Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

[X] Reluctant sympathy, he will help, but no more than that

[X] Go out and greet them
-[X] Kori makes sure to have his new Charisma-boosting headband in place and uses his cloak to take on his Human appearance.
[X] Fascination, to shape flesh and soul, the old ones had done it long ago

[X] Go out and greet them
-[X] Kori makes sure to have his new Charisma-boosting headband in place and uses his cloak to take on his Human appearance.
[X] Fascination, to shape flesh and soul, the old ones had done it long ago

[X] Go out and greet them
-[X] Kori makes sure to have his new Charisma-boosting headband in place and uses his cloak to take on his Human appearance.
So much good loot!
Not one for stacking pebbles, Cob claims the vampire's sippers as his own, small nimble fingers making quick work of securing the flowing silk ribbons to his own feet. 'Slippers of Spider-climbing,' Sirim calls them, a sensible name for a very useful item as your small friend quickly begins prowling about the ceiling looking for secrets.
Cob is now a ceiling goblin! With the ability to walk on walls and ceilings, along with his natural camo abilities, he can also become a deadly drop goblin!

Truly, we are making a monster!
You had found Elenora in truth.
Mission success!

Now just to get her home and get Gorok that recommendation.
Judging from the foot stomp and quick glance down at his knees you don't think your friend gets it, but he does mentally sort it under 'Longshanks things' and doesn't try to get the head.
I get Cob's frustration here, since a head is a great way to show you don't have to fear anymore... wait. :p
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2
Headband will help a lot for Kori and cancel out his natural disadvantages due to nature.
Certainly for Mina unless we get something better.
Large Enchanted Silver Mirror (Nondetection)
Sure we can find someone who wants to buy that.
The Thousand Faces of Arad Lili (Book of Occult Rituals)
Book is blegh, but not cursed and so long as it helps Sirim we can live with it.

[X] Reluctant sympathy, he will help, but no more than that

[X] Go out and greet them
-[X] Kori makes sure to have his new Charisma-boosting headband in place and uses his cloak to take on his Human appearance.

Just hope the Eagle Knights don't pay too much attention to Gorok and Cob, and we are golden.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 13, 2024 at 2:20 AM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Reluctant sympathy, he will help, but no more than that
    [X] Go out and greet them
    -[X] Kori makes sure to have his new Charisma-boosting headband in place and uses his cloak to take on his Human appearance.
    [X] Fascination, to shape flesh and soul, the old ones had done it long ago
    [X] Go out and greet them
    -[X] Kori makes sure to have his new Charisma-boosting headband in place and uses his cloak to take on his Human appearance.
    [X] Reluctant sympathy, he will help, but no more than that
    [x] Get the girl up from the dungeon and get out while they are still searching the front of the house
Arc 7 Post 32: With Words Alight
With Words Alight

21st of Lamashan 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

A quick understanding, more in looks than words, follows as you put away the... book. While there might be time to dash out there certainly isn't enough to wipe clean all signs of your passage, not to mention it would risk the well-being of the one you had come so far to save.

"Over here!" Mina calls out, as Sirim gathers around her shoulders, staff set against one of the shelves. "We're in the library."

For his part, Gorok sheathes his weapon and does the best that one so fearsome and well-armed can at looking peaceable while you quickly pick out a unobtrusive corner as far away from any window as you can manage, whispering a spell of smooth-talking just to be safe. Cob... is hanging from the ceiling.

"Those will run out of resin for the day if you play with them you know," Mina scolds him, though something tells you he's not just having fun. That would be a great ambush spot if things go ill.

Still, he clambers down one of the curtains, getting mud all over it, just as the first of the knights, a brown haired woman of middling height in the blue and silver of the Eagle Knights, advances cautiously into the room. "Oh, you're the 'foreign contractors' then, are you?" Her sword's in hand, but it's not raised. For all that there is no mistaking the poorly veiled suspicion in those words, nor can you keep from counting the three... four... five Andorans behind her, one of them bearing a magician's staff.

"DeVerge sent you?" Sirim projects and you can already see all of them stiffen at the notion that they had been set on the trail like a pack of goblin-dogs. "No matter now, we found the girl. She was being held in preparation for a blood rite by the Belle Dame..." he pauses for comment, and when none seems forthcoming he adds. "A kind of vampire."

"A vampire that walks in sunlight and shows up in mirrors, is it?" The knight-captain looks around the shelves. "I suppose she'd dead and dusted, is she?"

It is at this rather inauspicious point that Cob decides to take the head out of one of his belt pouches and wave it around. "Not dust, see!"

Sirim Diplomacy (DC 21): 1d20+12 = 13 (Critical Failure)

"What the...!" the captain exclaims, as the mage, who you now realize had been too far back to notice Cob, waves his staff violently. A spear of flame bursts from the tip and scours the stone beside your friend.

"Ware! Goblin! Goblin!"

Eagle Knight Mage Attack: 1d20+4 = 6 (Failure)

"Corvus, stand down!" the captain snaps, though her anger does not seem to abate when the hapless wizard lowers his staff. "You five, we'll be taking you into custody until we can establish what just happened here. You will remain here under guard while we check through the house for any remaining devils..."

"Or goblins," someone mutters under their breath.

"On what grounds are we being held?" Sirim presses coldly.

"These grounds that you are trespassing on," the knight answers unyielding. "Lay down your weapons. and that includes any spell components!"

"We've only seen one devil so far, it died defending its mistress," you speak up calmly. "I do wonder where all the others might be and what they might be doing. Tell me, sir knight, do your people often attack without orders, without warning?"

She narrows her eyes at you. "What are you saying?"

Knight Captain vs Unnatural Shadow: 1d20+1 = 6 (Failure)

"One supposes a lurking fiend would have the wits to recognize the magician, most able to see through their glamor. Should they have a means to twist minds to suspicion, who better to use it upon? Divide us, best of all if we fight, but even just keeping an eye fixed on the other t'would let them slip out and wreak havoc."

"You would know a lot about fiends wouldn't you, shade-spit," 'Corvus' spits with unexpected venom, which you are quite sure is wholly his own, but does not help his case. Unseen devils are clearly more alarming to the band of knights than unseen goblins.

"Alright, you can keep your weapons for now and come along so I can keep an eye on you."

Akorian Bluff (DC 25): 1d20+16 = 26 (Success)

Finding Elenora all wrapped up in a bedroll with a cup of honey-water beside her helps ease suspicions further, at least as far as you being mere thieves. The broken lock-box though makes it obvious that you are not above helping yourselves once the deed is done.

"Don't worry Miss, we'll get you home right away..."

"It's over now, she's dead..."

"Can you stand... no no, Helric, you carry the lady, that's right..."

Alas, the reassurances are reserved for the former prisoner. To your company the captain offers an unpalatable choice, either go under a truth spell to recount the day's events or empty your pockets and your bags of everything you had taken so that it can be assessed.

Elenora Will Save to Stay Conscious: 1d20+4 = 17 (Success)

"Wait!" Elenora doesn't really have the lungs to be shouting, but she does her best at it. "They saved my life! Why are you treating them like criminals?"

"In the interest of public safety we have to establish a timeline of events..." You have a feeling this is a well worn line, but despite barely being able to keep her head up Elenora's having none of it.

"Oh, I will give you a timeline of events alright! Brave adventurers save prisoner from vampire that's been preying on the people of Almas for years, then the Eagle Knights show up an hour late and a halfpenny short, all fired up to interrogate the heroes who did their job. Would you like me to lay out that in an interview to the to the Almas Star, Lieutenant?"

"Erm... she's a captain actually, Miss," one of the others offers.

"Not for much longer if she does not change her course," she retorts, gaze burning with outrage. "They will be accompanying me home, after which I am certain they will all be more than happy to submit a written report to Executive Consul Reginald Cormoth. In fact..." Her eyes light up all the more with the fire that had seen her clinging stubbornly to life for weeks on end. "I'm sure the Old Man would very much enjoy meeting such selfless folk. Maybe they will even have some stories to share."

Elenora Intimidation(DC 21): 1d20+11+5 (Circumstantial) = 34 (Success)

You do not have to think very hard on the the name to recall where you had heard it before. She is talking about the Lord Commander of the Eagle Knights, by most reckonings the second most powerful man in the Republic behind only Supreme Elect Codwin the First.

What does your party answer?

[] Humbly demure meeting the leader of the Eagle Knights

[] Accept the offer of a written report

[] Write in

OOC: Kori's bluff roll is mistakenly marked as +18 since I thought enhanced diplomacy worked on bluff, but I kept the roll and even without that +2 you did make it.
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Nice to see some appreciation for ours efforts.

I don't think its in our best interests to turn this into a big thing, but we can make a report.

[X] Accept the offer of a written report
I'm glad that attack didn't hit Cob. We're down a lot of spell slots, but we've still got enough to throw down again if necessary. :mad:

+4 bonus to Will saves vs Enchantment effects
This should be increased to +5 as well, DP. The extra bonus to Will saves is tied to Kori's Charisma modifier. His 1st level spell slots will be increased to 8/Day as well, but only after he's been wearing it for 24 hours.

Here's an updated attack stat block for Cob, now including his new dagger. I put the whole block in here because it's easier to just copy/paste it all instead of trying to deal with aligning the bulletpoints manually.
Base Attack: +3
  • Stonebow: 3 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) = +8
    • Damage: 1d6 [x2], +3d6 damage with Sneak Attack
  • Switchblade: 3 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (WF) + 1 (MW) = +10, Special: +1 attack bonus when facing a larger foe with no allies nearby)
    • Damage: 1d4+4 [19-20/x2], +3d6 damage with Sneak Attack
  • Alchemical Silver Dagger (+1): 3 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (WF) + 1 (Enhancement) = +10, Special: +1 attack bonus when facing a larger foe with no allies nearby)
    • Damage: 1d4+4 [19-20/x2], +3d6 damage with Sneak Attack
  • Bane Dagger: 3 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (WF) + 1 (Enhancement) = +10, Special: +1 attack bonus when facing a larger foe with no allies nearby)
    • Damage: 1d4+5 [19-20/x2], +3d6 damage with Sneak Attack
    • Special vs Devils:
      • Attack: 3 (BAB) + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (WF) + 3 (Enhancement) = +12, Special: +1 attack bonus when facing a larger foe with no allies nearby)
      • Damage: 1d4+2d6+7 [19-20/x2], +3d6 damage with Sneak Attack
  • Deft Maneuvers: You do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity when performing a Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks with these combat maneuvers.
I'm not real impressed with the Eagle Knights right now, and I'm pissed that Eduarmot decided to send them here after us. So much for needing deniable assets. It's a good reminder that he's an asshole, even if his loved one was a victim here (@DragonParadox, can you confirm if Eleanor is his daughter or his sister, she's been mentioned as both in certain places).

Meeting the leader of the Eagle Knights could be great or it could go poorly. Given Eduarmot's stupidity, it's not like we can keep our involvement secret even if we wanted to. Too many people know about it now, and given the bureaucracy of Andoran, that means anyone else who is interested in the happenings in Almas can find out with a minimum of effort. The events of this night will probably be common tavern rumors within a week. We might as well go for it, IMO. If we can control the narrative a bit and put our best foot forward, we can at least try to make the most of the situation.

[X] Agree to a meeting with the leader of the Eagle Knights, after we've escorted Eleanor home and had a night to recover from our ordeal.
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[x] Accept the offer of a written report

Might as well. 'We hunt to survive and to thrive, kill for coin and reputation.'
Anything to not make us stand in line to the Office of Land Management again.
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[X] Agree to a meeting with the leader of the Eagle Knights, after we've escorted Eleanor home and had a night to recover from our ordeal.
[X] Agree to a meeting with the leader of the Eagle Knights, after we've escorted Eleanor home and had a night to recover from our ordeal.
[X] Agree to a meeting with the leader of the Eagle Knights, after we've escorted Eleanor home and had a night to recover from our ordeal.
Arc 7 Post 33: Wheels Greased
Wheels Greased

21st of Lamashan 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

Swallowing a sigh at what had already been a big mess you cast your own judgement reluctantly in the direction of meeting with this 'Reginald Cormoth'. There's going to be a hell of a price to pay once you get back to Gavhaul and explain how his associate had ended up in two pieces, her name now less than mud. Sirim is more cautious on the matter, spending the time in the back of the Eagle Knight's blue-curtained carriage arguing that it is better to keep away from those two deeply 'moved by the Inheritor'. Some of her champions do not need to drag the truth out of others with spells to know when it is kept from them, and you have plenty of truths you'd rather not share. For his part Cob's grumbling into the hand-pie he'd drawn from one of his many pockets over 'stupid magic-man not careful with fire', and understandably so. That leaves the matter to Mina and Gorok, who each for their own reasons want to meet the one spoken of in almost-reverent tones as 'The Old Man'.

"I'd like to ask if we could use the Order's library, or maybe the one at Almas University. We've been making due with what each of us knows or can remember, but one of these days we are going to guess wrong if we keep building the foundations of our understanding on shifting sands." It has almost the tone of a challenge to Sirim, to try and use the tomes of a knightly order in his quest to take on a body, among others, though he doesn't answer aloud or in the mind.

"Warriors make a straighter cut than mummers," is all Gorok says.

"Do you mean Eduarmot?" Elanora laughs a little, then winces at the motion.

"The whole city is a stage, yes?" the iruxi warrior asks.

Up in front the driver scoffs none-too-softly about 'philosopher lizards', drawing a glare from Cob. It is perhaps fortunate for the fellow that Cob still wants to eat that pie of his more than he wants to throw it.

When you arrive at the large and busy house on the outskirts of Timbertwon that the siblings share, Elanora is greeted with a tearful hug and you with hurried words of apology. It seems you had missed the Eagle Knights coming by to share their own suspicions about Breolia only by virtue of having found Eduarmot on Madok's Mirage, they had been waiting for him at his home. Confronted with the prospect of potential mistaken identity he had judged it safer to tell them who you were and just what you were doing in the house.

"What of the chests?" you probe. "There is hardly need of more evidence."

"Ah... yes, of course. I will have Rayhold, my valet that is, deliver them to you," he answers with a charming smile that is almost enough to make one forget that the information he had given out had not been good enough to avoid Cob almost being broiled by a mage. "Now, Mr. Gorok, what kind of land are you looking for? Feeland is the most well-developed part of the country, the best potential for trade and some of the finest soils, though if you would rather keep away from too many curious eyes the south of Aspodel Province has many untapped riches, fish and game are plentiful, and the locals there say good fences make good neighbors. Father east, along the Missa Shelf from Augustana to the borders of Freeland, there are many small natural harbors that could make for a seafaring life. Some say the sea is as dangerous as she is generous, but if things were so balanced why then would men all along the Inner Sea crowd to her shores? She is more generous as long as one is willing to endure her moods. Finally there are the Carpenden Plains between the Andoshan and the eves of the Verduan..."

The place you will hopefully be riding through soon, you add mentally.

"The land there is settled and safe, and it has been under the plow since the early days of the Taldan Empire. It is rich and bountiful with little to trouble the peace of the realm, though that does come at a price. The most fertile lands have long since been claimed, leaving only lesser stretchers for would-be homesteaders." DeVerge gives a 'modest' little laugh, "Though I do remember one fellow from Numeria coming down here and exclaiming that he found the land so fertile one could 'sow nails and harvest cauldrons', so it's what you're used to I guess."

"What about the Verduan itself?" Mina asks when it's clear the man had finished talking. "It seems like a nice enough place."

"Mayhap, I've never been, but it is a wild and strange place filled with pacts, going back a hundred generations, of faerie-folk for whom that is like yesterday. A writ from the Office of Land Management is hardly worth more than the parchment it's written on among the trees. It's them you have to speak to if you wish to stay. And before you ask, you do not want me to speak up in favor of getting a grant in the Darkmoon Vale, not unless you are looking to get Lumber Consortium leg-breakers after you." He stops as though in deep thought, though can't quite hide a smile. "Though if you really want to I shan't stop you, Andoran could do with less Consortium Leg-breakers and you look like you could handle them."

Which location do you think Gorok's tribe should resettle to?

[] The rugged Aspodel Province on border with Cheliax
-[] Write in arguments

[] Busy and prosperous Freeland, heartland of the capital
-[] Write in arguments

[] The wide stretches of southern coastline along the Missa Shelf home to, among other things, the Claes Redoubt
-[] Write in arguments

[] The quiet fertile veld of the Carpenden Plains
-[] Write in arguments

[] Perilous Darkmoon Vale, abode of shape-changers, hostile fey, and the Lumber Consortium
-[] Write in arguments

[] Better to try your luck in the Verduan Forest
-[] Write in arguments

OOC: The choice will obviously be Gorok's, but the better the argument the more likely you are to sway him.
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Aspodel Province sounds like it would fit lizardmen well, with wild game and neighbors who leave you alone.

Only downside is being near devil worshippers, or that could be a good thing as an acceptable target to raid.
Aspodel Province sounds great, except for the whole border with Cheliax part of the equation. That makes it too easy for raids to be launched, or just "accidental border skirmishes". I would be more worried about the Andoran neighbors there, however, as being former residents of Cheliax now living in Andoran, the Iruxi seem likely to bear the brunt of a lot more suspicion and prejudice from their new countrymen. We already saw how that one twerp in the land management office reacted to the prospect of Chelaxians, even Iruxi who've never had anything to do with the ruling regime, relocating to Andoran.

Land along the coastline seems like a pretty good deal, though. That opens up the possibility of trade by sea and fishing, offers another avenue of escape should they need to flee, and it would probably make the immigration process much less troublesome and perilous as well if they can all just take ship to their new place without having to trek overland as much. The Iruxi are also really strong swimmers (as in they get a +8 Racial bonus to their Swim skill), so they should be quite well suited to coastal living.

[X] The wide stretches of southern coastline along the Missa Shelf home to, among other things, the Claes Redoubt
-[X] A settlement somewhere along the southern coast offers the best of both worlds for the Iruxi. They can benefit from both the bounty of the land, as they have for uncounted eons, but also that of the sea, which offers not only an abundant food source to the powerful natural swimmers, but also a means of quick and easy transportation for trade. The lack of large numbers of nearby neighbors will also allow the Iruxi to settle down and establish themselves without too much interference from potentially prejudiced Andorans.
Here's the rest of the contents of the chests we stole from Breolia.

The mundane daggers and crossbow bolts aren't really worth mentioning, but they can go into the weapon collection. They're all small and lightweight, too, so not any trouble to hold onto. Cob can always use more daggers. They can be used for ranged Sneak Attacks, if nothing else, without fear of losing a more valuable weapon. Kori doesn't use his crossbow very often, but restocking his bolts now is convenient. The Alchemical Silver and Mithral bolts could be useful, too, especially since the Mithral ones are going to be Masterwork by default, so they'll help a bit with hitting a target.

The clothing, Alchemical compounds, perfumes, and other stuff should all sell for quite a bit of coin.
  • 5 Full changes of clothes meant to fit various personas
  • 4 Daggers
  • 2x Sorcerer's Spirits; 1x Mage's assistant; 4x Love in Idleness
  • Various perfumes, skin ointments and powders
  • Mirrors, combs and other accessories
  • 50 Crossbow Blots
  • 25 Alchemical Silver Crossbow bolts
  • 10 Mithril bolt
  • 650 gc
It's a shame to part with it, but we should also try to find a buyer for Breolia's Nontection Mirror. I wish it was smaller so that we could travel with it and potentially benefit from the effect, but it's just too big for that. On the plus side, an AoE Nondetection effect, even one that is stationary as a matter of practicality, should be very valuable. That's the sort of thing a wealthy noble would be interested in purchasing.