[X] Plan The Bankruptcy of Statesmanship
-[X][FRA] Write In: Recognition will be provided on the condition of complete renunciation of Algerian claims. They would return to the LoN as a non-privileged nation, with the potential of regaining privilege after a 10-year period. A tribunal is to be created on the Vichy war criminals, consisting of SS Charlemagne members and any surrendered by our mediterranean allies, chaired by legal delegations from the FBU, Algeria, and Paris. Guarantee decolonization within Bevans first term, applying in equal measure to all colonies (make sure Algeria understands this happens no matter how Paris goes). Increase investment into Algeria across the board, promote this happening relentlessly.
-[X][EURO] Write In:
--[X] For Spain and Portugal we are willing to threaten (and enact) the loss of FBU financial support and a reduction of FBU troops in Iberia. For Italy and Greece we are willing to threaten anything up to complete withdrawal and expulsion from CAN.
--[X] Portugal: Voluntary surrender of Fascist refugees, liberalisation of the police state, legalisation of Unions.
--[X] Spain: Inform Franco that the Vichy Tribunal would appreciate the surrender of any Fascist refugees within his nation, let him only do the ones that annoy him. Request a lessening of the police state, and the legalisation of either cultural minority organisations or democratic-socialist unions, preferably both.
--[X] Italy: Use our near total leverage over them to force them into full liberal democratisation, with a bent towards Bevanite Social Democracy. All fascist refugees are to be surrendered to the Vichy Tribunal if in place. Establishment of and funding of the Anti-Mafia Force.
--[X] Greece: See Italy, without the Mafia and with a focus on liberating the Turkish minority.
-[X][EGY] In spite of his initial apprehension, Bevan comes around to agree to Nasser's request, officially transferring full control of the Suez Canal to Egypt. Pressure Levant into attending a diplomatic summit and returning occupied territory.
-[X][SEA] Attempt to change the dynamic of the program. Focus on building up political organizations over paramilitaries that nonetheless oppose Japanese friendly regimes. Additionally attempt to develop anti-Japanese Unions in the region.
-[X] Before the next Commonwealth Conference, request for the Queen to go on a world-spanning tour across the Commonwealth, in a show of unity (and PR). Ask her to do what she can to build support for our proposals at the next Conference while shes out there.
-[X] Change the Commonwealth Conference's legislating process to by majority vote, play absolute hardball here, horsetrade left and right. Get the best man on the job.
--[X] Turn South Africa into a observer state in the Conference unless they stop apartheid, force Rhodesia-Nyasaland to end its own apartheid as part of its dominionization. And if they stop we will give them financial aid. Refusal to even begin de-aptheidisation will result in a complete embargo.
--[X] Propose a motion to create branches of the NHS across the Commonwealth, extending the service worldwide.
--[X] Simultaneously propose a motion to create a Board of Unified Commonwealth Labour Relations, appointed by the FBU with confirmation by the Commonwealth, with the authority to supervise and remedy unfair labour practices.
-[X] Open talks with Moscow to sign the Limited Test Ban Treaty and negotiate an international treaty for complete nuclear disarmament, but if they don't agree, discuss the Non-Proliferation Treaty to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology
-[X] Use our newly invigorated (and TQM using) domestic industries to muscle in on the high-quality goods market in America. To this end, encourage use of a distinctive Made In Britain lion symbol of all exported manufactured goods.
-[X] Invite Norway to 5 Eyes.
They're calling it the all time Commonwealth-Maxxing plan.
Still needing:
- Some way to appease Algeria in the Paris talks.
- Fresh set of eyes at Europe to make sure nothing is going to absolutely fuck us there.
- Improvements to the wording of the second-to-last plank, the general concept is trying to take OTL West Germany's vibe and translate it into a two-fold punch of keeping a presence in America and pushing back on Japans growth there.