Of Fists and Faith - A 5th Edition D&D Quest

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Scheduled vote count started by Novus Ordo Mundi on Sep 16, 2024 at 8:31 AM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.
Fight Results - Alice + Ally vs NETAB (Rounds 1+2)
So, I did the rolls, and...

Round 1

Alice. Dodge. Bonus Action - Flurry of Blows. Hands of Healing on Ally. 1 + 3 = 4 HP Regained! Unarmed Strike against Punk 1. 17 + 5 = 22. Hit. 6 + 3 = 9 Damage Knocked Out. 2 / 3 Ki Points Remaining.

Ally. Bonus Action Rage. 1/2 Rage Remaining. Origin Feat: Rage Against The Dying Of The Mind activates. Vitality Surge: 3 Temp HP. Half Movement to Stand. Reckless Attack with Staff (Cane) against Punk 2: 9, 20 + 5 = 25. Critical Hit. Damage: 4 (Doubled Dice) + 3 (Strength) + 2 (Rage Damage) + 14 (Doubled Origin Feat: Like The Berserker Frenzy) = 23 Damage. Either Dead or Knocked Out.

Punk 3: Fist Against Alice (Disadvantage). 13, 8. 8 + 2 = 10. Miss

Punk 4: Fist Against Alice (Disadvantage). 10, 12. 10 + 2 = 12. Miss.

Punk Leader: Baseball Bat Against Alice (Disadvantage). 16, 13. 13 + 5 = 18. Hit. 8 + 3 = 11. Alice Reaction: Deflect Attack. 2 + 3 (Dex) + 3 (Level) = 8. 11 - 8 = 3 Damage. 18/21 HP Remains.

Round 2.

Alice. Dodge. Bonus Action: Martial Art against Punk 3. 17 + 5 = 22. Hit! 3 + 3 = 6 Damage. Knocked Out.

Ally: Life Giving Force: Alice giants 6 Temp HP. Reckless Attack against Punk 4. 14, 14. 14 + 5 = 19. Hit. 1 + 3 + 2 + 6 (Frenzy).. 12 Damage. Punk 4 Knocked Out.

Leader Morale Check: 12 + 0 = 12. Failure. Leader Attempts to Run. Opportunity Attack Alice. 3 + 5 = 8. Miss. Opportunity Attack Ally. 5 + 5 = 10. Miss. Dash Action. Full Movement. 60 feet away in hallways.

Vote Choice Here.
Okay, I can't make a decision, and this will effect what happens next. So I need a vote.

Did Granny splatter some Nazi fucker's brains across the wall? This will have consequences either way.

[] Yes
[] No
[X] No

Alice was already questioning if parts of her religion was a lie just a while ago, we don't need to mentally mess with her even further by making the grandma she was helping crush people skulls.
The Crisis of Alice, Chapter 1, Verse 8
With one move, you strike twice.

One strike touches the elderly lady on the ground. While most people would be horrified at such a thought, they wouldn't know your hands are not only for harm. Feathers of radiance flitter from the strike as the woman's facial wounds start to heal, and the blood reverses back into her.

One strike is against a Nazi punk. There is no mercy. There is only a punch to the groin, as you dodge his oncoming fist. You hold your true hand of harm back. Now is not the time to show your true power. It is still enough to drop the fool.

Even as little as 24 hours ago, you would never have considered throwing a punch, let alone getting into an actual fight. But here you are, dropping people who outweigh you two to one. This is what it means to be a Monk of Mercy. To deal life with one hand, and death with the other. And even though you do not intend to kill, the pain is still more than enough for most.

As you quickly turn, you see that the rest of the punks have stopped. 1v5 is now 1v4 in six seconds, and you have performed what can only be described as a minor miracle.

"...what the fuck?" Mr. 88 Chest yells out, as he sees his friend crumple while the old lady they had beaten is now sitting up. "Boss, should we…"

"Don't just stand there, jinglenuts!" The bat-wielding leader says, pointing it at you. "Grab her and..."

Не трогай ее!

And suddenly, the once-frail grandmother is now standing up. She is no longer frail. She is now a pillar of strength, holding her cane by the bottom. And she is looking straight at the closest Nazi

Вы не тронете больше ни одного человека!

Then with one swing and a scream that only the truly angry can let loose, you watch as she just clocks 88 Chest straight in the jaw with the cane. He flies 10 feet down the hall, hits a wall, then collapses in an undignified heap on the ground. He is still among the living, though he will obviously have a nasty headache when he wakes up. And probably need some dental surgery, considering you see some of his teeth on the ground near him.

[Rage, Rage Against The Dying Of The Light…]

Before you can ask who said that, the other two punks try to hit you. Mainly so they don't have to deal with the other lady. But you weave in and out of their strikes. You feel like you're going off muscle memory. Knowing how to block and deflect strikes feels like second nature. Like you've done this all your life.

"Oi, do I have to do everything myself?" The leader yells at his failing minions, as he swings for a home run.

But it only ends up a single, as you quickly bring up your arm to deflect the blow. You can feel a bit of pain, enough that you fear some bruising. But far better than ending up with a concussion or brain damage.

The other two members of the gang go down easily enough, one hit from each of you. For all the bravado they were displaying earlier, they couldn't back it up when it mattered. And that leaves the leader of the pack, who has backed up and seems to be pretty nervous.

For a moment, it seems like he's going to try and make a stand. He looks at you, at the grandma… and runs for it, like the devil himself is right behind him.

Vote: Do you chase? He will be 60 feet away at the end of his turn, going down the hallways. You and your ally can easily keep up with him. But there has already been a lot of noise and disturbance. But if you can catch him, he may have information. On the other hand… you feel like you can take the stuff from the defeated Nazis?

[] You give chase.

[] You do not give chase.

QM's Notes: And that is the first combat. Protected your ally, fought defensively with the Dodge Action and Deflect Attacks, and still dealt damage.

If you're wondering why you used Flurry of Blows while taking the Dodge Action, in the 2024 revision, the Bonus Action attacks were changed to not require having taken the Attack Action. Gives the Monk so many options.

Also, let's see if you pick up a couple of hints I laid down…
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[X] You give chase.

Information is always nice. I don't think these goons have much valuable loot on them anyways.

Не трогай ее!/Don't touch her!

Вы не тронете больше ни одного человека!/You won't touch a single person again!

[X] You give chase.

Don't feel like dealing with them later.