The indomitable human spirit vs a galaxy of angst! A warhammer 40k human god quest.

[X] Everlasting Hope
-[X] Starchild
-[X] Cure illness - Mankind is lacking in effective medicine besides primitive herbs, maybe one of the shamans had some knowledge you could use to fix these people?
-[X] Speak to your brother - You were starting to feel whatever the god equivalent of loneliness was, plus he was...kind of adorable.
Out of all the ways I expected this to go I wasn't expecting such a heavy push for just, the Christian God in warhammer 40k.

I haven't even read the Bible lmao, I think I would mess alot of things up and don't want to offend people.
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[X] the god who helps humanity
-[X] Prometheus
-[X] Cure illness - Mankind is lacking in effective medicine besides primitive herbs, maybe one of the shamans had some knowledge you could use to fix these people?
-[X] Try to hide your presence - Your brother could end up trying to destroy you due to your existence, with him being the only thing on earth that could actually do it. It's best to hide, at least until you were strong enough to stand on equal footing with an infant.
Adhoc vote count started by Whenyouseeyou on May 14, 2024 at 2:07 PM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan Spring Time
    - [X] Hagal
    - [X] Create spring - The village is in the middle of a rather arid area it seems, it should be simple enough to flick something until water from underground pops up.
    -[X] Speak to your brother - You were starting to feel whatever the god equivalent of loneliness was, plus he was...kind of adorable.
    [X] The birth of the Christening
    -[X] Yahweh
    -[X] Cure illness - Mankind is lacking in effective medicine besides primitive herbs, maybe one of the shamans had some knowledge you could use to fix these people?
    -[X] Speak to your brother - You were starting to feel whatever the god equivalent of loneliness was, plus he was...kind of adorable.
    [X] the god who helps humanity
    -[X] Prometheus
    -[X] Cure illness - Mankind is lacking in effective medicine besides primitive herbs, maybe one of the shamans had some knowledge you could use to fix these people?
    -[X] Try to hide your presence - Your brother could end up trying to destroy you due to your existence, with him being the only thing on earth that could actually do it. It's best to hide, at least until you were strong enough to stand on equal footing with an infant.
    [X] Everlasting Hope
    -[X] Starchild
    -[X] Cure illness - Mankind is lacking in effective medicine besides primitive herbs, maybe one of the shamans had some knowledge you could use to fix these people?
    -[X] Speak to your brother - You were starting to feel whatever the god equivalent of loneliness was, plus he was...kind of adorable.
[X] Plan Spring Time
- [X] Hagal
- [X] Create spring - The village is in the middle of a rather arid area it seems, it should be simple enough to flick something until water from underground pops up.
-[X] Speak to your brother - You were starting to feel whatever the god equivalent of loneliness was, plus he was...kind of adorable.

I get the Christian bit, just not for me.
- [X] Hagal

Sudden clarity echoed throughout your being, as you felt a critical piece of your existence arise. Those villagers who truly payed attention to the girl would see a small flash cross her eyes for but a second, before she spoke with new energy.

"I have felt his presence, his comfort came to me at my lowest moment! He gazes on us even now, Hagal, the great caretaker, with his benevolent eyes!"

The peasants seemed to lack her enthusiasm, busy and distracted with their difficult existence that brought constant struggle. Yet you felt a small bit of energy come to you upon your name being uttered so boldly, it gave unto you...inspiration.

- [X] Create spring

Just out of earshot from the girls words, two men looked with unease. Before them was a golden field of wheat swaying in the breeze, yet it was clearly wilting under the harsh rays of the sun.

"The well is running dry Elder, we barely have enough water to drink let alone keep the crops healthy. Our people are counting on this harvest, the hunters have been bringing back less and less....what are we to do?"

The other man, who was indeed older with sun-baked wrinkled skin, grimaced before looking down at the ground below. "I am afraid that there is nothing we *can* do, for if we stay here then we will surely starve. We will have to move on or seemes we have reached the end."

Yet as two began to solemnly turn to alert the others, the girl would finally speak loud enough for them to hear.

"For in my uncertainty, he gave out hope!"

The men would turn in confusion to face her, before a rumbling suddenly shook the the earth. Panic began to break out, yet the girl stood resolute as the trembling reached its peak.

There was a sudden pause, as if the world froze in time, before with a great *CRACK* a hole opened up just outside the village. From this hole a geyser of water flowed with great force, with drops of liquid falling down onto the village in an imitation of rain. Fear turned to joy, as the peasants cried out in wonder and relief. Eventually the geyser calmed and lowered, replaced by a new sizeable spring of fresh water.

A couple minutes later as the people grew calm again, the village crowded around the spring where the girl spoke to the Elder. The old man spoke with curiosity and intrigue, his gaze occasionally moving towards the water as if still in disbelief. "Young one, you speak of your god and his power, of which I now clearly see as true. We are grateful for what he has done, yet now we stand uncertain. What does your god ask for in exchange for this bounty?"

The girl, now the Prophet, spoke calmly in return. "The Caretaker is a mighty giver, all that he asks for in return besides your devotion is-"

[ ] Utter faith - For one to worship me is to worship no other, cast away the belief in other spirits or diety's, I shall hold no pantheon.

[ ] Sacrifice - Grant me strength with your newfound bounty, give unto me bits of your harvest and your livestock, all that holds value donated as proof of your faith.

[ ] A shrine - Build for me a place for the believer to pray in peace and unity, a structure which I may sanctify and plant a seed of my power within.

And so the Elder agreed, from then on all within the village gave worship to you. You felt growth and vitality in you upon such a rise in followers, yet you knew that you were still weak.

-[X] Speak to your brother

He was far away from your people, on the outskirts of a different village working in a field. Despite being only 3 he seemed as tall as a boy 12 years of age, as such his father put his strength to work in contributing to the household. His eyes held intelligence in great amounts, however it was uncoordinated, not yet fully capable of being used properly.

You spoke to him gently in his mind whilst he plowed a field, your voice flowing like a gentle stream. "Brother."

He dropped his hoe in confusion, looking around much like the child had yet focusing inwards much sooner. "Who is this!" He yelled. "What spirit seeks to claim my soul?" His voice was still that of a child, yet boomed so couldn't help but chuckle. As he heard your warm laughter instead of the cackling he expected, his face scrunched into a serious pout that made you laugh even harder. "Answer me!" He cried out, until finally you gathered yourself and spoke again. "It is as I said, we are brother's. I may not share the blood that your other siblings do, but we share a deeper connection."

The boy looked within himself as he would on occasion, yet instead of the typical visions of the past or an influx of new memories, he looked at his very soul. The giant golden sun was familiar to him, yet only now did he see its twin. A smaller light existed a ways away, less developed and with no color to it yet. The boys eyes flashed until he was in the material again, his expression indecipherable. "You speak...yet as much as I can tell the words are not lies I cannot yet tell if they are truth."

You hummed in thought, giving him a mental nod before speaking softy. "I will let you think your own thoughts brother, but know we are kin."

Just as the boy was about to reply, a man came from the hut next to the field with a confused look on his face. "Altin! What are you doing just standing there? Has the sun gotten to you?" The boy turned, facing the man with a mix of emotions on his face. "No father, I was-" Yet as he searched for your presence within his mind he found nothing, a sigh then leaving his mouth. "I was just having another headache." The man, his father, had his face soften before he walked towards the boy. The two would hug, with the father whispering into the boys ear. "My son, I worry for you. Every day you grow bigger, you outpace me at everything it seems. Yet this mind of yours, I can see your struggles." He patted the boy on his back. "I just need to know you'll be alright."

The boy remained stiff throughout this event, old memories pulling him in several directions. Yet eventually he hugged back, his strength already greater then his father's used to hug him closer. "Of course, I'm ok." He straightened up before moving away a bit. "I swear father, I will be fine."

You felt a sense of peace flow through you as you left your sibling be, back in the general void you called home. You felt a sensation that told you another soul had flowed your way, a quick inspection showing it to be one of the villagers that had passed from old age.

Currently the two souls were just floating in the blank void, protected but not yet serving any purpose or even being aware. You felt there was room for improvement, however it would likely take much of your energy.

You gazed at the world and its people, watching with a warm smile as they spread out to tame new lands. Primitive tribes roamed north of where you had concentrated so far, while to the east interesting societies were being built as well. It would be nice to try and plant the beginnings of your faith amongst these peoples, but spreading so far would also take a great deal of power.

It seemed you were at a impasse, however you eventually decided to-

[ ] Develop the afterlife - You seem to gain small bits of power from collecting souls, that power also being denied to the thirsting madness of the warp. Yet you feel there is potential for more...

[ ] Spread your belief - Humanity is moving to new lands at impressive speeds, it would do you well to try and start followings among these far off people. It would certainly be faster then a follower running across the earth, safer as well.

AN: Wooo, once again really thankful for everybody giving so much input, one of my favorite things about quests is how they get people talking. Just understand this pace im going at won't stay solid forever, don't want to burn out and naturally stuff will happen that'll get in the way. Also, don't worry, there *will* be time skips, this won't be 50 chapters of ancient god simulator before we get to any actual 40k stuff. Hope I framed Baby-E well enough, other then that get your plans ready and I hope you've enjoyed reading so far!
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[X] Plan a place to house
-[x] A shrine - Build for me a place for the believer to pray in peace and unity, a structure which I may sanctify and plant a seed of my power within.
-[x] Develop the afterlife - You seem to gain small bits of power from collecting souls, that power also being denied to the thirsting madness of the warp. Yet you feel there is potential for more...

so as i can tell we could either build and develop the afterlife first to do what we were made for and whatever boon's it could give or focus on Spreading our faith to others to get more power quickly and therefore more souls.
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[] A shrine - Build for me a place for the believer to pray in peace and unity, a structure which I may sanctify and plant a seed of my power within.

Creating a monotheistic religion seems like a poor idea considering the setting as there are other warp entities we'll probably want to work with, and one of the easiest ways to go about that is to incorporate them into a pantheon. It'll split the strength generated from worship and sacrifices but we're never going to be able to rival the absolute power of much of our opposition anyway due to the nature of the setting so focusing on cooperation is our best bet at survival meaning Utter Faith is out.

The other two options we'll probably want both of eventually but for now spreading our worship as much as possible rather than focusing on immediate strength gain is probably to our advantage as we don't have much use for direct strength so I favor the Shrine rather than Sacrifice.

[] Spread your belief - Humanity is moving to new lands at impressive speeds, it would do you well to try and start followings among these far off people. It would certainly be faster then a follower running across the earth, safer as well.

The same logic applies here namely there doesn't seem to be a need to begin extracting more power from the souls we're collecting at present so we should probably focus on grabbing as many worshippers as possible, and only focusing on squeezing as much as we can out of them later.

[X] Plan Prosper Far & Wide
- [X] A shrine - Build for me a place for the believer to pray in peace and unity, a structure which I may sanctify and plant a seed of my power within.
- [X] Spread your belief - Humanity is moving to new lands at impressive speeds, it would do you well to try and start followings among these far off people. It would certainly be faster then a follower running across the earth, safer as well.
[X] Plan a place to house
-[x] A shrine - Build for me a place for the believer to pray in peace and unity, a structure which I may sanctify and plant a seed of my power within.
-[x] Develop the afterlife - You seem to gain small bits of power from collecting souls, that power also being denied to the thirsting madness of the warp. Yet you feel there is potential for more...
[X] Plan a place to house
-[x] A shrine - Build for me a place for the believer to pray in peace and unity, a structure which I may sanctify and plant a seed of my power within.
-[x] Develop the afterlife - You seem to gain small bits of power from collecting souls, that power also being denied to the thirsting madness of the warp. Yet you feel there is potential for more...