Character Sheet
Name: Lorgar
Gender: Male
Mythos: ●
Mythos Archetype: 1. Holy (Aspect: 1. Faith, 2. ???, 3. ???), 2. Sun (1. ???, 2. ???, 3. ???) 3. Human (1. ???, 2. ???, 3. ???)
Willpower: ●●●●●●●●●●
Soak: 10 dice + 5 automatic successes
Health Levels: []-0 (x30) []Inc
Urge - Lorgar has the Urge to believe. So long as he promotes his belief, he restores any Willpower spent on such actions. However, any attempt to convince him to stray from his belief is rolled at a minimum difficulty 10 and needs a minimum of 5 successes to work, at which point he goes into Torment.
Torment: Lorgar becomes convinced that his previous beliefs are fatally flawed and becomes crippled by self-doubt. He will seek the assistance of his allies in every task, no matter how simple, and will pass his duties and responsibilities on to others whom he believes are more capable than him until he finds a new belief or regains faith in his previous belief.
Archetype: Visionary
Major Intimacies:
Minor Intimacies:
- Fan Morgal (Father/Loyalty)
- Faith and Belief (Necessity)
- The Emperor (???/Loyalty)
- Slavery (Dislike)
- The Spirits (Curiosity)
- Philosophy (Like)
Abilities: 10 dice + 5 SuccessesAttributes & Abilities
Attributes: 10 dice + 5 Successes
Mythos: So long as he is performing something related to all 3 aspects of his Mythos, Lorgar rolls all action at a (x8), for all two aspects related to his Mythos he rolls at (x6) and for all actions not related to his Mythos he rolls at (x4).
- Mentor ●●● - Lorgar has been adopted by a Defiler Caste Infernal Exalted.
- Spirit Allies ●●: You have gained an alliance with the remnants of the World Soul. They will aide you in all non physical actions so long as you keep your end of the bargain.
- Contacts (Spirits) ●● - Get news on the notable events in on the Planet.
True Faith is a power held by the truly devout. With True Faith, for example, a brandished Aquila can have an effect on a spirits, daemons, mutants, witches, magic and Psykers instead of being merely an empty symbol of the creed.
The strongest tool in the hands of the Faithful is the power of Miracle. Miracle can be performed if a character has a minimum Faith rating of six. People with rating of 6+ are the sort of people who are venerated as saints.
For Example, the Adepta Sororitas and the Imperial Heralds would count as having a faith rating of upto 5. But truly special individuals like Thor and Sebastian would have 6+ while Living Saints would have 8+ rating.
Characters with True Faith can perform these miracles, or other equivalent ones by spending a Willpower point.
- Countermagic based on True Faith rating
- Ward off demons and Witches
- Acceptance: By recognizing the oneness of faith you can ignore the effects of one True Faith miracle someone else performed
- Faith healing based on True Faith rating. Can cure both damage and diseases, and at really high level even bring back the dead
- Transmutation: Water to wine, or poison to water. No roll required
- Mental resistance: Add Faith to Willpower for resisting mental assault. You might become immune to supernatural coercion at certain levels of Faith
- Holy shielding: Add Faith to soak
- Visions: You gain a vision or prophecy
- Intercession: You intercede with the Powers That Be, to lift a curse or to stay death
- Penance: True Faith vs Willpower. If you win the target is overcome with remorse, or, if they are truly evil, with thoughts of suicide and recklessness
Merits and other Advantages
Primarch (Free)
Lorgar is a Primarch and can have as many internal Backgrounds as would make sense for him to have. Only Special or Magical Backgrounds have to be acquired, otherwise, if it exists, he is considered to have it.
True Faith (10 Dots)
Lorgar has a strong Faith Trait. Those who interact with Lorgar will quickly realize that he's special, touched and devoted in a way that's rarely seen in this world. Lorgar, by virtue of his special connection to Faith, is able to perform miracles through sheer Willpower; the exact details of such inherent magic are up to the Storyteller. Miracles of this sort do not garner any form of Backlash.Lorgar's Mythos makes him a social Primarch primarily and a mental one secondarily. Because of this, he is charismatic and very approachable and prefers either Social or Intellectual solutions to problems.
He treats the beneficial intimacies as being one degree higher than they are, ie Minor intimacy = Major intimacy and Treat any negative intimacies against him as one degree less, ie Major negative intimacy = Minor negative intimacy and Minor negative intimacy = no negative intimacy.
This only works if the Character does not hates Lorgar to the point that they want him dead.
Yes and no. True Faith helped him along certainly, but that was more towards giving him similar abilities to Living Saints and such.Holly Shit Lorgar... something tells me we accelerates his development quite a lot when we tossed some Primordial Essence into his soul to awaken his Mythos. Faith 10 is 'Bring back the recently dead' levels and more importantly in WoD it's 'turn a vampire into a human' levels of faith. I think he might be able to de-Chaos mutants, maybe even Champions if they are legitimately regetful, sort of like a Living Saint in 40K.
I put this comparison for a reason.For Example, the Adepta Sororitas and the Imperial Heralds would count as having a faith rating of upto 5. But truly special individuals like Thor and Sebastian would have 6+ while Living Saints would have 8+ rating.
Yes and no. True Faith helped him along certainly, but that was more towards giving him similar abilities to Living Saints and such.
I put this comparison for a reason.
But as a Primarch? It helped but his Mythos is something he has to work on his own. That is why the rating is still only 1.
This is not determined per say. His Archetypes are Holy, Human and Sun. The Aspects are what determines his focus. So for example, in Human, if he has a Crusader or Paladin Aspect, then you can guess that his physical actions now get a x6 or x8 boost.Does Lorgar Embody Claric archetype or more of Sage Archetype similar like Buddha?
Sure but i wanted to shout out something i think is very very important today, especially since i live in a country where these rights are beinh actively eroded, not the US so no one argue with me, and i think its important to reiterate this even in fiction.To be frank I do kind of agree with what you're going for if you had something like
People should be treated with a base level of dignity.
You should treat people with the respect you would want be treated with whether that be in war or in peace.
That particular piece of documentation or that particular wording of a possible moral for our character a nomadic leader of a desert dwelling people whos civilization fell thousands of years ago is just a bridge too far from me personally.
Archetype determines what aspect he can get.What is the difference between Archetype and Aspects? How one develop aspects?
Archetype determines what aspect he can get.
For example, in Holy he can have an Aspect related to holy, like Faith.
So long as his action is done from a position of Faith and includes at least one more Aspect of another Archetype, his sux gets multiplied by x6. If it hits an aspect of all 3 Archetypes? x8.
As for how they develop? You do not know. You currently do not know he even has that, only that he is "Holy" and has a need for Faith.
I do actually fully understand that. The idea of inalienable and or inviolable human rights is a good and necessary in reality. I just don't think our guy who is literally an at best early Bronze Age at worst before agrarian Revolution tribal leader is going to have that as a thing that he believes. Especially considering raiding is a thing that this tribe does or rather did or was considered.Sure but i wanted to shout out something i think is very very important today, especially since i live in a country where these rights are beinh actively eroded, not the US so no one argue with me, and i think its important to reiterate this even in fiction.
Whops, forogt that.BTW I think Lorgar should have Transcendent Desert Creature on his sheet. Even for a primarch that is not really standard.
Time to teach him to scream "DEUS VULT" while charging in combat. He'll tear Russ apart with his bare hands.
True faith does not influence the item of worship by itself or the Warp any more than normal worship does. True faith is how I am modeling the faith based powers of the Adeptus Sororitas and the Living Saints.Does True Faith have any impact in Warp? I am not talking about more offensive effects against daemons rather any sorta culminative effect on Warp as a whole?
I will be adapting this and all write ins.@Yzarc is this viable? just watched a video and i felt it might be good.
Lore wish In warp there is meaning and deep symbolism. By accepting a source as main piller of Faith worshippers proactively inserting him or herself under that source. Such influence should be mutualistic even in case of Parasitics like Chaos. Worshippers influence their God in turn or rather reinforce God's current existence by though their Faith. In case of Emperor post heresy books indicates he is more and more influenced by how humanity view him currently rather his previous conviction during Pre Heresy. Another example I wish to highlight how due to Faith towards a possibility energized the birth of Ynnard. As more and more Eldars put their Faith on possible birth of God more and more active unborn God became. He able invoke active miracles and interventions due to Faith of his worshippers. Even Keeler more or less acted as Focal point during heresy to generate image of God Emperor which her Successors used to construct their Creed. Even Thor use that template as Fremework which incorporated his own interpretation but Foundation remain more or less intact. In 40k Belief or Faith = Power, common man in 40k believes in human Afterlife safeguarded by Emperor which provide Emperor his authority over human souls. Common man accept him as a God that gives him Power though Faith. If such things are true that mean a source of Faith can be influenced by Worshippers and vice versa due to nature of Warp. Lore say Even during crusade Emperor was aware that many human worshipping him secretly due to Faith he was getting from them. He was sure after crusade he will fix the issue but heresy stopped his plans permanently. So Faith and True Faith double edged sword which influence Worshippers and Their God equally. That's why Chaos God proactively reinforce their existence and concepts though their Worshippers which in turn strengthen their Existence. Good Example will be Dark Eldar and Slaaansh in this case.True faith does not influence the item of worship by itself or the Warp any more than normal worship does. True faith is how I am modeling the faith based powers of the Adeptus Sororitas and the Living Saints.
It is just that Lorgar has a special connection to faith.
that's fine, things like architecture and other great works of civilization would be in ruins from the DAoT but the fact the ruins existed means that it was once achieved by humans and can be done again, just that many factors make it hard to do and get in the way.I will be adapting this and all write ins.
Just keep in mind that what you are proposing will be reworded into something Fan Morgal believes in to at least some extent. Something he believes or wants to believe in, like a dream he would like to come true.
Holy wall of text. That said, I agree Faith = Power.
No, or at least not in my understanding sorry for bugging in. True Faith is different from regular faith faith is what the occasional church goer has which would fit Land and cawl. True faith is a willpower and understanding of your faith that is unshakable to the point where you can perform outright Miracles with that understanding with that will.Just because you are Contemplating or reasoning rather than accepting something does not change nature of Faith. It merely reinforce conviction of Faithful. Faith merely belief whole true faith seem to me Faith reinforced by conviction and Contemplation. I mean admech logical compared to common man however they consider Emperor as omnissah due to his achievements like incase of Land and Cawl. Does it not make their Faith true faith according to your definition?
I am sorry but I am genuinely confused. Wasn't the question "How true Faith works on the Warp?"Just because you are Contemplating or reasoning rather than accepting something does not change nature of Faith. It merely reinforce conviction of Faithful. Faith merely belief whole true faith seem to me Faith reinforced by conviction and Contemplation. I mean admech logical compared to common man however they consider Emperor as omnissah due to his achievements like incase of Land and Cawl. Does it not make their Faith true faith according to your definition?
Just because you are Contemplating or reasoning rather than accepting something does not change nature of Faith. It merely reinforce conviction of Faithful. Faith merely belief whole true faith seem to me Faith reinforced by conviction and Contemplation. I mean admech logical compared to common man however they consider Emperor as omnissah due to his achievements like incase of Land and Cawl. Does it not make their Faith true faith according to your definition?