Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Go to her

Even if she doesn't want help, she might appreciate people she can share her grief with that don't have plenty of their own from the same tragedy.
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Neat. The fact that Sola's is Gratitude rather than Loyalty or Exasperated Fondness(Third wheel with no one else to commiserate with) is interesting. I wish we could tune in to her and Maia's feelings towards each other.
Excellent. All of the friend group are at four or higher. Now if only I could get Amiti to 5.

I still wish we had interacted with Sola's mother rather than Rulinsei during our trip to the Capitol. Nothing much would have come of it, but it would be interesting to know what she thought of Ambraea, and possibly to have ties to house Tepet higher than 1.

Since we'll probably never get an answer in quest, what was Oban thinking when he invited Ambraea to the party she met Vahelo at?

It's kind of funny that for houses Sesus & V'neef each have one member at tie 4, one at tie 2, and two at tie 1, and Connections at 3.

Kasi was a pretty interesting character. Kind of wish we'd gotten an interlude pov from her perspective at some point.

Surprised Vahelo is still at 1 after the Wyld Hunt.

Damn. I knew it was coming but Kedus still hits hard. He was a chill dude. Poor S'thera.

I really really really want to duel S'thera again before the quest ends. We've missed out on some Comedic Pettiness in not playing out Ambraea's one sided rivalry.
Anyone remeber what Immaculate Order tie was at previously? I'm assuming 2 (Approval) is an upgrade for participating in the Wyld Hunt
Anyone remeber what Immaculate Order tie was at previously? I'm assuming 2 (Approval) is an upgrade for participating in the Wyld Hunt
1, Mixed approval.

I'm not sure but I think V'neef might have changed from Early ties to Keen Interest, in reflection of the evolving political situation and our feats against anathema, despite not getting higher yet.
You'd think between the early exaltation, lesser earth dragon spirit mentor, Anathema slaying, Ambraea would be a bit more than "An Unusual Student" to the heptogram.

I suppose House Tepet has too much else on it's plate for Ambraea's recent actions to impact their perspective much.
Vote closed, Year 7 02