Divine Shot
Using this power enables you to make near impossible ranged shots, allowing you to strike virtually any target you can perceive. When you find the one you seek, you shoot, and while the damage to the target may vary, the attack cannot be avoided in any way. In effect, you automatically hit any one target you can see regardless of Range.
By focusing his mind the diviner can single out an object or person somewhere in his immediate vicinity, pushing aside all other distractions until he can unerringly find it.
Far Sight
Far Sight may be used to make you aware of a single space anywhere within range of this power. You need not be aware of the destination; you merely need to identify how far away you need to cast your senses (for example: "I look two kilometers to the west").
You peer into the future, sensing the manifold web of different possible pathways and potential outcomes. Until the end of your next Turn, you gain a +30 bonus to any single Skills Test.
Precognitive Strike
Like a spider on a web, you are able to sense disturbances to your immediate future. Until the end of your next Turn, you gain a +20 bonus to all weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests.
Precognitive Dodge
You may manipulate probability to your own advantage. The threads of your immediate future appear clearly in your mind. You have the power to Dodge projectiles before they've been fired. Until the end of your next Turn, all ballistic Skill Tests made to hit you with ranged weapons suffer a -30 penalty.
Preternatural Awareness
Casting your perception from the limited vessel of your bodily senses, you gain an unnatural awareness of the world around you. You also gain impressions of future events, granting you uncanny accuracy in anticipating them. You gain a +20 bonus on all initative Tests.
Intense displays of emotion leave a psychic "residue" on objects and places exposed to them. Similarly, anything that has been actively carried or used by an individual for a long time will eventually pick up similar psychic impressions. With this power, you can read behind the emotions and trappins of said item and the indivudal that used it. And the emotion they were experiencing while using it.
Personal Augury
Personal Augury allows you to peer into the fate of a single, willing target. You may warn the querant of impending dangers, opportunities and even divine specific advice for your client. This enables one to see what dangers they could/will face, along with what the client has for advice, and can solve said doom by providing a peice of advice that will come true if done.
Soul Sight
You are able to see the soul of your target, and are able to see their mental wellbeing, health, possible psychic powers, as well as corruption from chaos influence, possible deals or xeno influences, and the person's wellbeing within the last day.