The Old World: Dark Age of the Empire

Doesn't Ulricans hate ranged weapons?
Gunpowder weapons specifically. Though they're not averse to arming non-adherents. They don't field as much firearms regardless.

I think if we sell our old guns, it's best to go towards Stirland and Averland. They're our closest allies and we share a border with both. They also both directly border Sylvania.
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Doesn't Ulricans hate ranged weapons?
But they are smart enough to know that Ranged Weapons are great in warfare I mean they did buy great canons from Sylvania to help them in taking over Nordland so they'll be ok with some more guns.

But yeah kairos does make a point of averland and stirland needing it so I could go either way.

But atleast make sure that our wolf ally is prepared enough for vlads counterattack because it's coming next turn or later.
Why are we talking to our own Arch-Lector though? If we want to make this play, the Grand Theogonist is the person to talk to.
It's mostly because the Wissenland congregation is, as noted, influential still and pretty much stable. Moreover the Arch Lector of Nuln is noted to be an anxious person who needs pressing. The reason for the contact is because unlike the Grand Theogonist, our rapport is with the Arch Lector first and foremost. We basically just want to get the ball rolling behind the scenes for Reikland's Sigmarites to make the call and get intel for further action. Leave the decision on their end after giving them an out.

In some sense, we can absolutely take it slow enough because we know Vlad will be back sooner than Todbringer can politick away.
[X] Plan Reikland Detente
-[X] The Ongoing War: 2 Dice + 1 Locked IC Die

--[X] Direct the Iron Companies Must Beat: 50 2 Dices + 1 Locked IC Dice
---[X] Make haste into Bechafen with any other forces that want to join and can march immediately.
--[X] The Other City
-[X] Diplomacy: 4 Dice
--[X] Engage with a Noble, Notable or Cult (Grand Theogonist of the Cult of Sigmar) Cost: 200 Marks per Die Must Beat: 50 4 Dice
---[X] Have Mariele Althaus as our Ambassador do the talking here, as Bismarck is busy campaigning.
---[X] As an opening, talk about the concerns of the Sigmar's faithful with regards to the, for lack of better word, impotency of the Reikland Emperor and how it might harm the Sigmarites congregations. While the current Von Leibwitzes are not Sigmarites (though Eldred is being raised Sigmarite), Bismarck at least cares about the congregations and support of the Cult. The Ulricans will not. Remark that Wissenlander bloc might be the only choice the Cult and Reikland have at present, short of 'falling' into the sphere of their Ulrican or Ottilian rivals. Propose a detente between Reikland, the central Cult of Sigmar and the Wissenland. Venture the information that Middenland was making plans to invade the Reikland with our guns, and that was before he gloriously won the war against Vlad. We are not outright asking for the Sigmarite vote yet, merely for an alignment of our interests.
-[X] Stewardship: 3 Dice
--[X] A Temple of the White Wolf Cost: 4,000 Marks and 2,000 Materials per Die Required Effort: 228/250 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Meissen) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 145/150 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Sauerapfel) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 0/250 1 Dice
-[X] Military: 1 Dice

--[X] Fortify the Border (Grenzstadt Town) Cost: 2,000 Marks and 400 Materials per Die Required Effort: 2,389/2,500 1 Dice

Total cost: 8800 marks and 2800 materials.

Based heavily on @Vocalend's plan, and the move for anyone that wants us to declare or sell our skin to the Wolf Emperor dearly. This is part offering the GT a lifeline out of a sinking ship and part pressure tactics. If the GT does not take this outstretched hand and at least tacitly brings the Sigmarites in alignment with our faction, we could just sell our guns to Todbringer which he can use to level Altdorf with. We should be prepared to offer a token gesture as goodwill, but we are holding most of the cards here as Reikland & the Sigmarites are now at their weakest with their pretender about to kick the bucket.

- If the Wolf Emperor calls the election next turn, having the GT on 'our side' means we can extract insane concessions from Todbringer. After all, the GT declaring the election of the Marienburg Emperor invalid is what caused this bout of Imperial instability. Being able to offer us as a go-between between Todbringer and the GT might forstall that from happening. Add that to our three votes (and perhaps fourth) and we can command any price.

- If the GT declines and the Wolf Emperor approaches us for our vote(s) we can cheerily deliver on our implied threat, put our weight behind Todbrigner and level Altdorf -- the biggest opponent to Imperial Unity -- with a clear conscience. Bad for Altdorf, great for the Empire.

- If Todbringer doesn't call the election, we are priming ourselves for an imperial bid. Having the Sigmarite vote and perhaps the Reiklander one would be hell of a powerful position to be in, though we might have to abdicate in favor of our son when he reaches adulthood and tolerate Sigmarite council members.

Four dice seems enough given the DC (modifier is likely going to be close to -100) but we could halt progress on the White Wolf temple this turn or not do Sauerapfel just yet to bump it up to 5. Alternatively, one of those dice can go to giving Stirland guns to shore up our faction and show we're all-round a very nice guy.
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Like the plan and I think a good concession to the wolf emperor and the Ar-ulric is that a situation like what in the time of magnus pious where the current ar-ulric basically declared sigmarites heresy should not happen and that there should be no bad blood between the cults.

Also the Ar-ulric likely wants to strengthen the Cult with the ability to have more votes for the election like the sigmarite which I'm ambivalent to but honestly If it unites the empire sooner let it happen.

Ar-ulric seems to have a good head on shoulders and isn't a crazed zealot so he can be Reasoned with.

---[X] Make haste into Bechafen with any Ottilian Forces that want to join and can march
Can it be ok to put in that the middenlanders are also allowed to join cause it could foster friendship and more bodies is always useful.
[] Plan: Reinforce Bechafen, march on Sylvania
-[] Under Clouds of Gray
--[] All forces except those sent to Bechafen are to march on Sylvania.
-[] The Other City
--[] Send Cavalry/fast moving units to reinforce Bechafen.
-[] The Industrielplatz
Dedicate the Industrielplatz to creating non-blackpowder arms and armour for use in the raising, training and equipping of regiments of State Troop within Ostermark.
Cost: 1,000 Marks and 1,000 Materials per Die.
Must Beat: 200
-[] The Imperial Gunnery School
Instruct the Imperial Gunnery School to create blackpowder arms and armour for use in the raising, training and equipping of regiments of State Troop within Ostermark.
Cost: 2,000 Marks, 1,000 Materials and 1,000 Food per Die
Must Beat: 100
-[] Riverine Docks (Select a Settlement)
--[] Meissen - 145/150
-[] The Wissenland Road Network
--[] Meissen-Salmfahre Road - 0/500
-[] A Temple of the White Wolf 228/250
-[] Investigate Threat (Select a Threat)
--[] Secessionists - 100
--[] Imperialists - 100
Make sure to do the math on the resource costs and write the total. Save the QM from having to do more number crunching.

Otherwise, good plan. Definitely considering it for a more direct approach. 4 dice seem like the right amount if we're going straight to the Grand Theogonist.

Gotcha. Math added -- reinforcing Grenzstadt is 2000 marks and 400 materials now, right?

Can it be ok to put in that the middenlanders are also allowed to join cause it could foster friendship and more bodies is always useful.

'Ottilian' omitted, any forces that can march can join. The Middenlander army should be too battered to head out again for now in any case.
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We were charged 2000 marks last time though, or am I missing something?
That shouldn't be right according to the initial option.

[ ] Grenzstadt
Pledge to aid in the Fortify Grenzstadt Action, Nulner Engineers and weapons will make it a greater fortress faster and free up the Averlanders to focus on the Sylvanian Problem sooner. (Current state is 1,500/2,500, fortify Action for Grenzstadt only costs Materials)
@Warkeymon can we fix please?
Right, making two different plan variants:

[X] Plan Onto Bechafen, Sphering Sigmarites Slowly
-[X] The Ongoing War: 2 Dices + 1 Locked IC Dice

--[X] Direct the Iron Companies Must Beat: 50 2 Dices + 1 Locked IC Dice
---[X] Make haste into Bechafen, inviting any allied forces willing to join in but don't wait too long either.
--[X] The Other City
-[X] Diplomacy: 4 Dices
--[X] Engage with a Noble, Notable or Cult (Van Hal of the Iron Tower) Cost: 200 Marks per Die Must Beat: 50 1 Dice
---[X] Start the discussion on what he might advise Wissenland with regards to anti-vampiric inventions and potential strategies against Undead. Veer the discussion about the trouble in Solland and specifically, about his views on "Witches" and the nature of his aid from the West.
--[X] Engage with a Noble, Notable or Cult (Arch Lector of Nuln) Cost: 200 Marks per Die Must Beat: 50 3 Dices
---[X] Have Mariele Althaus as our Ambassador do the talking here, as Bismarck is busy campaigning.
---[X] Talk about the concerns of the Sigmar's faithful with regards to the, for lack of better word, impotency of the Reikland Emperor and how it might harm the Sigmarites congregations. While the current Von Leibwitzes are not Sigmarites, Bismarck at least care about the congregations and support the Cult. The Ulricans will not. Remark that Wissenlander bloc might be the only choice Reikland has, short of falling into the sphere of their Ulrican or Ottilian rivals.
-[X] Stewardship: 3 Dices
--[X] A Temple of the White Wolf Cost: 4,000 Marks and 2,000 Materials per Die Required Effort: 228/250 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Meissen) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 145/150 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Sauerapfel) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 0/250 1 Dice
-[X] Military: 1 Dice

--[X] Fortify the Border (Grenzstadt Town) Cost: 400 Materials per Die Required Effort: 2,389/2,500 1 Dice

Total: 7,200 Marks and 2,800 Materials

[X] Plan Onto Bechafen, Arsenal Activation
-[X] The Ongoing War: 2 Dices + 1 Locked IC Dice

--[X] Direct the Iron Companies Must Beat: 50 2 Dices + 1 Locked IC Dice
---[X] Make haste into Bechafen, inviting any allied forces willing to join in but don't wait too long either.
--[X] The Other City
-[X] Diplomacy: 4 Dices
--[X] Engage with a Noble, Notable or Cult (Van Hal of the Iron Tower) Cost: 200 Marks per Die Must Beat: 50 1 Dice
---[X] Start the discussion on what he might advise Wissenland with regards to anti-vampiric inventions and potential strategies against Undead. Veer the discussion about the trouble in Solland and specifically, about his views on "Witches" and the nature of his aid from the West.
--[X] Engage with an Elector (The Ottilian Empress) Cost: 1000 Marks per Die Must Beat: 150 3 Dices
---[X] Firstly arrange for the shipment of several of the many warehouses of the old Nulner rifles immediately for arriving late to arm the depleted Ottillian contingent. Secondly, declare your intention to the Ottilian Empress to relieve her vassal and if she has any troops that would follow along, any particular cavalry or skirmish forces to contest raiding from the Veldt Separatists/Stirlanders would be welcome. Third and most importantly, talk about supplying the Taalbaston with cannons and guns on a long term basis, perhaps even with exclusive flintlocks for her elite State Troops. Hochland might be her next door vassal but if they're swayed towards the Wolf Emperor, she would have no hope of easy resupply. Wissenland will honor all deals when it comes to defending the realm, ask the Ostlanders and Ostermarkers about the truth of that.
-[X] Stewardship: 3 Dices
--[X] A Temple of the White Wolf Cost: 4,000 Marks and 2,000 Materials per Die Required Effort: 228/250 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Meissen) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 145/150 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Sauerapfel) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 0/250 1 Dice
-[X] Military: 1 Dice

--[X] Fortify the Border (Grenzstadt Town) Cost: 400 Materials per Die Required Effort: 2,389/2,500 1 Dice

Total: 9,600 Marks and 2,800 Materials

The difference of the plans should be self-explanatory. One remains a slowball one that doesn't commit any other obligations until we finished the 3 pseudo-locked dices and the second one is a plan that supplies the battered Ottillian forces and become their new supplier for weapons if Hochland decides to flip to the Wold Emperor. Even if they don't, Wissenland can always ramp up production faster than Hochland. And once again, get a second opinion on spellcasters.
Can it be ok to put in that the middenlanders are also allowed to join cause it could foster friendship and more bodies is always useful.
Good call, changed the vote.
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[X] Plan Onto Bechafen, Arsenal Activation

I prefer this one as it feels more direct. I would rather resolve the Otillan alliance first than poking at Reikland's Emperor to see if he's alive or make promises with the Sigmarites right now. In this dire moment of crisis they should have rallied up in unity first before anyone else. Instead, they are sulking up due to losses, which is unnacceptable.
[X] Plan Onto Bechafen, Arsenal Activation

Well this plan is good enough but I hope next turn we give the same deal to the wolf emperor as to say that we are not playing favorites to anyone but only for the betterment of the empire the sigmarites not withstanding but who cares about them.

Hopefully some of the knightly orders from middenheim join likely not the white Wolves maybe the knights panther they are proud bunch and are probably wanting to make a good showing of themselves due to the actions of there compatriot in jerek.

And finally vlads counterattack which I think would happen in late next year so turn 32 at the earliest cause vlad while competent and powerful still lost majorly and has lost most of his main force and and raising another army marching them both living and dead is still gonna take time so we can be assured it's not gonna be next turn.

But we should be preparing and get that third conference going at middenheim so our forces would be concentrated there and make it less of a viable target.