Once Upon a Lie (Disney's Villain's Victorious/Lies of P) (Yes, Really)

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Krat, what was once known as the most technologically advanced city in the world has gone into ruins, and you, Lorenzi Vegnini genius philanthropist and the most handsome man in Krat, have just managed to survive the carnage of the Puppet Frenzy and the Stoneskin Plague.

You thought that you had just managed to make it out of the nightmare, only for the entire city to be enveloped into pure darkness. Now, you have arrived to some place that does not look like the world you knew.

There are horrors out there in the world, Villains that have fought and won to rule their land like Tyrants. And now, here you are, in a torn apart city, beyond the brink of collapse. With yourself, and the survivors of no less than three tragedies.

You liked your odds. Even if you screamed into your pillow at night.
Turn 1 January/February Year 001 DA
How in the world did you get here?

While, yes, you were a genius, one with a charisma that would make lesser men green with envy, you never would have thought that you would be the new leader of Krat.

Now that you thought about it, you absolutely did not want the responsibility of leadership of Krat.

Especially not now.

But, there was literally no one else to take control except for you. Most of the higher ups in the city government did not survive the initial frenzy, let alone the spread of the petrification disease, and that was a whole wad of gum in the gears of you plan.

Your forces, had barely managed to regain control of most of the area around Hotel Krat, an influx of people running from the outskirts of town into their neck of the woods, before everything had changed.

The world seemed to go black, the worst darkness that you had ever experienced in your life, worse than the night your parents had been killed in front of your eyes.

As if you would never feel happy again, as if life was simply an existence that promised nothing but pain.

Then you all woke up, and found that while Krat remained, the rest of the world was… different. The landscape around Krat was different, however the Arche Abby, the former island headquarters for those cursed Alchemists, remained off the coast of the city. Everything however was different, and you didn't know what on earth they were going to do.

Now, you were in charge.


Oh, sure, you dreamed of someday creating another brand new city instead of simply improving Krat, but that would have been with your resources and wonderful employees. You had none of that.

You only had the people that were left over after the puppet frenzy, including what puppets had managed to regain their senses and come to their aid against the abominations that were a fusion of Carcass and Puppet.

Now, everyone was looking to you for guidance. And while, yes it was quite flattering to be needed by so many people, you were still simply just a man! What on earth were you supposed to do?

"Lorenzini." A quiet voice said, and you turned to find P, the young pup- no. No, he wasn't a puppet anymore, now was he? You remember in the pain in his eyes, the blood on his hands, when he had returned from that cursed island without Gapetto. Now, he looked to you for guidance. As most people should, yet, you could not help but feel inadequate for the young man that had helped you so much. "What are we going to do?"

You blink once behind your glasses, surprised by the sheer simplicity and calm in Pinocchio's eyes.

You almost laughed at yourself. Here you were, an accomplished man, with years of wisdom behind your life, scared and unsure of what next step to take. Yet, this young man, who had accomplished so much in a mere few days, now looked to you for guidance.

No, you could not simply turn over and let yourself be lost to despair. There was too much to do! And there were people counting on you now!

You would be damned if you let a simple thing like this tear you down!

"Why, my young friend, we are going to get to work! How is that friend of yours doing?" You asked, thinking of the blue haired woman in the body of a puppet that had returned with Pinocchio a few days ago. He had been shaking as she held him to her side, and she had remained quiet in one of Hotel Krats many rooms.

"She's fine. Resting. But, she wants to help too." His words and sentences were simple, and to the point, but you knew that it did not mean that the young man was simple. Far from it, he was probably one of the best liars you had met.

But that was fine by you. Just another sign that he was so very human.

"Well then, how about we get to work then?" You asked with a smile, donning your top hat, and throwing your stylish red coat over your shoulders as you left the little corner of the hotel lobby that you had made your own, Pinocchio following close behind you as you took the elevator upstairs. "Miss Eugenie?" You asked as you knocked on the door to her room.

"Oh, ah, one moment please!" A voice cried out, the sound of something falling, followed by a curse that you couldn't quite decipher before the door flew open. Miss Eugenie was a pretty foreign young lady, her thing glasses were slightly skewed on her nose, her workers apron was slightly messy with tools sticking out of them, and her hair was frankly a mess.

Yet, you knew that she was one of the most brilliant minds you had ever met. A true savant in engineering, smithing, and weapons manufacturing.

"Oh, hello P, mister Venigni. Can I help you. Oh, wait, is it time already? Oh, no! I lost track of time!" She turned around, running back into her room out of sight, the sound of her muttering briefly reaching your ears, before she came back with even more tools stuffed into her apron pockets.

A few minutes later, you met up at the giant Stargazer that spun in the center of the room, those of you who were to be the 'leaders' of different efforts to retake the city under your command.

There were only two people here that you did not truly know. The woman with blue hair and a new puppet body, and a former explorer that had taken Alidoro's name as his own, the dog headed mask staring out at you.

If nothing else, the man had a kind heart and knew the city like the back of his hand.

"Now, shall we get to work, everyone?" You asked, as you brought up a map of Krat and began to make preparations.

Hello, and welcome to Once Upon A Lie!

My own little attempt at a Disney's Villains Victorious quest. I have adored the DVV quest for many years now since I found Doofquest and explored deeper into the rabbit hole. As you can tell, this is not the Pinocchio that we are familiar with.

No, this is Lies of P taking Pinocchio's place and thrown into the middle of Disney's Villain's Victorious a little bit after the end of the main game following the Rise of P ending.

If that means nothing to you, then I recommend either playing the game, or, if you aren't very good at Soulsborne games, look up a playthrough as I adored the games take on the story of Pinocchio.

Now, I shall be doing information posts on some of the mechanics later, so no need to worry about that.
The rest of DVV is going to be… different from what is known in canon. Not everything of course, but there will be some factions that are changed, or completely new ones that I'm going to pop down in different areas. And not all of them are going to be strictly from Disney or adjacent movies.

Of course, no faction I will add will be from anything later than WW2 or the equivalent, just to keep things 'even'.

As for where you are… well, I did say that you were taking Pinocchio's place.

Special thanks go to TempestK for his wonderful Aladdin Quest which was the main inspiration for this quest, and also to the Doofquest crew for the wonderful work they have done over the years. And, honestly, every DVV quest out there. Benson Quest, Abe Quest, Father Quest, etc. You have all been an inspiration and joy to read.

I shall be uploading various informational posts shortly everyone.

National Actions. Please Pick one per Category, and assign what Hero's you would wish to participate in each. Limit, 1 Hero Per Category

[]Clear out Krat Central Station: There are still some puppets and Carcasses that remained in Krat Central Station. It remains the key to movement around the city, and, more importantly, to the outside world. Before you can reclaim it, it must be cleared out of hostiles.
DC 50
Reward: Krat Central Station becomes clear of hostiles and is able to be repaired with a stewardship action.
[]Upgrade the Citizens Arsenal: Those that have survived and made it to Hotel Krat are simple civilians who have never had to truly fight before the puppet Frenzy. This means that at best, they are armed with a meager assortment of weapons. Let's fix that.
DC 40
Reward: Arm your forces and receive a +10 to Martial rolls within the city.
[]Train a Militia: At the moment, the only true fighter amongst your ranks is Pinocchio, and that leaves your fighting forces much to be desired. Have him train your forces in how to fight.
Reward: Form a militia amongst your people. +10 to Martial rolls within the city.

Further actions to clear out the city are locked behind Krat Central Station

[]Find Talent Among the People: Search amongst those that have joined you for potential talent. DC Varies.
Reward: Potential Hero Unit

[]Soothe Fears: Due to the precarious situation that you are in, tensions are high, and loyalty is low. Try your rounds around the citizenry to keep any unfortunate incident from happening. DC 45
Reward: Negates Loyalty of the People lost per turn, with a +10 to loyalty.

[]Rosa Isabella Street: There are people that managed to survive Rosa Isabella Street. Given their more… prestigious upbringings, it might be an issue if you just decided to show up to retake the city without speaking to them first. DC40
Rewards: Speak to those that have survived, negate any unfortunate incidents. Increase Loyalty by +5 of Citizens.

[]Mallum District: The slums of the city were reduced into a warzone, countless dead found in the streets of the city, while those that were infected with the plague were reborn as shambling monsters. Yet, there was hope. A number of people and Stalkers managed to survive in the slums of the city, holding a bastion of safety within. DC60
Rewards: Increase Loyalty +10 of Citizens. Retake the Mallum District back into Krat. Potential Supplies found.

[]Repair Rosa Isabella Street: What was once the ritzy and higher class neighborhood has been ravaged by both the war and plague. Bodies need to be burned, the dead need to be put to rest, and streets must be repaired. DC60
Reward: Rosa Isabella Street is retaken into Krat. Loyalty increased. Potential supplies found. Unlocks further actions.

[]Rationing and Preservation: Supplies are going to become a problem any day now. Take stock of what you have and take steps to preserve what you have to prevent starvation.
Reward: Supply count unlocked. Extend how long supplies may last.

[]Gold Collection: Money has sort of become useless now that the world has changed. But that does not mean that it will always be that way. Collect what gold you can from around Hotel Krat to safekeep as future potential income. After all… gold has to be worth something here.
DC10. Reward: Future currency.

[]Puppet Repair Force: There are a number of puppets that managed to keep their sanity that wish only to help. While tensions are still high, the citizens know that they cannot be picky. Take those puppets who were skilled in construction or building and try to assemble a construction force amongst them.
DC 35
Reward: Gain a bonus to all reconstruction affairs in the future by +10

[]Train a Scientist Crew: Most of your engineers and scientists did not make it through the various tragedies of Krat. Which means that you are going to need to train even more should you wish to further Krat's technological measures. DC65
Rewards: Unlock new avenues of research, and lower future DC rolls.

[]Ergo Containment: Now that the smoke has cleared, you know what caused the stoneskin plague. Ergo contamination. Meaning that you must study a way to prevent this from ever happening again. And you cannot kill the puppets that have chosen to come back to your side. Not when there is always the potential for any of them to awaken to their personality. DC55
Rewards: Prevent chance of Ergo outbreak. Further prevent Stoneskin Plague from returning.

[]Gepetto's Notes: It still hurts to think of your old friend. The man who you would have once called a mentor. The man who doomed the city to become what it is. Who almost turned your dear friend into nothing more than a puppet for him to use. Yet, there was genius to your friend that even you could never hope to stand against. Read through his notes, and see what you can glean from them. DC65
Reward: Future options to further puppet research. Potential insight into the special P-Organ.

[]Roof Climbing Tools: You don't know why you never thought of it before. What better way to traverse the city than through the rooftops? It would certainly make it easier to avoid ambushes by puppets or carcasses on the ground, plus lessen the amount of time it takes to get around. DC45
Reward: Create Roof Climbing Tools. Lower DC for activities around the city. Provide a bonus +10 to certain exploration and intrigue actions.

[]Ear to the Ground: It is an understatement to say that tensions are high. Keep an ear to the ground on potential unrest or those that might try to reap unbalance in the land.

[]Train Scouts: You are going to need people that can scout, not just in the city, but out in the world once you have reclaimed your home. DC40
Reward: Unlock Scout Unit. Unlock potential future actions. Increase actions within the city by +5, and those for scouting by +5.

[]Ergo Siphoning: There are still certain areas around the city with high ergo concentration, and those need to go before you can get anywhere near them. DC50
Cleanse high density Ergo areas, preventing future outbreaks. Cleanse Carcass Hostiles around the city.

[]Find those with Ergo Potential: Find potential Occult Heroes in the city. DC85
Reward: Potential Occult Hero recruitment

Personal Actions. Please Pick One Per Character

[]Spend time with a Subordinate: It is never a bad idea to bond with the people you work with, especially for those that are in a life or death situation like this. DC Variable.
-[]Write-In Hero Unit

[]Upgrade Pucinella: Pucinella has been with you your entire life and is the only true family besides perhaps Pinocchio that you have left. But, he is just a normal puppet, and you remember the terror you felt when he'd gotten lost in your factory. Well, you weren't going to have it. DC50
Reward: Upgrade Pucinella with combat capabilities. Provides a +5 to Martial

[]Pinocchio's Education: The young man has come to you for help in learning. And, who were you to tell the young man no? After all, neither of you truly had anyone else in the world left. DC40
Reward: Pinochio gains attribute points.

[]Learning: Pinocchio has known almost nothing but fighting. He wishes to change that. DC50
Reward: Pinocchio gains a 1d4 to his Learning stat.

[]Help Out Around the Hotel: Antonia left the Hotel to Pinocchio, and the thought of running his own hotel seems to excite the young lad. Well, it was going to take some work before he could get anywhere near the level that he needs to. DC60
Reward: Stewardship gains a 2d3.

[]Spend Time With Pollendina: The head puppet in charge of the Hotel erased his heart when Antonia passed away, due to being unable to deal with the sheer pain that he felt with her passing. While the Pollendina that he knew is no doubt gone, perhaps there is a chance that Pollendina can awaken as someone else. DC Variable.

[]Socialize: Sophia finally has the freedom that was taken from her at a young age, and she yearns for social contact. To meet new people and understand them. DC Variable
Reward: Variable

[]Training: Sophia was never able to truly defend herself, and that was something that she wishes to rectify by training with Pinocchio. DC60 Reward: Gain a 1d4 to Martial

[]Projection: Perform an astral projection outside the city. DC Variable.
Reward Variable, find potential information around the city.

[]Arming Yourself: While Eugenie has plenty of weapons, none of them are really hers. Create a weapon that she will train in. DC45
Reward: Gain a weapon that boosts her Martial.

[]Be Social: Without her memories, Eugenie has… no real friends outside of Pinocchio and perhaps Mr. Vegnini. She hates how sad that makes her feel. DC Variable.
Rewards Variable.

[]Study Puppetry: While she has a knack for engineering and weaponry, Eugenie truly knows little about how Puppets truly work. Perhaps there are some notes around here she can consult. DC 25
Reward: Gains an understanding of Puppetry. +10 to Puppet rolls that she is involved in.

[]Explore Outside the City: There are few people that are capable of making it out of the city, especially with the Station currently under Carcass control. Yet, Alidoro was one of them. DC40
Reward: Do some light scouting outside the city.

[]Making Friends: If the real Alidoro would still be alive, he would try to ease the tensions of the people around him, and… Hugo wished to do the same. DC25
Reward: Lower certain DC's. Raise Loyalty of the Citizens. Chance to ease tensions between puppets and humans.

[]Sabotage: There are certain areas that are still occupied by Hostiles, and Alidoro wished to help in the city's efforts to clear them out. DC40
Reward: Lower DC of clearing out certain areas of the city.

Please Organize your votes as a Plan.
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Each Turn shall take two months to complete, meaning that 6 turns shall take one year. During these turns, Lorenzini and the city of Krat shall work towards whatever efforts you all choose to tackle in those months.

National Actions:
There are six different categories of actions that can be taken, and six different stats that each character has a score in.


Are the main categories of actions that can be taken.

Separate from National Actions are Personal Actions, which are done separately and shall be addressed later on.

Now, the way that National Actions work is this.

Depending on what choices you make determines how many actions from each category you can take.

Starting off, you shall have only one action in each category, though this can be increased with certain actions.

Now, most actions shall have a DC that you must meet, and to reach this DC, the following formula shall be used.

1d100+ Lorenzini's Respective Stat+ Assigned Hero if you have any+ Any other traits or bonuses.

If the resulting number meets the DC, then it is considered a success, or, if a D100 is rolled and the DC is met then it is a Critical Success. If the DC is total is double what the DC should have been, then it shall be a critical success as well. Critical Success' shall give additional rewards besides the ones that are listed.

If the DC is not met, then it shall be a failure, and might give a lowered DC should the project be attempted again next turn. If it is a bare failure, then the DC shall be significantly lowered next turn.

If the DC is less than half, or you did not meet the DC with a nat 1, then it shall be a critical failure with debuffs applied to either your faction or hero units.


Hero Units are important characters and leaders that can sway major projects. This can range from great warriors, to genius minds that are capable taking on immense workloads unto themselves.

Each Hero Unit has a respective stat from a category, and other traits that are unique to that character that can provide different bonuses.

You shall start off with a small number of Hero Units, but there will be means of recruiting more as the quest progresses.

Each Hero is a person with their own wants, needs, and dislikes, and should their loyalty reach 0, then they are liable to simply leave for new pastures. This is not to say that they can't change, but that also depends on your own relationship with them. This applies to Lorenzini as well mind you, and given what you choose, and what events might happen to him then it is liable to change him as a person as well.


Loyalty is going to be a more mild mechanic here compared to other quests, or at least, far more narrative than truly mechanical.

It also dictates how much certain Hero's open up to you.


Personal Actions are independent actions that Hero's take outside of work, or in conjunction with work. Now, the outcome of these will be with a pure d100 without any bonuses unless in certain circumstances.

PA's can unlock new options, choices, or bonuses to your Heros. The higher your loyalty, the more PA's can potentially be unlocked as well.


Adventures are quests or important actions that can be taken by a certain number of characters that will be chosen. Think of them as mini turns that will be far more like a narrative adventure rather than 4X style that normal turns are going to be. There is a great risk in doing these Adventures, as your Hero's will be putting their lives on the line, but the rewards are also vast.

Adventures are how you can unlock new branching pathways in magic, technology, intrigue, and just about every category that you can think of, including giving your Hero's the chance to increase their Attribute scores.

Each Adventure shall have a Hero assigned to the leader by you all, and their stats will be added to every roll made by the party along with being the main POV character during said adventures. On the flip side, should Lorenzini be assigned to an Adventure, then he shall be assigned as the leader.

Hero's assigned to a National Action will not be able to take part in Adventures, and the same shall be applied to the reverse.


This can't be a CK2 quest without an heir being needed, especially with how dangerous DVV is. For now, the main Heir is going to be Pinocchio should anything happen to Lorenzini, and in the case of grievous injury or death, then Pinocchio shall take the lead.

What does this mean? It means that there are going to be some more options for Lorenzini to train Pinocchio in potentially taking his place should the need arise, with the possibility of Pinocchio taking some of Lorenzini's traits, or even Pinocchio finding new traits of his own. These choices however are tied to Lorenzini's Personal Actions and will be subject to the 1d100 rule.

I shall update this as more mechanics become unlocked.
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Hero Collection

Lorenzini Venigni

A master engineer, and charismatic businessman. Lorenzini Venigni rose above the tragedy of his childhood, building up his business while creating amazing technological wonders.

He is known to be one of the most brilliant minds that the world has ever seen, and wishes to help the world, and defend the people of Krat.

Martial: 6+10=16 (Lorenzini is very much not a fighter, though he was able to survive amidst the rage of the Puppet Frenzy due to his quick wit.)
Diplomacy: 21+5=26 (Touted as one of the most charismatic men to have ever graced the streets of Krat, Lorenzini was able to forge and flourish his image of the city of Krat.)
Stewardship: 23+13+5=41 (Easily one of the richest men in all of Krat, Lorenzini was able to create his own company and help usher in a golden age to the city of Krat.)
Learning: 27 +11+5=43 (A genius, able to figure out hidden top secret cyphers as a game, and create wonders of engineering.)
Intrigue: 17+5=22 (He was able to survive the intrigue and thrive in the belly of high society politics.)
Occult: 13+5=18 (While an engineering genius, Lorenzini never truly understood the depths that Ergo was capable of before the puppet frenzy, a fact that he rectified during the horror the massacre.)

Benevolent Boss: While at times downplaying his employee's work, he truly takes their wellbeing to heart. Loyalty Losses are halved, while loyalty gains are multiplied by 1.5.

Prodigious Philanthropist: Half of Learning score is added to Stewardship rolls, and vice versa.

Pucinella: Lorenzini's only remaining family, the puppet Pucinella shall forever be by Lorenzini's side. Adds a +5 to all rolls. Add's an additional +5 to Martial.


Gepetto's final puppet. The one who saved the city, and uncovered multiple conspiracies that caused the puppet frenzy, and the stone plague that ravaged the city.

While he has become a great warrior, one who was able to fight his way through puppets and biological abominations throughout the city, he is still young at heart, without much in the way of true life experience. He is eager to help rebuild the city, and help the people of Krat in this new world.

Martial: 30 (Pinocchio has fought and triumphed over all manner of creatures throughout Krat during the Puppet Frenzy and the Manus Incident single-handedly with all manner of weapons and means. There is little that can give the half-puppet much trouble.)

Diplomacy: 10(Most of Pinocchio's life has been nothing but fighting, yet, amongst the ruins of Krat he has made an effort to speak to those weary souls that have endured the Frenzy and Plague.)

Stewardship: 8 (Working on the Hotel has certainly helped the young man learn the pain of money and organization, but there is still much to learn.)

Learning: 8 (Pinocchio hasn't had much time to properly gain an education in his short life, however, he has read any documents and books that he has come across during his travels in Krat)

Intrigue:17+5=22 (A puppet cannot Lie. Yet, Lie Pinocchio does, learning to weave lies to help spare the pain that the truth might have for others. In his adventures through Krat, he has uncovered numerous hidden truths and conspiracies that remained hidden for years or even decades.)

Occult: 18 (His entire existence has been steeped in the Occult, a constant immersion in Ergo and the secrets that the mystical phenomena has wrought in the city.)

Lie or Die: While the power has been weakened, Pinocchio and Sophia are capable of turning back the clock, albeit briefly in certain situations. Every turn, Pinocchio and Sophia can reroll a National Action die, and one Personal Die should they not reach the DC check.

Loot Goblin: Pinocchio has a penchant for kleptomania that he's never managed to outgrow. When assigned to adventures, Pinocchio will roll to see what sort of loot he can find independent from normal loot rolls.

Only with the Most Honest of Lies: Pinocchio receives a +10 to any roll involving lying, or detecting if others are lying to him.

Gemini: Gemini the mechanical cricket, arguably, Pinocchios first and oldest friend. Always eager to help in the smallest ways possible, he provides a +5 to Intrigue rolls.

Diamond in the Rough: Pinocchio's potential is only going to grow. ???

Loyalty: 70/100


A brilliant young woman with a talent for weapon crafting and engineering. She lost her family and memories during the puppet revolt, a foreigner in a city that she doesn't truly know other than the horror of the Revolt and Plague that ravaged it. She now works to build a life for herself, in what measure of peace that can be found in this new world.

Martial: 10 (While Eugenie has no true martial prowess, she is almost always carrying around some form of weapon, and is at least somewhat capable of using them.)
Diplomacy: 7 (A generally shy woman, she has trouble speaking to those that she does not know.)
Stewardship: 11 (Even with her memories fuzzy, she is still able to relatively keep her vast workshop organized.
Learning: 20 (A brilliant woman, able to combine and enhance just about any weapon imaginable.)
Intrigue: 5 (She can't lie to save her life.)
Occult: 7 (It is hard to survive through the puppet frenzy without gaining some knowledge of the occult, though she has preferred to focus on her own work instead.)

Weapon Master: When assigned to any Learning action involving weapons of any kind, add +10 to roll.

Curiosity: Gain +5 to rolls involving researching new weapons or power sources.

I Prefer My Workshop: Eugenie is not a woman accustomed to being out and about, and would prefer staying far behind enemy lines, thank you very much. Suffer -10 to all rolls on adventures.

Loyalty 45/100

Hugo "Alidoro"

A self proclaimed amateur explorer, Hugo, now Alidoro, is a man who craves to find new things and uncover truths with a righteous sense of right and wrong. Helpful and kind, he grew to idolize the treasure hunter Alidoro who was known for his bravery and kindness to the poor.

After he found 'Alidoro', or rather, Alidoro's former partner "Parrot" who killed the original Alidor and took his identiy, he buried the man and took on his weapons and mask, hoping to continue the legacy of the benevolent treasure hunter.

Martial:14 (During the Puppet Frenzy and Stoneplague Outbreak, he was able to survive out in Krat, finding secrets and passageways that would have stumped lesser men, all without a weapon.)
Diplomacy:15+5=20 (A truly kind and compassionate soul, it is hard for people to find it in their heart to dislike the man.)
Stewardship:12 (He has to keep track of his relics and treasures that he finds somehow.)
Learning:10 (Hugo never truly got much of a formal education, being a poor young man, but he preserved and found knowledge on his own in an effort to emulate the original Alidoro.)
Intrigue:17+2=19 (A man who wishes to explore what the world has to offer, including uncovering secrets that others would prefer to keep hidden. He has developed a perception to those who lie to him.)
Occult:13 (Living in Krat and being an explorer means that he was bound to learn things of the occult, enough to at least avoid anything that could be dangerous to him.)

Kind: A truly kind soul, Alidoro gains +5 to his diplomacy score.

Perceptive: Even though he never discovered the truth, he was able to tell that there was something off about the Alidoro that he met. Receives a +2 to Intrigue.

Explorer: A true explorer at heart, able to find ways through the most dangerous territories, and knowing when something is too much for him to handle on his own, all without a weapon. Receive +15 to scouting or investigative rolls.

Treasure Hunter: Receive +5 to any loot rolls on adventures this Hero is assigned.

Loyalty 25/100


The Blue Fairy, a woman with the power to control ergo and time. While she was held in captivity for most of her life, and subjected to gruesome experimentation, she has now been freed from her body and implanted into a brand new puppet body.

Now, she heals, and helps the people of Krat, along with sharing a close bond with the boy who saved her.
Martial: 4 (While she is now in a puppet body, Sophia has no true experience in a fight)
Diplomacy: 14 (Years of imprisonment have left her devoid of true human contact, barring her time as Simon Manus' experiment. Due to this, she has been forced to learn how to placate unreasonable people in an effort to try and lesson the horrors of her life.)
Stewardship: 10 (Simon Manus would sometimes let slip the work he has done over the years as the leader of the Alchemist faction, and what other choice did Sophia have but to listen to him?)
Learning: 12 (Able to conjure an astral projection, Sophia was able to learn as much as she could about the world in the brief moments when she was able to ignore the utter agony that her body was experiencing.)
Intrigue: 14 (Sophia has been deeply involved in the intrigue and dirty secrets of Krat for most of her life.)
Occult: 30 (Now in the body of a Puppet, and even before then, she was suffused in Ergo, Sophia's power has grown truly great.)

Lie or Die: While the power has been weakened, Pinocchio and Sophia are capable of turning back the clock, albeit briefly in certain situations. Every turn, Pinocchio and Sophia can reroll a National Action die, and one Personal Die should they not reach the DC check.

Magical Prodigy: More than simply being proficient in magic, this person's entire being is suffused in magic of some form. Due to this, this units Occult score is unlocked and can reach beyond the realm of humanity, while also gaining a +10 to Occult rolls.

Loyalty 35/100


A former street urchin that managed to keep herself, and local urchin gang safe amongst the chaos of the Plague and the Frenzy. You don't know much about the young woman, other than she is resilient, willing to work, and unafraid of broadcasting her opinion.

Martial: ???

Diplomacy: 6



Intrigue: 16

Occult: 2

Urchin: This young woman spent most of her life out on the street, constantly moving, always on the lookout for the next score. Gains +10 to any rolls involving escaping

Potential: Her youth, and overall ability to improve means that there is much room for improvement in the young woman. Participating in Adventures means that she is liable to gain much more than others older than her.

Loyalty: 15/100

A woman whose outer beauty is matched with the loveliness of her heart. Compassionate, eager to help, and impromptu leader of the influx of refugees that have entered the city, this Romani woman is world weary, yet has managed to keep her heart against the conflict and tragedy of her life. She is on the run from this self-proclaimed "Pope" Frollo, a man who is in the process of besieging a city by the name of Rome. There is still much that she has not revealed to you, for you are still a stranger to her, but you have no doubt that she will be a boon with relations.

Martial: 5

World Traveled: Esmeralda has led a wanderers' life for most of her lifetime. Moving from city to city, learning languages and cultures in order to make ends meet. She gains a +10 to diplomacy involving other cultures and learning new languages.


Loyalty: 25/100
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What is Disney Villains Victorious?

It is a world of many of our favorite Disney movies with a twist. The villains have won.

The heroes are either dead, gone, or banished, wondering the world.

But all is not lost. There are still those who are wiling to fight against these villains and you, playing as Lorenzini Vegnini, are one of those people.

DVV originally started on 1d4chan many years ago as a TTRPG and is still growing strong, with work being done on the 4.0 version of hte game, though as you can see, there are other mediums for the DVV setting.

The most prominent quests that have been made for DVV are CK2 quests where you lead a faction in a world of Villains Victorious, the most famous one being Doof quest which takes place in the modern day Gridlocked version of the game.

This quest shall be taking place in the original setting, with no other faction being beyond WW2 Era.

To learn more, please visit here. - Disney Villain's Victorious

Beyond that, for those of you coming from the other end, what is Lies of P?

Lies of P is a wonderful Soulslike video game that reimagines the old tale of Pinocchio within the steampunk world of Krat, where mechanical Puppets have become a normal commodity that have revolutionized the city into a wonderland of progress and technology.

However, this did not last forever, as a mysterious disease known as the Petrification Disease spread throughout the city, killing thousands, and this was before the puppets went mad and began to kill everyone.

In game, you play as P, the latest masterpiece created by the original creator of Puppets, Guiseppi Geppeto, as you explore the city and begin to uncover the mysteries of Krat, and yourself.

You are playing as Lorenzini Vegnini, a genius businessman who was at the forefront of puppet technology as he tries to fix the city and lead it in this world, however, he does not do this alone.

Throughout the game, you will recruit hero units that can be assigned to different actions, many of them are characters from famous Disney, or adjacent movies.

You shall begin the quest soon after the aftermath of the Puppet Frenzy Incident, and the Alchemists attempted experiment to godhood that was foiled by Pinocchio.

And your first order of business is going to be retaking the city back after the laundry list of tragedies that it went through.
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[X] Plan Preparations for Peace
-[X]Train a Militia: At the moment, the only true fighter amongst your ranks is Pinocchio, and that leaves your fighting forces much to be desired. Have him train your forces in how to fight. DC50 Reward: Form a militia amongst your people. +10 to Martial rolls within the city.
--[X] Pinocchio

-[X]Soothe Fears: Due to the precarious situation that you are in, tensions are high, and loyalty is low. Try your rounds around the citizenry to keep any unfortunate incident from happening. DC 45
Reward: Negates Loyalty of the People lost per turn, with a +10 to loyalty.
--[X] Lorenzini

-[X]Rationing and Preservation: Supplies are going to become a problem any day now. Take stock of what you have and take steps to preserve what you have to prevent starvation. DC:20 Reward: Supply count unlocked. Extend how long supplies may last.

-[X]Ergo Containment: Now that the smoke has cleared, you know what caused the stoneskin plague. Ergo contamination. Meaning that you must study a way to prevent this from ever happening again. And you cannot kill the puppets that have chosen to come back to your side. Not when there is always the potential for any of them to awaken to their personality. DC55
Rewards: Prevent chance of Ergo outbreak. Further prevent Stoneskin Plague from returning.
--[X] Eugenie

-[X]Train Scouts: You are going to need people that can scout, not just in the city, but out in the world once you have reclaimed your home. DC40 Reward: Unlock Scout Unit. Unlock potential future actions. Increase actions within the city by +5, and those for scouting by +5.
--[X] Hugo

-[X]Ergo Siphoning: There are still certain areas around the city with high ergo concentration, and those need to go before you can get anywhere near them. DC50 Cleanse high density Ergo areas, preventing future outbreaks. Cleanse Carcass Hostiles around the city.
--[X] Sophia

-[X]Pinocchio's Education: The young man has come to you for help in learning. And, who were you to tell the young man no? After all, neither of you truly had anyone else in the world left. DC40
Reward: Pinochio gains attribute points.

-[X]Spend Time With Pollendina: The head puppet in charge of the Hotel erased his heart when Antonia passed away, due to being unable to deal with the sheer pain that he felt with her passing. While the Pollendina that he knew is no doubt gone, perhaps there is a chance that Pollendina can awaken as someone else. DC Variable.

-[X]Socialize: Sophia finally has the freedom that was taken from her at a young age, and she yearns for social contact. To meet new people and understand them. DC Variable Reward: Variable

-[X]Study Puppetry: While she has a knack for engineering and weaponry, Eugenie truly knows little about how Puppets truly work. Perhaps there are some notes around here she can consult. DC 25 Reward: Gains an understanding of Puppetry. +10 to Puppet rolls that she is involved in.

-[X]Making Friends: If the real Alidoro would still be alive, he would try to ease the tensions of the people around him, and… Hugo wished to do the same. DC25 Reward: Lower certain DC's. Raise Loyalty of the Citizens. Chance to ease tensions between puppets and humans.
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I'm going to see if I can add photos to some of these, but no promises. It's hard to find good art that is compatible on here that isn't bad AI art.
I have an vague memory of Lies of P, an good memory of DVV, and am seeing no moratorium so...

[X]Plan: The Beginning of an New Story
––[X]National Actions
–[X]Martial: Clear out Krat Central Station (DC: 50) (Pinocchio)
–[X]Diplomacy: Soothe Fears (DC:45) (Alidoro/Hugo)
–[X]Stewardship: Rationing and Preservation (DC:20)
–[X]Learning: Train a Scientist Crew (DC:65) (Eugine)
–[X]Intrigue: Train Scouts (DC:40)
–[X]Occult: Ergo Siphoning (DC:50) (Sophia)
––[X]Personal Actions
–[X] Lorenzini
—[X] Upgrade Pucinella (DC:50)
—[X]Help Out Around the Hotel (DC:60)
—[X]Socialize (DC: Variable)
—[X]Study Puppetry (DC:25)
––[X]Making Friends (DC:25)
It would be an good idea to make the place less infested, and get those bonueses on the other actions, especially this early on, next few turns will probably be spent stabilizing ourselves, and fixing everything up, so its an good idea to go for actions that make it easier.
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Lorenzini Venigni

A master engineer, and charismatic businessman. Lorenzini Venigni rose above the tragedy of his childhood, building up his business while creating amazing technological wonders.

He is known to be one of the most brilliant minds that the world has ever seen, and wishes to help the world, and defend the people of Krat.

Martial: 6 (Lorenzini is very much not a fighter, though he was able to survive amidst the rage of the Puppet Frenzy due to his quick wit.)
Diplomacy: 21 (Touted as one of the most charismatic men to have ever graced the streets of Yharnam, Lorenzini was able to forge and flourish his image of the city of Krat.)
Stewardship: 23+13=36 (Easily one of the richest men in all of Krat, Lorenzini was able to create his own company and help usher in a golden age to the city of Krat.)
Learning: 27 +11= 38 (A genius, able to figure out hidden top secret cyphers as a game, and create wonders of engineering.)
Intrigue: 17 (He was able to survive the intrigue and thrive in the belly of high society politics.)
Occult: 13 (While an engineering genius, Lorenzini never truly understood the depths that Ergo was capable of before the puppet frenzy, a fact that he rectified during the horror the massacre.)

Benevolent Boss: While at times downplaying his employee's work, he truly takes their wellbeing to heart. Loyalty Losses are halved, while loyalty gains are multiplied by 1.5.

Prodigious Philanthropist: Half of Learning score is added to Stewardship rolls, and vice versa.

Pucinella: Lorenzini's only remaining family, the puppet Pucinella shall forever be by Lorenzini's side. Adds a +5 to all rolls.


Gepetto's final puppet. The one who saved the city, and uncovered multiple conspiracies that caused the puppet frenzy, and the stone plague that ravaged the city.

While he has become a great warrior, one who was able to fight his way through puppets and biological abominations throughout the city, he is still young at heart, without much in the way of true life experience. He is eager to help rebuild the city, and help the people of Krat in this new world.

Martial: 30 (Pinocchio has fought and triumphed over all manner of creatures throughout Krat during the Puppet Frenzy and the Manus Incident single-handedly with all manner of weapons and means. There is little that can give half puppet much trouble.)
Diplomacy: 10(Most of Pinocchio's life has been nothing but fighting, yet, amongst the ruins of Krat he has made an effort to speak to those weary souls that have endured the Frenzy and Plague.)
Stewardship: 5 (Other than handling what Ergo he could gather during his fights through Krat, Pinocchio has no true experience as far as money or currency goes.)
Learning: 8 (Pinocchio hasn't had much time to properly gain an education in his short life, however, he has read any documents and books that he has come across during his travels in Krat)
Intrigue:17 (A puppet cannot Lie. Yet, Lie Pinocchio does, learning to weaving lies to help spare the pain that the truth might have for others. In his adventures through Krat, he has uncovered numerous hidden truths and conspiracies that remained hidden for years or even decades.)
Occult: 18 (His entire existence has been steeped in the Occult, a constant immersion in Ergo and the secrets that the mystical phenomena has wrought in the city.)

Lie or Die: While the power has been weakened, Pinocchio and Sophia are capable of turning back the clock, albeit briefly in certain situations. Every turn, Pinocchio and Sophia can reroll a National Action die, and one Personal Die should they not reach the DC check.

Loot Goblin: Pinocchio has a penchant for kleptomania that he's never managed to outgrow. When assigned to adventures, Pinocchio will roll to see what sort of loot he can find independent from normal loot rolls.

Only with the Most Honest of Lies: Pinocchio receives a +10 to any roll involving lying, or detecting if others are lying to him.

Diamond in the Rough: Pinocchio's potential is only going to grow. ???

Loyalty 50/100


A brilliant young woman with a talent for weapon crafting and engineering. She lost her family and memories during the puppet revolt, a foreigner in a city that she doesn't truly know other than the horror of the Revolt and Plague that ravaged it. She now works to build a life for herself, in what measure of peace that can be found in this new world.

Martial: 10 (While Eugenie has no true martial prowess, she is almost always carrying around some form of weapon, and is at least somewhat capable of using them.)
Diplomacy: 7 (A generally shy woman, she has trouble speaking to those that she does not know.)
Stewardship: 11 (Even with her memories fuzzy, she is still able to relatively keep her vast workshop organized.
Learning: 20 (A brilliant woman, able to combine and enhance just about any weapon imaginable.)
Intrigue: 5 (She can't lie to save her life.)
Occult: 7 (It is hard to survive through the puppet frenzy without gaining some knowledge of the occult, though she has preferred to focus on her own work instead.)

Weapon Master: When assigned to any Learning action involving weapons of any kind, add +10 to roll.

Curiosity: Gain +5 to rolls involving researching new weapons or power sources.

I Prefer My Workshop: Eugenie is not a woman accustomed to being out and about, and would prefer staying far behind enemy lines, thank you very much. Suffer -10 to all rolls on adventures.

Loyalty 25/100

Hugo "Alidoro"

A self proclaimed amateur explorer, Hugo, now Alidoro, is a man who craves to find new things and uncover truths with a righteous sense of right and wrong. Helpful and kind, he grew to idolize the treasure hunter Alidoro who was known for his bravery and kindness to the poor.

After he found 'Alidoro', or rather, Alidoro's former partner "Parrot" who killed the original Alidor and took his identiy, he buried the man and took on his weapons and mask, hoping to continue the legacy of the benevolent treasure hunter.

Martial:14 (During the Puppet Frenzy and Stoneplague Outbreak, he was able to survive out in Krat, finding secrets and passageways that would have stumped lesser men, all without a weapon.)
Diplomacy:15+5=20 (A truly kind and compassionate soul, it is hard for people to find it in their heart to dislike the man.)
Stewardship:12 (He has to keep track of his relics and treasures that he finds somehow.)
Learning:10 (Hugo never truly got much of a formal education, being a poor young man, but he preserved and found knowledge on his own in an effort to emulate the original Alidoro.)
Intrigue:17+2=19 (A man who wishes to explore what the world has to offer, including uncovering secrets that others would prefer to keep hidden. He has developed a perception to those who lie to him.)
Occult:13 (Living in Krat and being an explorer means that he was bound to learn things of the occult, enough to at least avoid anything that could be dangerous to him.)

Kind: A truly kind soul, Alidoro gains +5 to his diplomacy score.

Perceptive: Even though he never discovered the truth, he was able to tell that there was something off about the Alidoro that he met. Receives a +2 to Intrigue.

Explorer: A true explorer at heart, able to find ways through the most dangerous territories, and knowing when something is too much for him to handle on his own, all without a weapon. Receive +15 to scouting or investigative rolls.

Treasure Hunter: Receive +5 to any loot rolls on adventures this Hero is assigned.

Loyalty 5/100

I think we are missing Sofia's sheet? Unless she can only do Personal actions?

Aside from that excited to see where this quest goes!

Lies of P is a really good game so glad to see more content from it!
Alright, added in photos, and realized I made a dum dum and forgot to add Sophia's Character Sheet to the list. Should be up now, so I recommend adjusting your plans for it and I apologize for that.

Lies of P is a really good game so glad to see more content from it!
Ha, I was fixing it right as you posted. Regardless, thank you for mentioning it.

If I ever make a mistake, please by all means call me out on it, I do not mind one bit. I'm doing this quest solo with some beta's giving my stuff a read through, so I'll make a mistake here or there.
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[X]Plan: Making the Tools to Make the Tools.
--[X]Upgrade the Citizens Arsenal: Those that have survived and made it to Hotel Krat are simple civilians who have never had to truly fight before the puppet Frenzy. This means that at best, they are armed with a meager assortment of weapons. Let's fix that.
DC 40
Reward: Arm your forces and receive a +10 to Martial rolls within the city.
--[X]Soothe Fears: Due to the precarious situation that you are in, tensions are high, and loyalty is low. Try your rounds around the citizenry to keep any unfortunate incident from happening. DC 45
Reward: Negates Loyalty of the People lost per turn, with a +10 to loyalty.
--[X]Puppet Repair Force: There are a number of puppets that managed to keep their sanity that wish only to help. While tensions are still high, the citizens know that they cannot be picky. Take those puppets who were skilled in construction or building and try to assemble a construction force amongst them.
DC 35
Reward: Gain a bonus to all reconstruction affairs in the future by +10
--[X]Ear to the Ground: It is an understatement to say that tensions are high. Keep an ear to the ground on potential unrest or those that might try to reap unbalance in the land.
--[X]Ergo Siphoning: There are still certain areas around the city with high ergo concentration, and those need to go before you can get anywhere near them. DC50
Cleanse high density Ergo areas, preventing future outbreaks. Cleanse Carcass Hostiles around the city.
-[X]Personal Actions
--[X]Pinocchio's Education: The young man has come to you for help in learning. And, who were you to tell the young man no? After all, neither of you truly had anyone else in the world left. DC40
Reward: Pinochio gains attribute points.
--[X]Help Out Around the Hotel: Antonia left the Hotel to Pinocchio, and the thought of running his own hotel seems to excite the young lad. Well, it was going to take some work before he could get anywhere near the level that he needs to. DC60
Reward: Stewardship gains a 2d3
--[X]Socialize: Sophia finally has the freedom that was taken from her at a young age, and she yearns for social contact. To meet new people and understand them. DC Variable
Reward: Variable
--[X]Be Social: Without her memories, Eugenie has… no real friends outside of Pinocchio and perhaps Mr. Vegnini. She hates how sad that makes her feel. DC Variable.
Rewards Variable.
--[X]Making Friends: If the real Alidoro would still be alive, he would try to ease the tensions of the people around him, and… Hugo wished to do the same. DC25
Reward: Lower certain DC's. Raise Loyalty of the Citizens. Chance to ease tensions between puppets and humans.

Happy to have been part of the inspiration, and looking forward to seeing how you handle this all.
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quick question:

In-Universe, did the "Lies of P" characters and world just... appear overnight? Override already-existing characters?
Or were they there from the start?

Example: Let's say that "Pinocchio" (Lies of P) meets any of the Pinocchio (Disney) Villains; would they be able to recognize each other as if barely anything changed, or would they notice that something's amiss?

[X]Plan: Making the Tools to Make the Tools.
In-Universe, did the "Lies of P" characters and world just... appear overnight? Override already-existing characters?
All I'll say is this. What makes you think that this only happened to Krat?

I'll be calling the vote in about... oh perhaps eight or nine hours for when I get home.

We can ger rolls done then, and we'll get the math over with so I can chip away at the update through the week.