not sure how orcs sail, though

No clue how the orks would perform in an aquatic environment.
If Orks need to adapt, they'll adapt, because The WAAAAAAGH Field can make it happen. Especially since the Orks already come with Aquatic Vessels. There's the famous Submersible from Armageddon, which is a 60 transport cap vehicle which can optionally be equipped with a slightly shorter ranged but otherwise identical Earthshaker Cannon and up to three Big Shootas. There's also the Nautical Cruiser of Deff Squadron fame, and appropriately equipped as that comic's sketch-based art style would permit.

Oh, and since they had that World of Warships sponsorship awhile back, the Orks now have one more piece of WW2 era ripped verbatim* into their kit. Behold, the Ship Smasha. It's a reskin of a reinterpretation of an Akizuki as depicted by Wargaming's money-grubbing ways. The torpedoes are set to only hit carriers, battleships, and cruisers, but are hard to spot and hit like a truck. The guns are actually pretty good in velocity, fire rate, and penetration value for its tier, but making the raw damage worth it always takes some kind of tradeoff in chance to set fires, or penetration power. They actually have anti-aircraft worth a damn that can be further boosted with a consumable. It can also lay smoke, reload the torps faster, and of course Hit The Red Button. It's not like they're going to be turning the thing, it's got a massive turn circle, and that spike on the bow is purely decorative. Don't expect it to sink submarines either, depth charges aren't as Orky as mines apparently. Oh, and it also has a thing where a Kaptain can... talk to it. And it'll go do what the Kaptain says.

Don't ask about the colorful anime girls in the stateroom, alright?

*It's their aircraft. If it's not a MiG, it's something from WW2.
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Naval units, heck yeah! Feral Tyranids I don't mind too. I might be unreasonably concerned about having a comet sized Orc HiveRoc crash into the polar icecap and have lots of ice up there explode too. Now that I'm considering it, I'm slightly concerned about tsunamis from landing in the seas near the island chain, but that's much less concerning than the orc invasion itself. I initially wanted to go with the desert, since that's not only the location to least likely cause natural disasters around the globe, but I like the idea of glassing the sand more than melting the icecaps.
a comet hitting the icecaps will barely be noticeable when it comes to melting them.
the Icecaps measure in thousands of square kilometers of Ice. for simplicity, lets assume the density of ice is 0.9 gram per cubic centimeter.
( should be a bit higher at Polar temperature). so a cubic meter of Ice would have a mass of 900 Kilograms. assume the temperature s around -40 degrees celsius- about the temperature of our Icecaps. the heat capacity of Ice in this temperature is about 1800 kiloJoule per Kilogram per celsius/kelvin degree. again for simplicity, we will neglect the heat capacity increase with temperature. we will also neglect the latent heat of the melting, to save me some google searches.
so the energy needed to get the Ice to 0 Celsius would be 1800*900*40=64,800,000 KJ, roughly 65 GigaJoule
now, the ship. we are told its a few hundred kilometers on each side. so, lets say its volume is one million square kilometers. lets say about 1% of it is air. the density of steel would be about 8 gram per cubic centimeter, we will neglect the air. so the mass of this steel cube will be about 10^17 kilograms. if we assume the gravity is similiar to earth's, the energy is has should be around 5*10^21 Joules, or 5*10^18 KiloJoules. divide by the amount of energy needed to melt one cubic meter of Ice, you get about 10^11 cubic meters of Ice. or a hundred cubic kilometers of Ice, and that is assuming perfect distribution of energy among the ice, and no wasted energy for, say, sound. the surface area of Earth Ice caps is about 10 million square kilometers. say their depth is only 1 kilometer, that is also their volume in cubic kilometers. if the surface area of the oceans is like earth' the melting of a hundred cubic kilometers of Ice should raise the sea level by roughly 1 milimeter. it won't be noticeable.

of course, this might cause massive tsunamis. but this calculation has a lot of fudge factors, and the amount of actual melting will be much, much lower. the effect of the Tsunamis will also dissipate with distance quickly, so it likely won't be too dangerous in the inhabited areas. I would be much more concerened about the dust raised literally blocking the sun for years.
If Orks need to adapt, they'll adapt, because The WAAAAAAGH Field can make it happen. Especially since the Orks already come with Aquatic Vessels. There's the famous Submersible from Armageddon, which is a 60 transport cap vehicle which can optionally be equipped with a slightly shorter ranged by otherwise identical Earthshaker Cannon and up to three Big Shootas. There's also the Nautical Cruiser of Deff Squadron fame, and appropriately equipped as that comic's sketch-based art style would permit.

Oh, and since they had that World of Warships sponsorship awhile back, the Orks now have one more piece of WW2 era ripped verbatim* into their kit. Behold, the Ship Smasha. It's a reskin of a reinterpretation of an Akizuki as depicted by Wargaming's money-grubbing ways. The torpedoes are set to only hit carriers, battleships, and cruisers, but are hard to spot and hit like a truck. The guns are actually pretty good in velocity, fire rate, and penetration value for its tier, but making the raw damage worth it always takes some kind of tradeoff in chance to set fires, or penetration power. They actually have anti-aircraft worth a damn that can be further boosted with a consumable. It can also lay smoke, reload the torps faster, and of course Hit The Red Button. It's not like they're going to be turning the thing, it's got a massive turn circle, and that spike on the bow is purely decorative. Don't expect it to sink submarines either, depth charges aren't as Orky as mines apparently. Oh, and it also has a thing where a Kaptain can... talk to it. And it'll go do what the Kaptain says.
Oh I am sure they are not helpless in water, but this will limit them to using the amphibious vehicles, and will require them to organize for it. so a big advantage for us. and in water, there is much less T0 fighting and quality of the vehicles matters much more. which is also to our advantage.
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a comet hitting the icecaps will barely be noticeable when it comes to melting them.
the Icecaps measure in thousands of square kilometers of Ice. for simplicity, lets assume the density of ice is 0.9 gram per cubic centimeter.
( should be a bit higher at Polar temperature). so a cubic meter of Ice would have a mass of 900 Kilograms. assume the temperature s around -40 degrees celsius- about the temperature of our Icecaps. the heat capacity of Ice in this temperature is about 1800 kiloJoule per Kilogram per celsius/kelvin degree. again for simplicity, we will neglect the heat capacity increase with temperature. we will also neglect the latent heat of the melting, to save me some google searches.
so the energy needed to get the Ice to 0 Celsius would be 1800*900*40=64,800,000 KJ, roughly 65 GigaJoule
now, the ship. we are told its a few hundred kilometers on each side. so, lets say its volume is one million square kilometers. lets say about 1% of it is air. the density of steel would be about 8 gram per cubic centimeter, we will neglect the air. so the mass of this steel cube will be about 10^17 kilograms. if we assume the gravity is similiar to earth's, the energy is has should be around 5*10^21 Joules, or 5*10^18 KiloJoules. divide by the amount of energy needed to melt one cubic meter of Ice, you get about 10^11 cubic meters of Ice. or a hundred cubic kilometers of Ice, and that is assuming perfect distribution of energy among the ice, and no wasted energy for, say, sound. the surface area of Earth Ice caps is about 10 million square kilometers. say their depth is only 1 kilometer, that is also their volume in cubic kilometers. if the surface area of the oceans is like earth' the melting of a hundred cubic kilometers of Ice should raise the sea level by roughly 1 milimeter. it won't be noticeable.

of course, this might cause massive tsunamis. but this calculation has a lot of fudge factors, and the amount of actual melting will be much, much lower. the effect of the Tsunamis will also dissipate with distance quickly, so it likely won't be too dangerous in the inhabited areas. I would be much more concerened about the dust raised literally blocking the sun for years.

Oh I am sure they are not helpless in water, but this will limit them to using the amphibious vehicles, and will require them to organize for it. so a big advantage for us. and in water, there is much less T0 fighting and quality of the vehicles matters much more. which is also to our advantage.
Ork Meks can build spaceships and planes. They'll be able to build torpedoz, speedboatz and watacroosaz.
So the Ork fleet is Jeune Ecole meets Global Liberation Army? Neat.

We're gonna need a lot of DPS.
Also, for context for the island chain. These are seven islands with a size between 32k km^2 or 64k km^2, meaning they range in area between Ireland and Latvia. (There are a bunch of additionally smaller islands too)
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[X]The Eree Island Chain

Botes! Also provides an excuse to take care of the invasive Tyranid problem by throwing nid-eating-orks at it, since introducing a second invasive species to hunt the first one always ends well.
[x]The Hive Spire Graveyard of Oria

Why? Because it's metal as fuck. It makes our bait broadcast more effective, by showing off some of the things that Shepard has killed.
I want islands just for some storytelling diversity. We don't see many fleet after first battle against tyranids. (And in parallel universe where BOTcommander are aeon I'll pick it immediately, but UEF can do interesting things on water too. Shields ships, for example.) But it's limits our allies mobility... which maybe not a problem because we built enough transports?

Polar Flat Table sounds much more in-character... But it's flat table, so quite boring.

Dessert sounds like pain in ass to clean them all, even if we can use geography to choose our battle.

Hive Graveyard has a large recyclable mass, but it's profit for both sides. I... actually want to pick it?

Damn, it's hard to choice. How many vote time limit?
[]The Frozen Expanse of Gentrice
Located two thousand kilometers north of Hive Harkon, the icy polar regions of Gentrice dominate the northernmost continent. This vast expanse of snow and ice is occasionally punctuated by towering hill and mountain ranges.
The blank slate battlefield. No fancy terrain to constrain unit pathfinding and no significant cover to shield the Orks from long range fire. However, the open ground means Ork landing craft can touch down just about anywhere and attack the lure from all direction. It also means there are no natural kill zones or funnels Revy can make use of unless she builds them herself.

[]The Vast Southern Desert of Ilanus
In the southern reaches of Ilanus lies the Great Southern Desert, a sprawling and arid terrain of sand and rock. This dry expanse is marked by deep cliffs, rugged valleys, steep mountains, and sprawling canyons.
Similar to the Expanse but with more dynamic terrain. This'll limit the direction the Orks can attack from and allow Revy to conecentrate her defenses instead of having to account for an attack from any direction. The canyons and mountain ranges (and presumably caves) will give the Orks more places to hide though and may protect them from Harkon's forces. Them getting dug in for an extended battle isn't necesarrily a bad thing given the point of this exercise but it'll make them harder to root out later. It might even require Sororitas or Guard involvement for the really inaccessible (to our bots) spots.

[]The Hive Spire Graveyard of Oria
At the heart of Oria lies the immense Hive Spire Graveyard. Here, the remnants of colossal hive spires, once used by the Tyranids for refueling during their desperate flight, are densely scattered across the landscape, their exoskeletal remains standing as silent testament to their invasion.
The wording confused me a bit here, the naming had me thinking these were actual Hive city spires but the description made me realize they're capillary towers.

The dense environment will limit their paths on ingress the most and Shepard can absolutely fill every possible space with guns given the amount of local mass in the area. Hell, she could probably collapse some of the spires to halt an advance if need be. Harkon's bot pathfinding will be heavily constrained but there's nothing of actual value here so having them bulldoze their way through is less of an issue than elsewhere. It will slow her down though. On the other hand, the Orks are more than capable of using this terrain for their own shenanigans. Carving out high alttitude gun emplacements in the spires, using the skeletal insides for troop movements and material storage, and hell just knocking down a spire works boths ways. I can't imagine a worse defense breach than having a multi-kilometer tall super structure fall on our base and then having an army of Orks march out of its hollow insides. This relies a lot on how canny the Orks in command are and we don't know a lot about Killkrush or his Nobs. He might be expectionally direct but that's not the same thing as stuipid.

[]The Eree Island Chain
Six thousand kilometers west of Nerum, where you first arrived on this world, stretches the Eree Island Chain. This archipelago of seven large islands rises from the ocean, now overrun and overgrown with hostile Tyranid flora and fauna that have gone feral. Resources have yet to be allocated to cleanse these islands of their infestation.
The infestation hits both ways, it'll make our entrenchment harder and might interfere with Harkon's forces but it'll also attrition the attacking Orks. Amphibious landing rarely favor the attacking forces and, while Orks may have a broader defintion of 'safe landing zone' than Revy does, there's only so many places one can offload heavy ordance and not have it get bogged down. Ork watercraft is about as effective as anything else they make but we don't know if they have any of that prepared ahead of time so it might slow them down some. This might be a weird concern but I'm worried the lack of terrain will mean some of the enemy force might peel away from hitting the distraction base to somewhere they can actually hit solid land, forcing a split in Harkon's attentions.

I've pretty much accepted Eptost is gonna have some sort of permanent Ork population after this, it's pretty much inevitable for any planet in the way of a Waaagh. The only question is how organized and advanced this remnant is going to be. The only serious trouble spots I can see is the Desert allowing for more significant concentrations and potentially more advanced holdouts and the Island Chain for the constant low level violence will allow them to ramp up more. Even then, as long as the local PDF is competent it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Plenty worlds deal with an Ork infestation as a matter course and they don't have alt-universe super tech to help out.
[X]The Eree Island Chain

I think a naval-air dominated theater that's already had the local ecology totally cooked and is relatively isolated from the rest of the planet is the ideal battleground. We can leverage our superior industrial might more easily in the air and on the sea than purely on land, and we can relatively freely deploy... what I'm going to call "high energy strategies." Even if we can't mass deploy tactical nukes due to fallout concerns there's still plenty of other heavy firepower we can freely use in a setting with little concern for collateral damage, everything should stay relatively confined to this one abandoned island chain with a local ecology that had to get burnt out anyways.
SupCom naval units are all overpriced and underpowered trash, we should avoid the seas at all costs :V
SupCom naval units are all overpriced and underpowered trash, we should avoid the seas at all costs :V
I would rather say UEF navy is kinda overpriced. At least in FAF, UEF gets absolutely destroyed by anyone who has good torpedoes. Although naval battle sounds fun, so I'll change my mind from icy caps to islands. Thought orks don't like water, but i guess they do in fact have all the means and ways to do go across it. Hopefully we don't forget about T2 Riptides, amphibious tanks for covering our battleships and cruisers from random speedboats should be useful, as well as basically any gunships.
[X]The Eree Island Chain
By the way, are wrecks from our units reusable other than for reclaim? I doubt orks will dive for random ship wreckage on sea floor, but let's say a Fatboy gets surrounded and overwhelmed on land, can orks use it as a cover or repurpose its wreck for something else?
The unit self-destructive might render all computational and high tech components into metal slag, but don't you for one moment think that will stop a crafty mek from repurposing and orkifying a fat boy wreck into a new MegaFortrez with a little orky ingenuity, duct tap and grot slave labor.
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