Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (Order of the Stick Plan A) Run to the north, toward the river - the Lizardfolk will hopefully give up the chase rather than deal with the rather cold water

This quest is fantastic. Watched.
[X] (Order of the Stick Plan A) Run to the north, toward the river - the Lizardfolk will hopefully give up the chase rather than deal with the rather cold water.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Apr 28, 2024 at 1:56 PM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] (Order of the Stick Plan A) Run to the north, toward the river - the Lizardfolk will hopefully give up the chase rather than deal with the rather cold water.
    [X] (Order of the Stick Plan A) Run to the southwest, back the way you came - if they're REALLY persistent, you can get the kobolds to help you.
    [X] (Order of the Stick Plan A) Run to the east, atop their mound, because if you're already in danger what's running headlong into more am I right?

Is the longbow in the character sheet supposed to not have a dex mod to the damage?

It is not, I will fix that this evening alongside the next post. I caught several things like that a few days ago as well which I quietly handled.

Thank you for the catch!
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So I've been thinking about Helen's goal of uplifting the place. And I think there is a problem that she may not have considered: technology is only half the picture. At least as important is state capacity. Indoor plumbing is pretty cool right? The romans had it, the states of europe didn't for a long time. Because indoor plumbing is a matter of state capacity and not technology. The ability to make the local landlords shut up and do what they're told.

Of course, in a feudal patchwork like most dnd worlds, the only way to increase state capacity is massive civil wars.
Well, realistically, Helen can't singlehandedly conquer the entire civilization, so she's trying to chip in where and as she can, I guess.
Actually, this is a fantasy world.

Get high enough level and we absolutely can change society just by peacefully or violently conquering a nation.

It won't even be that hard to find one that needs to be conquered for the good of all.
Well, realistically, Helen can't singlehandedly conquer the entire civilization, so she's trying to chip in where and as she can, I guess.

Daphne Miller is typing...

Seriously though, this is in fact something she has considered, and it's something that will likely be an influence in later arcs. She needs power - and the kind of power that she's comfortable with (read: Not the Daphne Miller solutions) - to really bring these uplifts to scale.
Another option is to find the least shit king in all the land and back them with gunpowder weapons, which are great at knocking down castles.
Daphne Miller is typing...

Seriously though, this is in fact something she has considered, and it's something that will likely be an influence in later arcs. She needs power - and the kind of power that she's comfortable with (read: Not the Daphne Miller solutions) - to really bring these uplifts to scale.

Who is Daphne miller?
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Daphne Miller is typing...

Seriously though, this is in fact something she has considered, and it's something that will likely be an influence in later arcs. She needs power - and the kind of power that she's comfortable with (read: Not the Daphne Miller solutions) - to really bring these uplifts to scale.
Another option is to find the least shit king in all the land and back them with gunpowder weapons, which are great at knocking down castles.

Who is Daphne miller?
I was digging in on this and I want to make my guess

The first thing I found was a character from Agatha and the Truth of Murder,

The second was a dieting guru I found on by googling the name.

The third thing I found is the main character from the electrifying adventures of doctor menlo (worm quest)

I think that it's probably option 3
Another option is to find the least shit king in all the land and back them with gunpowder weapons, which are great at knocking down castles.

Who is Daphne miller?

I was digging in on this and I want to make my guess

The first thing I found was a character from Agatha and the Truth of Murder,

The second was a dieting guru I found on by googling the name.

The third thing I found is the main character from the electrifying adventures of doctor menlo (worm quest)

I think that it's probably option 3
That last one is almost correct.
Daphne Miller is a character I've used in a lot of different stories and setting, the biggest one being Mind-Control University (which I won't link to here because it's NSFW hypnofetish stuff). The Daphne Miller from that story is, well, someone who relies on mind-control a lot, both for selfless and extremely selfish goals.
Anyway, next level is lvl 3 where we pick our bardic Collage. Do we want to go fighty, magic, or charismatic? IE: Swords, Lore, or Eloquence? Leaning towards Eloquence since being unable to roll lower than 10 on persuasion and deception checks seems like its exactly what the succubus bard school would want to teach.

Also, @NekoIncardine are we able to use ASI to boost our charisma up to 30 or are we unable to raise it any higher?
Chapter 1.2.4: Brave, Brave, Brave, Brave Dame Helen

You immediately bolt toward the north, Helen moving to follow.

Eira shouts, "Skate!" - but it's the Paladin whose feet move slightly out of the muddy ground, allowing her to speed up.

Quick calculation in your head… You slow down just a bit, letting Eira get ahead. She looks worried for a second - before your wings appear.

The Lizardfolk slow down, wary of you suddenly - can't blame them. You aren't exactly intimidating, but as they pile in - you slam your hands together, a burst of thunder knocking them back. And then you launch off - which unfortunately opens you to two sword swings…

(18 vs. AC - hit! 2 damage. 14 HP remains.)
(Natural 1 - miss!)

… One catching you on the leg before you launch forward.

Eira's already manifested Skate a second time to speed herself up by the time you're caught up to her - freeing all three of you to outrun the Lizardfolk easily.

Upon reaching the river, you move into position… And grasp Helen and Eira's hands, pulling them up at just the right moment as they jump-

(Senaz's Athletics check to assist Helen and Eira: 11 - grants both Helen and Eira advantage)
(Helen's assisted Athletics check to jump as much of the river as she can: (15,19)+3 = 22)
(Eira's assisted Athletics check to jump as well: (6,11)-1 = 10)

- Helen gets some ways in, landing smoothly in the water. Eira, however, doesn't go quite so far, splashing maybe twelve feet into the river and hissing at the cold.

The Lizardfolk are still chasing - you're sure they can handle the water better than you. But with this position…

The river's deep enough that you realize they're going to have to swim - though Eira keeps skating as far as she can, Helen switches to swimming faster. This at least makes them both less of a target for javelins…

Which leaves you the target. Again. Crap.

(Natural 1 again - Miss!)
(21 vs. AC - hit! 2 damage, 12 HP remains.)

That is in your other leg. Even with your natural damage resistance, that hurts.

Still, they slow down as your team gets into the water… And once you're most of the way across, they stop entirely, deciding you are no longer a threat. For now at least.

Another minute or so of kjeeping up with your teammates, making sure they don't drown in the river, and getting washed a bit down… And they make it to the side, both gasping from the surge of work.

You immediately glance around… No one else around. Door opened, both take the cue to step in, you step in and close the door.

Helen quickly goes over your wounds - you shake your head. "I'll be fine. Get dry, both of you." You do break out the first aid kit to clean the wounds off a bit, hissing at the sting, while they shuffle to their rooms, Helen thinking to grab a towel from the rack in the bathroom…

… Leaving Eira to step out, naked, a few seconds later, to grab hers. You nod respectfully at the eyeful you receive. Her adrenaline stops her from trying to flirt in response - instead slipping back in to dry off. Thankfully, neither shows signs of hypothermia.

… Helen is the first to speak, through the door. "Let's. Catch our breath for a few."

"Yeah," You respond. That should be enough for healing to kick in…

(Short Rest. 1 hit die spent: 7 - returned to full health.)

And, more importantly, for everyone to be a bit better.

"Risks of the adventure?", Eira asks, as she starts back out.

You nod, as Helen replies, "Risk of the adventure. Given their fiendtouch, they may be associated with our primary foe, or may just be an independent hazard. Still… If there's more, they could be a threat to the keep."

You nod, considering what to do about this...

[ ] (Lizardfolk Mitigation Plan) Ignore them and keep looking for signs of the direct cult action.
[ ] (Lizardfolk Mitigation Plan) With time to prep, try to take them down right away. (Warning: This is a potentially deadly encounter.)
[ ] (Lizardfolk Mitigation Plan) Signal the city watch, let them be prepared for it - or take action themselves.
[ ] (Lizardfolk Mitigation Plan) Signal the watch… Later.

[ ] (Travel Direction, if applicable) Switch to east, along the road.
[ ] (Travel Direction, if applicable) Southeast, staying north of the river.
[ ] (Travel Direction, if applicable) Southeast, then cross the river well east of the Lizardfolk's likely grounds.
[ ] (Travel Direction, if applicable) North, into the woods.


Each of the party gains 100 XP for escaping the encounter safely, bringing you to 434. Level up in 466 XP.

To be clear, the reference was specifically Mind Control University version of Daphne, who is linked in the first post (and who hasn't exactly been conquering civilizations but has brought down a couple evil ones so far), yes. (And whose plot complexity levels regularly cross into the disconcerting.)

Joking references and that one weird segment with Tammy (same quest as Daphne) and Another World Online's Deedee meeting Senaz which is explicitly a weird dream thing aside, you do not need to have read any of the other quests to get this one by intention.

Good thinking re the Bardic College... And given that 20 is supposed to be the hardcap for ability scores, I don't think I'm going to let it raise further. Senaz's modifier is already Bonkers, haha.
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Good thinking re the Bardic College... And given that 20 is supposed to be the hardcap for ability scores, I don't think I'm going to let it raise further. Senaz's modifier is already Bonkers, haha.

Not even one half feats to get up to 24? Hooey. But yeah, proficiency on top of a +6 makes Senaz kinda bonkers. Hell, if we go eloquence then we get lower than 18 on persuasion and deception checks.

Okay, that means that we can't monofocus on being a sexy bitch by raising our charisma, so we should go all in on feats. Like Resilient (con) or War Caster. Or something.
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Chapter 1.2.4: Brave, Brave, Brave, Brave Dame Helen!
Not even one half feats to get up to 24? Hooey. But yeah, proficiency on top of a +6 makes Senaz kinda bonkers. Hell, if we go eloquence then we get lower than 18 on persuasion and deception checks.

Okay, that means that we can't monofocus on being a sexy bitch by raising our charisma, so we should go all in on feats. Like Resilient (con) or War Caster. Or something.

So, uh, reacting to your post after I edited the last one to be a full story post, but...

Basically I didn't want her too game-destroying. However, I'll open it to the readers, and add one more poll question:

[ ] (Come Fourth Level...) ... Allow Senaz to take a Feat or ASI with Charisma to bring her to an even 24.
[ ] (Come Fourth Level...) ... Leave Senaz at Charisma 23.
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Hm. Fiendish critters are still always assholes in 5th edition, right?
Hm. Fiendish critters are still always assholes in 5th edition, right?

Yes - though I think 5e inherits 3e's definition of "always" which isn't always, it's absolutely a safe assumption that a Fiendish creature's going to be ill-intended. And yes, that explicitly included Senaz before the whole memory regain thing.

Note that this is a change from the original adventure, which just calls them "evil". Given that they keep using that description over and over and over again including for Torgo's kobolds, I've elected to specifically make this group fiendish to make sure there's at least one group Senaz won't likely be able to make into allies.
Fiendish creatures aren't strictly always always evil. It is theoretically possible for them to be nonevil, given the right circumstances.

But if you see a group of fiendish creatures you can generally safely assume that they are evil. Anything that causes more than one fiendish creature to occur at a time will almost certainly also ensure they are all evil. Or only happen if they were evil in the first place.
[X] (Come Fourth Level...) ... Leave Senaz at Charisma 23.

I want to ask for the munchkin option, but that's honestly the kinda boring option.
[X] (Lizardfolk Mitigation Plan) Signal the city watch, let them be prepared for it - or take action themselves.

I'm not informed enough to decide on any of the other votes.
[x] (Lizardfolk Mitigation Plan) Signal the city watch, let them be prepared for it - or take action themselves.

We should know when to fold em.

[x] (Come Fourth Level...) ... Allow Senaz to take a Feat or ASI with Charisma to bring her to an even 24.

In the context of dnd, odd numbers offend my ocd. Also I feel its more in character for Senaz to prioritize "being sexy" than something like war caster or something.
[X] (Lizardfolk Mitigation Plan) Signal the city watch, let them be prepared for it - or take action themselves.
[x] (Come Fourth Level...) ... Allow Senaz to take a Feat or ASI with Charisma to bring her to an even 24.

In addition to this being possibly more IC, there's also the fact that the other main way of raising stat caps, the Barbarian's level 20 capstone, also raises them by 4 instead of 3. It's a bit awkward to compare a racial bonus to something that takes twenty levels, but this version of Succubus is specifically overpowered, so the comparison seems valid.