But not nearly as useful as an investment in our economy, that will strengthen our position now and in the future, allowing us to get our policies in place across a multitude of issues much easier, instead of just 1 time where its a guarantee.
There some policies that we'll never be able to pass conventionally, like one to claim shadow sea for virmire in the event it's taken, or getting everyone else to start passing around their good tech, or getting them to fork over Pheonix Massing to Rannoch as part of a deal to get them to join terminus, or unpopular policy changes about how the dictators run things.
I have no idea. And yes, our economy is an absolute mess. Our industry isn't designed well due to how it was forced to come into existence, its a whole thing.
Our economy is not perfect, no. We are coming off of 50 years of total isolation with no trade. Our economy is imbalanced because it was neccessary for quite a while. We have taken steps to fix that and it worked. We got 5 decades of advancement in industrial tools from the citadel. Trade resumed, our standardized civilians vessels production was a massive success, we used the money from both to invest in the commonwealths consumer goods industry, sold battlecruiser expertise and theory to the galaxy to massive profit, and revolutionized our entire energy market. It was also one of the biggest focuses of the timeskip.
We are possibly the second best off or third best off economy in the terminus alliance at this at this point, with only the ones selling Eezo and warships in a time of war for decades during our isolation possible doing better than us. It's an unstable economy both because it's been overclocked by synergizing successes and resumption of trade as well as imbalance between the civilian and military industry, but it's not in a crisis.
Frankly it seems like a lot of people just see the fact that their are problems with the economy, which is natural, and conflate that to us being in a crisis, because it's hard to rap their minds around the big picture of how much success we've had fixing our economy across multiple turns. Your conflating one of half a dozen issues into an all consuming crisis that could implode on us any day.
I wonder if placing a preemptive claim on hades gamma would be an option with the vote? It'd be nice to have that without needing to horse trade over it once we manage to conquer it. And that's a heck of an intersection of relays, we could probably make a lot of money owning that. Of course, it borders a citadel cluster so we'd have to be sure we would take it before they do. Though ownership of an entire cluster might be a bit too high an ask for this even if it's currently in enemy hands.
No but if we conquered a cluster, it would go to vote, which never resolve in any one cluster claiming it normally. Hades gamma is a ways off in my opinion, but Shadow sea could be claimed in a reasonable time frame as part of the next big clash.
The rest of the TA; "Sure, go ahead. If you can take and hold it on your own."
Actually, every system claimed ends up voted on, they simply never agree normally. Guess what isn't normal? A guaranteed waving of any one vote through the council.
The terminus alliance is perfectly willing to work together to pry systems from the Rachni whether they get control of them or not. Shadow sea for instance is one less Relay into Carlston Rift the Rachni can coordinate to send fleets through.
While I imagine holding the shadow sea by advancing our defenses in the maroon sea a relay forward would be well within our ability, the joint fleets would be available to come to our aid or even contribute a battle fleet possibly once we do the prep work by passing mitilary integration. The main obstacle to coordination in a space coalition for survival and attempt too assert independence is red tape and infrastructural preparation, not some imagined unwillingness of it's members to work together against a genocidal foe.
We do know that The Terminus Alliance exists in opposition to the Citadel's political hegemony of the Galaxy:
They have reasons beyond just surviving the Rachni to exist. Like it could be better put together but common cause does exist, what needs to happen is further strengthening ties between member states in order to keep what momentum there is for true unification going.
Indeed. The terminus alliance has shaky foundations and some longterm issues that need to be addressed, which is why Suval wants Mira to be the stand out bastion of a ruler for her people which forces change, and is still highly committed to singing our graces despite questionable circumstances in the maroon sea.
They are however, the polity coming out of the wars most recent attack more intact, more united by the fact that the council is on the back foot and seems like a less viable prospect for switching to than normal. Some work could see this furthered and the TA further united. For instance, a series of backroom deals to more tightly bind their individual polities together economically as part of negotiations over the volus favor?
The terminus alliance did not win a race to the heart of the galaxy and expand in relative peace for centuries, but anyone just assuming that they simply can't be somewhat rehabilitated into something more united and cooperative in the decades of war that yet remain is just being a tad pessimistic.
Especially since our having laid claim to the Maroon Sea while not really defending it that well is currently a sore spot. Even if nothing goes badly wrong on that front, the next few years are going to be a bad time for us to try and convince the Terminus Alliance central government that we should be entrusted with even more territorial and occupation responsibilities.
I think this is going to be forgotten largely if giving them the volus favor wins, let alone in the aftermath of a major victory, not that either matters much in the face of a "this legislator passes, because the commonwealth did us a solid in 515".
That said, hades Gamma, while close to the commonwealth and no one else, is on the vulnerable side. 3 relay jumps from the nearest terminus reinforcements, further from Replublic of Rannoch reinforcements, and a relay hub connected to 4 Rachni controlled clusters that have gone untouched for a relative majority of the war.
Shadow sea is a more likely prospect, especially since it would essentially be just moving our fleets guarding Maroon sea a relay forward, and is still just a relay jump for terminus to reinforce, and lowers the amount of pressure the Rachni can bring against Carlston, which makes it easier to convince the Terminus alliance to assist in conquering it..
Thing is, by not investing more into the Alliance, one runs the risk of turning the belief that "the Alliance is doomed to splinter" into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
In general, there is this undertone of lack of faith in the terminus alliance, lack of interest of building up the alliance rather than only building up the Commonwealth, and general indifference to whether it survives past the war among some of the questers. Hopefully the majority can recognize the value in stronger trade partners and allies and recognize that if their are problems in the way terminus is structured, than a political leverage to restructure it(trading the volus favor to terminus) is the key to turning terminus into an alliance that is both capable and worthy of survival.