The Old World: Dark Age of the Empire

The Cult of Morr is flocking to the site from across the Empire to handle the battlefield. Most Morrites would say that the dead should be interred in a Garden of Morr and that if this is not possible then they can be entombed together in a large make-shift ossuary. Most battlefields in the Empire's history have these ossuaries underneath them that Morrites have laboured hard to build and fill. Cremation and other forms of funerary rite than burial are frowned upon officially and considered heresy by some sects.

Word will hit the Custode Del Portale in Luccini and he may make arrangements to send an order of priests to help with the sheer numbers.
that's not good, not good at all, with all the death that has happened under the taalbastion, that's 2 armies Von carstein can raise back when he sieges it again, can we do anything to change that?

We definitely should push for a Third Conference while the combined forces of the Empire are all assembled. We need to march on Sylvania and burn out the undead which have taken hold there to ensure this doesn't happen again in a decade (or really with OOC knowledge a year).
problem is if we go to Sylvania Bechafen may fall.
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Then there is no time to be lost
Battle Brothers!State Troops!
Today,the enemy is at Sylvania!
Steel Rain,etc.
(I think we should focus on cleaning up Sylvania.I think we'll chance upon Vlad or one of his top cronies that way)
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I agree, we should focus on Sylvania while iron is hot. Many of the Electors underestimate the full danger of Vlad with adition to them focusing too much on politics.
Warkeymon, could you also tell us what's the main benefit of increasing these school levels. The City Institutions already got the extra details, after all.

I've added the below to the action blurb. Expanding a school adds an extra research slot to that school and provides buffs to research with it. This is the same for each of the schools.

Such investments should improve the quality of the research and provide more opportunities.

that's not good, not good at all, with all the death that has happened under the taalbastion, that's 2 armies Von carstein can raise back when he sieges it again, can we do anything to change that?

It is unusual to attempt to challenge the Cult of Morr with regards to funerary rites. The consecrations of the Cult should prevent most necromancy it takes warpstone-powered rituals to breach the protections of Morr.

It isn't unheard of however, Sylvania has spent the past two thousand years balancing their local death gods against the Cult of Morr and they often use the bogs for burials there.
It is unusual to attempt to challenge the Cult of Morr with regards to funerary rites. The consecrations of the Cult should prevent most necromancy it takes warpstone-powered rituals to breach the protections of Morr.
Oh gods guess what vlad in co have been harvesting in mordheim couple of decades and he hasn't used it yet.

So can we start cremating the bodies before they start rising up and attacking us cause we're on a time crunch with the ritual. And it will hastens it activation If we attack Sylvania.

I'm not gonna be for attacking Sylvania cause if the ritual finishes our home territories are at risk of being overrun by undead and vlads lieutenants are still In the great forest.
I agree, we should focus on Sylvania while iron is hot. Many of the Electors underestimate the full danger of Vlad with adition to them focusing too much on politics.
I can't help but disagree to that since it would be abandoning Bechafen, all other forces aren't in a good situation to relieve them. and Sylvania is a big trap waiting to happen we need the whole strength of the empire to breach that with both vlad and manfred von carstein and probably Isabella alive right now
So can we start cremating the bodies before they start rising up and attacking us cause we're on a time crunch with the ritual. And it will hastens it activation If we attack Sylvania.

You can either have the Iron Companies stay at Taalagad and write-in orders for them to begin cremating the dead or you can do an Engage action with the Cult of Morr to ask them to do it.
So can we start cremating the bodies before they start rising up and attacking us cause we're on a time crunch with the ritual. And it will hastens it activation If we attack Sylvania.
Not gonna happen.

The Imperials have abandoned cremation like centuries ago and think of it as barbaric. All the major Cults, such as Morr, Sigmar and probably Urlic as well, are against cremation. That makes two very difficult obstacles, both cultural and religious.
Well on the bright side we didn't push for the Imperial candidacy considering what it was based on and the current cirumstances.
How long does Vlad's resurrection take? Hopefully 2 turn? a year? or is it only like a month? and loosing marianburg's army is fine but losing the dice and the money really suckssss, I smell lahmian plots behind this. as for our forces I think our course should be pretty clear, [ ] The Other City we must relieve Bechafen, especially since it's besieged by carstein's human state troops if we kill them and then burn the bodies that would be a great victory. also putting a dice for only 5 points of progress is really frustrating.
It can take as little as a couple of days if that
Hhm yeah what should we do then any proto plans In the works cause should do the third conference and rally the attendees with helping of the wolf emperor at our backs to deal with the threat of the dead.

And maybe get a trade deal going with middenheim to foster better relations with the currently leading claimant.

And question @Warkeymon is the wolf emperors wife pregnant cause that would be an important thing to know. Hopefully a male.
Are there factions that we could send to Bechafen so that we could take the majority of the potential third conference forces into Sylvania ?
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And question @Warkeymon is the wolf emperors wife pregnant cause that would be an important thing to know. Hopefully a male.

Not as far as you know and given she took part in the Crossing of the Talabec you strongly doubt it.

Are there factions that we could send to Bechafen so that we could take the majority of the potential third conference forces into Sylvania ?

You can diplomacy anyone at Taalagad and ask them to do it.
Preliminary plan, not counting costs yet and all:

[-] Plan Relieving Bechafen + Getting Viewpoints on Spellcasters
-[X] The Ongoing War: 2 Dices + 1 Locked IC Dice

--[X] Direct the Iron Companies Must Beat: 50 2 Dices + 1 Locked IC Dice
---[X] Make haste into Bechafen with any Ottilian Forces that might join in but don't wait too long either.
--[X] The Other City
-[X] Diplomacy: 4 Dices
--[X] Engage with a Noble, Notable or Cult (Van Hal of the Iron Tower) Cost: 200 Marks per Die Must Beat: 50 1 Dice
---[X] Start the discussion on what he might advise Wissenland with regards to anti-vampiric inventions and potential strategies against Undead. Veer the discussion about the trouble in Solland and specifically, about his views on "Witches" and the nature of his aid from the West.
--[X] Engage with a Noble, Notable or Cult (Grail Knight D'Aquitaine) Cost: 200 Marks per Die Must Beat: 50 1 Dice
---[X] This is the first time Bismarck ever met a Grail Knight. Start with easy topics like military tactics and fighting necromancies before seguing to talk about The Lady and about the capabilitiy of his nation's blessed priestess.
--[X] Engage with a Noble, Notable or Cult (Arch Lector of Nuln) Cost: 200 Marks per Die Must Beat: 50 2 Dices
---[X] Have Mariele Althaus as our Ambassador do the talking here, as Bismarck is busy campaigning.
---[X] Talk about the concerns of the Sigmar's faithful with regards to the, for lack of better word, impotency of the Reikland Emperor and how it might harm the Sigmarites congregations. While the current Von Leibwitzes are not Sigmarites, Bismarck at least care about the congregations and support the Cult. The Ulricans will not. Remark that Wissenlander bloc might be the only choice Reikland has, short of falling into the sphere of their Ulrican or Ottilian rivals.
-[X] Stewardship: 3 Dices
--[X] A Temple of the White Wolf Cost: 4,000 Marks and 2,000 Materials per Die Required Effort: 228/250 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Meissen) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 145/150 1 Dice
--[X] Riverine Docks (Sauerapfel) Cost: 1,000 Marks and 200 Materials per Die. Required Effort: 0/250 1 Dice
-[X] Military: 1 Dice

--[X] Fortify the Border (Grenzstadt Town) Cost: 400 Materials per Die Required Effort: 2,389/2,500 1 Dice

A very talk heavy plan, the intent for this plan is to try and capitalize on different things as well as saving costs for a bit on Marks until the Temple is done. Do the Van Hal and Grail Knight talks because they would have interesting insights against undead fights and of course, knowledge on spell/blessed castings.

More importantly about the Sigmarites though:
Cult of Sigmar
Relationship: +74
For all that the Grand Theogonist and the Wissenland may have clashed, the Arch-Lector of Nuln remains at the head of the largest cult of the Wissenland and seems happy enough to take Wissenland's side in the schism. Empowering the Order of the Silver Hammer within the Province has assured the Arch-Lector that whatever the strain may be with Reikland, you will not allow it to harm the Sigmarites of Wissenland.
Once again, from letting the Sigmarites have a hand at the Von Leibwitz's dynasty's educations to keeping the Stirland congregation free and just generally not rocking the boat, Wissenland have high rapport with well, the founding cult of the Empire in spite of everything that happened. So let's leverage that, not the least because the Cult's self interests would not allow the historical seat of the Empire just go towards an Emperor Claimant single-handedly, regardless whether they win an election or not and especially if they're not Sigmarites. The now dead Marienburg Empress did won her election and the Reikland Emperor (and Theogonist) just went 'nope, you won nothing', leading to this current era of the Three/Four Emperors.

What the Cult does with our word of warning is up to them, but it does at least signal that until such a time that a 'proper Sigmarite' rule over Reikland, being the junior partner to Wissenland's totally-not-Imperial-Claimant bloc is the best thing it can hope for, at least for this generation.
I think we could afford to shift some die from Diplomacy and Stewardship over to Learning so we could get shot packages and heavy handguns that @Warkeymon has been implying to be good against the shambling hordes of undead
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Like the plan but I'm not really into trying for imperial candidacy at this stage right now cause we are still in the hot zone with the start of the vampire wars and I think going for further talks with the wolf emperor and Ar-ulric about maybe some trade talks and signs of friendship cause there right now at there greatest point of prestige with a rise in ulrican converts with the total victory talabec in wissenland likely the rest of the empire.
I think we could afford to shift some die from Diolomacy and Stewardship over to Learning so we could get shot packages and heavy handguns that @Warkeymon has been implying to be good against the shambling hordes of undead
The problem is that we have 4 dices 'effectively' locked for the foreseeable 2-3 turns: The entirety of the Stewardship and Military actions being our obligations. Even if we reduce the dices on Diplo, we're effectively "wasting" dices on just getting research modifiers for future attempts. So might as well get concrete benefits for the time being.
Perhaps we should talk to the Wolf Emperor?

I'd actually support his candidacy, after this excellent showing, if he makes some promises in the direction of mutual defense in general (which he would vow as Emperor anyway) and trying to find a permanent solution to Sylvania in particular.
The problem is that we know the proverbial checks aren't cashed in yet. The vC Ring exists and Vlad is liable to punish the Wolf Emperor for his complacency for political gain and get revenge on Jerek as he did in canon. I don't dislike or have a grudge against him but we are putting the cart before the horse here... and also talking to Electors are expensive. @Warkeymon just to check, the DC for any Taalbaston characters is 50 but the costs remain the same as in the Diplo options, no? So it'd still be 1K Marks/Dice, correct?
Like the plan but I'm not really into trying for imperial candidacy at this stage right now cause we are still in the hot zone with the start of the vampire wars and I think going for further talks with the wolf emperor and Ar-ulric about maybe some trade talks and signs of friendship cause there right now at there greatest point of prestige with a rise in ulrican converts with the total victory talabec in wissenland likely the rest of the empire.
It's totally-not-Imperial-Candidacy though. Or rather, Wissenland was always going to be poised as the Arsenal of the Empire and Bismarck (and the thread) is relatively phlegmatic enough to not care who sits as the Emperor, just that we make good time and profit for it. Taking Reikland under our sphere of influence doesn't inherently mean we're throwing our ring into it (unless Warkeymon gives a warning), and this is entirely to take advantage of the opportunity of Reikland being passive for too long.

I think, as suggestions for other planmakers, there's more profit to be made with talking to the Ottilians. They're the one that just had their defenses torn to shred and breached in places. They're the one in need of more weaponry, to the point that they did try to seize the shipment meant for Ostermark instead. Even a standard rate weapons shipment to them should give us a healthy infusion of Marks.
Understandable ok then though I still think speaking to him and atleast giving him some extra guns so he could better defend himself against vlad when he inevitably returns cause if he is defeated like in canon vlads gonna recupe his losses and we are next on his list cause we are the reason why the wolf emperor rallied and smashed him so a little aid to him would benefit us in the long run in our fight against the vampires.

And we profit from the deal and enhance our meatshield against a super angry vampire coming to rip us apart.

That reminds me does middenheim still have giants as there Artillery loaders cause that was a fun bit of lore.
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I'm not going to make a plan for this turn. I want to see what other people come up with. But here are my preferences.

[ ] The Other City
Bechafen remains under siege, though perhaps loosely, go and relieve it.
I like this. It keeps our promises with Ostermark about defending them. Better relations is always good. We can go back home next turn. I would say we should try and scour the Great Forest for the remnants of Vlad's army but I don't think the Iron Companies are suited for that kind of work by themselves.

The Emperor of Sigmar's Holy Empire has returned to public sight at last, he is gaunt and thin and seems to be in ill health. Rumours abound that he may soon pass.
We should see about doing something in Reikland. A detente in relations would be nice. The Grand Theogonist might be worth a shot at speaking to. See what their aims are. We have been blind to the goings-on in Reikland for a while after all.

As to the possible election Middenland might call, I would be willing to let them be Emperor but that's only if they don't try to instate an Ulrican supremacist policy in the Empire. It would piss off a lot of people and step on a bunch of toes.
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The problem is that we know the proverbial checks aren't cashed in yet. The vC Ring exists and Vlad is liable to punish the Wolf Emperor for his complacency for political gain and get revenge on Jerek as he did in canon. I don't dislike or have a grudge against him but we are putting the cart before the horse here... and also talking to Electors are expensive. @Warkeymon just to check, the DC for any Taalbaston characters is 50 but the costs remain the same as in the Diplo options, no? So it'd still be 1K Marks/Dice, correct?

Elector's are still 150, imperial politics are still finicky but you'll get some bonuses given recent events. Other notables would all be 50 though.

I think the expression is toe to toe. Sorry if that was an intentional variation in the story.

Thanks for pointing it out! I've updated that now.

That reminds me does middenheim still have giants as there Artillery loaders cause that was a fun bit of lore.

Ulric's Thunder hasn't been built yet, it was a post-Magnus creation and none of the provinces have managed to wrangle any giants that you know of and you'd think it was pretty obvious if they had.