Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Shit, that thing is dangerous. 10d6 Acid damage is basically a one-shot KO for most of our party member on even a below average damage roll. And its tough as Hell, too. Even if we have some salt in our supplies, we don't have that much of the stuff. We would need a barrel of salt for this snail.
Terrible AB for the spit though.

That plus a Glitterdust would make it nearly harmless at range.
Only takes one good/bad roll for someone's head to get melted off, though.

Glitterdust is great, but won't do anything in this instance because the snail has Blindsight.
Well, that's a mean one.

Not relevant right now, but we might want to look into spells that deafen things in the future.
That works on some blindsighted creatures.
[X] Attempt to negotiate with the stick-puffs
-[X] Go with only the main party so that they don't get any ideas regarding the halflings
[X] Attempt to negotiate with the stick-puffs
-[X] Go with only the main party so that they don't get any ideas regarding the halflings
[X] Attempt to negotiate with the stick-puffs
-[X] Go with only the main party so that they don't get any ideas regarding the halflings

Are Pathfinder feys also can not say lies?
[x] Attempt to negotiate with the stick-puffs
-[x] Go with only the main party so that they don't get any ideas regarding the halflings
It occours to me that we are under an unknown time pressure here for Gorok's tribe - I am confident that they will be attacked in force. We don't know when though.

The sooner we can bring these warriors to check out a good place for the tribe to relocate to, the better.
Spending time to go around is... too risky.

Also, Iolda knows we are carrying a lich, so the sooner we get to the city the less chance of it reforming, which might be a good argument to convince her.

I also really like Gorok's point of getting knowledge of what's ahead if this encounter goes well.

[Also, when we get to the city to destroy the ring, we should remember to talk to Iolda or the high-level priest who deals with the ring and get them to go with us to the bank to value a fraction of the bank notes we found, and then cash them all in and depending on their value, maybe have a shopping montage.

Bonus points if we can leverage a 'Pharma's church is pleased you brought a lich to be destroyed' brownie points into assistance on getting access to good magic item shops and mitigate the racism markup we're going to be facing.]
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It occours to me that we are under an unknown time pressure here for Gorok's tribe - I am confident that they will be attacked in force. We don't know when though.

The sooner we can bring these warriors to check out a good place for the tribe to relocate to, the better.
Spending time to go around is... too risky.

Also, Iolda knows we are carrying a lich, so the sooner we get to the city the less chance of it reforming, which might be a good argument to convince her.

I also really like Gorok's point of getting knowledge of what's ahead if this encounter goes well.

[Also, when we get to the city to destroy the ring, we should remember to talk to Iolda or the high-level priest who deals with the ring and get them to go with us to the bank to value a fraction of the bank notes we found, and then cash them all in and depending on their value, maybe have a shopping montage.

Bonus points if we can leverage a 'Pharma's church is pleased you brought a lich to be destroyed' brownie points into assistance on getting access to good magic item shops and mitigate the racism markup we're going to be facing.]

We are likely to be getting into a better place in Andoran.

Hell, I am convincing Gorok to splinter the tribe if the others don't want to follow us. Then make a whole city of lizardmen, shadow people and goblins.

Humans are allowed too, but only after Mina insisted
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Also, Iolda knows we are carrying a lich, so the sooner we get to the city the less chance of it reforming, which might be a good argument to convince her.
Getting rid of the ring is important in the long run, it's a Lich's Phylactery after all, but we don't actually need to worry about it reforming so long as we have the ring.

The Phylactery creates the new body, and it takes an absolute minimum of 24 hours to do it. During that time, any interference disrupts the process and requires it to start over. Unless we lose the ring or stop paying attention to it entirely, we should be good for now.
[X] Attempt to negotiate with the stick-puffs
-[X] Go with only the main party so that they don't get any ideas regarding the halflings
[Also, when we get to the city to destroy the ring, we should remember to talk to Iolda or the high-level priest who deals with the ring and get them to go with us to the bank to value a fraction of the bank notes we found, and then cash them all in and depending on their value, maybe have a shopping montage.

Bonus points if we can leverage a 'Pharma's church is pleased you brought a lich to be destroyed' brownie points into assistance on getting access to good magic item shops and mitigate the racism markup we're going to be facing.]

One of the things you guys have to keep in mind about the banknotes is that you found them in a rather disreputable place, someone seems to have been trading with the darklands. So that may be something worth looking up for its own sake. From what Iolda tells you Andoran does not look kindly on Chelix at the best of times, what with the whole demon worship, adding 'maybe trade with the drow to that list' is going to get noticed by someone.
By investigating whoever was importing vegepygmy spores to the surface we have an in with the authorities in Andoran. I am all for following that way to get better settled.
Looks like mite diplomacy it is... Iolda is going to be doing this one with Mina to translate.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 5, 2024 at 1:41 PM, finished with 25 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Attempt to negotiate with the stick-puffs
    -[X] Go with only the main party so that they don't get any ideas regarding the halflings

Fingers crossed

Alternatively, we are pretty good at bluffing heh
Arc 3 Post 43: Eggs for All
Eggs for All

3rd of Rova 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

As the clammy almost oily muck-water gets up past your ankles, slowly creeping towards your knees, you wonder how the stick-puffs are managing it. Surely they would drown if it gets much higher. Cob, whose meant to be half head higher, at least by his own reckoning, is clinging to Warty's back with dogged determination. Good thing slurks still do well in their ancestral environs.

As though to remind you why the ancestral slurks may have left the mires in the first place, clumps of fungal matter come floating and bobbing down the tunnel, living violations of the First Rule of Mushroom Picking: if you leave it well enough alone it won't poison you. Then again, so do moldmen. Like most of the rules you learned as a child this one is also a lie. The tunnel opens into uneven arches like the half broken ribs of some Orvian behemoth, the light of Iolda's torch throwing up more light than you're comfortable with... though perhaps without that light you might have missed the pair of appropriately puffy-headed beings using one of the larger clumps as a makeshift raft.

It would all be rather comical if it were not for the vast rounded form at the edge of your vision, not quite as cold as stone. How big is that thing? "How in the name of burning death did this thing get down a tunnel this narrow?" you say, whisper really, as Iolda passes her greetings and a bit of hardtack wrapped in meat and lard to the guards.

Whether it is because of the flattery —calling them 'great' is a bit much in your opinion— or the food you cannot tell, but things go well. The guards call out to their kin in voices uncannily like the chittering of insects and out they come to talk. After some shaking of weapons and establishing of 'mastery', the chief-stick puff graciously agrees to let you help him steal the behemoth's eggs.

Iolda Diplomacy: 1d20+8 = 20 (Success)

During a pause, as Mina drinks some water, puff tongue being hard on her voice, Iolda turns to Gorok and asks: "Do you want to take some of the... er, big snail eggs for yourself? I think I can talk him into it."

The iruxi rubs his chin. "Boulder shell is neither swift nor clever, risk of taking one egg is the same as the risk of taking many."

So it is agreed upon. The first move goes to Cob, who spends the next little while fishing rocks out of the water and muttering to himself over some rope he'd pulled out of his backpack. From these he somehow produces the loudest, most obnoxious clinking clattering thing you've ever heard in your life. You are not even a snail and you've half a mind to charge him and take that away.

Cob Knowledge (Engineering to Cobble): 1d20+9 = 24 (Success)

Absent fists and the thumbs to make them with, the titanic snail charges him. Splashing, almost rolling through the water. It's not that fast, you remind yourself firmly, though its hard to keep in mind given the sheer size of the thing and the fact that there is acid from its mouth fit to melt the offending goblin into a puddle of gristle.

Fortunately for Cob he has a friend who can spin webs from the air, so the thing finds itself bound in place by sorcerous threads that cannot be broken, only slipped free from... something the creature is unlikely to do.

Snail Reflex Save: 5 (Failure)

To the sound of cheering mites all of you descend on the... nest. Is that what one is meant to call a snail hole? It is, to be clear, a very round about sort of descent so as to stay clear of the jets of acid still issuing from the trapped boulder shell, but that matters little as you find the nest positively filled with murky white ovoids, so much so that your new allies do not even mind when Gorok and you scoop out half a dozen to take to a somewhat bemused Warty to carry.

Mina's spell lasts about half a bell, so you all make sure you are as far as you can be down the southwest bound tunnel by that time it runs out.

"So," the halfling sorceress' voice startles you from the rythm of the stead jog. "You have someone in mind to sell these... eggs to?"

"Of course," you reply instantly. "They are worth quite a hefty sum to the right buyer." You are, after all, a very good liar.

Akorian Bluff: 1d20+12 = 22 (Success)

As you set your head down on the soft bat-fur of your pillow at the end of your shift you can't quite escape the the impression of something enormous and spitting mad glistening a path down the tunnel you know it too small for it.

Gained 6 Giant Slug Eggs
You're sure someone's going to want these.
All party members gain 900 XP

[] Write in Level Up Plans

OOC: To be clear, you are not actually being chased by a vengeful snail. Kori's just a little paranoid after everything that's happened recently. Also, I had to go back and change some of the dates since I missed the month turn over initially. It is not the 3rd of Rova in game.
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Very nice outcome on that encounter! Makes me want Iolda in the party even more.

4th level, here we come. 🤓

I'll put up some preliminary level up plans after work this evening.
Everyone gets increased Stats!

Important level for Gorok, he gets either and Animal Companion, or the Hunter's Bond version that buffs the party.
As well as his first spell.

Now, I think narrativly I'd prefer the party-bond over yet another animal-combatant on our side, though mechanically I think the animal is better.

Mina gets a Hex.
Because we are spending a lot of time in dark places, I suggest the following: City Sight (Su) – d20PFSRD
It's usually not so great, but since we have a party with good darkvision on the average, this could work to blind enemies, if we run out of Glitterdust?
For a more conventional choice, Ward is a classic for good reason.

Kori doesn't do much this level. Gets Invisibility as a spell from his Shadow Mystery, but Mina gets the same from Spirit Patron, if I looked correctly.

Our friendly Gobbo gets his debilitating injury, which is always nice for adding penalties to any sneak-attack, Uncanny Dodge and an additional Rogue Talent.
Do you think Expert Leaper would expand or shorten the lifespan of a Goblin taking it?
On the one hand, he is takes much less damage from falling, on the other hand, he has an incentive to do more dangerous acrobatics.
Everyone gets increased Stats!

Important level for Gorok, he gets either and Animal Companion, or the Hunter's Bond version that buffs the party.
As well as his first spell.

Now, I think narrativly I'd prefer the party-bond over yet another animal-combatant on our side, though mechanically I think the animal is better.

Mina gets a Hex.
Because we are spending a lot of time in dark places, I suggest the following: City Sight (Su) – d20PFSRD
It's usually not so great, but since we have a party with good darkvision on the average, this could work to blind enemies, if we run out of Glitterdust?
For a more conventional choice, Ward is a classic for good reason.

Kori doesn't do much this level. Gets Invisibility as a spell from his Shadow Mystery, but Mina gets the same from Spirit Patron, if I looked correctly.

Our friendly Gobbo gets his debilitating injury, which is always nice for adding penalties to any sneak-attack, Uncanny Dodge and an additional Rogue Talent.
Do you think Expert Leaper would expand or shorten the lifespan of a Goblin taking it?
On the one hand, he is takes much less damage from falling, on the other hand, he has an incentive to do more dangerous acrobatics.
I would go with Animal Companion for Gorok, especially if @DragonParadox will let us pick Warty. Hunter's Bond isn't going to work well for Gorok, since his Archetype limits him to just one Favored Terrain type.

That's a pretty neat Hex for Mina. Not sure if we'll get as much use out of it on the surface, though? Was thinking about Cackle, Fortune, or Ward for her.

Kori learns Invisibility, Cure Moderate Wounds, an additional 2nd level spell, and another Shadow Illusion spell from his Dark Secrets Revelation. I think we should retrain Shadow Trap into Dancing Darkness and learn Searching Shadows for his new Shadow spell. That's a spell that can do a lot in a variety of situations.

Was thinking about having Cob use his new Rogue Talent to learn a combat feat. Piranha Strike would work well for him since his attack bonus is so high for his level. A -1 attack penalty for +2 damage is a more than fair trade when you have a +10 attack bonus (plus bonuses from Flanking, attacking larger enemies, etc).