Indeed, were I to take Phoenix Down it would probably have to be something like -

Magescarred: Mitigation (Lessens the burden from, but never fully resolves, all downsides / drawbacks / costs the user suffers, either inherently or as a result of their magics)
Second Skin: Progression (A soul light focused around rapid, unbound and limitless advancement whichever field you're presently focused on)

Drawbacks: Anchored, Phoenix Down

Whetstone + Mitigation + Progression:
What is a Whetstone? A tool for grinding away. In that sense it can be said to be a lesser version of another tool... a lathe.

*Curse Mitigation: Convert your Drawbacks as well as all future penalties and negative conditions into 'Curses,' which can be mitigated with the direct application of supernal power. Curses are nigh-impossible to ever fully resolve, but trade off for initial pliability, bringing many Drawbacks from 'intolerable' to merely 'extremely annoying.' Begin with Stage II (amounting to the 25% most egregious components of the drawback) mitigation of all Curses. Stage III is not too far off, though Stage VIII (amounting to removal) is a distant dream well beyond the furthermost dreams of even the greatest possible evolution of the Attractor.
*Semi-Imperial Praxis: Convert your Progression into a methodology of action deeper than any mere magic, the core of which is this principle - "do or do not, but always try." Advancing in the semi-Praxis requires diligent effort, but yields capabilities - broad or focused as one trains - indifferent to the mere power, competence, or fate-distorting serendipity of one's foes. Of course, the ultimate elevation of this effect is still finite, though it improves with training and more than suffices for our purposes here.
*The Regalia: The Second Skin's spiritual essence now extrudes in the form of a jewel (which takes a shape reminiscent of a whetstone's edge, or a lathe's drill bore) containing your soul light, and its former physical corpus the setting and band. Together they are as a Ring of Power, light of your fundamental expression made incarnate. Your talents rendered incomparably greater, your flaws and weaknesses lessened in the halcyon glow of its halo effect. What once came naturally, now becomes effortless, and its excellence magnified inexpressibly; what was once unthinkable, now becomes entirely bearable.

Hm. Perhaps trade Overt for Disquiet then. I'm assuming the Disquiet from my anticipations doesn't affect me, since we're both from outside.
Fascinating take! It's very pleasing to see the silhouette of a Cursebearer appear, even if it's only in hypothetical.

Overt is definitely the main source of added risk previously, and while the possibility of infiltration technically still exists without it, it's will likely happen much later in your progress, and thus be unlikely to derail your plan entirely. You are also correct that you are immune to your anticipation's disquiet (and they to yours) since you're all operating on the same aura. The main issue with taking Disquiet here, early on at least, would probably be that your chain-anticipation's disquiet will so intense that it will likely meaningfully impair coordination with the leadership of your side, and which will almost certainly limit the missions they give you (and thus the aid they render to your progress) and might even prompt them to discharge you entirely if you don't invest enough your ongoing growth into mitigation, which would result in the rescission of your service rewards (including the ember gained from the drawback, which given that it's been incorporated into a Concentration will likely deal some damage to you as it's removed).
Hero Reborn
Infinite Horizon

Stem and Branch

The Glory


Spawn in the best stronghold for me, then grow explosively. Hopefully manage to keep a low profile until I am too strong to be erased. My magic has maximum synergy with the Glory, so I should be able to rapidly progress.
Hero Reborn
Infinite Horizon

Stem and Branch

The Glory


Spawn in the best stronghold for me, then grow explosively. Hopefully manage to keep a low profile until I am too strong to be erased. My magic has maximum synergy with the Glory, so I should be able to rapidly progress.
This is unfortunately an illegal build. S&B/Investiture/Uncertainty/the Glory costs 10 embers collectively, Infinite Horizon only gives 4 as an insertion point, and you can't gain more than 5 embers from drawbacks.
Bing Chilling
Apical Meristems

Rogue Prince
Magescarred - Jewel Lord
Crystal Clarity
Birthright: Nakama, the Ring of Bonds
A.S.T.I. Chamber
All Freebies (Nightblade, etc)

Drawbacks: Disquiet, Recruitment, Anchored

Jewel Lord: The user gains a reserve of Blood that can be invested into a number of given jewels, gems, crystals, or minerals, allowing for intuitive and powerful telekinetic manipulation of said object. This causes the object to acquire a partially organic nature and sheen, granting it a degree of natural growth and regeneration.

If the objects in question are magical, this substantially elevates their potency in all regards while expanding their versatility somewhat. At start, a house-sized chamber of latticework Crystal could be turned into a (still largely stationary) bio-crystalline mech of roughly equal size, but much more capable of autonomously concealing itself or defending against threats. The breadth and scale of its primary function would improve by the equivalent of one ember. A sword that cuts through Space might now be capable of generalized Spatial manipulation.

Nakama: A Ring that locks the A.S.T.I. chamber to your authority and elevates it metaphysically. This Birthright isekais several other individuals from your multiverse, calibrated for optimal compatibility with you, and grants them a number of sister rings with magics and augments that together offer everything you might reasonably (or even somewhat unreasonably) want or need during training or downtime. Together they enormously improve your productivity and your theoretical limits. The Nakama (and you, to much lesser extent) find it difficult to leave the chamber's interior, moreso the more who try to leave.

Assuming you have grown in power to match the Life-King:
*You may leave with no penalty, if you do so without any of your Nakama
*A single Nakama might venture alongside you, but only in this universe.
*Two might be limited to a thousand miles from the chamber.
*Three, ten miles.

As the Nakama only reach peak efficacy via multiplicative synergies, they're comparatively useless on conflicts of your scale when apart.


So the idea is just to chill in the A.S.T.I. with my Nakama while training my magic systems until I can craft the equivalent of the Space Stone for Apical Meristems. Then bypass the Life-King with the super-augmented Nightblade, become Concentrated, and scale further with time dilation from Concentrated [Crystal Clarity + Jewel Lord] augmenting the A.S.T.I. chamber. My Birthright provides useful limitations that consign me to mostly "buff this other guy" missions from Recruitment, especially at first. How convenient!
Bing Chilling
Apical Meristems

Rogue Prince
Magescarred - Jewel Lord
Crystal Clarity
Birthright: Nakama, the Ring of Bonds
A.S.T.I. Chamber
All Freebies (Nightblade, etc)

Drawbacks: Disquiet, Recruitment, Anchored

Jewel Lord: The user gains a reserve of Blood that can be invested into a number of given jewels, gems, crystals, or minerals, allowing for intuitive and powerful telekinetic manipulation of said object. This causes the object to acquire a partially organic nature and sheen, granting it a degree of natural growth and regeneration.

If the objects in question are magical, this substantially elevates their potency in all regards while expanding their versatility somewhat. At start, a house-sized chamber of latticework Crystal could be turned into a (still largely stationary) bio-crystalline mech of roughly equal size, but much more capable of autonomously concealing itself or defending against threats. The breadth and scale of its primary function would improve by the equivalent of one ember. A sword that cuts through Space might now be capable of generalized Spatial manipulation.

Nakama: A Ring that locks the A.S.T.I. chamber to your authority and elevates it metaphysically. This Birthright isekais several other individuals from your multiverse, calibrated for optimal compatibility with you, and grants them a number of sister rings with magics and augments that together offer everything you might reasonably (or even somewhat unreasonably) want or need during training or downtime. Together they enormously improve your productivity and your theoretical limits. The Nakama (and you, to much lesser extent) find it difficult to leave the chamber's interior, moreso the more who try to leave.

Assuming you have grown in power to match the Life-King:
*You may leave with no penalty, if you do so without any of your Nakama
*A single Nakama might venture alongside you, but only in this universe.
*Two might be limited to a thousand miles from the chamber.
*Three, ten miles.

As the Nakama only reach peak efficacy via multiplicative synergies, they're comparatively useless on conflicts of your scale when apart.


So the idea is just to chill in the A.S.T.I. with my Nakama while training my magic systems until I can craft the equivalent of the Space Stone for Apical Meristems. Then bypass the Life-King with the super-augmented Nightblade, become Concentrated, and scale further with time dilation from Concentrated [Crystal Clarity + Jewel Lord] augmenting the A.S.T.I. chamber. My Birthright provides useful limitations that consign me to mostly "buff this other guy" missions from Recruitment, especially at first. How convenient!
Nice! This is definitely quite strong, especially within the realm of builds that avoid front-line missions as well as this one can. Having your Nakama be from Home rather than locals is a clever way of getting around disquiet as well as making your plan resistant to infiltration, and though it does mean that they'll also suffer from disquiet (albeit of a slightly different character since they were technically summoned by one of the Goddesses rather than Qlahlaha), that is in turn mitigated somewhat by the fact that they can just chill in the A.S.T.I. Chamber most of the time.

Getting concentrated is definitely possible pretty soon with this build, and you can probably manage to get a second concentration in before the end of the time-limit, assuming that turns out to be the efficient thing to do with your time.

The main weakness is similar to Thrice-Great with Disquiet, which is that there's some risk of reduced mission rewards or other such unfairness with your superiors due to disquiet-induced friction, but it's less of an issue with this. If you can avoid having your supply chain cut off though, this promises to scale excellently into the final fight as long as you can either manage to idealize Apical Meristems or bait the Great Attractor into attacking into it.
I've been wondering... I know most places in the Omniverse probably aren't big enough to see the full picture but are there like places with people that know enough about cursebearers to be terrified of what they can be become or are? (when they are already pretty strong) I mean a (relatively) successful cursebearer basically means you and your entire universe are about to be bitched and made fodder in some way.... I'll emegine they are quite infamous in some places.

It's just something I've been thinking about a bit lol
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I've been wondering... I know most places in the Omniverse probably aren't big enough to see the full picture but are there like places with people that know enough about cursebearers to be terrified of what they can be become or are? (when they are already pretty strong) I mean a (relatively) successful cursebearer basically means you and your entire universe are about to be bitched and made fodder in some way.... I'll emegine they are quite infamous in some places.

It's just something I've been thinking about a bit lol

It's certainly happened before! Especially if they've got the Plenary Brand, or a Crowning Curse…
Alight the Stars of Darkness and Fire

Tarasha Euten
[X] Guardian Angel
[X] Preparations
[X] Lifetime

[X] Central Limit
[X] Heroism (Gold)
[X] Recruitment (Grants no embers)
[X] Golden Age (All 5 into Guardian Angel)

In the grimdark present of the Central Limit, there is only war. For more than a hundred millennia the Great Attractor has sat immobile within his center of gravity as tragedy upon tragedy befalls those who will be turned into fuel for his ascension. Master of the Central Limit by will of his own and center of all existence via the supreme Gravity of his existence. Invisible power writhing from him and turning all that is into an orrery of an exponentially increasing density of suffering. Forget the light of the self for before the shadow of the Black Mountain all is rendered into the inky void of despair. To be a hero in these times is to doom yourself to becoming one more avatar of the great monstrosity as every hope is cored out of you until you finally Accept your fate. There is no peace among the stars, only an eternity of agony and the silent laughter of an ever-thirsting god.

...or that was the case anyway. Now everyone in an infinitely large area has suddenly got plot armor which makes everything work out for the best. Even for the Dark Stalker who appeared and suddenly found themselves free of their bindings by grace of 5 embers of defense towards the Great Attractor. The Great Attractor reacted quickly and shattered their no longer monstrous universe yet by the power of the Guardian Angels which protect it, the quick actions of the No-Longer-Dark Stalker and others who are part of the great struggle innumerable fragments remain. A tide of noblebright Gravity users unleashed upon the Bulk, feeling like they suddenly found themselves in the wrong genre as singularities spiral out of the grasp of the Great Attractor.

In one of these shards a man who to all possible senses appears like a normal mortal stands besides their adoptive child who is the greatest of the free Gravity users. Each universe they visit sharing the great blessing of protection which Qlahlaha had granted them as a coalition unlike any other forms to prevent the Sixth Density from ever being reached.

Because I wanted to make a build which was the exact opposite of the Great Attractor. At the end of the day I'm just a normal mortal beyond my plot armor but through the power of Preparations, Lifeline and a total of 11 embers of Guardian Angel smoothing things along I managed to incarnate in the inner circle of a monstrously strong Gravity user. I asked Fib and Guardian Angel at 5 embers basically does the same thing as APiB when it comes to freeing the Dark Stalker and through Preparations and the rest of the build I have around an 85-90% chance of managing to free him (Which I rolled for and thankfully didn't crit fail). Sadly DS doesn't get the GA5 that everyone else gets as it requires all Qlahlaha's latitude be expended freeing him, still they're free now to oppose the Great Attractor.

The central conceit beyond just spreading noblebright everywhere is smuggling out as many Gravity users as possible. With time the Great Attractor will be able to modify Gravity and even possibly Guardian Angel in order to lessen the effects but at the start its free game. Which is why I picked Recruitment despite it putting me over the drawback cap in order to get help protecting the Gravity users and recruiting them. Hopefully either DS or the people in Recruitment can get me on the Steel Mare so I can start giving out GA5 to as many worlds as possible.

Unironically the power of any singular savior is nothing compared to the power of friendship. The Great Attractor is a being solely devoted towards accumulating as much power as is feasibly possible, and without mental alterations no-one who plays the CYOA could hope to match their drive or ingenuity. But now there are a hell of a lot of 12 ember Gravity builds who suddenly find themselves in lives which aren't completely terrible and designed to break them down. One of whom has me there to warn them about the Great Attractor blowing up their universe in time for us to manage to bail. And everyone in CL from the lowest mortal to the greatest singularity has divine luck protecting them which radically reshapes society to form a more perfect collective. Every slide into Grief here isn't fully stopped but it is slowed down immensely.

It's not a guaranteed win but I think its as close as you can get. I've done my part, and it might be a good idea to put me in a stasis coffin or something so I can't betray my heroic principles. I'll leave the rest to others who fight in the great struggle.
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[ ] Take the Plunge -
I. The Shogun V | Faultless Foremost
II. The Arcanist I
IV. The Egotist I
V. The Emissary IV | Gift -> Mantle
[ ] Artifice Bound [+2 Insights] -
[ ] Leal [+1 Insights] - Arcanist
Credit: 15T 13I
Debit: 15T 13I

This would probably be my serious Plunge build.

Ideally I'd shift up Emmissary to V, but that means you need 18 Insight, and the drawbacks you'd need to take to get the stats for a meaningful chance to survive really suck. You'd need either Fools Gambit + Ruin or Apocryphal to get into the 25+ Attribute range, which would still be risky just between deep delving, gloves off, and even a basic hierarch.

Instead this build joins up with the Arcanist and loans her or the Emmissary their sword in return for protection and instruction in Foremost Runes. With access to Unsetting Sun and the benefits of a Gifted Imago boost the Arcanist should be capable of some pretty wild stuff, and the Emmissary could be significantly better protected should it be relevant.

Even when given to others the sword still provides you you're passive abilities, so as long as you get the sword back often enough to prevent death by attribute drain it's a pretty good deal.

Gifted is used on Imago. If possible I'd turn Imago into a Foremost Rune advancement/empowerment Emblem a billion years from now / when relevant Attributes gets high enough to qualify. Otherwise allow the generation and updating of Imago bonuses as you advance in the art, if possible squeeze in merging Int and Wis into Insight (probably based on the lowest of each).

The main danger is the Arcanist accidentally destroying the sword or just keeping it. To help mitigate that danger pick up some abilities that aren't from your sword, so you're not completely screwed if things go wrong. There's a constant supply of Mages you can gank while shallow delving, so just keep an eye out. Outside of your gifted Imago your advancement in the Art isn't actually attainment based either, so might remain if the sword gets destroyed and you somehow survive.

If it's possible to cut away the swords weaknesses, see about finding an Elder Foremost to do it for you, or check if the Arcanist could do it. As the sword is a drawback that may not be within the remit of beings you can actually expect to reach, though.

I think I'd enjoy this build, I have Unsetting Sun for scaling safety and Highborn for Attribute training. Between Faultless Foremost Blade and Runes I also have interesting stuff to study. There isn't much pressure either, so I can take it at my own pace. Well, so long as the sword doesn't get stolen/destroyed.
Sealing Researcher(9 Embers)

Drop Location: Infinite Horizon

Crystal Clarity(2 Embers)
Nightblade(0 Embers from discount)
Exosomatic Coprocessor(1 Ember from discount)
Invincible Outfit(1 Ember)
Farsight(1 Ember, Second Color is: Calligraphy)
Rogue Prince(1 Ember)
Magescarred(2 Embers)
Self Proclaimed(1 Embers from discount)

Drawbacks: Disquiet(1 Ember), Anchored(3 Embers), Overt(1 Ember)

Analysis: So I'm thinking the sight color for farsight, a Research Name, the pattern recognition from Crystal Clarity, and an exosomatic coprocessor are enough to derive the sealing magic from the invincible outfit. Rogue Prince for eventual immortality and as an emergency mitigation measure for disquiet, as well as the shapeshifting and biokinesis. Selective directional gravity should be beneficial for navigating a setting like infinite Horizon. May as well take a swordfighting or space themed name to go with Nightblade too. I'm thinking calligraphy should be useful for flash inscription of seals once I work things out. I've got like 6 names left over too for whatever I might need. Infinite Horizon for disquiet mitigation and whatever interactions might come up.

Gravity Manipulation - Immunity to vertigo/Gravitational Force Induced Harm/Motion Sickness. Selective Directional Gravity/Fall in any direction you please at multimach speeds, with the potential for relativistic speed in decades and FTL in centuries. You will be fleetingly staggered at most, regardless of how fast you make impact. If you possess Travellers Tools or some other mechanism of accessing 4 or more spatial dimensions under your own power, you may fall in other spatial dimenions beyond the ordinary 3. Modulate your weight to walk on fragile surfaces/liquids, jump like you're on the moon or slam through floors. Cityblock range telekinesis sufficient to lift houses combined with spatial radar to target at cityblock range. However, this telekinesis does not have fine enough detail to manage objects antsized or smaller with any degree of precision.
Sealing Researcher(9 Embers)

Drop Location: Infinite Horizon

Crystal Clarity(2 Embers)
Nightblade(0 Embers from discount)
Exosomatic Coprocessor(1 Ember from discount)
Invincible Outfit(1 Ember)
Farsight(1 Ember, Second Color is: Calligraphy)
Rogue Prince(1 Ember)
Magescarred(2 Embers)
Self Proclaimed(1 Embers from discount)

Drawbacks: Disquiet(1 Ember), Anchored(3 Embers), Overt(1 Ember)

Analysis: So I'm thinking the sight color for farsight, a Research Name, the pattern recognition from Crystal Clarity, and an exosomatic coprocessor are enough to derive the sealing magic from the invincible outfit. Rogue Prince for eventual immortality and as an emergency mitigation measure for disquiet, as well as the shapeshifting and biokinesis. Selective directional gravity should be beneficial for navigating a setting like infinite Horizon. May as well take a swordfighting or space themed name to go with Nightblade too. I'm thinking calligraphy should be useful for flash inscription of seals once I work things out. I've got like 6 names left over too for whatever I might need. Infinite Horizon for disquiet mitigation and whatever interactions might come up.

Gravity Manipulation - Immunity to vertigo/Gravitational Force Induced Harm/Motion Sickness. Selective Directional Gravity/Fall in any direction you please at multimach speeds, with the potential for relativistic speed in decades and FTL in centuries. You will be fleetingly staggered at most, regardless of how fast you make impact. If you possess Travellers Tools or some other mechanism of accessing 4 or more spatial dimensions under your own power, you may fall in other spatial dimenions beyond the ordinary 3. Modulate your weight to walk on fragile surfaces/liquids, jump like you're on the moon or slam through floors. Cityblock range telekinesis sufficient to lift houses combined with spatial radar to target at cityblock range. However, this telekinesis does not have fine enough detail to manage objects antsized or smaller with any degree of precision.
An interesting build! There is some risk that, especially if you're relying on Rogue Prince life-nobility to just force people to work with you despite your Disquiet, you're probably going to develop a pretty bad reputation, which combined with Disquiet's own innate unlikeability is probably going to draw some heat eventually, and possibly even a mature worldsinger at some point, which seems like it might be a rough fight for your build.

Also, it's important to note that the second purchase of Self-Proclaimed only gives you three names.
An interesting build! There is some risk that, especially if you're relying on Rogue Prince life-nobility to just force people to work with you despite your Disquiet, you're probably going to develop a pretty bad reputation, which combined with Disquiet's own innate unlikeability is probably going to draw some heat eventually, and possibly even a mature worldsinger at some point, which seems like it might be a rough fight for your build.

Also, it's important to note that the second purchase of Self-Proclaimed only gives you three names.
I was banking on not having to do that much or ever because of the citadel being used to disquiet. Maybe I should just go for apple of youth then. Also thanks for the reminder I guess I just don't have any names left over than. Gravity/Swordfighting/Research.

Any thoughts on Seal/Crystal interactions or Calligraphy farsights application to seals?
I was banking on not having to do that much or ever because of the citadel being used to disquiet. Maybe I should just go for apple of youth then. Also thanks for the reminder I guess I just don't have any names left over than. Gravity/Swordfighting/Research.

Any thoughts on Seal/Crystal interactions or Calligraphy farsights application to seals?
You'd be relatively safe in the Citadel but you didn't take Preparations so you can't just spawn inside the Citadel, you have to journey to it, which might take a while and is almost guaranteed to expose to you at least one tribe of non-citadelians, and probably a few. The Citadel can repulse a hostile worldsinger but they generally try to avoid direct conflict with them because it burns through a lot of resources (often literally).

The seals from Mens Rea (my internal name for the world that Invincible Outfit and Looking Glass are from) aren't written on things, they're spiritual in nature and produced via ritual, so the color of calligraphy probably isn't going to be much help. Crystal Clarity's pattern recognition definitely will be, especially if you spend some time working with the citadelians to create some analytic arrays out of crystallized altarflame.
A recent conversation with Magical Duck inspired me to make an Infinite Morning build:

The Fairest of Them All
Location: Threshold +3
Magic: Viscerality -2
Benefits: Chosen One: Viscerality -2, Seraphic Countenance -3
Artifacts: Keter -3
Drawbacks: Three Wishes +1, Hamartia: Lust +1, Phylactery +1, Blatant Beckoning +1, Ark's Golden Gloom +2
DLC: Power Word: Bird (+1)

In return for reduced combat potential, Chosen One focuses both of Viscerality's aspects on emotional manipulation and even further personal beautification beyond what Keter and Seraphic Countenance can already manage; directed entirely towards increasing and enhancing the Visceralist's appeal on every imaginable level: neural enhancements yield massive charisma, seduction, and manipulation; bodily enhancements create supernaturally potent pheromone glands, memetic imaging that cuts through noetic filters and surpasses alien mindsets to produce worshipful demeanors even in daemons and outsiders, and an airbrushed perfection-transcending beauty that starts to eclipse even what default Countenance can provide when unconstrained. The emotional aspect of Viscerality is magnitudes more pronounced when it comes to stoking devotion, worship, and appreciation directed towards the caster.

With access to Keter during the final transformation, a fully unconstrained Visceral Seraph should be able to fully subjugate even the Ogdoad and its Hierophant, and therefore, bring Pleroma to its knees; with the support and submission of all of Pleroma's major powers and a productive alliance with the Hand, all resources can then be channeled to the betterment of one monarch, who, with Keter's wisdom, shall be sure to rule over the earth splendidly well.
A recent conversation with Magical Duck inspired me to make an Infinite Morning build:

The Fairest of Them All
Location: Threshold +3
Magic: Viscerality -2
Benefits: Chosen One: Viscerality -2, Seraphic Countenance -3
Artifacts: Keter -3
Drawbacks: Three Wishes +1, Hamartia: Lust +1, Phylactery +1, Blatant Beckoning +1, Ark's Golden Gloom +2
DLC: Power Word: Bird (+1)

In return for reduced combat potential, Chosen One focuses both of Viscerality's aspects on emotional manipulation and even further personal beautification beyond what Keter and Seraphic Countenance can already manage; directed entirely towards increasing and enhancing the Visceralist's appeal on every imaginable level: neural enhancements yield massive charisma, seduction, and manipulation; bodily enhancements create supernaturally potent pheromone glands, memetic imaging that cuts through noetic filters and surpasses alien mindsets to produce worshipful demeanors even in daemons and outsiders, and an airbrushed perfection-transcending beauty that starts to eclipse even what default Countenance can provide when unconstrained. The emotional aspect of Viscerality is magnitudes more pronounced when it comes to stoking devotion, worship, and appreciation directed towards the caster.

With access to Keter during the final transformation, a fully unconstrained Visceral Seraph should be able to fully subjugate even the Ogdoad and its Hierophant, and therefore, bring Pleroma to its knees; with the support and submission of all of Pleroma's major powers and a productive alliance with the Hand, all resources can then be channeled to the betterment of one monarch, who, with Keter's wisdom, shall be sure to rule over the earth splendidly well.

Ah yes. The maiden strat.
Writing the Rome MYC was taking too much effort, so I wrote another one instead! 3.4k words.

Four Turnings of the Age Part 1: When Angels Sleep

Ah, you're awake. Or at least aware. I have conjured you here to offer a chance, unexpected and unasked for, for you to stand bestride a world of wonder and magic. The age of Faith is dying, and you will be the last heir of its power, the vessel for everything good about it as an era. Much of what was once good about the age of faith - the iron-clad virtue of the saints, the beautiful grace of heaven, the kindness of those who seek to build heaven together, have withered and the world is ripe for the age of magic. It is up to you to take the stagnant virtues of the church, the martial valor of the paladins, the staid and unimaginative lives of peasants and priests who see the silence of the heavens and dare to think that they might be doing something right, and turn them into something worth permitting to endure.

You will not be alone, however. A hero has been born, one destined to overthrow this world of faith and usher in an Age of Magic. A thousand flowers spring up in their wake, hedge wizards and traditional witches as the hidden places of the world, where the church does not think to tread fill up with wonder and power - not demons or angels, but dragons and elementals, creatures and places of power just waiting to be exploited by those who can approach them with clear eyes and an open mind. This hero, this unexpected genius, will unify the hedge traditions of the world and spread magic to everyone who has the potential.

Unlike certain others, I would impose no particular obligations upon you, no threats or missions. But is it really acceptable, to allow the age that birthed you to end? To let the utopian heavens collapse into ruin and the idyllic forests be torn apart by treasure-seekers, the righteous saints replaced by amoral wizards? Save what you will, with the gift I have given you, of 3 Orbs Of Heaven.


The magics of the new age and the old age are in conflict; you have the potential to master any you can afford.

[] Walk in Grace (1 orb) - Heaven's Grace is unasked for, unexpected, unearned. It is the kindness of the universe made manifest, the knowledge that you will not get what you deserve. But neither is it entirely unpredictable.

For you, heaven's love is a tangible force of destiny. With every step, the world turns its best face towards you. This manifests in two forms. Firstly, you have a destiny of happiness and excellence, and all events will bend towards this in shocking good fortune - the cavalry will always arrive in time, charity will come as you spend your last dollar, and you will find the teachers you need. Secondly, the natural world loves you. Wherever you tread, it is kind and soft and beautiful. You may sleep on a bed of moss and drink from mountain streams, and you will live in greater luxury than any prince.

The one flaw in this power is the Hero, whose study of magic entails profound insight into the character and mechanisms of divine favour, enabling them to break fates and batter down the gates of heaven.

[] Heaven's Gates (3 orbs) - The Gates of Heaven are sealed. The only way to enter Heaven is to build it anew on earth. Once, this was an art well-understood in the age of faith, but now the Saints are sealed away in Heavens of their own making and the remainder of the world is left to manage by itself. With this purchase, you are one such Lord of Heaven.

Your Heaven is a kingdom-sized space, utopic and idyllic, populated with citizens who live rich and excellent lives. The Heaven is heavily flavoured by the character of your virtues; productive as you are diligent, enduring as you are patient, and flavoured in a myriad of small ways by the forms of kindness, love, and curiosity you most prefer. It is interlinked with every other Heaven by divine transit routes, allowing citizens to live where they best prefer, giving you a population both loyal and enthusiastic to serve you - albeit scaled to your ability to make such service desirable both emotionally and practically.

In your Heaven, you have vast powers capable of manipulating both destiny and physical reality as you please, though you must be aware of the possibility of damaging the holy virtue which sustains your realm, but your powers and your loyal and well-trained servants are sealed within, and every intervention in the outside world being costly. Most Lords of Heaven cannot so much as leave their Heavens, but the turning of the age opens your gates a crack, allowing you to send forth a handful of angels or paladins, and allowing you to wander the world, albeit diminished back to mortality.

[] Vial of Virtue (1 orb per vial) - One of but seven remaining from the first days of the church, drink, and be tempered. Each vial will alter your personality to put one of the seven virtues as an ironclad foundation in your mind and soul, and as long as it remains so, you will obtain a corresponding saintly power.

Chastity: The ability to continue to take correct and strategic actions no matter how clouded or twisted your mind is, be it by emotions, magic, or drugs.

Temperance: Immunity to poison and disease of any kind, and the ability to function on a tenth of the food intake.

Charity: An unfailing intuition for what someone actually needs, for their own good on their own terms. Also functions on the scale of institutions.

Diligence: The ability to work continuously without physical exhaustion, on but two hours sleep a day.

Kindness: The ability to rapidly heal psychological and physical wounds in those you tend to, permitting healing at ten times the speed of a mundane doctor without any of the equipment. Any psychological wound can be healed in time.

Patience: Unagingness and doubled physical resilience, as long as the world still needs you.

Humility: The ability to pass unrecognised anywhere a member of the public might reasonably be permitted.

[] Hedge Mage (1 orb) - As the centuries pass by, a thousand local arts of magic have formed, the seeds of what will one day bloom into the age of magic. You are a practitioner of one such art, limited substantially by your focused education and specialised resource demands - and by your magic's damnable inability to interfere with the "holy" works of the divine. Pick one tradition - you are able to use its normal arts routinely, with sufficient quantities of its limiting resource, you may perform its grand art, and you are subject to its restriction. The arts described aren't comprehensive lists of the options available to each school, but each school cannot wander afar from its core themes and capacities - these are not the wonder-workings of the age to come.

Vesuvian Mage - Formal ritualist of fire and lava.
Common arts: Lavabending. Firewarding. Fireballs.
Limiting resource: Ability to perform complex and resource-intensive empowerment rituals.
Grand art: Volcanic summoning.
Restriction: Magic is at a fifth of its strength outside range of a suitable volcano.

Holy Necromancer - Priestly practice for eking out maximum value from holy relics.
Common arts: Consult heaven. Empower relics. Summon Church-Grim.
Limiting resource: Relics and corpses.
Grand art: Resurrection of crusaders as einherjar.
Restriction: Closely watched by the church

Mountain Druid - Educated man who has retreated into the furthest wilderness.
Common arts: Command birds. Endure elements. Speak to stone.
Limiting resource: The goodwill of nature.
Grand art: Animate mountain.
Restriction: Cannot train apprentices from uneducated folk.

Village Wise-Woman - The midwife of every village with arts that are useful but underappreciated.
Common arts: Healing. Ease birth. Herblore.
Limiting resource: Precious herbs.
Grand art: Steal bloodline.
Restriction: Untrustworthy practitioners.

Antikythera Clockworker - A skilled metalworker who takes the details of her art to an impossible limit.
Common arts: Automated astrology. Clockbow artifice. Artificial motion.
Limiting resource: Technical skill at clockwork.
Grand art: Automata.
Restriction: Can do no magic without tools designed for the purpose.

Scholar-Cultist - An academic art born of desperate desire and educated cunning.
Common arts: Blessing script. Weighted dice. Ward against detection.
Limiting resource: Scripts for new spells.
Grand art: Total mind reading.
Restriction: All spells end with the destruction of the associated script-talismans.

[] Bonisagus (2 orbs) - You are an unprecedented genius when it comes to matters of magic and mysticism. The operations of magic and wonder come apart under your gaze, surface traits reduced to their underlying phenomena. This allows you in particular to generalise and syncretise, merging different traditions that appear radically distinct into their core underlying principles. You cannot merge magics from different ages this way, but anything else is fair game. This power, while entirely unprecedented, is but a pale shadow of the genius of that of the hero, whose heaven-shattering insight will unify the mages of the world into a single grand order, if you do not stop them.

If you have hedge magic, you may select a second hedge tradition.

[] The Last Devil (2 orbs) - In ages past, before the coming of the saints, the world was ruled by foul Demon-Tyrants, whose personal strength was rooted in the love of devil-scribes whose inhuman affections rewarded violence and melodrama rather than kindness and virtue. Humanity working together toppled each tyrant-king one by one, as unwilling to help each other as they were, and saw each and every devil slaughtered as well. Or that's what you were told as a child.

One devil, it seems, has survived, albeit caged and wounded in some distant cave or mountain valley, and her attention has fallen on you from afar. Her love empowers you, allowing you to grow your attributes - most potently your physical attributes, but your social and mental attributes also to some extent, as you earn her affection and rewards. As wounded as she is, any more complex empowerment is impossible. Existing is sufficient to earn some measure of her affection, a trickle of improvement, but it is undoubtedly the case that she delights in struggle and drama - the more interesting your life, the faster you will grow. A year of idle tedium might see your physical attributes increase by 10% above baseline (and your mental attributes increase by 2%), but a single day of a dozen desperate struggles to survive ending in the fall of a nation would see twice that growth. Sufficiently convoluted and emotionally satisfying romantic drama or exploration would also satisfy her ardour, and if she could be freed and healed, then the diversity of possibilities would increase - but while the church cannot see what she is doing, they have not forgotten her or the threat she poses to them.


Not all power comes from one's own arts. I have gifts for you, wonders you'd be hard-pressed to replicate with your own labours.

[] Perfected Form (1 orb) - Heaven's Grace takes a myriad myriad forms, from the mundanely sublime to the esoterically absurd; some are more literal than others. You benefit from one more literal than most - your baseline agility and appearance, before any training, skill, or accessorization, are increased to a scant notch above the limits of what a mundane human could achieve with every mundane factor working in their favour - an angelic countenance just waiting to be further improved by your own practice.

[] Saint's Relic (2 orbs) - The skull of one of the saints involved in that first great war against tyranny, thought long lost. In fact, it was carved and fixed with gold and jewels to preserve its power, and hidden away until I brought it to light. Held, it permits you to invoke the sterling virtue of that pious martyr - metal of all sorts obeys you over its maker or wielder. It cannot be obliged to betray its purpose, but it can be obliged to fail in that purpose, and metal without a higher cause or existing owner can be controlled (or whose cause or owner would not be contradicted by such control) as though held in the arms of a giant. Even by surprise, no weapon of any metal will ever harm you, or allow you to come by harm, while you openly carry this skull. Additionally, it provides the ability to conjure arms and armour of golden light (including a suitable mounting point for the Relic) and will, once, expend itself to protect a suitably pious wielder totally from any form of harm.

[] Impossible Grimoire (1 Orb) - This tome, locked with an elaborate clockwork mechanism and clearly extremely magical, is filled with seemingly nonsensical illusion-text that constantly changes and shifts. No divination or true-seeing magic yet developed is able to pierce its secrets; the strongest spells reveal that without the illusions it is but a blank (but very expensive tome). With time and careful study, however, the changes can be discovered to be made according to patterns, and the long, slow, process of deciphering the book can truly begin, revealing it inch by careful inch to be the laboratory notes of a future wizard, filled mostly with her paranoid observations of her fellows (including the Hero who seeks to bring you low and many of his allies) and lurid theories on the true nature of time and the universe, and while some value can be gleaned from these notes, the real value is your ability to recreate her experiments on the matter of time magic. Nothing in the notes will allow the recreation of true time-travel - if she ever achieved anything whatsoever in this field, she made no record of it, and time travel is to all appearances entirely impossible. What it will teach you is how to slow time, freeze it, or accelerate it; all difficult arts prone to destroying the subjects of their spells rather than empowering them, but with careful design and experimentation, tremendous advantages can be obtained.

[] Bloodline: Void Deer (2 orbs) - Arcane magic is a fundamentally unnatural contortion of the human soul, and practitioners have forever searched for ways to ease its practice. The incorporation, by hybridization or ritual, of bloodlines from magical beasts is one such method, allowing intuitive and powerful magic at the cost of a permanent portion of the mage's power, creating bloodlines of specialized magi with unique capabilities. The Void Deer is a powerful and enviable such bloodline, descending from a being with the ability to traffic the near void of space for safety and power. It grants substantial control over the direction and magnitude of gravity within tens of meters of the one so empowered, freely redirecting the force while strengthening or weakening it tenfold, the ability to comfortably survive the void of space and any similar dangers, an impeccable intuition for three-dimensional non-oriented motion, navigation by the stars, and relativistic physics and last but not least, a tremendous rack of antlers sufficient to impede entry into many doorframes. None of the abilities so described scale with practice, though gravity control requires practice to use with sophistication and finesse and your abilities will scale somewhat with your power as a mage. They'll also synergise incredibly with any arcane arts of a similar sort, making it much easier to research and perform magic related to gravity or space travel, though you may have some substantial trouble teaching that magic to someone without your instincts.

[] Fake Priest (1 orb) - You may be worried about the trials of being a person of various vices and a shady background unused to living in a world where the church is constantly working to ensure that each and every soul reaches its full potential of virtuous living. Fear not; just sign this contract, and your entry into the world will involve substantial edits to both the world and your person to give you the life and memories of a recently ordained minor priest of no particular note, ensuring that your habitual virtue is sufficient to avoid suspicion. You'll also be given wards and blessings sufficient to ensure that your true nature, and your less accidental forms of vice will not be revealed to any arcane or divine force lesser than the hero.

[] Ten-Horned Dragon (3 orbs) - The Demon-Tyrants of the days before the earliest church records were terrible things, each capable of warring with entire angelic hosts alone, but in taking the field alone they were still defeated. A shard of one such tyrant, the war-form of the great slayer Bellerophon, can be yours. Assuming this form requires a substantial exertion, taking a few seconds and much of your magic, and will occur automatically if you take any serious injury; it lasts always at least 600 seconds and thereafter as long as you can slake its terrible thirsts.

The actual form will vary slightly to match your other abilities, scaling with your general combat capabilities, but it is always radically a inhuman combination of influences and monstrous parts - multi headed and increasing your multitasking ability correspondingly, possessed of natural weapons and armor equal to most relics, increasing all of your physical attributes far into the superhuman, and allowing for attacks with fire and poison in quantities sufficient to slay hundreds of foes in a single gout. Despite its toughness and strength unequaled, it lacks regeneration - for all that you might not take large wounds, you must still beware of the small wounds, as old Bellerophon was not.


If you require more power, I can think of a few ways to get it for you. At a price.

[] Vice-Ridden (+1 orb) - Sin is not a path to power, which is why we have so much of it lying around. Take on the vices of some previous appointee of mine and while you will never be a saint, I'm sure you will have a pretty great time. One deadly sin will rule you emotionally, its manifestation the tragic flaw of an otherwise epic hero; willpower having little power against that which you truly and wholly desire to do. Perhaps, in the turning of ages, you could overcome this flaw, and then, oh what a saint you'd be, for having overcome it.

[] Warden (+1 orb) - In the world there is a community, either a single rural town or a small neighborhood in a larger city, which suits you as well as any community in the Age of Faith can. If you have Heaven's Gates, then this community is your entire heaven rather than a local community of a few thousand souls. Your fate is bound to this community; every wound to it, economic, cultural, or literal, is a wound to you as well, forever diminishing your powers. What's more, you must defend not only the people of this place but the feel of the community - you will be just as diminished if your idyllic town is replaced by a bustling city as if it is burned to the ground - either fate will bring you to the brink of death with little to no hope of recovery. As a slight mercy, at least, the community is not the land it's built on; if you need to pick everyone up and move, you may do so.

[] Ungifted (+1 orb) - To be a mage and partake of the wonders of the new age, one must have the gift, an essential spark possessed at varying levels of strength by nearly everyone. You are one of the ones who do not have this power, and the chance to use arcane magic (including bloodline powers) and be part of the new age is forever lost to you.

[] Stalked (+2 orb) - An ancient horror, one of the demon-tyrants of ancient days, is informed, rightly, that you have within you the power which doomed its long days of lazy luxury. After aeons of hiding, this nameless shadow hunts once again. An assassin of ancient and peerless skill, with skills at avoiding divination and mundane scrutiny sufficient to survive millennia of active pursuit by a worldwide church, it will lurk and sabotage and not strike until it is certain of success - in combat, it is merely moderately superhuman, focused in speed and dexterity, with arms and armor well-suited to the defeat of holy defenses and a myriad of poisons whose names are lost to history. If you are well-prepared for this fight, then it should be easy - but it will not choose to strike when you are well-prepared.
The Final Battle
[+] Ungifted (+1 orb)
[+] Stalked (+2 orb)
[-] The Last Devil (2 orbs)
[-] Fake Priest (1 orb)
[-] Ten-Horned Dragon (3 orbs)

Not the final battle between Heaven and Hell, but the final battle between bloody brothers. The last two demon-tyrants, one who has insinuated himself into the age of Faith and gone native, and the other who cannot let go of the past, struggle against one another for the right to be their age's final legacy.
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Just another Genius (Risky)
[] Walk in Grace (1 orb) -
[] Bonisagus (2 orbs) -
[] Vial of Virtue (1 orb per vial) - Humility:
[] The Last Devil (2 orbs) -
[] Vice-Ridden (+1 orb) - Gluttony
[] Stalked (+2 orb) -
Credit: 6
Debit: 6

Stalked sends an assassin after you that is super human and experienced, presumably they are also pretty good at finding people -- if less so than the specialities mentioned in their drawback. Humility, however, allows you to remain unrecognized anywhere a member of the public might reasonably be. It also makes you humble which is a nice side benefit.

Given you Walk in Grace and can survive perfectly fine in nature, which is generally open to the public, you are able to remain unrecognisable the overwhelming majority of the time, particularly while asleep. You also have access to native bounty of the world, comparable in luxury to a princes table, so can at least ameliorate Gluttony.

This leaves you with a profound, though outmatched, genius for magic. Notably, The Last Devil increases your Baseline, so while relatively minor your mental enhancement is being applied to Genius and not mediocrity.

If your Fate of Happiness and Excellence synergizes profitably with Last Devil's sensibilities then you could grow quite quickly, if at the cost of a very dramatic life.

This build strongly benefits from making allies and gaining support, in particular connecting with the Hero and healing the Devil. The Hero might be able to synthesize divinatory and defensive magics which can oppose the Demon. While the Devil's greater latitude and likely gratitude should be very beneficial.

The odds of this build surviving Stalked are probably fairly low, but should rapidly increase the longer they survive and the more desperately they strive. Wacky high jinks, such as the Assassin just missing their target as they pass through private areas might also occur, amusing the Devil.

If this build does survive Stalked it should be capable of synthesizing a suitable anti-aging method. In particular if it makes connections with the Hero and Devil.

I am not sure how flexible Vice-Ridden is. For thematic and practical reasons I'd prefer to make it a more focused vice. Greed: the obsessive urge to acquire knowledge/a sample of all the magics in the world. But, if that isn't an option Gluttony is probably my best option, since this build cannot function with Sloth.

A low risk version of this build gets rid of stalked and vice, in return for having just Walk in Grace and Bonisagus.

[ ] 'Dalliance' Mode:
[ ] The Optimizer [+2 Points] -
[ ] Paramount [+2 Points, Special]:
[ ] Nemesis [+5 Points] -
[ ] 1: Null Pointer.
[ ] 2: Void Dragon.
[ ] 3: Jackpot.
[ ] 4: Procession.
[ ] 5: The Chariot.
[ ] 6: Forgotten.
[ ] 7: Perchance.
[ ] 9: Arcane.
[ ] 10: Debt.
[ ] Grand Master [1 Seal] - Solomon
[ ] The Shining Armor [9 Points] -
[ ] Feather of Favor [2 Seals] - Turbo Gamer
[ ] Exponential [1, 2, or 4 Seals] I - III: Gamer, Save, Realm
[ ] Epic [+2 Points, Requires Hard or Dalliance Mode]:
[ ] Blessing of Greed -

Credit: 09T 17T
Debit: 09T 17T

Go absolutely wild in the Realm and set up Solomon's Temple. With the Armor to start you can bypass early weakness for maximum exp.
qwolfs threw 11 10-faced dice. Reason: Binding Casino Rolls: Total: 58
1 1 5 5 4 4 1 1 10 10 9 9 6 6 2 2 7 7 10 10 3 3
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[] Lotus Eater's Heaven
-[] Heaven's Gates (3 orbs)
-[] Bonisagus (2 orbs)
-[] The Last Devil (2 orbs)
-[] Vice-Ridden (+1 orb): Greed
-[] Warden (+1 orb)
-[] Stalked (+2 orb)

Given that it's me, my Heaven will be a realm where learning and creating magic is easy, something I'm sure few other Heavens can boast. Bonisagus says magics from different Ages are no good, but magics I make myself or are born in my Heaven should be free game, even if they're likely to be diminished outside of it, and I should be more than capable of offering advice to people who wish to make magics in my Heaven. The play is to try to entice the Hero into my Heaven. They wish to make a world of magic, yes? Why fight and struggle for one, when there's a world of magic right here, with endless new magics to study? The hard part will be finding them and convincing them to enter it. As a child, they're likely to have strong protections, perhaps being a noble heir, and of course, I don't exactly have radar for the Hero. My agents will also search for the Devil, in hopes of freeing her and bringing her to my Heaven, where she can be healed. Hopefully,

The Hero would struggle to threaten my Heaven. After all, destroying it would be spitting in the face of their supposed ideals in favor of the wider world, and it's not as if anyone who wishes to learn magic can't simply come to my Heaven, provided they're not a monster. I would compare myself to Lucifer, but I wish to offer the Hero a Garden of Eden that they might ignore the outside world. They are a genius of magic outstripping even me(though if I can manage to find and heal my Devil, she might offer enough to get around that) and could learn so very much from this Heaven, but should they overturn the old world, then Heavens such as this will wither away, can they bear to destroy the crystallization of their dream? Should I fail, the Hero should, at least, learn a great deal of magic to add to their unified world order therein, which is likely to improve it. Perhaps the Age of Magic will be less virtuous either way, but maybe I can at least ensure it's kinder than it might have been.

Vice-Ridden is practically a free orb with Greed, since it's me. Warden shouldn't be too bad, given the Hero would have to be a maiden-tier hypocrite to do so, and entering a place where I'm practically a god seems ill-advised for the Stalked Devil. The one concern I have is the Stalked Devil trying to bait me to come out by killing my agents, or deliberately manipulating people coming into my Heaven and stir up trouble, but I will have all kinds of magics the Stalked Devil can't account for properly, because I'll have only obtained them recently, so even ignoring the mental buffs from Last Devil, my Heaven will only become a harder nut to crack with time.

Even if ruling over my Heaven learning magic and sending out agents looking for the Hero and my Devil patron, for somewhat similar reasons even, I should have at least ten years before the Hero ends the Age. Meaning a minimum of +100% physical Attributes and 20% mental/social Attributes by that deadline. In the more likely scenario of 20 years, +200% physicals would be moderately superhuman before accounting for magic, and +40% mental/social Attributes is at least a couple standard deviations to buff my genius in magic to the point of rivalling the Hero, while my physicals should rival the Stalked Devil. I'll be working on divining their positions with various new magics built for this purpose, focusing on the latter, since she's not mentioned to have any strong defenses, unlike the Stalked Devil or the Hero, who will be secondary and tertiary priorities since they'll be so much harder, and scaling with a healed Devil will make divining them much easier anyway.

Were I to do a Greed build, I would add Ten-Horned Dragon in order to a) get the multitasking for managing my Heaven, and b) as a card to use against the Stalked Devil. If all goes well, I'll have basically never used it in a fight, so the Stalked Devil might ambush me, wound me, and then trigger THD, whereupon I'll slaughter him. I might well just be able to go for wide-area poison blasts. Quality versus quantity. Actually, Bellerophon was a Demon-Tyrant, so anti-Heaven poisons might just not be effective against THD. THD also makes Last Devil physical scaling more useful, since it should multiply the combat power of THD.

What's the verdict? @Archon

805 words, discounting this line.
I suspect you are underestimating the Hero's persuasiveness, particularly considering you're Greed-Ridden. The Hero is probably going to be the one convincing you to join their side, by offering you even more magic and a place in their Council of Grand Wizards or whatever.
I suspect you are underestimating the Hero's persuasiveness, particularly considering you're Greed-Ridden. The Hero is probably going to be the one convincing you to join their side, by offering you even more magic and a place in their Council of Grand Wizards or whatever.

But can they offer an environment better-suited to developing magic than a Heaven designed for it?
What's the verdict? @Archon

You're right about being able to make a heaven into a fairly-optimal place for learning magic, but there will always be value in exploration, when it comes to the study of the arcane; no humanly optimal haven can make up for the ingenuity of desperation and the impossible strangeness of wild magic. But certainly, you can convince the Hero to spare you; you can't convince him to spare the age - his attack on the age is as much ideological as it is magical, a grand debate of the merits of reason and faith; as long as his work continues the age of faith will wane, even if he isn't personally going out and killing angels. Relatedly, probably the most important thing you need to remember is to never compromise the utopic nature of your heaven in the name of better scaling; such things risk shattering it forever (which is a point of anti-synergy between the last devil and heaven's gates). Manage that (despite your greed), and your heaven might endure for the entire age of reason.

I think your plan for interacting with the outside world has the crucial flaw of the Stalking Demon being perfectly willing to just murder your agents one by one until you come out of heaven and face it yourself. It isn't perfect at this (since it's prioritizing hiding from the church over getting kills), but you might want to make handling it a much higher priority. I do think it's pretty plausible that Bonisagus plus ten years of scaling and R&D can just do that, though; The Stalking Demon has no remaining growth potential, so its just a matter of slowly producing divinations that handle each of its stealth effects one by one and then calling the cops on it (Or fighting it yourself for added TLD scaling)

I am not sure how flexible Vice-Ridden is. For thematic and practical reasons I'd prefer to make it a more focused vice. Greed: the obsessive urge to acquire knowledge/a sample of all the magics in the world. But, if that isn't an option Gluttony is probably my best option, since this build cannot function with Sloth.

It's not inflexible but it's never not noticeable damage to your ability to be a good person? So if you took that greed, you would become the sort of person who would happily treat with necromancers and enchanters, the foulest of the foul, the sorts of people who give the new age a bad name, and give them more power and capacity to do evil in exchange for studying their arts. You'd get on well with the Hero, in that case, as long as neither of you decided to be secretive and paranoid as wizards love to be. Humility will probably help with that.
A couple belated builds, each differently transhumanist and filled with discount abuse:


Insertion Point: Radiant Intrusion +5
Magics: Sword Sorcerer (Irretentive) -1, Whetstone -2
Boons: Bodysculpt -1, Achilles -1, Earthblood -2
Artifacts: Impostor 0, Nightblade 0, Master's Saber -1, The Blood-Thirster -2
Drawbacks: Disquiet +1, Passions +2, Weak Point +2

When in doubt, cut through. If in doubt about your ability to cut through, acquire more swords. As a nigh-invincible metal monstrosity with more arms than a Vedic deity, Grievous starts well on the way to living up to its namesake. Salamandrine Spire was the original starting point, as it makes both Disquiet and spiritual leakage less notable, but since Bodysculpt's options depend on where you insert I decided to switch it up.

With Earthblood in Radiant Intrusion, there's no reason I can't be composed entirely of fourthsteel (assuming fifth's ruled out per the availability clause, despite the Daystar being made of it). Combined with already-absurd durability and Earthblood's battle aura to mask my Achilles' heel, this enables otherwise suicidal levels of risktaking. Namely, seeking out the strongest duelists to add their weapons to my collection and evocations to my ever-expanding repertoire.

Earthblood extracts the maximum value from Passions at the cost of amplifying an already-dangerous drawback. Steering will be tricky, but degenerate fantasies of supernal swordsmanship and memetic appeal should keep me mostly on-target. For everything else, there's the Blood-Thirster. The warlord's desire for vengeance will provide direction and with enough spiritual energy, perhaps the echo'll be sapient enough to offer advice.

The other three blades have their own roles. The Master's skill makes me proficient enough wield all four simultaneously. Nightblade is a ranged weapon with good armor penetration and optional antimagic. Impostor's superposition evocation is useful for imitating the prequels deflecting probing attacks that could expose my Weak Point. Swords not in use will be sheathed in my body, reducing the risk of theft and retaining all passive benefits.

Whetstone is the crux on which Grievous' future turns. Ideally, I'll be able to progressively rein in my Passions as I progress. You could call my method of honing the Sword Logic: each victory a proof, paring away weaknesses of mind and body. Increasing my rate of spiritual energy generation, gaining the ability to retain it, even refining my fourthsteel form into its next iteration...

Passions are anathema to prudence and Disquiet will provoke enemies, but Grievous doesn't alert any of the Great Attractor's avatars or otherwise set off alarms. As far as the greater multiverse is concerned, I'm just some duel-obsessed asshole carving his way through Radiant Intrusion. Hopefully that misconception persists long enough for me to regain some semblance of objectivity. If I never do, then the warlord's vengeance and simple survival will have to be motivation enough.

Here be Dragons

Insertion Point: Apical Meristems +5
Magics: Worldsinger -2, Altared -1, Magescarred -2
Boons: Self-Proclaimed II 0, Guardian Angel I 0, Three Answers I 0, Imperial Privilege 0, Nameless Name -1
Artifacts: N/A
Drawbacks: Overt +1, Recruitment +1, Anchored +3
DLC: Word of God -4

A man is not dead while his name is still spoken. So too with dragons. The Nest-Guardian will be resurrected from beyond oblivion. The slaughter of the hatchlings will be avenged and the Great Attractor delivered to the fate it so richly deserves. One day, Solium Mentis will resume its original purpose and echo with wyrmsong once more. As for whether the returned dragons will be a net benefit to this cosmos and not a different flavor of all-consuming terror... well, that's why this build doesn't take Heroism.

To name a thing is to have power over it. This commonality unites both wind-words and naming. Wind-words describe the natural world, while names are appended to people. But as Altarflame proves, the former isn't an ironclad rule. With Imperial Privilege I can perceive people's names and manipulate the nominal architecture of the world. The obvious thing to do is try to bridge the gap between them, to both accelerate wind-word acquisition and perhaps incorporate allies' names - or even the Nest-Guardian's - into my world-song.

Facilitating this are Word of God and Magescarred. The latter without Bodysculpt makes for a rough arrival, as my corpus is remade by erupting power. Eyes narrow into sallow slits, scales replace skin. The result could be mistaken for a baseline human, in low light at a distance. I'll proclaim myself a 'Litanist' as soon as possible to channel the blood-power into lending words formed of the heavenly air that now fills my lungs additional weight.

Here be Dragons has no synergy with Apical Meristems and in fact lacks any of its native magics or boons. It's chosen for a single reason: accessing Concentrated the hard way. Offering my services to the Coalition army, I set out to defeat the Life-King. Not out of particular animosity, but because they're between me and the Main Trunk. Presumably this'll be a hard-fought war across many worlds. Yet with allies and an ember-capped build, victory is achievable - if my Recruiters allow me to pursue it.

Spiritual energy is likely more abundant closer to the Main Trunk, strengthening Worldsinger as the campaign progresses. I'll delay singing my world-song as long as possible to maximize vocabulary, but if Guardian Angel procs I won't risk further delays. Toppling the tyrant unlocks the challenge of Concentration itself; if only one person in history's done it, it can't be as simple as carving my name into the Trunk's bark. Girded by Word of God's resilience and Worldsinger's natural mastery, I press on.

Success yields myriad benefits: Altarflame dragonfire, fusion of Word of God with my world-song, furthering Magescarred's metamorphosis, and so on. Inconveniently Imperial Privilege is a boon, but speaking the Nameless Name could yield insights into replicating the emperor's immortality, or spreading my world-song wherever my name is spoken. The victorious coalition and Three Answers will assist with idealization, so Here be Dragons can weigh Anchor and set sail for the broader multiverse, where a greater war awaits.
A couple belated builds, each differently transhumanist and filled with discount abuse:


Here be Dragons
For Grievous: Ping-ponging between duels, building up enough whetstone progress to eventually gain some control over your Passions (or rather, to sculpt them into a more effective pattern of behavior and point them in the direction of victory) does sound plausible, though without Hunger to improve your gains it seems likely to take quite a while. You're likely to have a front-row seat to the collapse of the dueling academy system and the return of large-scale warfare, perhaps even spurred by your own domination of thereof. Still, you'd likely make at least as good a conventional mercenary as you would a champion-for-hire.

For HBD: God there really are too many synergies in this build to really speak on all of them at once. Suffice to say that even before you get concentrated, you'll be finding some deep and powerful cross-links between your systems. Your commanders in the great struggle will probably want you to you to beeline for the Main Trunk so that you can establish a concentration program for there other recruits, assuming that the GA's sleeper agents don't end up in your chain of command and get activated by Overt.