Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

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Wait…wouldn't going for Piety advisor in the Empire by default give us access to the magical rocks, and the psychics, and also the desert? I mean we literally just have to tell Lihua the same shit we told Charles and how it will effect psionic research and she'll probably give it all to us.
@Slayer Anderson A question about my plan: I'm thinking that asking for be the Second Husband and a seat in Piety/Psionics Administration would give us hopefully the most optimal combo of political freedom, protection, resources and time to work towards our own research. Are you willing to give a rough estimate how true this would be based on what Lelouch knows?

That protection is also quite important, as I think that a certain anti-psionic faction would have a much higher threshold for going after Lelouch if he is the Second Husband to Lihua (as well as in her administration). Especially as they should have currently even less room the maneuver with how much noice they have made with the failed assassination attempt at Charles, I assume.
If your aim/goal fits those parameters, it's a good set of things to go for.

IE: If you want to focus on tech advancement and minimizing further political commitments while still getting a position to further your prior goals... yeah, that's pretty good.

That's all I'll say.
On another note, Slayer, does Marianne have any family left? So does Lelouch have any uncles, aunts or grandparents?
None living, no.
Marrying the cousin should automatically make us Chinese nobility right?
Defacto, at least. People will be forced to treat you as a noble, at least.
[]Plan: Land
-[X] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
-[X] The Land of India, as a Fief..
-[X] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
--[X] As Second Husband.
-[X] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
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A reminder of what was said previously about the various rewards with a few bolded sections from me to emphasize some things that may have been forgotten:

The ultimate prize on offer is, of course, Lihua's hand in marriage. Nunnally receives final confirmation that the woman does indeed plan to take multiple husbands. It's both a salacious and unorthodox move, but little is traditional for China's first true Empress in over a thousand years. There is a hint of a blush to the young ruler's cheeks as she defers any commitment on this front, but she does state that any spouse she takes would need to demonstrate value to the Chinese Federation as a whole. From what Nunnally can glean, this means that, should her brother vie for Lihua's hand he can expect either some sort of top-level ministerial position or other responsibilities.

If Lelouch chooses not to take up a ministerial appointment, one of the 'other' responsibilities Lihua does not outright offer, but vaguely alludes to would be the governorship of the Indian subcontinent. Lelouch would be nominally beholden to Lihua, but largely under his own discretion as the highest military authority of the region. Lihua seems almost... too happy to nudge Nunnally towards this possibility, also offering up the idea that Lelouch could simply seize such a position without any 'material ties' to the political system of the Chinese Federation.

Very pointedly after the meeting is over, Kaguya also casually mentions a very large number with seven zeros on it as a personal income for the governor of India
. It would be roughly analogous to an Area Governor of the Britannian Empire.

Working directly under the Empress in a ministerial position would actually have a less impressive income and more oversight given the arcane structure of the Federation's political system.

Nunnally cannot exactly ask to keep Guangzhou, but there are a few oblique questions she manages to pose as to who the Empress has in mind for a governor. The answer is suitably open-ended, strongly implying that Lelouch could push for such a position if he wanted. However, direct rule over one of the Chinese heartland's more profitable provinces as a foreigner, and foreign royalty at that... well, anything else would be far too much favor shown to such an interloper. Lihua even implies that such a position would need substantial smoothing over on her part to make others accept some non-specific foreign individual receiving it.

Nunnally is able to directly ask about aid in conquering Australia and the Empress is quick to affirm that, once this crisis is over a fleet, or even two, will be made available for Lelouch to force the pirates to bend the knee. This is a relatively modest favor to ask and one easily granted. On that note, it is also brought up that receiving a direct appointment and land to rule from a foreign sovereign would likely result in a conflict of interests with the Britannian throne. As such, the Empress could simply ask that Charles zi Britannia appoint his son as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Federation. Such an appointment would consume some of his time, but would also come with a healthy personal income that Lihua would be happy to supplement.

For the remainder of Lelouch's life.
[ ]Plan Personal Interest

[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
-[ ] As First Husband.
[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
-[ ] Stewardship
[ ] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
[ ] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
Again, this feels like a very bad Idea that's going to escalate tensions between the remaining super polities and Britannia even further besides China when we very much need things to calm down between them once the war in MEF concludes. Britannia needs time for new generations of admins to be born and raised in Britannia before it can risk war with states it isn't already fighting.
I mean, I could point you towards what Slayer said about the effects of a formal alliance ("a defensive treaty like this would actually be a good thing to settle a bunch of nerves"), but can you clarify on this @Slayer Anderson? Would signing the treaties push Europe into the brink against the new alliance?

Wait…wouldn't going for Piety advisor in the Empire by default give us access to the magical rocks, and the psychics, and also the desert? I mean we literally just have to tell Lihua the same shit we told Charles and how it will effect psionic research and she'll probably give it all to us.
Yup, becoming the Piety advisor is basically the same thing as the Psionic Institute, based on this WoG.
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Hey Slayer, some of these options are clearly going to require Lihua to expend a fair amount of political capital to do. Could we get an idea of which ones would be the most onerous\costly to her to make happen?
@Slayer Anderson Does marrying Meihua count towards Charles' conditional requirement of marrying into the Chinese imperial family, or does it have to specifically be Lihua?
No, it would need to be Lihua specifically in her role as Empress.
I mean, I could point you towards what Slayer said about the effects of a formal alliance ("a defensive treaty like this would actually be a good thing to settle a bunch of nerves"), but can you clarify on this @Slayer Anderson? Would signing the treaties push Europe into the brink against the new alliance?
Europe would need several years to pivot from their current 'watch and wait' stance to be militarily effective against Britannia in an offensive war.

Their only real course of action would be to raise internal tensions with a larger commitment to terrorist proxies and rebellions.
[] Plan A Better China
-[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
--[ ] As First Husband.
-[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
--[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] Key Natural Resource Monopolies in Extraction Rights.
-[ ] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil.

So, here is a plan where we forgo aid in Australia cause we can already handle all but the bigger fish between our fleet, the crowns, and our ninja, who we will be able to handle once we gobble all those smaller pirate groups up.

We take first consort but make it up to Lihua by assisting with war recovery and her Stewardship ambitions, generate jobs for her people with a resource extraction company, and Introduce psionic tech developments to better her peoples Lives. Basically doing everything we can to make the marriage worthwhile for her while still benefiting ourselves.

Aha! Notice how marrying Xingke isn't part of the offered choices? Clearly we now know even Lihua's gratitude has limits. :V
The Harem and Lihua can't handle that much male energy concentrated into one marital bed. :V

I mean, I could point you towards what Slayer said about the effects of a formal alliance ("a defensive treaty like this would actually be a good thing to settle a bunch of nerves"), but can you clarify on this @Slayer Anderson? Would signing the treaties push Europe into the brink against the new alliance?
The problem is that Europe has a rogue element that is willing to initiate daring assassinations against Mentalist and Mentalist aligned leaders regardless of the potential fallout. It definitely pushes Europe into a build up and consolidation of allies which could create a powder keg beyond the initial impact that the Prometheans could set off with a rash action.
I wonder if we could just... I don't know, be friends with her as an exchange for the services rendered?

I feel like Lihua desperately needs a person that she could hug like a teddy bear.
Hey Slayer, some of these options are clearly going to require Lihua to expend a fair amount of political capital to do. Could we get an idea of which ones would be the most onerous\costly to her to make happen?
Considering you're the one who quoted my detailed breakdown of the answer to your question just a half-dozen posts ago, I have no idea why you're asking me it again right now.
Considering you're the one who quoted my detailed breakdown of the answer to your question just a half-dozen posts ago, I have no idea why you're asking me it again right now.

That quote only mentioned these:
[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
[ ] The Province of Guangzhou, as a Fief.
[ ] The Land of India, as a Fief..
[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
-[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] Intrigue
-[ ] Piety
[ ] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.

And didn't say anything about:
-[ ] As First Husband.
-[ ] As Second Husband.
[ ] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
[ ] Exemption from Taxation in All Trade under Your Name.
[ ] A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia.
[ ] A Personal Noble Title & Income.
[ ] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
[ ] Key Natural Resource Monopolies in Extraction Rights.
[ ] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil
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Nunnally is able to directly ask about aid in conquering Australia and the Empress is quick to affirm that, once this crisis is over a fleet, or even two, will be made available for Lelouch to force the pirates to bend the knee. This is a relatively modest favor to ask and one easily granted.
Yeah thanks to @odin lowe for bringing this up, but I don't think the Australia reward is worth picking when we can easily negotiate for support normally, I've come around on the idea of going for Second Consort as a compromise for the political/social status and flexibility, so my tentative plan right now is this:

[ ] Plan: Empress' Left Hand (Normal Australian Conquest)
-[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
--[ ] As Second Husband.
-[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
--[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia.
-[ ] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil.
  • We negotiate for Australia normally since we've got a bunch of options to call upon like Indonesia, Dreizhen, Governors of Area 8/9, and Lihua will be particularly happy that Xingke can be First Consort.
  • Stewardship Minister to pair with the marriage and really leverage the economic powerhouse of China for alliances and development.
  • Formal Defensive Treaty to help secure global security during a time of high tensions.
  • Research Foundation to advance our personal agenda for Psionics.
  • If we conquer all of Australia next turn by picking it as a reward, we don't have the actions necessary to digest all those gains anyway, so it's better to do it normally with a few spare fleets that Lihua can easily spare instead of the entire Chinese Navy showing up.
Hope you don't mind if I crib off your plan name @meianmaru?

The problem is that Europe has a rogue element that is willing to initiate daring assassinations against Mentalist and Mentalist aligned leaders regardless of the potential fallout. It definitely pushes Europe into a build up and consolidation of allies which could create a powder keg beyond the initial impact that the Prometheans could set off with a rash action.
I mean, if word gets out of the anti-Psionic rogue faction carrying out all of the terrorist operations then Europe will be diplomatically isolated and shunned by the world, a national pariah.
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I feel like Lihua desperately needs a person that she could hug like a teddy bear.
That's what her bestie Kaguya is for! Or Meihua now that she's back. Lelouch is still a very handsome, accomplished, noble hearted, fit college aged man, and Lihua is 18. Mind goes into the gutter faster than the jets Lelouch flies.

Overall, I think marriage to Lihua, whichever position we take, could be an interesting and dramatic read.
And didn't say anything about:
-[Very Expensive] As First Husband.
-[Expensive] As Second Husband.
[Moderate] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
[Cheap] Exemption from Taxation in All Trade under Your Name.
[Moderate] A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia.
[Cheap] A Personal Noble Title & Income.
[Cheap] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
[Moderate] Key Natural Resource Monopolies in Extraction Rights.
[Cheap] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil
Some of the choices affect what SL you start at.
Yeah, this makes me even more convinced that we shouldn't push for the First Husband. Give her more room for her own personal desires, like saving the spot of the First Husband for a certain someone who is not Lelouch, and their relationship will be much more comfortable. Because at this point, I feel that we are being pulled in so many different directions that we don't need another high-level time commitment.

And considering that Slayer answered my earlier question about how the position as the Second Husband + Piety Administrator would combo:
If your aim/goal fits those parameters, it's a good set of things to go for.

IE: If you want to focus on tech advancement and minimizing further political commitments while still getting a position to further your prior goals... yeah, that's pretty good.

That's all I'll say.
We only have so many time slots available people. And I for one want to go hard into advancing our psionic research, and this is a chance to cash in our crazy risks we have taken for just that.
Hope you don't mind if I crib off your plan name @meianmaru?
I don't mind, and might approval vote for this plan if it seems necessary together with my own plan if it seems like it would otherwise split the vote. However, I still think that going hard for actual Piety Administrator -position would be better. Like I said earlier, it is in our own ultimate interests to develop understanding about psionics for non-hostile human factions.

Also, not being in an actual administrator position will likely make it harder to gain access to the Taklamakan Desert, or so I assume.
[] Plan Land Grab
-[] The Land of India, as a Fief.
-[] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
-[] Exemption from Taxation in All Trade under Your Name.
-[] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
I like that pre-made plan, and head of a branch family has its own appeal.

[] Plan Land Grab with Research
-[] The Land of India, as a Fief.
-[] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
-[] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
-[] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
The same, but with focus on research into the Trees + making Charles happy.

Edit : Ah, moratorium isn't over yet?
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Lihua should be 16-17 right now. Going by canon ages, she's 12 years old on Turn 7 and we're at Turn 11 now so 16-17.

You shrug, grimacing lightly. "Truthfully, the topic has been buried by concerns of national security since the attack on Pendragon. There was little talk of other subjects, but I was able to feel out sentiment such that it appears the majority of imperial subjects see my intervening in the Chinese Civil War as a good thing. Though I feel that there is little concern for the details and more a general belief that any furth
Slayer did this mean the grumbling from Lelouch's detractors was successfully quelled and died down for the moment? iirc the support was grassroots from the commoners but most of the nobility was against him.
[X] Plan Land Grab
-[X] The Land of India, as a Fief.
-[X] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
-[X] Exemption from Taxation in All Trade under Your Name.
-[X] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
I like that pre-made plan, and head of a branch family has its own appeal.

[X] Plan Land Grab with Research
-[X] The Land of India, as a Fief.
-[X] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
-[X] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
-[X] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
The same, but with focus on research into the Trees + making Charles happy.
Vote is still not open. About an hour to it being open, I think?