An Answer at Odd Angles
21st of Lamashan 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
Mina is the only one surprised when Eduarmot DeVorge decides to keep the contents of the 'chests' safe for you, the implication that he would try to bribe you with your own former loot farther beyond the pale to her than 'black bagging'. Gorok does manage to negotiate keeping the dagger for Cob in case you encounter any vampires, which is to say he silently takes it and hands it to your small friend, another piece of a growing much-loved collection. He'll get to use it soon enough.
The moon hangs in the sky, a slash of silver pilled by two sharp points yet somehow still too little light for the people of Almas, lanterns set with colored glass are around every corner, casting the world into a panoply co colors. 'Aroden Lights' they are called, the first of them had been made from the looted stained glass windows of the Cathedral of Aroden on the Avenue of the gods that now serves as the home of the Pathfinder Society. You wonder if it would have been worth going to them with this, but it's too late now.
We are here to deliver a lead in Elenora's case before the night is out—
" if we get into real trouble make lotsa fire to cover up," you catch the trail end of Cob's advice.
—Or that.
Alas Sirim's search up and down the street finds no access into the sewers that might then serve as an entrance from below. There's a chance you might find a way down further to the east away from the Androshen, but that runs into the problem that the various embassies and foreign interests will have had their own reasons to find such ways down and either fill them in or make use of them for their own purposes.
Luck in the Muck (DC 88) = 86 (Failure)
That leaves you with two broad options the windows or the front door, neither of them particularly palatable given the ruckus you already caused earlier in the day. Breolis is no doubt on her guard and one can only guess what kind of horrors she'd be willing to conjure to protect herself and her secrets, not to mention the watch patrols are thicker now, probably in response to the fire.
"What if we go up high?" Cob makes a swooping motion with his hand for emphasis.
"The bedroom window will be guarded mark my words and if we choose another..." you start, but he cuts you off excitedly.
"Not window, chimney. Use sea-swooper, make it invisible and us too. Pick up drop, pick up drop. Sirim Snake can fly on his own. One of us can go in bag on the way so three droops way faster than climb up the side."
"Do we even know where that would land us?" Mina asks, as though she can't quite believe she is entertaining the idea.
"Laundry room right under talking room er...
drawing room where Kori talked to the tricksy lady. Why drawing room? What d'they draw?" Sirim obviously explains something that Cob finds not to his liking since he makes a face and adds. "
Well his plan certainly isn't boring. With a bit of luck Gorok should be able to dig his claws on the way down to slow his fall and Cob himself seems unconcerned with any blows he might take on the way down, reasoning that you or Mina can patch him up. Alas you and Mina are the ones at most risk of getting smashed up...
"Wait isn't there a fire below?" you ask. "I might take my chance on getting tenderized, but not cooked right after."
"Drop conjured water down first, three four bladders should suffice," Gorok says head tilted thoughtfully to the side.
The people inside might notice that you know, but probably less than a window opening on its own, much less being shattered.
What plan does Kori advocate?
[] Bluff your way in (DC Unknown, likely high due to suspicion)
[] Smash through a window (Likely expected)
-[] The bedroom
-[] One of the others
[] Air drop by invisible Abductor Beast (5d6 worth of falling damage for non flying party members; 1d6 can be negated by Acrobatics for Cob and Strength by Gorok; One party member negates all falling damage by being in the Looter's Satchel)
[] Write in
OOC: Welp, you got an alternative entry, now the question is what do you think of Cob Solutions (TM).