The Dragon Roars: A KMT Quest

Turn 8 Crisis: Bloody Tuesday.
Vote Interrupted.

Guangdong's Clarion Call.

Supporters of the Guangdong Movement for Democracy (GMD).

Revolution stirs in the South.

The Republican revolution has always had a strong grip on the French colonial holdings in China, whose forceful seizure of the provinces during the 1890s against a seemingly declining Heavenly Kingdom would lead to innumerable frictions between Paris and its newfound colonies. The local Han population would be naturally predisposed against colonial rule, their apathy only strengthened by the Jiachen Revolution, and the numerous ethnic and linguistic minorities of the southern territories would also be forced into opposition to the French government due to its incessant push for the Francization of its colonial holdings, inevitably to mixed success.

With local Taiping powerbrokers and ethnic minority elites choosing to work with France, the stomach for a monarchist restoration would be swept under the rug, and instead the Guangdong Movement for Democracy (GMD) would establish themselves as the main opposition to French occupation and colonial rule. Formed out of a loose coalition of regional autonomists, the GMD would expand rapidly into Guangxi as well, taking advantage of ethnic grievances against Governor Lu and the ascendant Zhuang, mostly without outsider involvement, as heavy-handed French policies would lead to increased pressure for the colonized to either bend or rebel.

As a result, whilst Republican sentiments would run high amongst the southern groups, the KMT would find themselves merely a part of the GMD, rather than a leading party. In the lead-up to the 1914 elections, it would not be the face of Sun Yat-Sen plastered throughout the towns dotting the Pearl Delta, touting the benefits of Tridemism, but instead more local, homegrown politicians such as Chen Jiongming advocating a more provincial-centered set of policies, supported by many of the provincial army officers in Guangdong, Guangxi and even in Yunnan. The GMD's autonomy from the KMT would also lead them to receive much funding from the Nanjing government as well, Premier Duan seeking to dislodge the French from their holdings in China.

Protests against the government would be a common occurrence already, safely ignored by the French colonial government and their local allies due to their small scale and relatively easily handled by local police forces or hired organized crime. The results of the 1914 elections would change that rather rapidly, however, so fraught with election fraud, corruption and all manner of violence employed against the GMD by Governor Lu and his French overlords that many of the more peaceful elements of the movement would be pushed either further towards a revolutionary stance, or simply arrested and even murdered by state forces.

Anti-government marches would hit a climax with the anniversary of the fraudulent election, with the GMD and NBIS agents cooperating to launch the largest demonstration against the Guangzhou government ever, almost 50,000 people taking to the streets in opposition to the current sitting legislature. Government forces would be arrayed against the protestors, ordered to remain firm and to stop the marchers at all cost.

Guangzhou's 'Peaceful' Resolution.

No one knew who shot first, but by the end of the chaos, over 100 people would be killed or injured.

The Guangzhou Massacre would immediately face immense criticism from almost every aspect of Chinese society, universally decrying it as abhorrent as the handling by the French authorities during and after the crisis would further incite tensions. Already, the GMD is demanding blood, with many within the movement declaring that now, with the outrage against the French government, that they could perhaps push for the full liberation of the southern provinces. Rumors abound that support may be forthcoming from the provincial armies should this occur, but cannot be substantiated with any concrete proof by our intelligence service.

Though not directly controlled by the Lanzhou government, we could perhaps attempt to convince the GMD to change course, or even to support their revolutionary endeavor, through our connections via our NBIS intelligence rings in the south. Time is limited, however, as the GMD itself continues to debate amongst each other regarding their course of action, a course that is sure to change China once more, no matter what.

What is to be Done?

[] Support the GMD Uprising.
(Options for support will continue in the next crisis post.)
[] Declare our neutrality in the crisis.
(Supported by the KMT Mainline.)
[] Convince the GMD to stand down.

Pick ONE Faction.

[] KMT - Mainline
[] KMT - Revolutionary Group
[] KMT - Independents
[NPC] Republican Party

[NPC] Chinese Communist Party
[NPC] Communist Party of China

A/N: You have 48 hours to vote on this. As with the previous crisis, the current vote will continue once the crisis is resolved. Due to the chaos, NPC parties will not have a stated opinion on how the crisis should proceed until after each vote has closed.
Well didn't expect this to happen. One the one hand, this would definitely be sticking ourselves into another adventure the moment we just finished one and the whole fact that our border with Fengtian is still unclear. On the other hand,

[X] Support the GMD Uprising.
[X] KMT - Mainline

Would we really be Chinese Nationalist Party if we don't support Chinese Nationalists? I do hope we can get away with not sending volunteers considering we need the bodies.

I do wonder as to how the Germans would see this, considering this would be basically check French influence in the Far East.
Due to the chaotic nature and significance of this situation, I suggest that a DemCent imposed moratorium take place for at least 24 hours so that we may rationally decide what our actions are.

Edit: Now for a shallow analysis Europe, France especially, is distracted. That may weaken any French responses against us. My worry is the threat of other European powers, especially the UK, intervening against us directly or more likely indirectly through Xin Han. I still think that it is worth it to support the GMD but the question is by how much, considering we are in the middle of demobilization.

So my support is still nonetheless,
[X] Support the GMD Uprising.
[X] KMT - Mainline
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[X] Support the GMD Uprising.
[X] KMT - Revolutionary Group
So as someone who is joining in late to the party, could someone remind me what picking a faction does? Is it representative of a portion of that faction supporting the proposal you vote for?
So as someone who is joining in late to the party, could someone remind me what picking a faction does? Is it representative of a portion of that faction supporting the proposal you vote for?

That is how it functions, as far as I understand it. Picking a faction means a part of the faction votes that way, with the percentages varying to faction size and how much people voted for that faction.
[X] Support the GMD Uprising.
[X] KMT - Mainline

It's gonna look bad to the people who are anti-colonialist if we don't lend our aid, better to get a foot in the door while reaping some benefits than more negatives even if the uprising fails.