I would point out. That gives you no protection from environmental effects like "Being in the inner sanctum of a Chaos God", it just means they can't actively attempt to hurt you or twist you unless you break the laws of hospitality first.

It also does not give you immunity from getting Influenced, just that they can't actively try to brainwash, twist, or attack you in any way during that window.
True, but Exalted do tend to have pretty good "I ignore wacky environmental effects" Charms. I'm not sure what the Abyssal takes on Integrity Protecting Prana and Element-Resisting Prana are, but the combination of those two would almost-certainly no-sell anything that wasn't a direct intentional attack while within the Warp.

EDIT: some googling suggests that Undying Stagnation Defense and Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference would be the equivalents. (And would probably actually be slightly better than the Solar versions, assuming that the Warp counts as the Underworld for the purposes of this quest...)
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I imagine directly negotiating with a Chaos God would be along the lines of directly negotiating with a Yozi, in other words, not for the faint of heart even with protection charms.
I imagine directly negotiating with a Chaos God would be along the lines of directly negotiating with a Yozi, in other words, not for the faint of heart even with protection charms.
Things to work up to, certainly. I was mostly going for extremes as a demonstration of how setting-breaking the power could hypothetically be.
Not a fan of gunslinger tbh. Yeah you can shoot people real good but you can't fix the galaxy by just shooting all the bad people, the scribe actually dismantles the systems the bad people are in and that creates them

My favorite is still Templar though
On the flip side, what could be an extreme application of the gunslinger?

Shooting said chaos gods in the face.

Death is Inevitable: You may automatically slay an insignificant target (defined as anything without combat-relevant augmentations or supernatural abilities) once per round without a roll, and against significant targets will always deal at least one level of damage, regardless of armour or other defence.
Is there a range to that ability?
Because now I'm having the idea of using it in the middle of a chaos daemon's/god's dramatic speech to annoy them even if we weren't at a point where it would do major damage against them.
True, but Exalted do tend to have pretty good "I ignore wacky environmental effects" Charms. I'm not sure what the Abyssal takes on Integrity Protecting Prana and Element-Resisting Prana are, but the combination of those two would almost-certainly no-sell anything that wasn't a direct intentional attack while within the Warp.

It's Exalted Essence, so most charms are universal and shared across all types of Exalted. Some of those charms are then modified by the Exalt type, granting you new powers. This includes Integrity Protecting Principle, though it seems to only apply to the Wyld by default, with Abyssals also becoming immune to Underworld-specific phenomena (while Infernals get to resist hellish stuff).

So... depends on how this quest models Chaos, really. It sorta can be seen as Wyld? If so, you can just pick up the charm and walk around unmolested, so long as you have motes to spare.
I'm pretty sure that negotiations with a chaos god will be about as productive as a conversation with the Silent Wind where you're trying to tell her to stop killing people.

There aren't any mental levers to pull on that will convince them to stop being horrible and the environmental dangers alone will probably fuck us up if we haven't prepared extensively.
Is there a range to that ability?
Because now I'm having the idea of using it in the middle of a chaos daemon's/god's dramatic speech to annoy them even if we weren't at a point where it would do major damage against them.

It's an upgrade to actual attacks you make, so yes in order to shoot Nurgle in the face you probably have to be standing in his Garden first, or otherwise within range of whatever weapon you have to hand, but then you'd probably have to go there in order to negotiate a deal with said god as well, so that's not a huge difference.

It's a bit of a glib response but then I generally think planning around "what do we do when the actual literal chaos gods get involved" is probably putting the cart a fair ways before the horse.
Yeah, okay, in this close vote I'm somewhat swayed towards ridiculous bureaucracy.

[X] The Contemptuous Scribe
It's a bit of a glib response but then I generally think planning around "what do we do when the actual literal chaos gods get involved" is probably putting the cart a fair ways before the horse.
Spoken like someone with insufficient wariness of Tzeentch!
Aw c'mon people, doesn't putting the fear of us into our enemies with the Penitent Gunslinger sound more fun than doing diplomacy with the Scribe?
Not sure what else to say that I haven't already to get more gun votes.
What the fuck, dude.
First that was a joke don't act so shocked, but the best jokes have some truth to them.
I'm also capable of basic pattern recognition, I like Ra's quests and his writing, but that doesn't change the average shelf life of his quests. It's honestly the only part of his writing that needs improvement.
First that was a joke don't act so shocked, but the best jokes have some truth to them.
I'm also capable of basic pattern recognition, I like Ra's quests and his writing, but that doesn't change the average shelf life of his quests. It's honestly the only part of his writing that needs improvement.

To be honest, the fact that he's finished literally any Quests ever puts him in the top 10% of QMs in terms of Quest Completion. :V