With Words Alight
21st of Lamashan 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
A quick understanding, more in looks than words, follows as you put away the...
book. While there might be time to dash out there certainly isn't enough to wipe clean all signs of your passage, not to mention it would risk the well-being of the one you had come so far to save.
"Over here!" Mina calls out, as Sirim gathers around her shoulders, staff set against one of the shelves. "We're in the library."
For his part, Gorok sheathes his weapon and does the best that one so fearsome and well-armed can at looking peaceable while you quickly pick out a unobtrusive corner as far away from any window as you can manage, whispering a spell of
smooth-talking just to be safe. Cob... is hanging from the ceiling.
"Those will run out of resin for the day if you play with them you know," Mina scolds him, though something tells you he's not just having fun. That would be a great ambush spot if things go ill.
Still, he clambers down one of the curtains, getting mud all over it, just as the first of the knights, a brown haired woman of middling height in the blue and silver of the Eagle Knights, advances cautiously into the room. "Oh, you're the 'foreign contractors' then, are you?" Her sword's in hand, but it's not raised. For all that there is no mistaking the poorly veiled suspicion in those words, nor can you keep from counting the three... four...
five Andorans behind her, one of them bearing a magician's staff.
"DeVerge sent you?" Sirim projects and you can already see all of them stiffen at the notion that they had been set on the trail like a pack of goblin-dogs.
"No matter now, we found the girl. She was being held in preparation for a blood rite by the Belle Dame..." he pauses for comment, and when none seems forthcoming he adds.
"A kind of vampire."
"A vampire that walks in sunlight and shows up in mirrors, is it?" The knight-captain looks around the shelves. "I suppose she'd dead and dusted, is she?"
It is at this rather inauspicious point that Cob decides to take the head out of one of his belt pouches and wave it around. "Not dust, see!"
Sirim Diplomacy (DC 21): 1d20+12 = 13 (Critical Failure)
"What the...!" the captain exclaims, as the mage, who you now realize had been too far back to notice Cob, waves his staff violently. A spear of flame bursts from the tip and scours the stone beside your friend.
"Ware! Goblin! Goblin!"
Eagle Knight Mage Attack: 1d20+4 = 6 (Failure)
stand down!" the captain snaps, though her anger does not seem to abate when the hapless wizard lowers his staff. "You five, we'll be taking you into custody until we can establish what just happened here. You will remain here under guard while we check through the house for any remaining devils..."
"Or goblins," someone mutters under their breath.
"On what grounds are we being held?" Sirim presses coldly.
"These grounds that you are trespassing on," the knight answers unyielding. "Lay down your weapons. and that includes any spell components!"
"We've only seen one devil so far, it died defending its mistress," you speak up calmly. "I do wonder where all the others might be and what they might be doing. Tell me, sir knight, do your people often attack without orders, without warning?"
She narrows her eyes at you. "What are you saying?"
Knight Captain vs Unnatural Shadow: 1d20+1 = 6 (Failure)
"One supposes a lurking fiend would have the wits to recognize the magician, most able to see through their glamor. Should they have a means to twist minds to suspicion, who better to use it upon? Divide us, best of all if we fight, but even just keeping an eye fixed on the other t'would let them slip out and wreak havoc."
"You would know a lot about fiends wouldn't you, shade-spit," 'Corvus' spits with unexpected venom, which you are quite sure is wholly his own, but does not help his case. Unseen devils are clearly more alarming to the band of knights than unseen goblins.
"Alright, you can keep your weapons for now and come along so I can keep an eye on you."
Akorian Bluff (DC 25): 1d20+16 = 26 (Success)
Finding Elenora all wrapped up in a bedroll with a cup of honey-water beside her helps ease suspicions further, at least as far as you being
mere thieves. The broken lock-box though makes it obvious that you are not above helping yourselves once the deed is done.
"Don't worry Miss, we'll get you home right away..."
"It's over now, she's dead..."
"Can you stand... no no, Helric, you carry the lady, that's right..."
Alas, the reassurances are reserved for the former prisoner. To your company the captain offers an unpalatable choice, either go under a truth spell to recount the day's events or empty your pockets and your bags of
everything you had taken so that it can be assessed.
Elenora Will Save to Stay Conscious: 1d20+4 = 17 (Success)
"Wait!" Elenora doesn't really have the lungs to be shouting, but she does her best at it. "They saved my life! Why are you treating them like
"In the interest of public safety we have to establish a timeline of events..." You have a feeling this is a well worn line, but despite barely being able to keep her head up Elenora's having
none of it.
"Oh, I will give you a timeline of events alright! Brave adventurers save prisoner from vampire that's been preying on the people of Almas for
years, then the Eagle Knights show up an hour late and a halfpenny short, all fired up to interrogate the heroes who did their job. Would you like me to lay out that in an interview to the to the Almas Star,
"Erm... she's a captain actually, Miss," one of the others offers.
"Not for much longer if she does not change her course," she retorts, gaze burning with outrage. "They will be accompanying me home, after which I am certain they will all be more than happy to submit a written report to Executive Consul Reginald Cormoth. In fact..." Her eyes light up all the more with the fire that had seen her clinging stubbornly to life for weeks on end. "I'm sure the Old Man would very much enjoy meeting such selfless folk. Maybe they will even have some stories to share."
Elenora Intimidation(DC 21): 1d20+11+5 (Circumstantial) = 34 (Success)
You do not have to think very hard on the the name to recall where you had heard it before. She is talking about the Lord Commander of the Eagle Knights, by most reckonings the second most powerful man in the Republic behind only Supreme Elect Codwin the First.
What does your party answer?
[] Humbly demure meeting the leader of the Eagle Knights
[] Accept the offer of a written report
[] Write in
OOC: Kori's bluff roll is mistakenly marked as +18 since I thought enhanced diplomacy worked on bluff, but I kept the roll and even without that +2 you did make it.