For the Carabinieri, some ideas for what we could do as a write-in:Overall, I think that a conscript army would serve Reewin best. As a small country surrounded by larger, often expansionistic ones, the ability of a conscript army to develop a mobilizable reserve seems vital. While it would probably be possible to meet the new field army target on a volunteer basis, the reserve target would likely be hard. And even the current targets is for a moderate-sized peacetime military - any expansion beyond that would more or less be from scratch.
Thus, I'd argue that we should plan for a three-tiered mobilization scheme. First the Army and whatever Carabineri happen to be in the line of the conflict; second mobilized Army reserves (from recent year's conscripts) and mobilized Carabineri; third newly raised troops. I don't think that expanding the Carabineri as a 'professional irregular' force will give us as much as an Army which can fulfill the same roles plus mainline combat, while generating a far larger pool of reserves.
Here's a possible timeline I've been looking at for a very army-focused plan which moves towards that. We have been neglecting training for a long time, and pushing off expansion until after that was theoretically done, thus leaving us with neither. We now have a deadline on expansion, which means we need to move decisively if we want to establish the training pipeline first. This timeline calls for closing the Carabineri office before the crunch period to accomplish this, but I'm not against opening it later - we have simply neglected the main branch for too long and now need to get the institutions in place. In the future, the Carabinieri would benefit from the basic training infrastructure I hope to build up.
This turn, I'd argue for:
1933 Q1 (finishied) Q2 Q3 Q4 Carabineri Maritime Naval Base Naval Base Naval Base Ordnance Office LMG HMG mount trials HMG mount trials ?Ordnance? 3rd Pt (Carabineri) Rangers ??? ??? Restructure the Office 4th Pt Navy Chaco Chaco Chaco 5th Pt Foreign Ideas Foreign Ideas Infantry School Infantry School 1934 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Carabineri Maritime Naval Base Small Ships ?Navy? ?Navy? Ordnance Office ?Ordnance? ?Ordnance? ?Ordnance? ?Ordnance? 3rd Pt Institute Conscription Institute Conscription Officer School Officer School 4th Pt Chaco Purchase Rifles Purchase HMGs/Mounts ??? 5th Pt Infantry School Infantry School Expansion Expansion 1935 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Carabineri Maritime ?Navy? ?Navy? ?Navy? ?Navy? Ordnance Office ?Ordnance? ?Ordnance? ?Ordnance? ?Ordnance? 3rd Pt Officer School Officer School ??? ??? 4th Pt ??? More Officers More Officers More Officers 5th Pt Expansion Expansion ??? ??? 6th Pt ??? ??? ??? ???
Vital actions to fill the ???s are Maneuver, Cavalry and Artillery training, but I figure those and others have more wiggle room than establishing the basic institutions and the path to expansion.
Edit: Changed the plan to call for one 6-month Carabineri action before restructuring the office as a compromise, as the timeline can fit that in but not more. I don't have anything vital to use it for though so would be just fine closing the office earlier.
- Navy: Naval Base
- Ordnance Office: Write-in to trial dedicated mounts for/which could be adapted for the Hotchkiss HMG. It will be a fine AT/AA weapon for now, but the current dual-use mounting on basically a wagon isn't ideal. I would love something like the little Soviet Maxim gun carriage for the infantry/AT role.
- Carabineri Office: Some useful 6-month action
- Free Point: Send observers to the Chaco War
- getting them modern rifles & doing rifle training (have we gotten them switched over from the black powder guns?)
- a very small Carabinieri air patrol to help with the covering of the border (like, a pair of bushplanes type deal), that we eventually enlarge in ~five years for proper combat duties
- buying the rangers some diesel trucks so they can act as a long range raiding group in desert areas during wartime
From what I've seen, that's about as good as you're going to get for a cheap AA machine gun mount, with the only easy improvement IMO being making it so you can fold up the wheels and dig it in. I'd either do an action of just "buy more" or "see if anyone else has a competing design, and then buy whoever gives us the best deal on a good-quality 13.2 mm MG" (mostly as a way to see if FN is willing to do any work on the 13.2 mm Browning yet or if Japan or Italy's willing to undercut the French on selling Hotchkiss guns).