Not Alectai, obviously, but what have you got in mind?
…Soo mostly this was me grabbing the MC from one of Alextai's old quests and trying to port her into this one.
Albeit it went…Sideways, you could say, in part because a straight port makes her too much of a giant flea from outer space in terms of her capabilities and possibly her weaknesses, partially because this system…
It feels like there's a concrete list of available powers but I haven't seen the list in question so I'm having to make it up as I go.
Except some things can transfer and some things will be like 'what is he on'?
The character in question, is Medea Athelos (assuming I got the name right!) But to begin with, I'm giving her the title of Witch of Storm Crows.
Vaguely the backstory is she was an 'apprentice' to some Blackgaurd? Type dude, who was Sorceror and Knight, but she was *just* a sorceress. Except he tried to basically drain her of her power and probably kill her in the process to augment his own strength. She tried a crude reversal and ops! It only partially worked. Instead of her getting a double-helping of magical power she got the Knight side of his powers. And also he got disintegrated in the bargain. Not exactly reinventing the wheel but whatever, gotta stay somewhat true to the old quest she came from.
Now, the complicated bit is going from there to interacting with the Main Plot, but right now I'm thinking she's working with ol' Salt Armour to do things like find him a convenient band of Norse for him and his Squire to fight.
And hey, she's the Witch of Storm Crows, Crows are smart and can totally act as a spy network! Plus yanno we decided to call a group of them a murder for some reason, so they have cool factor, at least in groups. Plus this lets me use her to explore the 'Falcon' part of the Knight's toolkit and how that works.
How does she fight? UHHh…So original Medea fought with basically a magic staff. How do I translate that into Knight weapon? Well, I figure a polearm like a halberd or something in that vein should work. Vaguely the right strike zones, and something versatile in how you can use it fits a smart person I figure.
Her and her Storm Crow, or Crows…I figure there's one main bird but it can make copies of itself. And that bird does things to run interference, from being loud and annoying, to possibly doing more 'Storm' things like shooting lightning, to as an adaptation of an idea I had as to how Medea in the old quest fights, nudging the opponent's arm or disrupting their footing to create an opening that Medea then exploits. (Old Medea the bird was barriers she'd summon, to do things like creating a small barrier the opponent steps on before vanishing, giving them a moment of 'my balance is disrupted!' As an example.)
apologies since this was kind of written as a stream of conciousness-I've not taken the time yet to coherently put this idea together in a way I can explain well…