Of Fists and Faith - A 5th Edition D&D Quest

Yep, this is a pretty rounded plan. Alice has a buff modifier, a support skill, and an attack spell!

My vote:
[X] Plan: By the Light of the Moon!
Alright, so voting will end in 9 hours. Should be enough time to get some sleep. Already have the starting blessings ready to go, and I will give you the titles now. But not the benefit.

A Mind of Mercury

An Insight Beyond Insight

Ascetic Priestess

By The Light of Her Moon

By The Blood of His Son

Coexistence Through The Abyss

Fast Learner

Do No Harm

Do All Harm

Gifts From Faerun

Gifts Against Dark Dungeons

Holy Reservoir

Like the Wind

Like the Elements

Like the Shadows

Sheer Wind Strikes

Tattooed Monk
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Novus Ordo Mundi on Aug 27, 2024 at 7:28 PM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.
Character Creation 03
So, now it's time for your Starting Benefits. As a Full Human, you gain two benefits. These Benefits can and will affect you, and can possibly change the story in various ways. Vote as a plan, and remember to choose wisely.

A Mind of Mercury - If you have already used your Reaction, and you wish to use a Reaction, you may spend 1 Ki Point to do so.

Against Dark Dungeons - You gain Resistance against any damage Undead or Fiends deal to you. You roll with Advantage against any D20 Tests caused by a trap.

An Insight Beyond Insight - You roll all Insight Checks with Advantage, and can never be given Disadvantage on them.

Ascetic Priestess - You gain 2 more Level 1 spells, and a level 2 spell. You may cast them once for free, and may use Spell Slots to cast them normally.

By The Light of Her Moon - As long as you are on decent terms with Selune, you gain the following benefits
  • You regain 1D3 Focus Point and Monk Level worth of HP at the start of your turn, as long as the moon is in the night sky.
  • You gain Resistance to Lightning and Radiance Damage
  • You gain Truesight and Blindsight up to 30 feet.

By The Blood of His Son - As long as you maintain the belief that Jesus dies on the cross to save you from your sins, and resurrected on the third day, you gain the following benefits:
  • You cannot be Charmed or Frightened.
  • You gain Resistance to Psychic and Fire Damage.
  • You gain Proficiency and Expertise in Persuasion.

Coexistence Through The Abyss - You are one of the very few who've gotten sucked through the Abyss, and made it back. Or more specifically, sent back. Your crisis of faith has been resolved, and now turned into a new resolve and mission. You gain 4 Starting Blessings of the DM's choice, as well as a couple of Feats. But for many people in many places, they will do everything in their power to kill you.

Do No Harm - Your Hand of Healing now does two rolls of your Martial Die plus Wisdom, instead of one.

Do All Harm - Your Hand of Harm is no longer once per turn. The first use of it requires no Focus Points

Fast Learner - You gain your Level 6 Warrior of Mercy ability now, the Level 11 ability at level 6, and the level 17 ability at level 11.

Gifts From Faerun - You gain a Ring of Defense, A Cloak of Defense, and Bracers of Defense.

Holy Reservoir - If you could cast a Cleric Spell with a Spell Slot, you may use Focus Point instead, equal to twice the Spell Level of the Spell being cast.

Ioun Saint - You gain 4 random Ioun Stones. Ioun Stones count together as one Attunement

Like the Wind - You may use Step of the Wind as part of any other Bonus Action you perform

Like the Elements - Your Unarmed Strikes may deal damage to a certain element. That element is determined at Random when this Benefit is chosen. Your Unarmed Strikes gain +10 Range

Like the Shadows - You can teleport through Dim Light or Darkness, up to 60 feet, as a Bonus Action

Sheer Wind Strikes - Your Unarmed Strikes gain the Graze property.

Tattooed Monk - You gain 3 Tattoos now, and 1 more every even Level. This Tattoos provide benefits. (A Subvote will commence)

[] Choose Two, as a Plan
[X] Plan: Monk Cleric Quest
-[X] Ascetic Priestess -
You gain 2 more Level 1 spells, and a level 2 spell. You may cast them once for free, and may use Spell Slots to cast them normally.
-[X] Holy Reservoir - If you could cast a Cleric Spell with a Spell Slot, you may use Focus Point instead, equal to twice the Spell Level of the Spell being cast.

Bless (1st), Shield of Faith (1st), and Silence (2nd) would be my picks.

This is worth it for Silence alone.
[X] Plan: Syncretism
-[X] By The Light of Her Moon
-[X] By The Blood of His Son

As juicy as grabbing Coexistence would be, it skips a lot of fun character development and denies us the ability to define how Alice solved her crisis of faith. For now, I think attempting syncretism between her two deities would be a fun exercise, especially since she does have pretty good WIS and Religion as a skill.

By The Blood of His Son is really strong for us, since we'll likely neglect CHA since you typically only want to invest in 3 attributes. For us, that's WIS, DEX, and CON. Blood of His Son helps alleviate that by giving us Expertise in Persuasion which doubles our Proficiency in convincing people that our faith is true and that they shouldn't kill us. Immunity to status effects like Charmed or Frightened is also really good since that outright removes options from our opponents' toolkit.

By the Light of Her Moon is much more combat oriented, but Truesight and Blindsight are incredibly useful for us since we're being hunted down. Combine that with our high Perception, and it'll be very difficult to trap or manipulate us even through magical means, especially since we can't be Charmed at all and will see through all their tricks.
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[X] Plan: Syncretism

[X] Plan: I shall punish you!
-[X] By The Light of Her Moon
-[X] Ascetic Priestess
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 9
Our stats are looking pretty good. High DEX and WIS means we're pretty good for a monk of our level. 12 CON isn't great, but it's not bad either, while our INT is mainly there for the History Skill.

9 CHA is an ouch though. That's a -1 to our Persuasion rolls. Thankfully, Blood of His Son means we get Proficiency and Expertise in Persuasion to overcome that with a +4, and we do have Guidance as a Cantrip for a +1d4 to the Persuasion roll.
Our stats are looking pretty good. High DEX and WIS means we're pretty good for a monk of our level. 12 CON isn't great, but it's not bad either, while our INT is mainly there for the History Skill.

9 CHA is an ouch though. That's a -1 to our Persuasion rolls. Thankfully, Blood of His Son means we get Proficiency and Expertise in Persuasion to overcome that with a +4, and we do have Guidance as a Cantrip for a +1d4 to the Persuasion roll.

As a general rule, unless you need Concentration for something else or can't use it for some reason, I am going to assume Guidance is on.

Also, I decided on +2 Dex +1 Wisdom regardless of the background chosen, as it frees you from having to take a specific Background for it. (There will be a lot of Sailor Monks in a few months or so)

Also, if you have any questions, I will be available for a bit! So always feel free to ask.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Novus Ordo Mundi on Aug 28, 2024 at 8:48 AM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Syncretism
    -[X] By The Light of Her Moon
    -[X] By The Blood of His Son
    [X] Plan: Monk Cleric Quest
    -[X] Ascetic Priestess - You gain 2 more Level 1 spells, and a level 2 spell. You may cast them once for free, and may use Spell Slots to cast them normally.
    -[X] Holy Reservoir - If you could cast a Cleric Spell with a Spell Slot, you may use Focus Point instead, equal to twice the Spell Level of the Spell being cast.
    [X] Plan: I shall punish you!
    -[X] By The Light of Her Moon
    -[X] Ascetic Priestess
Huh, I thought I set that for 1 my time, not 11.

Okay, so that is character creation. You are pretty powerful coming out the gate. I can't wait to see how you deal with the crisis of faith, your new powers, and [Redacted].

All I need to do is update the Character Sheet, and give the quest a proper name, and then I can start writing!

But I'd like to open it up. What name do you want to give the Quest. No votes, just your opinions.