in stell -[X] 407th Armageddon Stell Legion "Tread Knights"
You need to remove the 'X' there, otherwise the tally program will pick it up as a subvote since it has the '-' at the front.

Fixed the Moebian Regiment type.
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[ ] 99th Scintilla Grenadiers, "Vaulters"

I kinda like the idea of our people sporting some eclectic bunch of bits and bobs mixed with some more standard stuff.
[ ] 99th Scintilla Grenadiers, "Vaulters"

They are here for glory, and we shall earn it through valiant deaths.
[ ] 59th Moebian Regiment "Penitents"

Atoma all the way! The big stompy boys are eager to gain more scars to show the emprah.
Honestly, all of them are fairly interesting to me it will be nice to see how these three very eclectic regiments interact with each other.
I did mention this in my Fantasy Vampirate quest, but it also applies here. If anything, I got a new load of dice to help run the quest. So go ahead and begin voting to see how your first unit goes.
[X] 407th Armageddon Steel Legion "Tread Knights"

Show the enemy the power of our Treads!!
Voting will open in 5 hours, 57 minutes and close in 2 days, 8 hours