Dark Magical Girl Quest

I got the impression that fate was leaving us alone regardless once we got the Miraculite:
And so you've taken your first steps. But where will your path lead? To me. That is the only answer. Until you hear my voice again, wretch, and remember…
Kinda implied to me that we won't be hearing from them for a while.

That said, Death blowing them up would be funny.

I'm kinda liking Death as a Companion. Feel more like they'd use a voice actor with a Low voice, and they've got a great vibe. They're chill.

[X] Plan Nothing To See Here

I really want to investigate the idol stuff possibly, and even then it's an easy check on Empathy, so we'd be getting something out of it. At the very least I don't think burning a Major action on something will be useless or fluff.

As an aside, nice seeing our investigation stuff already being helpful - it's what boosted the intellect check for the Miraculite up to being just one off. We might not have been successful if not for that.
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[X] Freedom is Good for the Soul
-[X][Major] Go to Urban Legends Club
-[X][Major] Go to Casual Music Club
-[X][Major] Spend Time with Mom. Ugh.
-[X][Minor] Train a stat
--[X] Soul (Medium)
-[X][Minor] Practice magic with DEATH
-[X] Check Job Sites (Random)

Basically, my goal is to get mom's focus off us, reduce our reliance on her, and try to build a support network outside her influence through either the clubs or a job working for someone who doesn't know her. Also, practicing magic with DEATH.
If we do a plan with multiple lie actions, do we have to roll a lie for each, or only the one for the whole turn?
Because if it's the latter, it may be best to do lie actions at once.
Imagine insulting Destiny like this. You have earned an enemy for life. A joke, if that wasn't clear

More generally - good update, though I don't expect to start a vote train at this point so I'm not going to craft my own plan, and I don't think any of these votes in particular get us closer to more Destiny Time and therefore opportunities to romance her (though her army needs to work on its friendly fire, seriously - something to bring up after we talk again), so as a single issue voter, I have no particular votes in mind so
[X] Freedom is Good for the Soul
I voted for what I did mostly because I don't feel like we need to train Might.
I voted for what I did mostly because I don't feel like we need to train Might.
We went down in 2 hits and need more health, and before people try to get out the charts about how Soul is the statistical best stat, we are going to need to do things that are not combat that require physical activity, and we are going to get diminishing returns on Soul far sooner than on might.

Now the vote is at least training up one stat we've left in the dust a bit, and I do appreciate it for that, but I think the logic behind it is flawed - the police option isn't a silent break in, it's smashing down the front door. And whilst a bit of survivability is useful, we really need an ally to be able to fight with us.

I mean, skills is still going to win, but I'm really hoping that this doesn't lead to a thing where we focus so hard on the mechanics that we start to neglect the narrative in favour of trying to constantly get bigger damage numbers.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by RexHeller on Jul 15, 2024 at 1:27 AM, finished with 43 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Plan Nothing To See Here
    -[X][Major] Go to Urban Legends Club
    -[X][Major] Go to Casual Music Club
    -[X][Major] Spend Time with Mom. Ugh.
    -[X][Minor] Train a stat
    --[X] Might (Easy)
    -[X][Minor] Investigate a lead online
    --[X] Miraculite in general (Easy)
    -[X][Minor] Recall the past
    --[X] Yume Ai (Easy)
    [X] Plan Nothing to See Except My Mad Skills
    -[X][Major] Spend Time with Mom. Ugh.
    -[X][Major] Go to Urban Legends Club
    -[X][Minor] Train a stat
    --[X] Skill
    --[X] Soul (Medium)
    -[X][Minor] Practice magic with DEATH
    -[X][Minor] Investigate a lead online
    --[X] Miraculite in general (Easy)
    [X] Plan Evil in Training
    -[X][Major] Attack the police as a magical girl and steal info about Yume's death
    -[X][Major] Investigate the abandoned mall
    -[X][Major] Go to Urban Legends Club
    -[X][Minor] Train a stat
    --[X] Skill
    --[X] Soul
    -[X][Minor] Practice magic with DEATH
    [X] Plan: this is a plan
    -[X][Major] Go to Urban Legends Club
    -[X][Major] Go to Casual Music Club
    -[X][Major] Spend Time with Mom. Ugh.
    -[X][Minor] Practice magic with DEATH
    -[X][Minor] Train a stat - Practice one of your five stats, seeking to improve. DC is set by which stat you're using and rolls are made using that stat. The lower the stat, the easier it is to improve.
    --[X] Might (Easy)
    -[X][Minor] Recall the past - So much of your current life is routed in the past and yet, you struggle to remember the details clearly. Focus and Meditation may help. Uses Intellect, with DC determined by the subject in question.
    --[X] Norika Uegimu (Easy)
    [X] Freedom is Good for the Soul
    -[X][Major] Go to Urban Legends Club
    -[X][Major] Go to Casual Music Club
    -[X][Major] Spend Time with Mom. Ugh.
    -[X][Minor] Train a stat
    --[X] Soul (Medium)
    -[X][Minor] Practice magic with DEATH
    -[X] Check Job Sites (Random)
    [X] Freedom is Good for the Soul
As for the going down in two hits, that's what eventual team members are for, plus getting better at dodging or just negating attacks.
We don't have dodge mechanics, have no way of currently negating or reducing damage, and any action like fighting the police or investigating as a magical girl carries the risk of being enemy interrupt.

We need to get an ally, and given that some stuff seems to be pointing that the idol stuff (our investigative reporter mother is looking into it, it being an option in chargen that has a reasonable bit of support, just for off the top of my head) is a possible avenue for that.

For one turn, okay, fine. But can we maybe not put this off for long? This miraculite is only useful if we use it to get an ally that is more aligned with us, and Fate has a known dark general somewhere around. I want to try to get to her first.
We don't have dodge mechanics, have no way of currently negating or reducing damage, and any action like fighting the police or investigating as a magical girl carries the risk of being enemy interrupt.

We need to get an ally, and given that some stuff seems to be pointing that the idol stuff (our investigative reporter mother is looking into it, it being an option in chargen that has a reasonable bit of support, just for off the top of my head) is a possible avenue for that.

For one turn, okay, fine. But can we maybe not put this off for long? This miraculite is only useful if we use it to get an ally that is more aligned with us, and Fate has a known dark general somewhere around. I want to try to get to her first.

Increasing stats is also a way to gain durability. Learning. More about magic could also help.
An ally effectively gets us spells, a meatshield, and actions in combat.

And just shrugging and going "we'll get them eventually" means that we're not forming a connection that might help bring them with us if we go third party.

I'm not saying that raising stats or learning magic is bad or useless, but having allies we can rely on is a big thing, as is ensuring we don't have to fight them if we split from fate. And I'm not convinced that the Black Miraculite is something we'll get to hold on forever- I can totally see a dark general pressuring us to give it up so it can be given to someone more inclined to obey Fate.
Progression options.
Okay, so I'm kinda distracted with work and reading The Soulmate Timeline for the fifth or sixth time, so progress on the update is slim. It will be done though, don't worry. But in the meantime, I wanted to get some opinions from the thread.

See, I don't have a progression system picked out for the quest yet. I know, I know, that sounds ridiculous but it's true. Instead, I have three ideas I'm bouncing between and I'd like to hear what people think would work best. Regardless of what I go with, you will be getting benefit from the training options you picked this update, so don't worry about that. Anyway, here are the options.

First is a traditional EXP and level up system. Killing enemies and passing challenges gets you experience, once you have enough, you level up. When you level up, you get a stat boost to a stat of your choice and a new spell or perk. In this system, training options would give you smaller benefits, like a single stat point at a time and practicing magic would make spells you know more efficient but wouldn't let you learn new spells. Easiest option to understand but also the most game-y I feel. But some people might like that.

Option two is what I call the progression points system. You earn progression points via milestones or achievements like your first kill of an enemy type or solving some mystery. Then you spend those points on training actions to get your stat boosts, new spells and traits and so on. This would be a lot more free form and let you earn new stuff immediately after you succeed at something instead of waiting for an arbitrary number to go up. But it would also mean that you actually have to spend your in game time on training and can't just rely on automatically growing stronger.

The third option is the one I call the thematic option. Magical Girls get their strength form positivity, right? Believing in yourself and all that jazz? This is the system for that. Kaworu will have a new resource to track: Positive Mental Attitude. Good things like successful rolls, defeating enemies and buying snacks makes PMA go up but failing important rolls and other depressing things makes it go down. You can even spend PMA to take extra actions in a turn by overworking Kaworu. Like experience, if you reach the cap on PMA, you level up and get your mechanical benefits but rather than a standardized one star boost and one perk/spell, you get benefits to everything you spent time on between level ups. So training might and succeeding gives you more PMA and then when you reach 100 PMA or whatever, your Might goes up, along with whatever else you practiced. So you don't get your stat boost immediately but it lets you stack up benefits and you get stronger in a big burst, provided you kept your training up.

I'm not going to make this an official vote, not unless discussion gets really deadlocked about it. Right now, I just want opinions on what options seems the most fun and interesting.